» Fiction » My vampire life, Hannah Lyles [e book reader android .TXT] 📗

Book online «My vampire life, Hannah Lyles [e book reader android .TXT] 📗». Author Hannah Lyles

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ancestors, she lived here along time ago and I’ve only met her once or twice.” My auntie answered.

“And she’s a vampire like me?” I asked another question.

“Yes she is and she thought she killed out your whole bloodline. So she must have been really surprised to see you and you look exactly like her so if she got you to do her bidding the world would be in havoc. So please stay away from her.” She said pausing to stare hard at me. “Ally what are we going to do?” She finished with a question.

“I don’t know auntie but I can’t stay here.” I told her grimacing.

“Why not?” She asked me.

“Because I almost attacked my mother and it didn’t freak me out when she screamed I enjoyed it. Auntie I’m turning into a monster!” At this point I started crying after finishing the sentence.

She didn’t say anything she just stared at me with a horrified look. I couldn’t stand it I jumped up from the table and ran out of the house and without realizing it I ran to the park, which was a mile away. But my eyes were watering too much for me to notice. I found a bench and sat down. I sat there crying feeling stupid whenever someone saw me. I felt two slender arms wrap around me and a smooth velvet voice said,

“What’s wrong, Darling”? I recognized this voice it was Isabelle!

“What are you doing here Isabelle”? I asked tiredly.

“I told you, you would see me again and you looked so sad.” She said. Could she possibly be worried about me? She tried to kill out her family she couldn’t possibly actually care for me, could she?

“She said something didn’t she, Eloise that is.” She asked me sitting down next to me. She took my hand and this time I knew she wasn’t messing with my feelings, I mean she looked so serious.

“She told me that you killed your family, all of your family. Or at least tried too.” I told her. She got a dark distant look in her eyes.

“Yes, I did kill them.” She stated and I didn’t think she was done but I ripped my hand out of hers. She got a hurt look on her face.

“She didn’t tell you why, did she?” She asked, and I shook my head no.

“They were trying to kill me.” She paused letting it sink into me and continued.

“They were vampire hunters and so was I but, one day on the hunt I was caught and turned. I didn’t want to die, so I ran. But the hunters gave my family the mission to hunt me down and kill me. When they caught up to me I begged them to change their minds but they only saw me as a cold hearted monster and not their daughter. So I only defended myself and in the end I had killed them all or at least I thought until I saw you.” She told me and gave me a slight smiled, but a tear rolled down her cheek. I wrapped my arms around her this time. Thinking about how horrible it must have been when she had to kill her family.

“So why are you crying”? She asked me now. I started tearing up again.

“I almost attacked my mother and when I told Aunty she looked horrified. I know it she hates me now”! I said in one burst and started sobbing again. She wrapped her arms around me tightly and pulled me towards her, to where I was crying into her shoulder.

“It’s ok. You’re not turning into a monster, even if you hate yourself I will love you. You’re the only family I have and I’m so glad I met you and you share my gift which makes us closer and now I won’t be alone anymore, and I won’t let you be alone ever.” She promised whispering softly, she held me tighter. I cried for I don’t know how long and I think she cried too. Then she broke the silence.

“Come away with me, we can go far away, and no one will ever hurt you again. Please.” She told me. I sighed and responded,

“I’m sorry, I can’t, at least not now.” She looked at me long and hard and a bit hurt.

“It’s alright, you might someday right? Until then I’ll be there whenever you need me.” She smiled at me as she finished.

“I’m sorry Isabella, I might go with you soon.” I told her. She smiled at me,

“I have to go now goodbye my beautiful darling.” She told me and gave me a quick peck to the cheek before disappearing again. I sighed and looked at my phone it was five o’clock and I bet my parents were wonder where I was so I started on my way home. I got there quicker than I thought I would. I walked in the doors at five thirty.

“Ally”? My mom called.

“Yeah mom”? I called back.

“Oh good she’s here, stay right there and I’ll go get her.” I heard my mom whisper. My mom came out of the living room with a big smile on her face.

“So Ally, there’s a very nice young man here to see you.” She told me grinning from ear to ear.

“Who is it”? I asked uncertain because I couldn’t remember what guys knew where I lived.

“He said his name is Lukas. Ring any bells”? She asked. I nodded, and walked past her into the living room. To see a godly beautiful man sitting on our pink flower patterned sofa. That thought made me burst out laughing.

“So glad I amuse you.” He told me lifting an eyebrow and giving me a smug smile. Man he was so beautiful it was ridiculous. I shook my head at him and walked over. I plopped down on the sofa next to him. This made him chuckle and the sound was almost addicting.

“So what are you doing here”? I asked him

“I wanted to see you.” He said wiggling his eyebrows jokingly. But even if it was a joke I was secretly happy he said that.

“So really what are you doing here”? I asked him smiling.

“I thought we could compare class schedules.” He told me like it wasn’t a big deal. I let the thought sink in for a second.

“So you’re going to my school”?  I asked. He chuckled, okay so it was addicting.

“Yep and I just got my schedule if you want to compare.” He said to me. I don’t know if it’s just him or if all male vampires were this enchanting.  He wanted to compare schedules. I nodded and said,

“I’ll be right back.” He nodded and I ran up to my room and grabbed my schedule off of my desk, and ran back down stairs noticing how fast I really am. When I entered the room, my sister and some of the girls that I met at the mall were there and flirting and giggling at him it made me mad, that our time alone together was gone. They noticed me and motioned me over and everyone was comparing our class schedules.

I found out that I had five classes together with Lukas. The other girls? Well they weren’t as lucky, but they managed to have a few classes with him. Once we started talking I started to have fun. My mom had ordered pizza and that got the party going. Someone slipped in the horror movie from a few nights ago. I was fine with it for a while but then, some of the girls tried to get a bag of popcorn open and we couldn’t find a pair of scissors. So they decided to use a knife to get it open they did but one had cut her finger in the process. The crimson line entered my sight, and my body started moving, I felt a hand grab mine. I looked down at Lukas and realized what was happening. The T.V. Screen, started screaming and I looked as the vampire devoured the girl. I looked over at Lukas who was now with the girl and having no problems with the blood. I had to get out,

“I’ll be back in a while.” I proclaimed and grabbed my coat and was out the door before anyone could get a word out. No one chased after me or I was gone too quickly for them to catch me.

I headed to the park and was there in a short minute. I took out my phone and checked the time it was 6:30 but it was a while before the meeting. I found a bench and sat to wait. I could see all the kids playing on the playground but most of their parents were making them leave. A kid walked up to me and asked,

“What’s wrong lady”? He looked at me curiously. He looked to be about seven or eight and stood unnaturally straight with straight brown hair, and brown eyes. He stood staring and I realized that I hadn’t answered him.

“Nothing’s wrong.” I said and smiled at him. A frown came across his little face.

“Lying to someone you just met isn’t very nice lady.” He told me sternly.

“My names’ not lady, and we haven’t even met yet.” I said a bit annoyed.

“My names Aaron, what’s yours’”? He asked me.

“Ally” I told him curtly.

“Ally, what’s wrong”? Aaron asked sounding caring and I felt compelled to tell him.

“I’m turning into a monster.” I said sadly. He didn’t look shocked at all, as if it was normal.

“What kind of monster”? He asked, his face revealing nothing.

“One who feeds on human blood.” I said coldly realizing the truth behind my own words.

“You need to eat too.” He said pausing looking at my face. “The way I see it is lions eat gazelles, and nobody hates the lion because it’s doing what it needs to, to survive. Just like how humans eat cows, it’s no different than you having to eat humans.” He finished looking at me but that actually made some sense but I didn’t relish on the thought of killing someone.

“I don’t want to kill someone, just for me to live.” I told him tearing up.

“Then don’t, just feed off of them and then erase their memories.” He told me sounding wiser beyond his years. I looked carefully at him and realized that the eye’s I thought were a light brown, were a deep crimson red. He was another vampire. Which would explain him being so smart.

He gave me a sweet sad smile, and I felt suddenly protective of him. I wrapped my arms around him and whispered,

“Thank you” In response he hugged me too. He then released me and stepped back.

I realized we were no longer alone, A beautiful woman with long brown hair and striking green eyes with red rings around them stood tall and gracefully in a long black dress that highlighted her beautifully pale skin.

“Hello, I am Stella, leader of the Delarosa coven.” The beautiful woman told me with a hint of a Spanish accent. A deep voice came from behind,

“Howdy miss, I’m Connor Rawson leader of a cowboy coven.” A tall and sturdy man said to me in a southern accent. Upon a closer inspection He had dark black hair and blue eyes like mine. He wore a simple blue button up plaid shirt, blue jeans, and cowboy boots. He dipped his Stetson, in a greeting.

“I’m sorry I’m late.” Dr. Lancer called out to us. She was dressed casual but nice at the same time. Maybe she fancied one of the vampires? I thought to myself. I looked around and realized that more people had joined us each as beautiful as the next.

“Isabelle” A soft voice called to me. I turned to look for her but she wasn’t here and I realized the person was addressing me. He was taller than the others, and was a little less sturdy than Connor, but made an impact of his own as he was of American Indian descent, his skin

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