» Romance » Clear your Heart, CL [best book club books txt] 📗
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of shocking that you're leaving already."
He comes and sits on the swing next to me and starts swinging.
"Isn't Danny waiting for you to leave?"
"Ya, but I told him I had to say goodbye to my little sister."
I smile, "It's going to be weird not having you around here all the time."
"I wasn't around much anyway, I was mostly out, so just pretend I'm at a party every night." he laughs.
"I mean when you're NOT at parties." I laugh a little, "like driving us to school, fighting over the car. I know I don't get my license until next week but I liked driving with you instead of mom. She's so critical." I laugh.
Jon chuckles, "I know what you mean, I've lived with her two more years then you have."
"And that's SUCH a long time."
"It is when you have our mom."
I laugh "I guess you're right..." I look up at the sky. "I'm really going to miss you Jon." and here comes the tears again.
"I'm going to miss you too Mia, despite you being annoying sometimes." he laughs.
I punch him in the shoulder and smile.
"Gee thanks" I say
"Jon! We gotta go!" Danny yells.
Oh ya, I forgot how much time passed.
"Bye Jon."
And I run up and give him a hug.
He hugs me back, "bye Mia. Miss you. I'll come visit soon."
I hug him tighter "Love you. You're a great brother." and the tears come a little faster.
"Thanks Mia. Love you too."
We walk to the front yard together and Jon kisses my forehead and gets into the car.
"Bye" he says.
"Bye" I say back.
I give one more look at Jon and then I look at Danny, he's looking at me.
"Bye Danny" I mouth to him.
"Goodbye Mia." He says back and then winks.
I go and stand by my mom and she gives me a hug. She holds me while I cry and wave goodbye.

* * *

That was almost 2 years ago. I'm a senior now and I'm two weeks away from graduating! I'm so excited!
The first couple of weeks after Jon left were pretty hard to get used to, with Jon not being here everyday and driving me to school, but I got my license right before school started so it's not like my mom had to drive me.
Lot's has changed in the last two years or so. My best friend Catherine, went off to New York for design school! I'm happy for her but it's so far away!
My dad finally came home from his across-the-country business trip, but just in time to leave again. He left last month and is supposed to be back in time to see me graduate bur I don't know if that will happen.
Oh! and one more thing...
"Hey babe." Kyle says to me and puts his arm around my waist.
"Hey" I say back and turn to give him a quick peck on the lips.
Yes it's true. I have a boyfriend now. A boyfriend that I've been dating since right before Jr. year ended.
I know what your thinking and I didn't forget about Danny, he'll always have a special place in my heart but I couldn't wait around anymore. There could have been something there between us but I guess we'll never know. For all I know he could have a girlfriend right now in college.
He visited though, like he promised, but I wasn't really around when he did. Which bothered me at the time because I really wanted to see him, but not anymore. When both of them came home to visit during that first year I spent some

time with Jon but he mostly hung out with his high school buddies... and that included Danny.
I guess I just learned to love what's good for me and that's why I have Kyle now. Of course I'll always love Danny, but now in a healthier way, the way I'm supposed to. As a friend.

Chapter 4

"So what do you want to do this weekend?" Kyle asks me as we walk to calculus.
"Ummm... I was actually going to start planning my grad party. You can help if you want."
"oh" and his face fell. "I uh, think I'm good. That's probably more of a girl thing."
"Your loss. It could have been so cute with you and me planning this together." I say jokingly.
He kisses me quickly and says, "Let's get to class before we're late."
Hmm. He usually gives me a bigger kiss then that. And he didn't even smile at my little joke. Oh well it's probably nothing. I hope.
We get into the classroom right as the bell rings.
Calculus passes quickly and so does consumer economics and Anatomy.
Lunch is next and that's when I tell Emily and Lindsey about my party plans.
"I liked the place Jon had for his but I want completely different food and decorations at mine."
"Yeah. The food was alright but you definitely need more choices. Jon had a lot of pasta." Emily suggests.
Lindsey adds, "Maybe for the decor you could have light blue, your favorite color, and silver as the main theme colors.
"Yeah that's a good idea. I want it to look... 'danceclubish'" I laugh.
"Nice choice of words." Emily jokes
"Thank you." I say with a smile.

After school Kyle has baseball practice so Emily, Lindsey, and I walk back to my house. My mom's car is in the shop being repaired so she used mine this morning, hence having to walk home today.
"So, what are you and Kyle doing for your anniversary this weekend?" Emily asks.
I stop abruptly and I look right at her.
They stop too and turn to look at me.
"What's the date today?" I ask panicked
"May 21st" Emily answers.
"Of course it is! I knew that! It's exactly 2 weeks from when i graduate but I knew there another reason it was so important!"
"I can't believe you forgot", Lindsey says rolling her eyes.
"Ugh! I know. That's why he was acting all weird earlier today."
I put my face in my hands and mutter, "I'm a horrible girlfriend."
"Psh, yeah you are", Emily says and Lindsey elbows her.
"I'm just kidding! You are not. This isn't that big of a deal. You can fix this."
"Yeah", Lindsey adds, "maybe you can surprise him later tonight. He'll just think you pretended to forget."
"I guess that could work, ugh, I still feel bad though."
"We'll cheer you up!", Emily says with a huge smile, "let's get back to your house and get you all 'prettied' up for tonight!"
"Yeah! It'll be fun, full makeover." Lindsey says with her persuading voice.
"Alright fine, but you two have to help me figure out what exactly I'm going to do tonight to surprise him." I say with a little smile.
"Deal." They both said at the same time.

"Okay, so your nails, hair, and makeup are all done. Now we just have to find that perfect 1 year-aversary

outfit." Lindsey says to me as she heads over to my closet.
Emily and I follow behind her and she opens the double doors to my huge closet.
Emily sighs "This is heaven, I'll never get over your closet."
I laugh, "alright snap out of it and start grabbing clothes."

We've gone through a million outfits and we still can't decide on one!
"So we know you want either a dress or a skirt and right now you've narrowed it down to 3 possible outfits so far." Emily says
"Yeah, I just can't decide. I don't know if I'll ever choose!"
"Hey I think we missed a dress back here", Lindsey says from the inside of my closet.
Emily and I walk over to her and I breathe in a short, quick breathe.
"No. I can't wear this dress tonight, it's not going to work, not appropriate." I say quickly taking the dress and putting it away.
"Why not? It's really pretty!" Lindsey complains.
"Linds, if you remembered where I wore this, you'd agree with me."
"Where'd you wear it before?"
"This is the dress I wore when I, uh... slow danced with Danny at Jon's graduation party." I say with a little smile at the end.
"Oh, well yeah, that is definitely not appropriate for tonight." Emily says and goes back over to my bed where the 3 outfits are on.
"That's why it looked so familiar!"
I laugh, "yeah linds, that's why I put that dress in the back of my closet."
"Oh. Sorry Mia."
"It's totally fine, moved on from it. Never happened." I reassure her with a smile.
"Thanks! So... let's get back to picking out that perfect outfit!
I give her a smile and nod but I can't help but feel seeing that dress again has brought back some memories I've tried hard to forget.

Chapter 5

"Alright you're perfect!" Emily exclaims after fixing a tiny piece a hair that I doubt Kyle would have noticed.
"Thank you! For everything! I'll make sure to tell you guys everything tomorrow" and I give them both a huge hug.
"You better! have fun tonight, but not too much fun." Lindsey says with a wink.
We laugh, "No promises!" I say jokingly.
We all laugh together, "Alright I'll talk to you guys later."
"Good luck!" They say on their way out.

After picking up the rose I ordered earlier this afternoon, I start heading over to Kyle's place.
Luckily my mom got home in time to give me my car back.
So the outfit we decided on was my black, pencil, mini-skirt with a cream colored satin tank (tucked in) with black heels and gold jewelry.
We're going to a fancier restaurant to make up for me forgetting, well he doesn't know that's the reason why.
I pull up to his house, grab the rose that's on the seat next to me, and walk up to his front door. I ring the doorbell twice and Kyle opens the door with a surprised expression.
"Surprise!" I say and hand him the rose with a kiss.
"Mia, where...? Why are you here? I thought you had graduation stuff to plan."
"I was tricking you! Happy anniversary sweetie!" and I give him another kiss. "Go get ready because we're going out. I'm taking you to the Red Lobster!"
He gives me a big smile, he's so cute when he does that, and says "Alright I'll go get ready, on one condition."
"And what is that?"
"I get to pay for dinner. I feel like I should be taking YOU out."
"Silly, it's okay. You always pay for us, I got this one."
"I guess I just won't be coming tonight then", he jokes.
I give him my best sad puppy dog face but he doesn't budge.
"Alright, fine! Pay!" I say giving up.
"Thank you", he says and leans in for a kiss.
I put my finger to his lips, "Ah Ah, I'm letting you pay tonight, you don't get a kiss too." I say smiling.
He smiles back, "We'll see about that."

"That was so good! I'm so stuffed!" I say to Kyle as I'm driving us back to my house.
"Me too. It was amazing!"
We drive for a little bit not saying anything until I notice him staring at

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