» Fiction » My vampire life, Hannah Lyles [e book reader android .TXT] 📗

Book online «My vampire life, Hannah Lyles [e book reader android .TXT] 📗». Author Hannah Lyles

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he abandoned you?” he asked.

“I guess.” I responded. Shrugging.

“Your friends are getting anxious.” He told me suddenly as if avoiding the topic completely. I glanced at them they were obviously watching him and I wondering what was going on.

“I guess I should get back to them.” I responded.

“Can I have your number?” he asked, then explained “So we can talk some more.” I nodded he pulled out his phone, snapped a picture of me and I told him my number.

“I forgot to ask your name. Mines Lukas.” He said as I we parted ways.

“Ally.” I told him glancing back as I walked to the store I hear my phone go off. I quickly glanced at my phone and the message read “Here’s my #” I quickly entered it into my contacts as Lukas.

As I stepped foot in the store my sister and friends bombarded me with questions and I tried to answer them as best I could. We went to a few more stores and then parted ways as we took the bags and put them in the car. The rest of the night we had take out and put up my new wardrobe and called it a night.

I sat on my bed and took out Dr. Lancer’s phone number and quickly dialed it. It rang three times before she answered.

“Hello?” she asked through the phone.

“Hi…. Dr. Lancer this is Ally….. Umm… When do you think I could meet the coven leaders?” I asked not wanting to prolong the conversation.

“Well Ally how would tomorrow night do? In Karter park around seven?” she asked.

“That would be great.” I told her through the phone.

“Alright then goodnight.” She said bidding me farewell.

“Good bye.” I told her hanging up. I glanced at the clock it read nine thirty. It’s not too late I guess. I walked around my room thinking about how soon I’ll never be able to step foot in this room again. My eyes began watering as I remembered fond memories of the past with my family. I began wondering how I would leave. How I could leave. This was my home, I don’t want to leave my family.

“No, stop thinking like that.” I told myself. It would only hurt me more if i pondered over it. I shook my head and walked out onto my balcony. To stop thinking I listen to the sounds of one of my last summer nights with my family.

Two days until school started, I dreaded the thought. Weird I still have human problems. I laughed out loud to myself. I shook my head and decided to sleep.

I changed and went to sleep. I slept peacefully through the night without any dreams.

I awoke slowly aware of the smells of bacon cooking. I sluggishly got up and dressed. I went to the bathroom and brushed my hair, while I woke up. Then I brushed my teeth. After I rinsed my mouth out I smiled into the mirror, and was rewarded with a shock my two canines were more pointed than they had been even after I became a vampire. I shook my head now wide-awake. I went downstairs and ate the breakfast my mom made me. She was cutting more banana’s and accidentally cut her finger. A small crimson dot slid down her finger. The bacon now in my mouth tasted like dirt and absolutely disgusted me. The small crimson dot seemed to call to me. My body moved on it’s own. I was behind my mother. The floor creaked and my mother turned to look and saw me she jumped with a loud ‘ahh’.

That snapped me out of my trance. My mother sucked in a breath and slowly let it out.

“My goodness Ally, you scared me.” She exclaimed chuckling to herself. I don’t know what happened but I didn’t like it I had to get out of here.

“Sorry mom, I didn’t mean to scare you. Can I go to the bookstore?” I finished with a question.

“Sure do you want a ride?” She asked unaware of my quick escape.

“No it’s fine I want to walk today.” I told her trying to shorten the conversation.

“Alright then have fun.” She told me with a smile. I nodded and left the room.

I first went to my room to grab my bag, hat, and some money. I then left without a word.

I walked down the street noticing different sounds, and smells. Seeing things in a different way. I walked right past the bookstore, without noticing. I stopped at the corner and realized I passed it. I turned around and stopped in front of the Bookstore and breathed in its glory.

The outside was a deep purple and trimmed with black. It leaves a dark impression on the sunny street with the white, blue, and yellow shops, all trimmed in white. This happened to be my favorite place in the world. My home away from home. The woman who came with it, well let’s say my favorite “aunt”. I looked in the window for any new arrivals and looked at the beaded drapes that hung gracefully at the corners of the window.

Done admiring I stepped towards the door and reached for the handle. Once it made contact a streaking pain shot up my arm. I tried it again thinking it was a fluke. The pain ripped through my arm with more force than before. This shock made me fall to the ground. I stood again and stared hard at the door. The bell rang, and the door opened to reveal the large dark skinned woman, who had her hair pulled back in cornrows mixed with beautiful beads. Her eyes glazed over she could see but not with her eyes, she never really explained it to me. My favorite aunt Eloise stood smiling. Then got a strange look on her face.

“Whatcha doin out here child”? She asked me her thick Jamaican accent present.

“I don’t know Eloise every time I touch the knob it shocks me, is Nicklaus playing pranks again?” I asked her. Her face twisted in a strange notion not one I had seen before.

“What’s wrong aunty?” I asked her suddenly afraid.

“Nothin darling, stay right there I’ll be right back.” She finished with a determined look on her face.

She went back inside and I stood waiting patiently for her to return. Nicklaus jumped from the doorstep giving me barely any time to react and catch him in time. Nicklaus, auntie’s six-year-old nephew, clung to me, looking up at me he smiled a toothy smile with some missing.

“HII Ally, you look different, come play with me!” He shouted.  

“Not now Nicklaus, Ally and I have to talk.” Eloise told him returning silently. I jumped a bit at the sound of her voice. I set Nicklaus down and he ran inside. Eloise reached her hand out a necklace with a white amulet hung from her hand. She regarded me with caution.

“Put this on, and come with me Ally.” Eloise said in a flat voice. I slipped it on and followed her quietly as we entered the back room where barely anyone was allowed this was only my second time in the ten years I’ve known her; somehow I felt this wasn’t a good thing. We sat at the circular table across from each other. She regarded me with cold eyes.

“So how did this happen to you child?” She asked me flatly. It shocked me she knew. It shouldn’t have shocked me, she always seemed to know everything. So of course she would know what happened to me.

“I was attacked on my back from the store. He didn’t kill me so now I’m what he is, a vampire.” I said coldly. “Do you hate me?” I finished trembling.

“I could never hate you child, you remind me too much of myself, for that I would never be able to hate you. I’m just trying to figure out what can be done.” She said to my sadly.

“What can be done about what?” I asked.

“Well about you of course, killing you is out of the question, reverting you can’t be done with my powers alone and I couldn’t gather enough people fast enough. We could be tied together but that wouldn’t work well enough. Have you taken blood yet?” She asked me finally breaking her train of thought.

“No I haven’t but I almost did it scared me aunty. What should I do?” I questioned my voice trembling again.

“I don’t know yet let me think for a bit and talk to some people. Go watch the store for me will you.” She stated knowing I’d say yes.

I walked to the front of the store and no one but Nicklaus was there so I grabbed my favorite book and sat back behind the counter. A few people came and went. Some giving me curious glances.

The bell rang, I glanced up and then back to my book, it took me a second but I quickly did a double take. She looked just like ME!!!!!! I mean my new self. She noticed me and quickly came to the counter.

“Well this is quite strange isn’t it?” She asked me smiling curiously. I only nodded.

“Not only do you look like me but you’re a vampire how wonderful.” She stated. I shivered but I haven’t felt hot or cold in a couple of days. Something about her was strange and didn’t feel right.

I felt her eyes looking over me inspecting every detail. In what I could see we looked exactly the same, except a dark brown freckle the hung just below her right eye. She looked at me excitedly, as if I was a Christmas present wrapped up in a big red bow. I then noticed her eyes. She had the same red ring around her eye’s but her’s were thicker and more defined.

“I’m Isabelle Vercelli. What’s your name?” She asked me a hint of an accent came out but I couldn’t place it,

“My name is Ally Wood. It’s a pleasure to meet you Isabella.” I told her trying to be polite. She smiled slightly and reached a hand towards me and it’s like I was frozen that I couldn’t run away from the opposite happened I found myself leaning towards her. Her hand intertwined with my hair. Why had I ever doubted her she couldn’t be evil she was so pretty. There couldn’t be anything wrong with her. I smiled at her and finding myself leaning into her hand. Her eyes bore into mine and they were so kind and gentle. A voice shouted from behind me.

“Isabelle, Stop that right now!” She broke eye contact and I could move again I quickly got away from her. Realizing that she was putting thoughts in my mind and that she could control me if she wanted to.

“Oh come on Eloise, I was just having some fun.” Isabelle whined, she glanced over at me and I shivered.

“Leave Isabelle you know you aren’t welcome here.” As auntie said this I felt power coming from her voice.

“Leave? This is my house I built it, if anyone should leave it’s you!” Isabelle shouted.

“You gave this house to my ancestor and gave up all rights to it. Now it’s mine and I want you to leave.” Auntie said with a final tone.

“Fine I’ll leave for now.” Isabelle said. She jumped onto the counter with visible grace, she bent down and gave me a peck on the cheek and said.

“Goodbye darling see you soon.” Without so much as a sound she disappeared. After she left there was a period of silence that followed. Until Nicklaus’s stomach interrupted it.

“Well I guess it’s about that time isn’t it. Are you going to join us for lunch Ally?” Auntie asked me. I just nodded. She went to the door and flipped the open sign to close. She picked up Nicklaus who was being shockingly quiet, and went upstairs to her house.

When we got into the kitchen and Auntie fixed us some sandwiches I asked her

“Who is Isabelle?” She sighed when I asked this.

“Isabelle is one of your

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