» Fiction » My vampire life, Hannah Lyles [e book reader android .TXT] 📗

Book online «My vampire life, Hannah Lyles [e book reader android .TXT] 📗». Author Hannah Lyles

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a bit darker than the others but his hair was the darkest of all. He looked at me desperately,

“I’m sorry I’m Ally not Isabelle.” His face fell for a moment and then he smiled at me.

“How do you do, my Indian name is Runner of the Winds, but you may call me Erik, I apologize my mistress the leader of the wild ones coven, is feeling ill and asked if I would come in her stead.” He told me in perfect English but I could tell that it wasn’t his native tongue.

“It’s quite alright.” I responded. I heard snickering behind me and turned to look. A boy my age sat in the spot on the bench I sat minutes ago. He wore what looked to be designer clothes and was rocking the kind of punk look most kids tried to get in this age, but could never achieve. He had short black hair and sparkling green eyes.

“Hi, I’m snake, My covens is fairly new and we haven’t really figured out a name yet.” He told me in a silky voice, giving me a toothy grin.

“Hello.” I responded. I turned to the doctor and found her chatting with a large red headed Irishman.

“How do you do lassie, I’m Brian O’ Herring Leader of the O’ Herring coven. It’s quite a pleasure to meet you.” He told me with a deep Irish accent.

The one vampire that had yet to introduce himself stood by Stella, conversing with her quietly. As if he felt my eye’s he turned to look at me. I met my eyes with his bright crimson eyes. He gave me a small smile and he looked as if he was in pain. He wore old fashion clothes and had long black hair pulled back into a ponytail.

“Hello my dear, I am Moirés Leader of the Night walkers coven. I am extremely grateful that I get to meet you.” He said to me. I don’t know why but I got the feeling that I should stay away from him.

“Now that everyone is introduced we should get down to business. Where is she going to go?” Dr. Lancer questioned.

“Can I have her”? Aaron asked quickly. Have her? That sounded like I was a toy, although I wouldn’t mind going with him.

“Wait a second, I already cleaned out a room for her.” Conner objected. Well it would be interesting to see how he lives.

“My coven has already prepared a banquet.” Stella interjected.

“Hey mine hasn’t got many members besides I’m sure she would want to be with someone her own age.” Snake chipped in.

“My mistress is very interested in having another lady around. I would like her to come with me.” Erik added.

“I’ve been needing to fill another spot in my coven.” Moirés stated.

“Now, now why don’t you all come down, it’s her choice to make let her make it.”   Brian Intervened thankfully.

“Well who's it going to be Ally”? Brian asked me, bringing the attention back to me. Each of them stared intently at me. But I didn’t know who to choose I barely knew them, and they want me to choose whom I’d live with for possibly forever?

“Okay everybody back off” Dr. Lancer said to them. “She obviously doesn’t know who to choose so how about we just let her stay in your coven as if she were a new member for a week or longer if she chooses. How does that sound”? Dr. Lancer finished.

They all agreed and decided who would go first Aarons’ coven was chosen to be first, Stella’s’ second, Conner’s third, Snake fourth, Brian fifth, and Moirés’ was last. All of them then said their goodbyes. Except for Aaron and Dr. Lancer.

“I will arrive at your house to get you and clean up in two days.” Aaron said to me.

“What do you mean clean up”? I asked.

“We’ll have to erase your existence, memories, pictures, and anything that would prove you existed.” Aaron said sullenly.

“Why would you do that”? I asked suddenly wary of him.

“For your protection and so that your family wouldn’t have to suffer when you're gone. I’m sorry.” He told me.

“I understand, it’s for the best right? I guess I’ll see you in two days.” I told him saddened, but it would be for the best my family would take it too hard, and it would be weird to remember a whole life and the people in wouldn’t remember that life or you.

He nodded and left with Dr. Lancer and I was alone. I walked home and wondered about the possibilities that awaited me but the life I was leaving behind it would haunt me forever.

When I got home I found the girls in the living room having a movie night and I found that Lukas had left shortly after I had. It had been a long day and I was very tired and besides we started school tomorrow, so I went up stairs and took a shower and then went to bed after brushing my hair and teeth.

As I dreamt I heard a voice, I think it was Isabelle’s singing to me. The dream I had was strange. Isabelle and I were chanting in a weird language and something was going to happen just as I woke up.

Isabelle was laying in my bed next to me holding my hand in hers’. She was sleeping and now I knew why I had the dream. I shook her awake. She looked at me, giving me a guilty smile.

“What are you doing here Isabelle”? I asked curiously.

“Cause I wanted to help you get ready for your first day of school.” She told me getting up.

“Why”? I asked.

“Because I always wanted a little sister. Now go brush your teeth.” She demanded.

I left the room obliging to her wish. When I made it to my room again Isabelle had an outfit on the bed ready for me. I put it on and it made me look stunning. The jeans fit me perfectly hugging me in all the right places. The black tee shirt with a v-cut and the red undershirt highlighted my curves. The black boots fitting the outfit together perfectly. I grabbed the white amulet auntie had given me and put it on, even if she hated me now I had a feeling that it would protect me. Isabelle pulled me over to the makeup dresser and started doing my hair, she made it curl into ringlets and then started on my makeup. Once she was finished I looked absolutely beautiful and I was barely able to recognize myself.

“Perfect.” she announced to no one in particular. She came over to me and gave me a hug and a peck on the cheek.

“Good luck today, I have to go, but if you ever need me just call out my name and I’ll come. Good bye” She told me and disappeared before I could say anything.

I went downstairs and my sister was already dressed and ready to go, she was eating a pop tart, so I grabbed a bagel and ate it with strawberry cream. I grabbed the keys to drive us to school. When we got outside there was a car parked on our curb, and Lukas honked his horn, and rolled down the passenger side window.

“Wanna ride?” He called out to us, before I said anything; Mia was already walking to his car.

“Sure.” She told him, and crawled into the back seat. I just shrugged and got in the front seat, secretly really happy. The car ride was pretty short, and the whole way there we battled over radio stations, when we finally pulled into the parking lot Katie Perry’s Firework was playing. Mia saw some of her friends, and basically jumped out of the car and went to join them. As her door shut, I heard the doors lock. I looked over at Lukas, and he had a weird look on his face.

“ What happened last night? I went to look for you and I couldn’t find you.” He said quietly. I thought for a moment.

“I couldn’t stand it, I had to get away. I went to the park, and met some coven leaders.” I admitted, he just stared at me, and finally breaking the silence said,

“What coven’s?” I tried remembering all of the names.

“Delarosa, cowboy, wild ones, O’ Herring, Night walkers covens. Oh and a guys’ named Snake’s coven.” I told him, he seemed to brighten at the mention of Snake. I was going to ask him a question but the warning bell rang out, meaning we had five minutes to get to class.  

We quickly grabbed our bags and rushed into the building. We parted ways as I headed to home ec. I quickly took a seat next to a small brunette, and looked at our teacher standing at the front of the room. He went over the procedures for the class and what we were going to go over this year. Then he handed out fabric swatches, and a needle with thread. He proceeded to show us how to thread the needle and then make a stitch. In this process several people pricked their fingers, it didn’t bother me until, the small brunette pricked hers. I felt my fangs starting to ascend from my gums. I fumbled for my bag, and went to the teacher and murmured something about being sick with my hand covering my mouth. Obviously I looked it because he quickly wrote out, a pass and sent me on my way. I got to the nurse's office and she saw what the teacher saw, and let me lie down in the back. I scrunched up my body holding my stomach, which was clenching tighter and tighter with each moment. Until, i luckily, blacked out.

When I woke up, last period was about to start. My great luck, i missed the entire first day of school. As I walked out of the nurses office I noticed the hallways were flooded with students, most of them stop and stared at me. I glanced around wondering why, was my clothes messed up? My hair, makeup? Why were they staring at me? I felt someone grab my hand and start to pull me down the hall. I looked at the person and noticed it was Lukas.

“Glad you finally woke up sleeping beauty.” He said to me jokingly. I glanced around some more and noticed people were still staring.

“Why is everyone staring at me?” I decided to ask Lukas. He laughed.

“Somebody got sick after you, and saw you sleeping. When they got back to class, they told everybody about a pretty girl sleeping in the infirmary. Everyone's been stopping by to take a look. The poor nurse has been chasing kids off for hours. I believe they set up a nurse station in the office, for kids who say they “sick or injured” you’ve caused quite a commotion, and its only your first day.” He finished.

“Possibly last too. What a horrible situation, my whole school life I’ve wanted to be noticed and only on the last day, am I, finally appreciated” I said exasperated. He chuckled at my reaction. He pulled me into the lit classroom, and led me to a seat in the back row. The class filled up quickly. Despite my seat in the back row the other kids had found a way to stare at me. I felt myself blushing, but I was quite unsure if I could actually blush now that I was a vampire, but it sure felt like I was.

Mr. Razzmuffin walked into class, on his happy high, that would last at least the first week. He was my favorite teacher. I’ve had him for three years. The way he taught, brought the works to life. He was extremely brilliant and our school was lucky to have him. Not that any other students thought of him like that. He actually cared about his students. I admired him quite a lot. He stood tall as he began to take roll.

When he called my name,

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