» Romance » Clear your Heart, CL [best book club books txt] 📗
  • Author: CL

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Chapter 1

Where is my eyeliner?? I need it! Of all nights to lose it why this one??
Tonight is my brother's graduation party and I'm trying to get ready, but that seems to be impossible considering my eyeliner has conveniently grown legs and walked out of my makeup bag. As I'm walking around my room, searching for it, my mom calls me from her bathroom.
"Mia! Come here please!"
I walk down the hallway, in my robe and hair up in a towel, go into her room, and stand in her bathroom doorway.
She was in the middle of curling her pretty, but fake, blonde hair when she asked,
"Can you hand me my earrings and makeup bag for me? They're on my dresser."
I crossed the room, got her things and put them on the counter.
"There you go."
As i turn to leave i accidently knocked her makeup bag off the counter and all the stuff sprawls all over the floor, she jumps and burned her finger a little bit.
"Ouch!" she yells.
"Crap." I say and start picking up her stuff, hey it's my eyeliner!
"You took my eyeliner again?"
"Hey, I produced you. Which means the stuff you get that is bought with the money coming out of my pocket, I can use until your 18 or until you buy it yourself."
She says smiling and running her finger under some water.
"Psh. whatever, I've been looking for it" and I turned around and walked back to my room.
"Bring it back when you're done please!" she calls down the hallway.

So after I'm done with my makeup, that I picked out specifically for for this night to make my blue eyes pop, I put my dress on.
It's a short, tighter black and silver strapless dress, one of my favorites because it makes me look curvy.
Since I'm going to be a Jr. in high school in couple months my mom said I can start wearing these kinds of things, I'm fine with that too.
Finally after making sure everything about me was perfect I took my hair out of the messy bun I put it in and let it fall down my back.
The thing I love about my hair is that after a shower all I have to do is put it in a bun and when i take it out ,after 10 minutes, there's perfect waves/curls falling together perfectly in my light brown hair.
I put a little hairspray in it to make it stay, took one more long look at myself in the mirror and went downstairs to get my heels on.
This isn't a classy party. It's at a restaurant that has an upper level with a dance floor where they have private parties. Some of us just like to dress up.

Tonight is the night. The night I'm finally going to make my move on Danny. I've liked him since my brother and him first became friends their freshmen year of high school. That's why I was freaking out about getting ready for tonight because I want it to be perfect.
He has no clue I like him of course but that's going to change tonight somehow.
On the way to the restaurant my stomach suddenly filled with butterflies, thinking of what could happen tonight.
I'm not the same little girl he saw when we first met, I've matured and hopefully he can see that.
When we pulled up to the restaurant and i saw him standing there with my brother, waiting for us to arrive with the decorations, my heart broke into a sprint.
Seeing him made me completely certain of one thing. I am in love with the my brother's best friend.

Chapter 2

My legs go numb as I walk toward him with a box of decorations. I see him look me over and give me a little smile. My hear flutters.
"Wow Mia, you look great" He says to me
"Thanks Danny, you don't look to bad yourself" I say smiling.
He looks perfect actually.
His smile widens and then he says,
"Oh here let me get that for you" and reaches for the box I'm holding.
I hand it to him and I'm pretty sure he checked me out again now that the box wasn't in the way. That could've been my imagination though.
"Thanks. I'll just go get the balloons then."
I walk over to the car where my mom was handing Jon the cake.
"Don't think I don't know Mia" Jon whispers to me.
I freeze. "what do you mean?" I say a little too quickly.
He laughs "You think you're going to get this cake all to yourself"
"Oh", I say with a nervous laugh, "Damn, I thought I could've gotten away with it!" I say smiling.
He elbows me playfully and walks in to the restaurant.

I've been dancing all night! I think it's just an excuse not to go over by Danny and "make my move". I'm nervous! Wouldn't you be??
"Hey! I'm going to go get some water!" I scream over the music to Emily and Lindsey, the two friends I got to invite here.
They're one year below me.
"Alright! We'll be here!" Lindsey yells back.
I go over to our table to poor myself a glass but the pitcher was empty.
"Ugh. Great" I say to myself.
I walk out of the room and into the hallway by the giant staircase and beautiful chandelier and saw a cart with pitchers of water on it.
I poor myself a glass and chug it down easily, then I poor myself another glass to bring back in there.
"Hey Mia."
I jump and turn around really quickly recognizing the voice.
"Oh I'm so sorry Danny! Here let me help you."
Smooth Mia, real smooth.
"It's alright, it's only water" he says laughing.
I give him an apologetic grin.
"I came out here to see if you were okay. You looked a little sick."
Awww he came to check on me!
"Oh thanks. No I'm okay, I was just really thirsty" I say holding up the half full glass.
"I would think, with all the dancing you've done tonight" He smiles at me.
He noticed me dancing! Is that a good thing?
I laugh, "Ya, I guess I have danced a lot."
"I'm insulted. You didn't even save one dance for me" He gives me a joking frown.
"Why I'm sorry I didn't know you were interested" I say in a joking voice.
"I'm pretty sure anybody would be interested."
I look down blushing.
He clears his throat quickly, "So what do ya say? Would you like to dance with me?"
I can't believe this!!
I look up and smile at him, "Of course."
We hitch arms and walk back in together.
Thank God we walked in when a fast song just ended. Couples are already gathering on the dance floor for the slow song.
I recognized the song. It's "I'll Be" by Edwin McCain. Cute one.
Danny leads me onto the dance floor and i put my arms around his neck while he slides his arms onto my waist.
I wish he could hold me forever.
I can feel the blood pumping to every inch of my body. We are so close. I lean my head on his shoulder and we dance together, moving our bodies to the music.
I don't know what he was thinking but all I know is that I never want this moment to end.
"I'm really going to miss you Mia" Danny says, breaking the silence.
I smile to myself but it quickly fades considering I'm going to miss him so much.
"I'm going to miss you too Danny, but you and Jon will say close so I bet we'll see each other."
I hope.
"Ya. I guess it just won't be the same not seeing you next year during school."
"That's going to be weird... I'm so used to you and the rest of Jon's friends blocking my locker all the time." I say smiling halfheartedly, trying to lighten the mood.
Danny gives a little laugh.
"I wonder how many tarties you got because of us." He says with a smile.
"Probably more than half" I laugh.
"Probably" He chuckles.
I lay my head back on his shoulder and we dance in silence for a few seconds.
"Just don't forget to visit, okay?", I ask.
"Don't worry I would never forget."
"I Promise."
And in that moment, with Danny holding me in the middle of the dance floor, a tear fell down my cheek but it was still the happiest moment of my life.

Chapter 3

No doubt I cried when Jon and Danny loaded up their car to leave for Michigan.
I know it's not that far from Chicago but it's a good 2 to 3 hours away.
I remember the day so perfectly.

* * *

My mom got misty eyes hugging my brother goodbye.
"Don't forget to call at least twice a week, or more if you want. The phone's never busy."
"I know, I'll call. Don't worry." Jon says as if he's said it 50 times, I think he has.
Danny already said goodbye to his parents before he came to get Jon.
"You too Danny, don't be a stranger." She says sternly.
"alright I won't" he laughs.
Then he goes back by the trunk to make sure everything's packed in tight.
"You know dad wishes he could be here but you know how expensive flights from California are." my mom says to Jon.
"Ya I know, he called and said we'd video chat when I got to my dorm."
"That's good, business is business I guess. He'll be back soon.
Jon smiles and says, "Bye mom. I love you." and gives her another giant hug.
"Love you too Jon. I'm so proud of you." she says as her eyes fill with water and the tears run down her cheeks.
"Thanks. I'll call right when we get there."
While they were having their goodbyes, I go back by Danny.
"So this is it." I say, "you're really leaving."
"Ya I guess. It's scary how facst life moves."
"too fast... Visit soon 'kay?"
"You won't even notice I'm gone."
"I doubt that." and I give him a big hug. He squeezes me back like he's never going to let go.
"Be back before you know it" he says and slowly releases me.
"Alright." was all I could say because my eyes were starting to water.
"I'll see you when you get back" I managed to choke out, and I race away into the backyard.
I couldn't break down in front of him, that'd be way to embarrassing.
I go and sit on the swing by our tree house and just start crying.
I know I'm being stupid because it's just college but I'm really going to miss him...
Oh My Gosh! Jon! I never said goodbye! Right as I turn to run back to the front yard, Jon is standing there by the other swing.
"You were just going to let me leave without saying goodbye?" he jokes.
"I'm sorry" I sniffle, "it's just kind

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