» Fiction » My vampire life, Hannah Lyles [e book reader android .TXT] 📗

Book online «My vampire life, Hannah Lyles [e book reader android .TXT] 📗». Author Hannah Lyles

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I raised my hand and said ‘here!’ In an instant whispering swept through the room. I glanced around and then back at Mr. Razzmuffin and he looked astonished.

“Well you certainly have changed Ally, everybody quite down, we have a class to get back to” He stated, his composure returning, as he continued to take roll. When he finished he went through the syllabus, explained what we were going to be doing this year, and pointed out the reading list located on the syllabus. He then led a game around the room 3 truths and a lie. He said he did this because we’ve all had a long day and needed a break. The hour went fast and the final bell rang. I honestly wasn’t ready to go, everyone filed out of the room as quickly as possible. Lukas and I were at the back of the line, and Mr. Razzmuffin called out to me

“Ally can you hang back for a moment?” his British accent apparent. Lukas looked at me reluctantly to leave me alone. “Alone please, Mr. Reginald” he said flatly. Hm? Was that Lukas’s last name? Lukas gave me a hard glance.

“I’ll wait by the car” He said plainly and reached for my hand, giving it a squeeze he left me. I watched him go and then turned to Mr. Razzmuffin.

“What’s up?” I asked him, curiously. He looked me over quite obviously.

“Eloise, wanted me to talk to you.” He said softly, eyes landing on the white amulet. “Its good you’re still wearing it.” Of course he’s talked to Eloise they were quite close.

“Does she hate me?” I whispered. He gave me a a strange look.

“She could never hate you, Ally. She wants you to stop by the store around 6, she said she will feed you dinner”

He said absent mindly. He was speaking through a haze as if he was trying to figure something out.

“I’ll go. Are you coming?” I asked him, a few times, when I was having dinner with auntie Mr. Razzmuffin had joined us, but I didn’t know if he was involved with the new world I had been dragged into or not.  It made me curious, did he know about the supernatural? Or was he just my English teacher, I had a feeling maybe, just maybe, he was more than what he seemed. If he would be joining us for dinner, there would be no doubt. He started nodding.

“Yes, yes, I will be.” He looked me straight in the eyes with clarity. “Ally, no matter what if you need me I will help you, any way possible.” He finished, I nodded.

“Thank you, I’ll see you tonight” I said stumbling over my own words, and I retreated through the doorway. I quickly made my way out of the building and to the car, where Lukas was talking with some of the girls from the mall, my sister was with them. I cleared my throat, and said

“Mr. Reginald, Ms. Wood, I think it about time we depart.” I finished with a small grin. My sister gave me an embarrassed look, and Lukas laughed.

“The princess has issued a command, sorry ladies, I must be going.” He told them and then turning to me he said “Shall we?” I laughed and my sister shook her head.

“I’m gonna hang out with them for a while, could you tell mom?” she asked me, I agreed and we got in the car, and left.





A taste of blood

Lukas turned the radio off and asked me,

“So what was that all about?” I thought for a moment about what I should say, or what I could tell him.

“He just told me that my Aunt would like me to come over for dinner” I told him with a shrug. He gave me a questioning look

“Are they together or something?” He questioned

“They are close friends” I answered. I felt like he knew that wasn’t all, but he let it go. I started thinking back to this morning about his reaction to Snake’s name. “Are you in Snake’s coven?” I asked him. He glanced at me a grinned.

“Yeah, he was the one who created me.” He replied.

“On purpose?” I questioned. He nodded as he pulled up to my house

“I’ll tell you about it some other time, but I need to go for tonight, be safe, okay?” He said to me. I nodded and said good bye, before exiting the car and walking inside. I went to the kitchen where I could hear my mother bustling about. She was making some sort of confection, but I wasn’t interested in that, it didn’t appeal to me at all even though I love sweets. I sat at the counter and told her what Mia was doing. I also asked her if I could go to Aunts house to have dinner. She agreed, offered me a snack, which I refused. It just wasn’t appealing to me at all, I was hungry. But not anything I could think of.

I went to my room, laid on my bed and read ‘Story Teller’ by Antonia Michaelis. I could read for an hour and then I would get ready for dinner. Fifty-nine minutes later, I was crying my eyes dry. The ending had chilled me to the bone, and driven me mad. My mother, to my shame came upstairs to check on me. When she asked what was wrong, I told her about the ending, and she rolled her eyes, she couldn’t believe I was crying over book character’s. I called her heartless, but she wouldn’t understand how I felt unless she read it, she wouldn’t though, she didn’t read that much. Not like my dad and I do. We happen to be a bit obsessed.  

After I calmed down, I cleaned myself up and got ready. Picking out well fitting jeans, putting on a tank top, and sliding a turquoise cashmere sweater on top of it. Finally picking out a white knit cap, I grabbed my bag and told my mom I was leaving.  I walked down to auntie’s store. I tried not to think about what was going to happen tonight instead I wrapped my mind around the ending of Storyteller, it was sad but truly beautiful. I ended up standing in front of Mystical Books. I stood in front of the store for a few minutes before Nicklaus jumped out of the door and into my arms.

“Ally! I missed you!” He laughed happily as I swung him around in my arms. He went frigid in my arms as he remembered something. “Momma said hurry and come inside before supper got cold” I nodded and carried him inside, and upstairs to the dining room. Auntie was laying out plates of jerk chicken, and some vegetables that I didn’t care for. I sat Nicklaus in the chair next to mine, he was across from Mr. Razzmuffin, and I was in front of Auntie. Nicklaus led the way of the conversation, by telling us all about his first day of second grade. He talked so much, we had finished dinner by the time he had finished his story.

“Nicklaus, why don’t you go find a book to read to you, while we talk to Allie, okay?” She asked but we all knew it wasn’t a question, but a command. He nodded and ran off to the book store, a faint blue light following him. We watched him go and once he was gone, they turned and looked at me.

“Ally, you still haven’t taken blood, right?” Auntie questioned me, I nodded. I hadn’t yet but I’ve come close several times. I couldn’t deny that food almost had no taste to me at all. She looked at me determined.

“I want you to drink my blood” as soon as those words were out I was objecting. “Hear me out!” She commanded, Auntie was a woman who got what she wanted. I silenced myself and waited.

“Now, drinking my blood will connect us, but my blood has to be your first, or it won’t be as strong. It will allow you to borrow my power’s and it would allow me to locate you wherever you are. It would also allow us to speak to each through our minds if you wish. Though there is a bit of a spell, that goes a long with it. If we do it right, everything should be fine. I’ll be able to help protect you” She looked over at Mr. Razzmuffin, “Anything to add?”

“I wonder if there was a way to extend the spell to both of us? I would like to be of help to Ally, I’m sure my powers would be useful. Also we had agreed to train her together” He was mostly just talking to Auntie, but the train me part caught my attention.

“Train me? What are you talking about?” I asked hesitantly.

“Well after you graduated, we were going to tell you what we are, and offer to train you as a witch, but of course we hadn’t expected something like this to happen. We will still train you if you wish, but only if we do this spell, or else you wouldn’t be able to do our type of magic” Auntie told me, hopefully.  I nodded

“I’ll do it” I said my voice shaking. Auntie nodded once, and got up, she began to move things around, and gather others. Over her shoulder, she said,

“It should extend to us both if we use a cup and mix the blood beforehand, it will also make it easier for me to cast the spell. Now help me with this rug” She commanded, Mr. Razzmuffin moved to help her.

Underneath the rug was a large circle of sorts, with a bunch of lines running through it, and several weird symbols. Nicklaus came up stairs because of the commotion, and sat quietly next to me, he slipped his hand into mine, as if he sensed my unease. Auntie placed five candles at equal distances apart, from each other. Then she placed a large goblet on the table, I studied it for a moment. It was tall and had a large golden stripes wrapped around the black cup, with four large rubies on each side of the cup. She and Mr. Razzmuffin, stood over the cup and cut their wrist’s letting their blood drip into the goblet, when the goblet was half full, their wrist’s healed completely leaving no scars.

“Nicklaus come” Auntie commanded, I felt power wash by me surrounding Nicklaus. He began to change his skin grew darker until it was black, his face stretched and his hands and feet became a wolves’ paws. A few seconds later and a small black wolf sat next to me, it got up and pranced over to Auntie. I stared at them with shock plastering on my face.

“He is my familiar, this is his true form” Auntie said reaching down, to lay a hand on Nicklaus’s head. Out of nowhere a small white cat jumped onto the table, and leaped onto Mr. Razzmuffin’s shoulder, wrapping her tail around his neck.

“This is Ailuros, she is my familiar of sorts.” He smiled at her and lifted a hand and stroked he neck softly. She looked me in the eyes, and her eye’s held an intelligence that wasn’t fit for

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