» Fiction » Ms. Trouble and Mr. Player 2, Annamere [simple e reader TXT] 📗

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deep breath and Skylar put his arms around me. "I wanna go home." I whispered.
Tanner held out his hand and I took it. I held Skylar's and Tanner's hands and we walked out while Daniel waited. Tanner had Daniel's keys so Tanner turned around and smiled at me.
"You wannna see how much your oldest brother loves you?" he asked.
I shook my head. Skylar laughed. "Baby, this sounds promising. Listen to him."
I nodded. "Ok, Tanner." I said.
He smiled and then when they got in the car we left. When we got to the most expensive baby store there is Tanner and Skylar told Daniel to keep his bitch in the car and they took me inside. I felt like a total crub. One of my shirts and sweatshirst, Skylar's sweats and his hightops.
When we were done I was insainly happy. I kissed Tanner's cheek and hugged him. "I feel kind of bad that I was forced to ignore you all these years."
I kissed his cheek again. "Thanks, brother." I said happily.
"Yep, sista. Want some McDonalds?" he asked.
"You know it. Will you make sure they arn't having sex?" I asked and suddenly felt depressed. I felt happy again when Skylar kissed my neck.
"I wanna have sex with you. Can I?" he asked.
"Tonight, love." I said.
He smiled against my neck. "It turns me on when you call me that."
"Love," I teased.
He growled and Tanner came back. He said it was clear and then Daniel helped them while I got into the passenger seat.
Fuck! Dat shit hurts

I woke up screaming one night. Skylar sat up and rubbed my belly. "What's the matter?" he asked.
I got up. "Get me some sweats. We need to go before I give labor." I said.
He excidely got up and got me a pair of his sweats. I whimpered when he helped me into his seats then my sweatshirt. He put his hightops on me then went into the baby's room and grabbed everything we need. He went to tell Tanner that we were leaving and Tanner said he was coming with us since Skylar had his hands full.
Tannner helped me into Skylar's new car. He still has his old car. But his car wasnt safe enough for the baby. We both got a new car. I got a jeep commander and he got a Jeep 4x4. They were safe enough. I wasnt mad at Daniel anymore. But it pissed me off when I saw HER.
Once we got to the hospital they put me in a wheel chair and Skylar rode on the back of it. It scared me for dear life.
He helped me into the bed and Cicealia came into check on things and give me an epidural. Tanner stared at her like she was a queen. Skylar jumped like a child and clapped his hands. I rolled my eyes. When Cici left Tanner asked, "Where is the pretty doctor going?"
Skylar stopped. "She went to do whatever a doctor does when the paitent isn't giving birth." SKylar said.
Tanner laced his fingers behind his head and closed his eyes.

Later Connor came in and smiled. Skylar was sleeping in the bed with me but I couldnt sleep. To much pain. Connor kissed my forehead and tosssed me a movie. "I found yo favorite movie, baby doll." he said.
It was Men In Black. I smiled and told him to put it in. About five minutes into the movie Skylar squeezed my butt. I rolled my eyes.
"I'ma be a daddy," Connor said.
I looked at him and smiled. "Who's the mom. DOnt say Natacha. So help me if you say that I will never talk to you again."
"Your nerd Cicealia." he said.
"Awww. WHy didnt you bring her to see me?" I asked.
"It's three in the mornin. She said she'd be here when she wakes up. Did you know she hates her family?" he asked.
I nodded. "She doesnt necisarily hate them she is just really scared of them." I whispered.
He looked at me and smiled. "She lives with me now." he said happily.
"Very amazing, bubba." I said.
He nodded.

Ten hours later Daniel, Skylar, Tanner, and Connor were telling me to push. It's not weird that I had a bunch of boys in the room while I gave birth. I needed them to make me laugh while I gave birth. "Push, push, push."
I tried to block them out but I couldnt. Finally I heard crying. Skylar rushed to his sister's side and gaped. "He looks like us. And damn."
"Pervert," Cici yelled at him as she got the baby cleaned up.
Cic handed me the baby and smiled. Skylar sat on the bed and hugged me. "I've messed up oready." I whispered.
He chuckled. "Na. I did for not pounden you hard nough." he joked.
Daniel hit him upside the head.
"Danny, dont hit. They're married. Married couples have sex. If they didnt then we'd have a whole bunch of crack head babies." Tanner said.
"Nu uh. People dont have to get married then the babies would be considered bastards." My nerd Ciciealia came in.
Connor kissed her then her abdomen. I yawned as Sky's sis helped me breast feed my son.
Later that night Daniel was in the room and holding his nephew. "He's perfect. I was kind of picturing an ugly baby."
"Thanx, Daniel." I said sarcstically.
He looked up and appologized. I rolled my eyes.
"Since I'm not fat anymore, well kind of, I am changing the pictures back. I cant stand to look at those pictures." I said.
He looked up again with panik in his eyes.
"Dont fight her,"
I nodded with my fingers crossed behind my back.

Home! Thank goodness!

When we got home, Skylar and I took Daniel Anthony to his room and put him to bed. Then I started taking her pictures down. Daniel told me he'd keep her busy. I just nodded and he went to his room. When I was done taking them down my baby started to cry. I was downstairs and so was Skylar. "I got it, babe." he yelled then ran upstairs.
I giggled.
Later that night the guys were holding little Daniel while Skylar helped me hand pictures of dad and me and Skylar and Daniel. "You were sexy when you were thirteen." he said looking at a picture of me.
My hair was wild and I had braces and amazing skin. "Perv," I said.
He laughed. "Only to you,"
I rolled my eyes then sat down next to Austin. Little Daniel was staring at Austin and Austin was staring right back. I laughed and they looked at me. I took my baby. "Dont bne a creeper, Austin." I said.
"That kid looks like you and Skylar. I cant figure what Skylar's so proud about."
"I have a baby and a wife. I'm very proud of myself. I let a girl change me."
I smiled.

Five years later.

"Mommy," Daniel and Daniel came into Skylar's and my room. Skylar opened his eyes and stopped kissing my neck passioatly. "Daddy,"
Daniel helped my son onto my bed, kissed my forehead then walked out. Daniel whiped his tears away and smiled.
"I'm a big boy. Uncle Danny got me ice cream for being a big boy." he said.
I smiled.
"Why are you in bed? It's lunch time. Mommy, I'm hungry."
I laughed then got up and put my clothes on. Daniel decided to spend time with his nephew and let Skylar and I have time to ourselves. Skylar's been getting a little cranky lately. I fed Daniel French frys and a cheese burger for lunch. Skylar came down and kissed Daniel's little head.
Skylar stole a bite of Daniel's cheeseburger when he wasnt lookin then stole a few french frys.
"Daddy, what happened?" Daniel yelled.
Skylar looked nothing but guilty. "What? I dont know what you're talking about." Skylar said.
"Mommy, daddy stole my food." Daniel said as I ran my fingers through my hair and laughing.
"So go beat daddy up, angel." I said.
Daniel raised his hands and hit Skylar's stomch. I giggled and Austin came in and raised his eye brow. "Whatya doin, little man?" he asked Daniel.
"Daddy at my food and now I dont like him." Daniel yelled.
I love my family so much. I dont know what I'd do withou them. Watching Skylar pick our son up and kiss his cheek and then putting hi arms around Skylar's neck. I smiled then followed them up to Daniel's room.
Skylar sat in the rocking chair that Danny had for his little girl and sighed. He rubbed the stubble on his chin and jumped as Daniel accidently kicked him in the crotch. "You'd better watch it boy. Your mommy wouldnt like it so much if you hurt that general area." he said then kissed his forehead. I got a little pair of sweats out and a pair of little boxers. No son of mine will wear tidy whitys.
"Come on, baby boy, nap time." I said.
Skylar looked up at me and grinned. "Shh. He's sleeping, mommy."
"Well, then help me, you lazy cow." I whispered.
He chuckled then stood up. He helped me change Daniel and we put him to bed.

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