» Fiction » My vampire life, Hannah Lyles [e book reader android .TXT] 📗

Book online «My vampire life, Hannah Lyles [e book reader android .TXT] 📗». Author Hannah Lyles

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a cat. Ailuros purred loudly.

“Come now, child” Auntie told me, holding out her hand. I took it and she led me to the center of the circle. She motioned for me to sit, and handed me the goblet. I had a great urge to gulp it down right this second, but Auntie shook her head and the urge disappeared.

“Take your places” She commanded. She and Mr. Razzmuffin stood opposite of each other, as did Nicklaus and Ailuros. Auntie was saying something in a sing songy voice, I couldn’t make out what she was saying, soon Mr. Razzmuffin joined her, in the strange melodic spell. Soon two more softer voice’s appeared, I looked at the familiar’s but their mouths weren’t moving.

“DRINK NOW ALLY” Auntie said with a shaky breath. I held the goblet with both hands, and sipped slowly for a few seconds. Then a strong need pulsed through me, and soon I was gulping it down, it was tingling down my throat. No matter how much I drank there was always more, almost if it was never ending. I glanced at the blood in the cup, and it was glowing a luminescent gold. The chant grew louder, and the room vibrated around me. The gentle breeze that had coursed through the room, had become a raging wind storm. The chanting had reached its climax, and I felt thick chains wrap around me, encasing me forcefully, but allowing me enough room to down the last of the blood. As soon as the last drop landed on my tongue, the chains broke, burning my skin and releasing a pulse of warm magic.

When the magic reached each being they collapsed their bodies covered in black swirls, shinning slightly with gold, illuminating them. They were choking and withering in pain. A quite voice whispered in my mind a short phrase in Latin, the last word meaning release. I repeated it, and the air pressure dropped drastically, and the marks disappeared. The first one to move was Ailuros and with new strength she ran to Mr. Razzmuffin, rubbing her face against his, he let out a choked laugh.

“I’m fine” he reassured her. Slowly moving his arm to stroke her. Next Nicklaus got up and walked by me, pausing to bump my arm with his nose. He went to Auntie and wriggled under her arm to help her up. Then proceeded to help Mr. Razzmuffin too. They both slowly and carefully made their way over to me.

“How do you feel?” Auntie asked breathlessly. I thought for a moment and replied,

“Strange, stronger, fizzy? Is that a feeling?” my voice seemed to carry more power than before. My skin was tingly, and my blood was boiling. It felt as if every cell in my body was vibrating with power. I felt really good, for the first time since I was changed. I felt like I was back in my own skin, instead of the stranger I had become. Mr. Razzmuffin chuckled at my question.

“I believe that could qualify as a feeling” He grinned and held a hand out to help me up, the moment our hands touched an electrical current went between us. Shocking both parties.

“Well that was Shocking!” He said out loud grinning at his own pun.

“Are you okay?” I asked slightly worried, If he was smiling like that I don’t think he could be too hurt.

“I’m fine!” he replied, almost happily. Auntie suppressed a smile and held out her hand for me. I took it and electricity came between us as well, but Auntie had been expecting it and strengthened her grip on my hand. She brought me to my feet despite the shock. I looked down at our hands and noticed a string of strange symbols wrapping around Auntie’s wrist, almost as if it had been tattooed onto her skin, but it wasn’t there before tonight. Or at least I hadn’t noticed it, and I think I would have, knowing her for as long as I had.

“It’s part of the spell, Bran has one too” Auntie said noticing what I was staring at. I glanced over at Mr. Razzmuffin and sure enough he had one on his wrist. But when I looked at my own, I didn’t.

“Why don’t I have one?” I asked.

“It’s mainly because you are the vampire, it just shows that we are connected to one that drinks blood. If it were someone else, the symbols and meanings would be different” Mr. Razzmuffin told me. It sort of made sense to me, but not completely, I wouldn’t pursue it too much.

I glanced over to the clock on the wall and it read 9:30, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Had that much time really passed? It had seemed like only a few minutes had passed. I had to be getting home soon, but I really needed to tell Auntie about how Aaron is going to pick me up tomorrow night.

“Um Auntie, tomorrow some vampires are coming to take me into their coven, they said that they were going to erase my existence. Are you going to be able to remember me? When they do the spell” I asked worried.

“What coven?” Auntie asked, I explained everything, to my meeting with the doctor, and her introducing me to all of the covens. I then told them of the plan. For me to spend two weeks with each coven, to figure out who I wanted to stay with.

“Well I don’t think it would be a problem. We can teach you through our telepathic bond, it won’t be easy but we’ll manage, and I don’t want to fight several covens, not that I wouldn’t if you needed me to, but I don’t think It will be necessary” Mr. Razzmuffin explained

“I’ll set up a protective barrier around the shop, the vampire spell won’t reach us, inside. We will remember you, I promise” Auntie told me, she pulled me into one of the warmest hugs I’ve ever received. After she let go, Mr. Razzmuffin offered me one too. Which of course I took, we had become closer this evening. All of us were now connected, for as long as they lived. Nicklaus changed back into him human form and gave me a big hug.

“I guess this is good bye for now, I don’t know when I’m going to see you guys again. Except you Mr. Razzmuffin, I’ll see you in school tomorrow” I gave them all a small smile, Ailuros, leapt from Mr. Razzmuffin’s shoulder onto mine, and rubbed her head against my face. I saw a small line of black, wrapped around one of her paws. I glanced down at Nicklaus and sure enough he had one too.

“I’m gonna miss you Ally!” Nicklaus cried out leaping and attaching himself onto me. I scooped him up into a hug. He was crying, and I needed to comfort him.

“Hey, hey, hey, none of that Mr.! It’s not like I’m never going to see you again, I have to come visit, I’d miss you too much!” I said smiling at him, I wiped his tears with my shirt, and gave him an eskimo kiss. He looked at me hopefully.

“You promise?” he asked softly.

“I promise!” I told him with a confirming nod.

They said good bye to me, and I walked home, at a human pace. Taking my time, studying my surrounding’s and imprinting them into my mind, so I wouldn’t forget. I didn’t want to forget my human life, someday I might, but for now I wanted it to remain in my memories forevermore. Time could change me and I’d want to remember who I was, far into my future wherever it may take me.

Beast Printing


When I walked into the house, I immediately heard my mother crying. I hurried to the living room to find out why. She and my father were looking over mine and Mia’s baby books.

“Oh honey!” My mother said choking back sobs when she saw me. She came over and enveloped me into a hug.

“You’re so big now! You aren’t my little girl anymore!” She spoke loudly her voice cracking, as she planted kisses all over my head.

“Mom, MOM! Common get off!” I said, gently trying to push her off.

“Mom I’ll always be your little girl, I promise, I’ll never grow up! Just for you” I told her in a serious tone. Which I ruined with a smile, and returned the hug careful not to hurt her. A tear fell from my eye, I hadn’t even realized I was tearing up. Am I even going to be able to leave? Is there a choice? I don’t want to hurt them, but I don’t want to lose them. Will I forget them?

My “Ally? Too tight” My mother squeaked snapping me out of my thoughts. I released her, and smiled warily. We sat down, and I looked at the scrapbooks with them. It was about eleven when dad put his arms around us and said

“Time to get to bed ladies” I kissed them both on the cheek, and grabbed one of the scrapbooks that had a lot of pictures of my family in it.

“I’ll put it back later, okay?” I asked, my dad nodded, and I went to my room. I grabbed my purple duffle bag from under my bed and started loading it full of my most prized positions. A necklace my grandmother gave me, the signed copy of my favorite book my father gave to me for my birthday, the scrapbook, and most of my new clothes. I placed my shoes and boots at the bottom. I walked through my room picking up everything deciding if it was important to me or if I no longer needed it. I grabbed a C.D. Mia had lent me and placed it carefully into my bag, it was one of her favorites. I felt sad to leave all my books behind, but I wouldn’t be able to fit them in the duffle bag. The light caught of something sticking out of one of the oldest books I had. I removed the book from the shelf and opened it revealing a metal star, the size of my palm, it was flat and filled with colorful gems. My mother made it for me to use as a book mark. I had all but forgotten it. I slipped the small item into the side pocket of the bag.

            I rummaged through my desk drawers and pulled out a few undeveloped canister’s of film and several disposable cameras. I went around the house and took pictures of each room, excluding Mia’s and our parents. Then I remembered a business card having to do with developing film, or printing. I ran back up stairs and went to the stack of business cards on my dresser and flipped through them until I saw the word printing. Beast Printing open 24 hours Monday-Friday. 433 East Main St. I grabbed the full canisters, my jacket, bag, and hat. I silently left the house and headed to Main St. Snapping photos, of certain trees, and spots where important things happened, where precious memories were made. I filled up one more canister, and covered the town, by the time I reached the store. In big bold electric lights said Beast Printing. I walked in to the chime

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