» Romance » Clear your Heart, CL [best book club books txt] 📗
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what makes her so fun. Everybody always has a good time when she's around.
"BYE EVERYBODY! CALL ME FOR THE NEXT PARTAY! I HOPE THE PO-PO DON'T SHOW UP AND BUST YOU MUTHAFU**ERS! I LOVE YOU ALL!" Alright it's definitely time to get her out of here. When Klaire starts swearing all hell breaks loose and nobody can stop her.
Danny grabs one arm and I grab the other and we start towing her out of the house.
"Nick you're coming too man. I'm your ride. Come on!" Danny calls back behind him.
Nick starts to follow us to the car and trips over the curb. What an idiot. Danny tells him to wait there and we'll just pull the car up to him. So he gets up into the grass and sprawls out his entire body.
We get Klaire in the back seat where she puts her head on the window and is on the edge of passing out. Danny gets in the driver's seat and I sit in shot gun. Then he turns on the car and moves the car to the other side of the street to get Nick. When Danny goes and gets him off the grass and helps him into the car, he completely falls over and is passed out within seconds of being in the car.
I finally begin to come to my senses as the alcohol settles down within my body. I'm pretty sure it's about a 45 minute drive back to campus and with those two sleeping in the back seat now I'm forced to talk with Danny. Unless I pretend to fall asleep too but now he knows that I'm completely awake so he'll know that I'm just trying to avoid conversation. Well all I know is is that I'm not going to start this, if he wants to talk then he can start it.
I sit in the seat patiently looking out the window trying to wrap my head around everything that's happened in the past 24 hours. I'm boyfriendless, I got COMPLETELY wasted tonight, and now I'm driving home with Danny, of all people.
What a night.

Chapter 14

We've been in the car for about 20 minutes and he still hasn't said anything. At least we haven't been sitting in silence though. He put music on as we turned out onto one of the main roads leading back to Grand Valley (State University). It wasn't until I saw his hand reach for the volume nob that I thought he was going to say something, but he just turned the volume up higher. So he's not going to say anything? He really has nothing to say? I bet he's moved on by now. I mean how long has it been? Like 7ish months? That's definitely enough time for someone to move onto someone new. Or just lost feelings for. I wouldn't doubt if he hated me. I pretty much broke his heart last time we actually talked.
"You've been pretty quiet this whole time." His voice comes out of no where and makes me jump.
I guess while I was staring out the window, letting my mind drift I didn't notice that he turned down the music.
"Oh, uh yeah I guess." I say stupidly.
He just laughs and shakes his head.
"You're still really out of it aren't you?"
"Not entirely, I mean I do feel a little dizzy but that's normal. I can think perfectly fine though now." I answer in a really tired voice.
"Doesn't sound like it. It sounds like you're going to pass out any second."
Truthfully I can go to sleep right now. I didn't get much sleep the past night, just little naps. I thought sleeping could keep my mind off of Kyle but I couldn't drift off completely and kept waking up to thinking of him again.
"I'm alright. I can stay awake for days." And I give a sad excuse for a smile.
He laughs at my grimace and says, "Well you look just about dead right now so I guess you're out of days to stay up."
"We'll see about that." I sit up completely straight and opened my eyes to as wide as they can go. That lasted about 10 seconds and next thing I know I'm leaning on Danny's shoulder and my eyes are on the verge of closing.
"It's alright Mia, you can sleep you know. This won't be the last time you see me."
So he thought I was trying to stay awake because I didn't know if I will see him again? That is the furthest thing from my mind right now. Or at least I think it is. I don't know what I'm thinking right now actually, I thought I did but it turns out I'm just as crazy now as I was back at the house (minus the crazy dancing and screaming). Mentally I mean. So my brilliant response to that was an uncomprehendable little mumble.

I wake to sun streaming in through my window, into my face. I blink twice and sit up in my bed. Was all that real or was I just dreaming again? Jon comes into my dorm just as I ask myself that question.
"Do you know what happened last night?" I ask him in a groggy voice.
"You mean you getting completely wasted and me sending someone to go check up on you so that you wouldn't kill yourself? Yes that happened."
He sounds a little mad but I just shake it off. I know how to handle myself and just because Kyle broke up with me I wouldn't do anything drastic like killing myself. Does he think I'm that mental?
"I wasn't going to kill myself Jon."
He just chuckles a little bit, "I was just kidding Mia. You need to learn how to take a joke once in awhile."
He's right, but I would never admit that to him. I think he was just honestly worried about me not getting back to my dorm or something.
"Why did you sound so mad when you told me what happened?"
"Because I know you just went out and did that because Kyle broke up with you 2 days ago. I don't like how he messed with you like that and just broke you down. You're usually a very strong person, and seeing you so sad like that showed me how much you really liked him and he didn't even acknowledge it. So you went out and did the only thing you thought would help. I bet it did for a little bit but you're probably feeling like shit right now."
He's right, again. I do feel like shit and I hate bringing up Kyle so much. I wish I never wasted so much of my life with him because I knew in the end it wouldn't last forever. No high school relationship relationships last forever so I should have braced myself for this.
"Thanks Jon. I can see how much this is bothering you and I'm glad to have an older brother that cares." And I walk over to him and give him a big hug.
He returns the hug and rubs my back. "I just wish there was some way to know if he's taking this as hard as you are. Closure for you, you know?"
"I don't want anything to do with him anymore. I don't care if he's beating himself up about breaking up with me. He should be. But I just want to move on as soon as possible and not date anymore jerks." While I'm saying this the tears start to come again, but I choke most of them back and only a couple escape my eyes.
"Yeah, that's a good idea."
I laugh a little bit and say, "Thanks for being here Jon."
"Any time Mia, but you already know that."
I smile up at him and rub under my eyes to wipe away the tears.
How did I get so lucky to have a brother like him?

Chapter 15

How many pairs of chromosomes does one human cell contain?
a. 46
b. 23
c. 84
d. 36
I fill in the letter b on my scantron and double check that every space has an answer. Then I go up to the front of the room and turn in my last final of freshmen year.
I'm so excited that this is the last day of school. Freshmen year went by so fast and I actually did pretty well in all my classes. This Biology final was probably the easiest one. I rememeber learning about chromosomes my sophomore year of high school. They probably wanted to end it with a super easy question.
When the bell rings that signals that we're finally free from school (for now) everybody is already out of their seats and going to their lockers one last time. I run up to Klaire's locker and tackle her shouting,
She laughs and wiggles out of my hug, "ok! but first we have to load up all of our stuff because your mom wanted us home by later tonight."
Klaire is spending a month with me in Chicago before she heads back to Iowa because her parents decided to go on an all expense paid cruise around the Carribean.
"Alright fine!! But lets do this quickly so we can have a couple hours at the beach!!"
When we get to our dorm everything is mostly packed except for a change of clothes for the ride home and our bathing suits. Jon pulls up the suburban and Klaire and I load up all of our stuff into the trunk. Then Klaire and I go change into our bikinis, put our change of clothes into our purses, and head out to the car.
"How were your last finals Mia?" Jon asks me as he's carrying out the last bean bag chair.
"They were super easy, that's probably because I prepped for them 2 weeks in advance" I laugh.
Jon chuckles and says, "Yeah, you were crazy. But I'm glad that you did good. Alright, everything's loaded in. Now let's go pick up Danny from his apartment and we'll go to the beach."
As we pull into the parking lot Danny already has his bags and he's in his bathing suit.
"You need me to get anything else upstairs?" Jon yells from the driver's seat.
"No, I'm only bringing my clothes and a couple other things home."
Danny gets into the car and turns to Klaire and me and says "Hey ladies, lets go fuc* some shit up!"
We all laugh and Jon goes speeding down the high way to the beach.

When we've all soaked up enough sun we all changed and headed back to the car. While Klaire and I are in the bathroom finishing our makeup, Klaire turns to me and says,
"I think you should date Danny."
I spin around and face her with a bewildered expression on my face.
"What?? Why would you say that?? Don't you remember what I told you?"
"Yeah I know. You guys just seem cute together though. It looks perfect between you two. The way he would pick you up and throw you into the water or splash you or chase you around, it was really cute and you guys look so comfortable with each other."
As I was replaying the beach in my head we did look like a couple. And I actually wouldn't mind if we went out but I just don't think
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