» Fiction » Ms. Trouble and Mr. Player 2, Annamere [simple e reader TXT] 📗

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Daniel's room. He is awake. I smiled and sat on his bed and offered him some of my lucky charms. He smiled and took the spoon. "I'm a big boy, mommy." he said.
I chuckle softly. "I know. But I dont have to like it." I said.
He ate the bite then got up and went to get a rubber ducky. "I love you, mommy. I love you forever. You're amazing."
I smiled and kissed his forehead. "Aww! You wanna come watch tv with mommy?" I asked.
He nodded happily. I took his hand and he followed me to my room.
Poor baby...... Skylar

Later I walked into Ash's room and smiled. Daniel was sleeping peacefully while Ash was in the shower. I went to Daniel's room and grabbed Spongebob PJ's and walked back to Ash's room. Ash was out of the shower now. I kissed her lips lightly. She smiled. "I'm sorry for making you mad." I whispered.
She tugged on my hair. "I love you," she whispered.
"Not as much as I love you." I said.
"You dont know how much I love you so how would you know?" she asked.
I was confused. I dunno why. But I love her so much. "Cause I'm an idiot and you're amazing." I said hoping she approved of my answer.
She smiled and kissed my lips softy. "Wake him up and give him a bath for me?" she asked.
"Why? You always give him one in the morning." he said.
"Skylar, I wanna see if he'll sleep through the night so we dont have him crying every night or Daniel brings him in here while we're doing stuff." she snapped softly.
I kissed her. "Ok, babe." I said. "But if it doesnt work, I'm gonna jump out your window." I said.
She smiled a thousand dollar smile. "I aint taking you to the hospital." she said.
I rolled my eyes. "I'll take you to the hospital." I said as she pulled away and went to her dresser.
"I know you will. You can carry me. You're to fat for me to carry."
I rolled my eyes and patted my perfectly sculptered abes. "Oh you know you love my body."
"And I love you," she whispered and hugged me.
"I love you too." I whispered staring deeply into her eyes.
She giggled and rubbed my chest. "I really like moments like these, babe." she said brushing my hair out of my eyes. I really need to get it cut.
As if reading my mind, "Get it cut so I dont have to look at the messy hobo side of my husband."
"I'm not clean in the first place,"
"Yah, but..." she trailed off and crashed her lips against mine. She often did that when she couldnt think of anything else to say.
I pulled away and gave her one last peck before going over to Daniel. He was breathing evenly, which was uncommon for him and his hand wasnt twitching. I gently took his clothes off and I picked him up. He opened his eyes and looked at me. "Daddy," he cried.
"What's wrong, bubba?" I asked.
He continued his blubbers until Ash gave him a hug and a kiss. "Shh, baby, it's ok, daddy is just gonna give you a bath then you can go back to sleep."
He fussed a little bit before he nodded. I walked into the bathroom and set him down. I started the bathtub, but didnt fill it to high and put him in the tub. He rubbed his eyes as I washed his black hair and when I was done with that, he put his arms up, desprate to get out.
I picked him up and wrapped a towle around him. "You ok, lil man?" I asked him swaing side to side softly.
He shook his head.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"My tummy hurts, daddy."
I put my lips to his forehead and slightly freaked. He was burning up. "Annastasha, come in here." I said.
She was at the door in two seconds. "You dont call me that unless somethings wrong. What's wrong?"
"Daniel is burning up."
"Are you sure it's not from the bath?" she asked putting her hand on his forehead.
"He said his tummy hurts. I doubt it."
"Shit," she muttered then kissed his forehead. "Go put his pj's on and get him his baby soft blanket. Then put a shirt on."
She left the bathroom before I could respond. Daniel started crying again so I put him in his pj's then went to find his blanket. It was on his bed. I grabbed it then went back to Ash's room. She was putting shoes on Daniel.
Daniel was still crying. Why? I dont know. I sat on her bed and wrapped him in his blanket. He crawled on my lap and hugged me. I picked him up and followed Ash's. She shut the door behind me and went to climb into the driver's side of my truck. I put Daniel in his car seat in the back. He was falling asleep again.
I got into the passenger seat and she looked back at our son. "Baby, stay awake. You can go to sleep in a little bit."
He started kicking my seat and crying.
"Baby, I know. But you gotta stay awake. I fear you dying in your sleep or waking up dying." she explained.
I heard him sigh in defet and he calmed down. She put a diper bag in my lap before digging my keys out of my pants. Not in in my pants. In my pocket. She buckled the belt and I did to. Knowing she is terribal about my truck.

We got to the hospital and she looked back and smiled. She got out and I did too. She took Daniel out of his seat and he sighed in defeat. "Mommy, no." he whispered. I took my keys from her and locked my truck before handing the little stuffed dog to Daniel. We walked into the E.R and she handed Daniel to me.
"Watch out baby, I'm gonna go talk to the people."
I nodded.
I sat down and watched him play with my arm hair. Ash sat down next to me two minutes later glaring. I nudged her. "You ok?" I asked.
She looked at me and smiled. She nodded. "I'm just worried."
I nodded. "He isn't gonna die." I reassured her.
"We dont know that. I mean, everyone could drop dead tomarrow and we'd be fine."
I chuckled. "That didnt make sense, but if we were the only ones here, I'll help you repopulate the earth." I whispered.
She smiled and kissed Daniel's head. "I love you two," she said.
Daniel looked at her and smiled. "We love you, mommy." we said.
She smiled and they called Daniel's name. "That was quick." I muttered and followd Ash. They led us into a room and I layed Daniel down.
"What's wrong, Daniel?" Cici asked.
He pouted. "My tummy hurts reawy bad." he said.
She smiled and took his tempurature. "He probably just has the stomch flu." she said.
"I told you he wasnt gonna die." I told Ash.
She rolled her eyes and kissed my cheek.

When we got home, Daniel was fast asleep and so was Ash. Well, arn't I special. I got out and grabbed Daniel out of the back. Ash got out too. Hmm. The door must have woke her up. She yawned. "I love you." she told me, grabbing Daniel's diperbag.
"I love you too, honey." I said, then kissed her forehead. I followed her up to Daniel's room and we put him to bed. She kissed his forehead and ruffled his hair before turning his nightlight on and turning the light off. She grabbed my hand and pulled me to our room. She took my shirt off and then walked into the bathroom.
"Come with me," she called.
I raised my brow and took my shoes off then my pants. Then my boxers. She was in the bath when I got in there. She had her hair pulled into a messy bun and she looked really sexy. As usual. I got in the bath with her and kissed her lips softly.
She smiled against my lip and wrapped her arms around my neck. "I love you." I said.
"I love you too." she whispered in my ear.

Happy Aniversary.......Annastasha

"Wanna watch Dirty Dancing then?" Skyler asked me, kissing my cheeks.
"I told you. Whatever you want."
"Baby, and I told you! I love you and I dont want you ro be mad at me anymore." he said hugging me.
"I'm not mad at you anymore. We're up at four in the morning, after making amazing love and you think I'm mad at you. It's our Aniversary."
He smiled and kissed me.
"And Daniel and Tanner are taking little Daniel to Tanner's summerhouse and the guys are going with them so we have the house to ourself."
He smirked. "When are they leaving?" he asked.
"Daniel and Tanner are in the kitchen." I said.
His face paled and he bit his lip nervously.
"Skylar, we're married. They've accepted that we do it all the time a long time ago."
He smiled. "You're sexy." he said. "When we were ten and I was hitting that age you were really sexy."
I giggled. "Watch your mouth out there, Sky!" Daniel yelled.
I rolled my eyes. "Shut up! You're gonna wake

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