» Fiction » Ms. Trouble and Mr. Player 2, Annamere [simple e reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Ms. Trouble and Mr. Player 2, Annamere [simple e reader TXT] 📗». Author Annamere

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I dont get what I want I'd murder them all. I was sitting on Skylar's lap and he had my stomch showing and he was rubbing my stomch.
He placed a small kiss on my neck. "I missed you," he whispered in my ear.
I nodded then rested my head on his shoulder. Austin leaned over and put his head on my shoulder. "Are you hungry? This movie is creepin me out."
I kissed his forehead. "Yah."
He got up. "I'm going to Pizza Hut. I need money."
Daniel squinted then handed him some money. Austin went upstairs to get his jacket before leaving. Or tried to leave. Natacha stormed into the living room and glared at me.
Austin and Daniel and the others glared daggers at her. I didnt want to glare, I was to tired. "You're a bitch. Connor hates me now."
"I didnt make him hate you, snobby rich bitch." I muttered.
She rolled her eyes. "Skylar and I had sex every day that you were gone."
Skylar scoffed. "Bitch, please. I learned my lesson. She left when I did that. You really think I'd do it again?" Skylar asked her. "Now be quiet and leave. I'm enjoying a night with my girlfriend and baby."
I giggled.
Natacha glared daggers at me. "This is your fault, Anna."
"If it's my fault then stop calling me that. Have you noticed that people that I hate call me Annastasha? Only special people get to call me by my nicknames."
"Anna, Anna, Anna, Anna."
"Anna, love, I think you matured when you grduated and when you were in Hawii." Danny said making me smile.
"Thank you, Love." I said.
"I love Skylar and I am gonna get what I want."
"No you aint bitch. I gotta baby and a girlfriend to take care of. Anna, will you marry me?" he asked.
I thought about it for a second. "Yes," I said.
"I have my fiancee and baby to take care of." Skylar yelled.
She flinched then stormed out. Austin laughed. "She loves Skylar. Ha, worst mistake ever."
"Why?" Skylar asked.
"Anna gets posseive over boyfriends when someone else loves them. And she's pregnant so Natacha is gonna die." Devon explained.
Skylar pressed a light kiss to my neck. "I'm ok with that."
I nodded then pecked his lips.
After the movie was over Skylar and I went up to my room and layed down. I kissed his lips lightly and he kissed mine lightly. He ran his toung along my bottom lip. I pulled away. "Can I trust you?" I asked.
He nodded. "I'm not a sex addict anymore, honey. I'm addicted to your sex and you." he said.
I smiled. "Then tell me that thing you never tell anyone." I said.
He grinned. "Ok. My step father ass raped me when I was thirteen." he said.
I frowned and put my hand on his cheek. I stroked his cheek with my thumb then kissed him. "I sorry, baby." I murmmered.
He smiled. "Eh," he said with a shrug. "My mom dummped his bitch ass for doin it."
I smiled then kissed him. He ran his toung along my bottom lip. I let him in. Suddenly he jumped up.
"You really wanna marry me?" he asked.
I nodded.
"Yes! I have to go see my grandmother."
"Baby, it's almost mid night and we wont get pregnant if we dont use a condom." I said.
He chuckled. "I guess you're right." he said then crawled back in bed. "The baby isn't gonna grab me is it?" he asked.
"No. Why would you think that?" I asked.
"Austin and I were watchhing 41 year old virgin who knocked up that chick and it scared me when the baby grabbed that guy's dick."
I rolled my eyes. "Ok. If you actually payed attention in that class, the baby isn't even mature yet. It's organs dont work."
"Then why does the heart work?"
"I dunno. If you're not gental then the baby will grab your dick." I lied.
He laughed. "I want rough sex when you aint pregnant anymore." he said.
I shrugged. "Ok, baby." I said.
He layed down then kissed me again. I let him in when he asked for entrance then we went from there.

In the morning I was being woke up by my mom. I squeaked and it woke Skylar up. Skylar held me tightly in his arms. "Daniel," he yelled.
"Daniel is tied up in the basement." she said.
Then the cops burst in and grabbed my mom. After they left, I got dressed then rushed down to the basement. I untied Daniel and Skylar carried him out to his saburban. He was beat up pretty bad. Beat unconsiouse. Stupid, bitchy mom. I thought.
Daniel woke up while Skylar was driving to the hospital. I was sitting in the back and his head was on my lap and his blood was going on my pants and I couldnt stop the tears. I didnt like blood. I didnt like seeing blood. Especially Danny's. "Anna?" he asked.
I put my hand on his head and troked his hair. "Shh, go to sleep. She beat you unconsiouse." I said.
He reached up and patted my shoulder. "I'm fine. I just need some rest." he reasured me.
I smiled a fake smile. "Go to sleep then," I said.
He fell asleep and when we got to the hospital I was asleep too.
Skylar woke me up hours later. He climbed in the back seat and hugged me. "Daniel is fine. He has a broken knee, his wrist is broke, and he has stitches in a few places. Wanna go home and change? Your jeans are bloody."
I shook my head. "Daniel has clothes in here for me." I whispered.
He kissed my forehead then went to the trunk. He came back and handed me a purple and gray sweater and a pair of skinny jeans and some tennishoes. I changed then we went into the hospital. Daniel was glaring at the tv. "You suck to much pussy," he said to Skylar.
"I wasnt sucking her. She was sleeping and you bled all over her so she changed her clothes." Skylar said. "Your sister is slow when she is tired."
I layed down next to Daniel and snuggled into his side. He put his arm around me and kissed my forehead. "How did the cops get there so fast?"
"I was on the phone with uncle James and I droped the phone and yah."
"Why were you talking to uncle James?" I asked.
"He was telling me that I have a great neice or nephew on the way." Uncle James's voice came from the doorway.
I opened my eyes and looked at him. "Are you mad?" I asked. Uncle James is kind of like a dad since he is from my father's side.
"No. You have your father in you. Your momma had Danny when he was sixteen. You both get a lot of things from your dad. Your looks, your skills. Guess you were the one to get pregnant unexpectidly." he said. Skylar had fallen asleep on the couch thingy.
"I'm special," I said like a little girl and smiling.
"Yes you are," Amber said.
"It's a girl and you're naming her Amber." she said nodding. She had a notebook and a pencil.
"Amber, she is gonna name it whatever she wants." James said.
"If it's a girl they're naming her Amelia Rose and if it's a boy Daniel Anthony." Daniel said with a smile on his face.
"Hmm!" James said nodding his head while sitting in the chair. Amber sat on his lap. "Anna always did look up to you."
"Skylar thought of that name. He really wants a boy."
"Why?" Amber asked me.
"He wants someone to teach everything to. Fishing, camping, football, fighting, treating women the right way." I said.
"Last time I saw him was on top of your ex best friend," Amber mumbled.
"Amber, stop." James snapped. She nodded then went back to drawing. "He didnt treat women right until you."
I nodded. "His dad never taught him that stuff." Daniel said. "I've been trying to but he said I'm to young to be his father."
I giggled. "You are."
"I can do that stuff with him," James offered.
My face lit up and I smiled.
James chuckled. "You would love for me to spend time with your fiancee?" he guessed.
I nodded.
He smiled. "I'd love to. Only if he is ok with it."
"I'm sure he would be." Natacha said.
I glared at her. She was staring at Skylar. James turned around and squinted. "No. Go away. No visitors." he said using his cop voice.
"I'm not here to see Daniel. Isn't it obviouse?" she asked her eyes snapping to him.
Amber jumped up and ran over to her and slapped her in the face. "Go away, dirty bitch." she cried. "You hurt my cousin. I hate you."
I jumped up and ran over to her. I pulled her into my arms before kicking Natacha out the door and closing it. I sat on the couch and held her while she cried. That woke Skylar up. He sat up and pulled her into his arms and she didnt hit him. She relaxed and eventually fell asleep.
"What did I miss?" Skylar whispered.
I was to busy watching him with Amber to notice her was talking to me until he nudged my shoulder with his hand.
"Hey. You ok?"
"OH. Yah. Natacha came and Amber snapped." I whispered.
"Oh. Why doesnt she hate me anymore?"
"I'm having your baby and she likes babies. And I think she has a crush on you." I said.
He chuckled. "I am pretty hot," he said.
I giggled. "Very, baby." I said. "Would you go on a date with my uncle?" I asked.
He raised his brow. "Sure but I wont kiss him or flirt with him." he said.
I giggled. "No, baby, I mean like go fishing and crap with him."
A smile came to his lips after a minute and he said, "Hell yes!"
Daniel and James chuckled. I smiled then kissed him. "Wonderful, baby." I said. "Wonderful."
A day with
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