» Fiction » My vampire life, Hannah Lyles [e book reader android .TXT] 📗

Book online «My vampire life, Hannah Lyles [e book reader android .TXT] 📗». Author Hannah Lyles

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knowing look.

“Oh” I said dumbfounded.

“Yes she has changed quite a bit.” My father speculated “Do you have any idea what’s wrong with her” My father asked.

“I think she may have a disease that can only be caught under certain circumstances.” She said pausing. “But it is not deadly and I would have to make certain and to do that I would need you to leave the room.” She told them seriously.

“Why?” my mother demanded.

“I have to check her privates and I think she would prefer it if we were alone.” She said sternly.

“I’m her mother it’s nothing I haven’t seen before.” She said still putting up a fight.

“Mom please.” I asked giving her a begging look. She sighed dramatically and exited the room without another word. My sister and father followed in suit.

“Ally did you have any recent memory loss?” she asked me. I thought about it and realized I couldn’t remember what happened two nights ago.

“Yes” I replied honestly. Not understanding where this was going.

“I think you may have been attacked that night.” She stated

“What?!” I said.

“Can you see things really well that are far away and do you have unreasonable strength?” She asked again not really answering my question. I thought about my alarm clock and how I smashed it to pieces and how I could see so many more stars than I usually could.

“Yes” I replied again.

“Well considering that and your recent change of appearance. I think you were attacked by a vampire and since you lived you yourself has become one.” She told me seriously. She looked as if she was telling the truth I just couldn’t believe it. I mean that stuff just isn’t real.

“I don’t believe that” I said “You’re crazy.” I said shaking my head at her.

“Stop and think about it. You know it’s true. You can’t change that much for nothing to have happened. I know what I’m talking about I know several vampires who are much older than you and I know more than just vampires I know other creatures. You are a vampire and very new.” She paused looking at me. “I’m honestly surprised you haven’t have your first bloodlust yet.” She finished.

“I..I..I can’t believe this it can’t be happening.” I whispered. She came over to me and sat down she rubbed my back as I tried soaking it all in. After I had calmed down she started talking again.

“You can’t stay with your family they would be to much of a temptation you would end up hurting one of them and you couldn’t live with yourself if you hurt them.” As she said this she got a haunting look in her eyes.

“Where would I go?” I asked her.

“It would be up to you I know several vampire covens and I could arrange for you to meet with them.” She told me.

“Why did this happen to me?” I asked. She smiled sadly at me.

“You were just in the wrong place at the right time.” She told me giving me a half hug to the side. “I’m sorry this happened to you. But you’ll have some amazing opportunities, enchanting encounters. You’ll never have to grow old. Not everything about this is bad. You’ll just have to think about this in a good way. I know it’s going to be hard but you can get through this.” She finished. She gave me her phone number so we could plan when and where I would meet the leaders of the vampire covens. She told me I could not tell anyone.

“How long could I stay with my family?” I asked her hopefully.

“I think you could stay with them for about a week.” She told me sadly.

My family came back in.

“So what’s wrong with Ally?” My father asked Dr. Lancer.

“Well other than the cut on her hand. It turns out she is perfectly healthy.” She told them and she sent us on our way. The whole way home my mother complained about Dr. Lancer. While I was lost in my thoughts.

We pulled up to the house. When we got inside my mom started cooking lunch. My dad went to get some work done in his office, and Mia and I watched T.V. though nothing interesting was on. Soon we all were called to lunch. We sat down and started to eat.

“Well there’s no reason to procrastinate.” My mother announced. We looked at her questionably.

“Procrastinate what?” I asked. I just voiced what we all were thinking.

“Well going through your clothes and packing up the ones that don’t fit.” She paused “Might as well get it done now rather than later. That way we know what we need to buy.” She finished.

“I guess so. Might as well.” I replied with a sigh. We finished lunch. Mia and I did the dishes, mom put away the food, and dad went to find some boxes. Once that was finished Mia my mother and I stood in my room boxes ready. Dad went to finish his work.

We put on music as we packed all the large, XLarge, and 2XLarge. We paused at the few mediums I had and tried them all on. We chose one medium shirt and shorts and packed everything else away. We had four full boxes and one half full by the time we were done. It took a several hours and by the time we were done it was almost time for dinner. My parents decided that they were too tired to cook so they ordered pizza.

We went to pick it up and decided to have a movie night. We got a few horror movies and picked up the pizza and pop. When we got home we ate in the living room and started watching the first movie. I then realized that most of the movies were monster related. The monster in this movie was a vampire and I got a sick feeling in my stomach as I watched the vampire kill over and over again. Soon it was too much the pizza starting climbing back up with a quick speed. I ran to the bathroom and made it just in time. As I sat spewing the continents of my stomach my mother came in and rubbed my back as I finished gagging. I gave her a weak smile.

“You ok sweetie?” My mom asked giving me a concerned look. I nodded.

“I think I’m going to turn in early tonight. I might feel better after some sleep.” I replied weakly.

“Alright sweetie if you need anything just ask.” She told me. I nodded and headed to bed. I brushed my teeth until I couldn’t taste vomit anymore. I just slept in my clothes and I had a nightmare after thinking about how horrible I would become after my vampire instincts kicked in.

I awoke in a cold sweat shivering. That’s when I remembered the attack and that man’s face it was handsome, sad, lonely, as if he had no control over what he was doing. I also remembered that he had left me in my bed and he told me ‘I’m sorry’ I realized I couldn’t hate that man because I may end up just like him.

I looked at my new alarm clock and it was five a.m. I knew I wouldn’t be able to fall asleep again so I got up took a hot shower it took me about thirty minutes. I brushed my hair which seemed to take forever. After that I brushed my teeth and headed downstairs. No one was up yet and my father would have to leave soon.

I decided to cook breakfast for everyone. I choose to make pancakes and bacon. I paused the bacon looked strangely appealing raw. I shook that thought away and started cooking. I had finished enough for everyone by six thirty. I put my own food on the table along with my dad’s as he walked in the room.

“Yum it smells delicious.” He told me giving me a peck on the cheek. He sat down and started eating. I put my sisters and mothers food in the oven to keep warm. I heard the shower running which must be my mom. When she’s done she’ll wake my sister up and they’ll come downstairs and eat then I guess we would take off and go shopping for new clothes.

I sat down across from my father we chatted about nonsensical things. Soon my mother and sister joined us. At seven my father left and told us to ‘have fun today’. We had finished and left shortly after.

First of all we headed off to the mall. My sister and mom lead me from store to store picking out the best clothes and ignoring the prices. They were having as much fun as possible dressing me up and choosing jewelry and makeup. Soon we stopped and had lunch. Then they were back at it and their next target Rue 21. We stepped through the doors and headed straight towards the clothes racks. My sister chose a black shirt with ripped up sides and two small pink bows on the shoulders. The front had the words “I Bite” in a bloody red. ‘Ironic’ I thought to myself. Next she choose a black mini-skirt with chains hanging on the sides. My mom came over to us with black laced up boots. They ushered me into the changing room. I changed and heard Mia talking to someone other than my mom.

I came out of the changing room and Mia was talking to a few girls in my grade. They were pretty popular so out of my friend group they were somewhat mean to my friends and I. But not as mean as they could’ve been.

“Oh Ally look at who I found!” She announced with glee. Now they were in her friend group.

“Ally no way, what happened?” Nicole asked voicing her friend’s surprise. They had looks of astonishment.

“I don’t know I guess I just changed this summer.” I told them smiling slightly. ‘It wasn’t a lie.’ I told myself. They all swirled around me giving me compliments and advice. They started pulling clothes for themselves and I and they laughed gave small talk and basically brought me into their group. Not that I wanted to be very much. I talked and gossiped with them. We went to a few more stores.

While we were walking to the next store someone bumped into me knocking me down and a few shirts spilling out of the bag.

“I’m sorry.” I heard a deep silky voice say. I looked up and a tall boy well-built stood offering his hand down to me. I took his hand and let him pull me up.

“It’s fine” I told him. I got a better look at him and he had bright green eyes with a small red ring around his irises. His skin was perfect and a bit pale. His hair darker than night itself. He seemed vaguely familiar. I smiled slightly. Then bent down and started picking the shirts up he gathered a few and handed them to me. He leaned towards me and whispered.

“So what’s a vampire like you hanging around with humans?” I looked to my sister and my new found friends and realized they hadn’t heard him. I turned towards him with no doubt a look of shock on my face. He looked at me with a knowing smile.

My sister and friends seemed to pick up a vibe and headed into a store leaving him and I alone.

“How did you know?” I asked quietly.

“How could I not.” He said. Then continuing “Any creature could easily tell by your looks or smell.” He told me in a voice that screamed as a matter of fact. He paused looking at me.

“You didn’t know?” he asked looking concerned. I shook my head no.

“I’m pretty new at it.” I said softly.

“Well even if you were new your creator should have explained it to you. It should have been one of the first things.” He said brow furrowed.

“I haven’t met mine.” I told him looking down.

“So what

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