Heal The Abuse - Recover Your Life, Jason Goodwin [ink book reader .txt] 📗

- Author: Jason Goodwin
Book online «Heal The Abuse - Recover Your Life, Jason Goodwin [ink book reader .txt] 📗». Author Jason Goodwin
Stepping Stones to Health
Sexual Addiction
-Try to identify where you are in thestepping-stones to health, and the next step or steps you need totake.
_____ 1. I am a sex addict, and I don’t wantto change.
_____ 2. I have experienced some discomfortwith the way I express myself sexually.
_____ 3. I have had some consequences(financial problems, problems with relationships, problems withself-esteem, contracted a sexually transmitted disease, lostrespect for myself, felt guilty or ashamed, committed adultery orcriminal behavior), but I still don’t want to quit.
_____ 4. I am unhappy with my sexual behaviorand I want to change, but I don’t know where to begin.
_____ 5. I have read self-help books orlooked for information about sexual addiction.
_____ 6. I am actively working on my sexualabuse issues, and this is helping me to understand my unhealthysexual behavior.
_____ 7. I have attended a 12-step meeting ormy first counseling session and am beginning to discuss issues ofsexual addiction.
_____ 8. I am willing to do whatever it takesto change my addictive sexual behavior.
Chapter 7 –Dealing With Pain
“One word frees us of all the weight and painof life: That word is love.”
Survivors of sexual abuse often experience alot of pain. Most of this pain is emotional in nature, and can bevery intense. At some point, we may have discovered ways to avoidour pain. We may have numbed our feelings with alcohol, drugs, orother compulsive behaviors.
Pleasure seeking is normal to an extent. Weall enjoy an occasional chocolate sundae or a vacation lying on thebeach. This behavior only becomes unhealthy when we go to extremesor do things that hurt others or ourselves.
At some point, pleasure seeking turns into painavoidance. We compulsively seek pleasure to mask the terrible painwe feel inside. When we try to avoid our pain by going to extremeswith pleasure, our pain actually intensifies over time. We createnew hurts and new wounds.
If we were sexually abused, turning to anaddiction to numb our pain is like trying to cover a lethal woundwith a band-aid. It seals in the dirt and the germs. Without propercare, our wounds begin to spread. They may engulf areas of ourlives that were once healthy.
Unresolved pain can consume our self-esteem,our energy, our emotional stability, our sobriety, ourrelationships, and our health. When we are wounded, we need to cry.We need to release our pain, our grief, and our sorrow.
What follows is an exercise that may help youidentify any wounds from the past you still need to heal.
Exercise 7-1
Identifying Pain
-Try to identify any past or current sourcesof pain in your life. Think about each entry, and place a check byany of the items that still cause you pain.
Pain From Past Or CurrentAbuse:
_____ 1. Pain From Sexual Abuse
_____ 2. Pain From Physical Abuse
_____ 3. Pain From Emotional Abuse
_____ 4. Pain From Verbal Abuse
_____ 5. Pain From Mental Abuse (MindGames)
_____ 6. Pain From Spiritual Abuse (Misuse ofSpiritual Authority)
_____ 7. Pain From Abandonment
_____ 8. Pain From Neglect
_____ 9. Pain From Disrespect
_____ 10. Pain From Abusive Criticism
Pain From A Past Or CurrentLoss:
_____ 1. Loss Of A Loved One
_____ 2. Loss Of A Romantic Relationship
_____ 3. Loss Of A Job
_____ 4. Loss Of A Friendship
_____ 5. Loss Of Safety Or Security
_____ 6. Loss Of A Way Of Life
_____ 7. Loss Of Self-Esteem
_____ 8. Loss Of A Belief-System
_____ 9. Loss Of Your Dreams
_____ 10. Loss Of A Belief That This World IsA Safe Place
_____ 11. Loss Of Money/Financial
_____ 12. Loss Of AHome/Residence/Security
_____ 13. Loss Of Your Childhood/Grew Up TooFast
_____ 14. Loss Of Health/Functioning
Pain From A Past Or CurrentRelationship With:
_____ 1. Spouse Or Significant Other
_____ 2. Family Member
_____ 3. Yourself
_____ 4. Your Spirit
_____ 5. God
_____ 6. The Opposite Sex
_____ 7. Ex-Husband/Wife/Boy/Girlfriend
_____ 8. Society
_____ 9. Boss
_____ 10. Co-workers
_____ 11. Teachers
_____ 12. Authority Figures
Pain From An UnfulfilledDesire For:
_____ 1. Safety/Security
_____ 2. Self-Esteem
_____ 3. Enough Money
_____ 4. Good Relationships
_____ 5. Good Job
_____ 6. Stronger Spirituality
_____ 7. Better Sex-Life
_____ 8. Love
_____ 9. Loving Parents
_____ 10. Happy Childhood
_____ 11. Safe Touch
_____ 12. Intimacy
Pain From Fear:
_____ 1. Fear Of Death
_____ 2. Fear Of Loss
_____ 3. Fear Of Abuse
_____ 4. Fear Of An Abuser
_____ 5. Fear Of Trauma
_____ 6. Fear Of Violence
Pain From Being Judged InThe Past Or Present:
_____ 1. For Your Race
_____ 2. For Your Gender
_____ 3. For Your Sexual Orientation
_____ 4. By The Church/Judgmental Pastors
_____ 5. For Being An Addict
_____ 6. For Not Being Perfect
_____ 7. By Your Parents
_____ 8. For Being A Survivor Of SexualAbuse
Pain From Past Or CurrentConditional Love: “You Can Have My/Our Love:”
_____ 1. If You’re Perfect
_____ 2. If You Make Me/Us Happy
_____ 3. If You Shut Up
_____ 4. If You “Keep The Secret”
_____ 5. If You Don’t Show Your Feelings
_____ 6. If You “Do It Right”
_____ 7. If You Don’t Challenge Me/Us
_____ 8. If You “Play The Game”
_____ 9. If You Get Good Grades
_____ 10. If You’re Working
_____ 11. If You Do What I Say
_____ 12. If You Take Care of Me
Pain From Past Or CurrentConditions:
_____ 1. Addiction
_____ 2. Mental Health Issues (Depression,Anxiety, etc…)
_____ 3. Physical Appearance
_____ 4. Obesity
_____ 5. Other Health Conditions - List:
It can take time to develop the strength andcourage we need to face our pain. Ironically, it is often the painof our past traumas that rob us of the strength we need to heal. Wemay have felt weak and powerless in the past. We may have felt likevictims of circumstance.
When we feel too weak or afraid to face ourpain, we abandon hope. We stop caring about ourselves, neglect ourneeds, and place ourselves in situations where, subconsciously, weknow we will be abused.
Some of us learn to hate our own weaknessesso much that we begin to victimize ourselves. We develop a victimpattern or mindset. We become trapped in despair. It’s as if we’reon the bottom of the ocean with the weight of a thousand tons ofwater pressing down on top of us.
When we finally allow ourselves to feel ourpain, we may start to think of all the ways we’ve been hurt in thepast. We project our fears into the future and believe that badthings
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