» Fiction » My vampire life, Hannah Lyles [e book reader android .TXT] 📗

Book online «My vampire life, Hannah Lyles [e book reader android .TXT] 📗». Author Hannah Lyles

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of a bell. A skater looking boy with semi-long hair looked up, mid-turning the page of a comic book.

“What can I do ya for, Draculina?” He said with a wolfish grin.

“Draculina?” I asked with an eye brow crooked, he seemed fun, like the kind of person I could be friends with.

“Canine senses.” He replied tapping his nose.

“Werewolf?” I guessed.

“Bingo! We have a winner!” He said grinning.

“I win? What’s my prize?” I replied jokingly, taking a step forward.

“Well that depends, what did you come in for?” He asked with a more serious tone.

“I need to get these developed as quickly as possible.” I replied matching his tone, as I finished crossing the room. I placed the canisters on the counter.

“I’ll develop one for free, but I’m gonna have to charge you for the rest. I can get these done in about four to six days.” He said in a business tone.

“I’m leaving town tomorrow and I don’t know when I’ll be back, or if I’ll be back.” I responded shaking my head. He sighed and closed his comic book, then looked back up with a glint in his eyes, and his wolfish grin restored.

“I can get them done by morning, but it’ll cost you a lot more.” He warned, he jotted a number on a post-it, and slid it too me, in an ironic kind of way. I glanced it over, and pushed it back.

“This much?” I questioned. He nodded in response.

“Fairies are pricy and that’s the only way they will be done by morning.” He smiled.

“Fairies! Real fairies! Can I see? I didn’t realize they would be real too!” I replied, the joy resounding in my voice.

“Fairies don’t like to be watched while they do their work, sorry. You’re pretty new to this aren’t you?” He said raising an eyebrow. I laughed lightly,

“Pretty obvious, isn’t it?” I replied, pulling out my cash to pay.

“Very, I need your name for the order.” He told me.

“Alley Woods, and yours? It’s only fair after all.” I responded.

“Jake Beast, and no I’m not joking, that’s my last name.” He said with a sly grin.

“That is the best last name I’ve ever heard.” I said laughing.

“Thanks, Miss Holly Wood, now get outta here, I’ve got some serious work to do.” He replied cracking his fingers, and tilting his head like he was about to run a race. I laughed and placed the cash on the counter.

“Thank you! Have a good night!” I told him as I was gliding out the door.

“You too.” I heard him say, as I stepped into the autumn night. I walked two steps thought about home, and I was there in a second. This was something I was going to love getting to know. To be in a new place in a matter of moments by thinking was some kind of wonderful magic. One thing I would enjoy.

I went to my room as silently as I left it. I grabbed the bag and put it under my bed. I undressed, brushed my teeth and went to sleep. To prepare for my last day in my human life.


Publication Date: 12-29-2016

All Rights Reserved

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