» Romance » Clear your Heart, CL [best book club books txt] 📗
  • Author: CL

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still waiting for me to come to. I walk over to our giant, over-sized dresser and stand next to Klaire.
"Alright I picked you out a couple of your favorite outfits and some of my favorites. Now lets get ready!" She squeaked.
This should be good.

Chapter 12

Right now Klaire and I are just about ready to go over to one of our friends' houses who live off campus for a party and I'm still not feeling to good about it.
Should I even be doing this? I mean he just broke up with me yesterday and I'm already going out. I know I don't owe him anything but what about respect for myself? I shouldn't be going, I'm going to tell Klaire that I can't go because of that Chemistry test.
"Hey I actually think I'm going to stay back tonight, it's a school night and we have that test tomorrow and I gotta cram for it."
"Oh no. You're not backing out now. Besides we have chemistry at like 2 tomorrow so we'll study in the morning."
I don't understand when we're going to do that. It's not like we're going to wake up like any other morning. Chances are we're going to be out all night. I guess it just depends on how drunk she gets. I'm not drinking tonight. I'm not solving my problems with alcohol, that will just lead to more problems.
"Alright fine but we're not staying out past 4 okay?"
"Ugh what a party pooper but fine, we'll be back by 4. I'm just glad that you're coming." and she smiles at me with pure excitement lighting up her whole face.
I smile back at her "Anything for you." and my smile turns mocking.
She biffs me on the side of my head lightly and says
"Hey this isn't for me, it's for you. So just let go and pretend you don't have any problems to worry about tonight. Just have fun!"
I laugh a little and say "Alright I'll try."
I put some hairspray in my hair to keep it curly and keep the volume level on high, slide my black heels on, and check my make up one more time in the mirror.
The outfit Klaire picked out for me is quite scandalous. She picked me out a tight, very short black skirt, with a tight/low cut neon pink V-neck that says "Pink" on the front in bold black letters (that I tucked into the skirt), and a gold necklace to top everything off.
I do have to say I feel pretty sexy right now. Klaire has accomplished that on the list of things to do to boost up Mia's self-esteem level. But right now I'm feeling pretty confident about tonight. I think I am going to have a good time and that's not because I want to forget about Kyle, it's because I think I owe it to myself to have a little fun. Screw having a conscience tonight, I'm going to make the most of it.
I turn to Klaire standing at the door waiting for me. She is also dressed in a very tight sexy outfit. Instead of wearing a short skirt with a T-shirt, she decides to wear a tight, form-fitting black and red dress that probably goes up to a couple inches above the middle of her thigh. She also topped off this outfit with a nice necklace and very tall heels.
She has her hand on her hip and is staring at me with a very prideful smile on her face.
"I knew I could do it. Now let's go party!! Wooooooooh!!" and she yells down the hall.
I laugh and follow her out into the hallway, shutting the door behind me.

"Has anyone seen Klaire?!" I yell over the music to a familiar looking guy but I can't remember his name.
"Oh ya! I saw her go outside with Nick! He said he needed some air because it..... Can we go somewhere quieter to talk because it's so loud in here!"
"Yeah, sure!"
He reaches his hand as a sign for me to take it. I hesitate but just grab it and follow him out the back door.
We end up going over to one of the benches that they have in the yard.
"It's so much quieter out here." I sigh and lean back to look up at the sky.
So I lied, I had maybe 2 or 3 drinks but I'm nothing close to being drunk, just a little buzzed. Enough that I really don't care what I say though.
Whoever this guy is laughs at my obvious point and looks up at the sky too.
"So you were saying...?" I say to keep up a conversation.
"Oh yeah. Nick said that it was getting too hot in there and that he wanted to go outside. He wanted someone to go with him though in case he got lost" and he stops to laugh "So I told him to ask Klaire to go with him because he's been thinking of Klaire a lot lately if you know what I mean. So he did and they went outside to take a walk."
"Well it's a good thing Klaire isn't totally wasted then because then they would both get lost." I laugh.
He laughs right along with me and I notice that whoever this is, is very easy and nice to talk to.
"So I feel like I've met you before but I can't put my finger on it."
Mistery guy here chuckles and looks at me with a small grin on his face.
"You honestly don't know who I am?"
"Not entirely... There's something pulling at my memory though."
"What memory is that?"
"Well don't get offended or anything but when I see you it reminds me of my brother a little bit."
All he does is smile and nod his head.
"That's understandable I guess."
"Because me and your brother have been friends for years." he laughs
"REALLY?? Oh man how do I not remember you?? How much did I drink tonight?? It had to be more that 3 cups..." and I stare into space trying to remember.
"You definitely had more than that Mia." His smile looks very amused.
"Aww man! I remember I have something to do tomorrow and I can't afford a hangover!" But I couldn't stop laughing for some reason and I almost fell off the bench but he caught me. I look up into this guy's eyes and something flashed inside my head.

Chapter 13

"Hey Mia." Is all he says with a small smile spreading across his lips.
Are you kidding me?? Danny!? Out of all the people that I could have run into tonight, it had to be Danny. How could I not recognize him? I mean I guess it's not the best lighting out here and I am drunk so those are pretty good excuses.
This could not be happening. What is he doing here at a Freshmen party anyway? I'm so confused and all I want to do now is lay down.
"What are you doing here?"
"Wow, I'm doing good thanks for asking." He says with sarcasm leaking from every word.
"Sorry but you were probably the last person I would think I would see tonight. It's a little shocking that you're here. Wait, why are you here?"
"Honestly, your brother sent me to check on you because he heard about Kyle earlier today and he knew that there was going to be a party tonight and didn't know if you could handle yourself. Plus I'm Nick's ride home."
"Well I guess that makes sense...."
Danny laughs at me and says, "You're funny when you're drunk. You're all confused."
I smack him on the shoulder and smile at him, swaying a little bit.
"I'm going to pass out any second." I mumble
My eyes start to shut and I feel myself falling over onto him. He catches me and holds me there against his chest. He squeezes me tight to him and it's like he's holding me together. Earlier tonight it was like I was broken into a million different pieces and Danny is holding me together now. I hate to say it but I'm really glad that he's here with me right now. Despite everything.
"Danny?" I mumble.
"I'm really glad you're here with me right now" and I turn my face into his neck.
He slides me up on top of his lap so now I'm in a sitting position. I hope I'm not too heavy.
"Really? I thought you would be mad if I was hear."
"Why would I be mad?"
"I don't know, I just guessed that you didn't really want to see me again."
"That's not true, I don't mind seeing you Danny. Just as long as you're not an ass." You could barely even understand what I'm saying but I'm guessing he got what I was trying to say because he laughed a little.
"Yeah I'm trying to work on that."
I sigh, "That's good"
Something just occurred to me. Jon found out about Kyle which means Danny knows now. I wonder what he's thinking right now. Does he think that I'm a total hoe and RIGHT after me and Kyle break up I'm trying to get with other guys already?
I try to maneuver off of his lap but I just fall on my butt on the ground.
Danny laughs and comes to help me up. I grab his hand he lifts me up effortlessly and holds me in his arms.
I would object to this right now but I don't have the strength to stand up on my own without falling so I'm using him as my crutch. Why didn't I feel this earlier? It's all hitting me now. Before I had so much energy and I was dancing with everyone and now I feel like I'm going to die right here on the spot in about 5 seconds.
"I think I should take you back to your dorm." Danny says while leading me toward the house.
"Ya that would be a good idea. Thanks." I feel like I'm forgetting something.....
"Wait! I forgot about Klaire!"
And just then Klaire comes swaying down the hallway, looking crazier than ever. She comes and wraps her arms around me and is cracking up so loud that I think she's going to burst my eardrum.
"Dude! Where have you been!? You totally missed out!! Me and this kid over here were ding dong ditching this whole block!" and she points to I'm assuming is Nick. I met him once or twice but never really got a chance to get to know him.
They give each other high fives but completely miss and almost fall over.
I start cracking up and go over and help Klaire stable herself.
"Come on it's time to go back to our dorm." I say straight to her face otherwise she wouldn't listen to me.
"Why?? It's not even 4 yet!"
"Klaire its almost 5 in the morning and it's a school night. I let you have an extra hour to spend with this guy over here and now it's time to go. Danny's driving us back."
"Danny?? That guy you were telling me about earlier this year? Why is he here? Isn't he like a Jr. or something?"
"Yes and yes. Now let's go before you say something that you might regret later."
"Okie Dokie then. Bring me to the car!" She's so loud when she's drunk but that's
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