» Fiction » Ms. Trouble and Mr. Player 2, Annamere [simple e reader TXT] 📗

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You cheated on your wife?

A week later:
I walked into my brother's room and he was suckin on Natacha. My jaw droped and they looked at me. Danny's eyes went wide. "What are you doing?" I yelled. "You have a wife!"
"She cheated on me first. Like twenty times. I told her to pack her shit and leave. And I told her to leave my baby. Lilly is the only thing I want. Besides sex."
I rolled my eyes then walked out. I walked into Tanner's room and grinned. "Hey, baby sister." he said looking up from his book.
I love my smart brother. Never reads a porn magazein like Danny. He literally reads books. "Hey, big bro." I said laying down next to him.
He put his arm around my neck and turned his tv on and handed me the remote. I put it on the dvd thingy and pressed play. He had The Hunger Games in it because I locked myself in here yesterday for some peace and quiet from the guys. "What's up?" he asked.
"I am tired and Skylar isn't here to cuddle with me." I said.
"Where is Daniel. And most importantly, where is your husband?" he asked.
"Sky took our son to the fair," I said. "with his buddies and their girlfriend's."
"Why didnt you go, honey?"
I sighed. "I dont like Sky's Buddies. They hate that him and I are married and have a family." I said.
He chuckled then kissed my forehead. He chuckled. "Well, I know you're tired but why not Danny?" he asked.
"Danny is having a make out session with my ex best friend." I said getting up.
"I didnt say you have to leave. I'll tell Cici she cant cuddle with me today." he said hooking his hand on the back of my pants and pulling me back. He kissed my forehead before pulling his phone out of his pocket. "I never wanna hear you scream Sky's name again. That was loud last night."
I giggled. "I sowy. And you not my dad. You my bro."
"I'm your older bro." he said.
"I have two older bro's." I said.
He glared at his phone. "Dont sass me, girl. I am you're oldest brother."
"I sowy, Tan, he was stressed yesterday. He wants to be like other dad's and the only thing that is keeping him from that is a job."
"Where is all this stuff comin from?" he asked.
"Day care. I still have to finish school and Sky needs his leasure time. But he went to pick him up a few weeks ago and he got stoped by the other dad's and they started talking. I told him that they were old but he didnt listen to me."
"Slow down! You're making no sense."
"Skylar went to pick Daniel up from day care a few weeks ago and he talked to the other dad's." I said.
"He should work for the cunstruction stuff's. That boy is strong. Or he can be a fire fighter, or a cop."
"I dont like guns. And he knows anything with guns is out of the question. Fire, maybe. Cunstruction, that would be a major turn on." I said.
He chuckled. "Doesnt it hurt to have sex with him? You're my baby sister."
I shook my head. "It feels like a rollor coaster ride. Only rollor coaster rides dont make me moan." I said.
He groaned and I laughed.
"I didnt need to hear that!" he yelled.
"I thought you did." I giggled.
He rolled his eyes. Daniel came in with his little arms crossed and I heard Skylar laughing with his buddies. I picked Daniel up and kissed his cheek. "What's wrong, baby?" I asked.
"Daddy is being mean. His friends are saying mean things about you and they just laughed at me when I told them to piss off." he said pouting.
I groaned.
"Sometimes I swear he is gonna loose his dick." I said.
Daniel put his head on my shoulder and yawned.
I walked into my room and Skylar and his friends were in there. "Get out! Daniel needs to take a nap." I snapped.
"Why not put him in his room?" Skylar asked him.
"If I have to put my baby in his room all alone with these pervs here, I will leave you. Now out!"
Tanner came in and glared daggers at them. "You heard her. Get out of her room."
Daniel came in and pulled Skylar out by the ear and started to yell at him. I layed down on my bed and held little Daniel close. Tanner covered us up after I took Daniel's jacket off and his jeans. Tanner kissed my forehead.
"Night, little buddy." he said tickling his cheek.
Daniel tiredly waved both of his hands at Tanner. "Bye bye, Train."

"What do you mean I cant sleep in our room tonight?" Skylar asked as I blocked him from our room.
"You let them bully our son." I whispered.
He kissed me lightly. "Let me appologize to him." he said.
"Nooooo. I hate you!" Daniel yelled.
"Ooh. That hurts." he whispered. "I'll sleep in Danny's room. I love you!" He kissed me lightly and hugged me.
I hugged him back and bit his lip. He chuckled then kissed me again.
"I'll see you in the morning."
"No. It's going to get cold in here tonight." I said.
He laughed. "Make up your mind. Do you want me here or there?" he whispered pointing in the direction of Danny's room.
I grinned and Daniel crawled through my legs. "That's up to him." I said picking him up.
Skylar looked at our son. "What do you say, little man? You want daddy to keep you and mommy warm tonight? Or do you want me to listen to your uncle talk about killing me in his sleep?"
Daniel shook his head meaning he wasnt gonna talk to Skylar.
"Ok. He wants me to decide. I wanna stay wit my family."
He grinned.
"Uh uh." I whispered.
"What now?" he whispered.
I shrugged. "Oh I dont know. Our son is incredibaly pissed at you and I dont want a war going on in my bed." I whispered.
"Bubba, pwease forgive daddy." Skylar begged.
"You can sleep in here. But you're not my daddy anymore."
Skylar frowned and grabbed Daniel. He ran downstaris with Daniel squealing.
I walked downstairs and glared. "Ok. Dont tell mommy I am feeding you candy this late." he said as he handed Daniel chocolate.
I rolled my eyes. "You're gonna deal with him when he is up all night." I whispered. It was like mid night." I whispered then grabbed a bottle of water.
I kissed Skylar and sat on his lap. He kissed me. "It is mid night." he said. "Why is he up so late?"
"He couldnt sleep." I said taking a drink of water.
"Mommy, I like him again." Daniel said.
"Ok. Honey." I said.
When we went to bed Daniel was asleep. I kissed Skylar and he pulled Daniel and I into his arms. "Is this ok?" he asked.
I nodded. "I love you!" I whispered.
"I love you too." he whispered.

Hey! Skylar's POV

I woke up the next morning with Daniel drooling on my chest and Anna clutching my arm and mubling 'Fuck you, bitch!' in her sleep. I groaned cause my right arm was asleep and my chest had drool on it.
Daniel opened his eyes and started crying. I sat up and comforted my son. When he was done crying I asked, "What happened, bubba?"
"T-the monstor ate me and you and mommy then it killed the puppy." he said and cried some more.
"Shh! Mommy is still sleeping, bubba." I whispered.
He stoped crying and looked at his mommy. He grinned, got off my lap and crawled over to her. She instinctivly put her arms around him and held him close. I kissed both their foreheads then got up and went to take a shower.
When I got out of the shower Anna was half awake. "You ok?" I asked her and knelt by the bed.
She nodded. "Daniel had a bad dream." she whispered.
I looked at our son. He looked terrorized in his sleep. "That's how many times we've woke up and our baby has had a bad dream."
She shrugged. "It's been happening for a month." she whispered.
"Do you think we need to take him to a doctor or something?" I asked.
"Yeah." She yawned. "I'll call after I wake up." she said then rolled over to protect our son. His face softened when she kissed his forehead and stroked his neck.
I got up and put boxers on before walking downstairs. Tanner and my sister and my neice were sitting on the couch. "Why was Daniel screaming last night?" Cici asked me.
"I made him mad yesterday." I said grabbing my ten year old neice from her mom and step dad. She is small for a ten year old so I carried her to the kitchen.
I made her breakfest and a few minutes later Daniel came down rubbing his eyes. "Daddy, I scared." he said hugging my leg.
I picked him up and put him in his chair. I kissed his forehead. "Of what, honey?" I asked.
"The monstor," he said.
"Do you want ice cream for break fest?" I asked.
He put his head down on the table and shook his head. Ciara walked over to sit

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