» Romance » Clear your Heart, CL [best book club books txt] 📗
  • Author: CL

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"What?" I say with a smile.
"It's just, how'd I get so lucky, having you as my girlfriend."
"Shut up"
"I'm serious! You're sweet, smart, funny, and not to mention, pretty hot."
"Oh I am, am I?" I say in my mater-of-factly voice.
"Yes, you are", he says looking right into my eyes.
I blush and look back to road, "Thanks. You know I think i got pretty lucky too getting you as a boyfriend."
He gives me a big smile and we pull up to my house. He gets out to come get my door.
"Thank you."
"Any time."
We walk up the steps to my front door holding hands.
"I had a lot of fun tonight with you", Kyle says.
"The fun's not over. I made us some brownies for desert and rented a movie."
"Sounds like a lot of fun but I think there's a problem."
"I've been dying to kiss you all night and I don't know if I can go any longer" he says with a smile.
"Oh. Then I guess I'll have to fix that", I say putting my arms around his neck.
I stretch up on my tip toes and he leans in the rest of the way and our lips touch.
He puts his hands around my waist and picks me up a little bit off the ground.
Our lips move together nicely and I squeeze myself tighter to him, leaving no room between us.
We suddenly break away from each other when we hear someone clear their throat.
I turn to see who it is and sure enough, there's Jon in front of the porch steps with Danny standing right beside him.

Chapter 6

I can feel my cheeks getting hotter and hotter with every silent moment that passes.
Why are they home?? I didn't know Jon was visiting this weekend, and with Danny! This is a total disaster but I have to say something before things get even more awkward.
"What are you guys doing here?"
"Mom didn't tell you that we were coming in this weekend? Teachers have meetings Monday so we get a long weekend." Jon says to me.
"Oh, well glad your home!" I say to lighten the mood and I go give him a hug, leaving Kyle standing on my porch.
He hugs me back and I'm pretty sure he's giving Kyle the 'big brother', (the protective big brother) look.
After I let go of Jon I look at Danny and say "Glad your back too" and give him a warm smile.
"Come here and give me a hug then" he says jokingly.
I laugh and go give him a hug and he squeezes me tight with both of his arms and lifts me off the ground.
"Put me down!" I say laughing and smacking him on the back.
He puts me down and all 3 of us walk up the front steps. I go straight over to Kyle and he wraps his arm around my waist and kisses me on the top of the head.
I hope that didn't make him mad when Danny hugged me like that. He's not really the jealous type but he can get protective sometimes.
I get my key out of my purse and open the door.
"Mom! look who's home!" I yell up the stairs when we get into the house.
She comes running down the stairs and yells,
"Jon! you're home! Come here!" and brings him into a bone crushing hug.
He starts laughing and tries to maneuver out of the hug. She finally lets him go and Jon says, "Alright now that you've crushed my spine I can go now right?"
"No! Do you know me at all?" my mom says disapprovingly, "You have to tell me all about this year! You to Danny." and she starts walking over to the dining room with Jon and Danny following behind her.
"Alright well we'll be upstairs in the home theater." I call over to my mom.
Danny looks over at me just when Kyle starts kissing my neck and his face looks like he's trying to hide something, but what? Then he just looks away.
She waves me away which means we're free to go. She gets so excited when Jon comes home, probably something to do with the whole first born thing.
As we get to the top of the stairs the first thing I hear my mom ask is, "So how have you two been doing rooming together? The place a mess a yet?"
Jon and Danny start laughing and I couldn't hear their response, I was already down the hallway.
My favorite part of this house is the home theater. It's nothing much, it's not like a giant plasma screen TV with theater seats and a popcorn machine. No it's just a regular Flat screen TV, with comfy couches, beanbag chairs, and a mini fridge for beverages.
Kyle goes and sits on the couch while I slide the disk into the DVD player. We're watching Transformers

, the first one because it's the best, well at least to us it is.
I go and sit on the couch next to him and snuggle up to his chest. He wraps his arm around me and I start to fast forward through the previews.
I clap my hands together twice and the lights turn off, the only light in the room is the glow from the TV.
"I forgot the brownies!" I say sitting up and looking at him.
"You don't need to get them now. I can wait."
"But I can't" I laugh, "I made them from my mom's recipe and I wanted to know how they turned out." I say standing up.
"Alright, if it means that much to you, go get them. I bet I'll eat the whole trey." he smiles and leans up for a kiss.
"Then I'll have to hide some" I smile back and lean down to kiss him.
"I'll bring back popcorn too" I call from the hall.
I walk downstairs, go past Jon, Danny, and my mom as they start getting up from the table, and go into the kitchen.
I find a bag of popcorn in the pantry and put it in the microwave. Then I go into the fridge and get the brownies I made earlier.
While I'm waiting for the popcorn to be done I put the brownies onto a tray.
As I put the last brownie onto the tray I feel someone tap my shoulder.
I'm pretty sure I already know who this is going to be when I turn around.

Chapter 7

I turned around to face him but I couldn't look him in the eyes.
"Hi Mia."
"Hi Danny, you need something?" I say slowly
He's silent for a second and I can tell he's looking at me.
"I'd like for you to look at me but it doesn't seem like you're going to do that." It sounded like he had a little smile on his face.
All I could do was shake my head.
I couldn't look up at him, I was afraid. Afraid that I would let myself get sucked in by his smile, or worse, his mesmerizing green/blue eyes... stop it Mia.
I won't put myself into that situation. I have to keep reminding myself that I have Kyle.
He put his hand under my chin and tried lifting my face up to look at him but I shook my head away.
He sighed and dropped his hand.
"Why won't you look at me?" He said seriously.
I couldn't answer, I just stayed silent. I can tell that I'm being stubborn and annoying but I can't help it.
He moved his face down to my level to try to get me to look at him, but I just moved away again.
"Mia. Please look at me." he almost pleaded.
I was biting my lip, trying to decide whether or not I should turn my head and just look at him already. I don't know when I made this decision but apparently I did, I turned my head around and looked straight up into his eyes, with the best poker face I could wear.
I knew it was going to be hard, but I didn't expect this. When I looked into his eyes, all of the feelings that I've tried to hide this whole time, flooded my head and overwhelmed me. I couldn't look away.
It was like I was stuck in a trance. Or under a spell that only he could break me out of.
He just stood there, looking at the way I suspect I'm looking at him, with plain desire-filled eyes.
My heart started beating as fast as a hummingbird's and I couldn't stop it. My stomach filled with butterflies and I wanted nothing more right now than to bring him closer to me and Kiss him with a passion that would set this whole house on fire.
All it took was one moment and that was it. Danny took one step closer to me, filing the gap between us until there barely was one anymore. I was suddenly conscious of what was happening. He started leaning his face closer to mine, still watching my eyes for any protest. I didn't give one.
I could feel his hot breathe on my lips now and it was so tempting, I wanted this so badly.
Just as he was going to touch his lips to mine, I put my hand on his chest, exerting just enough force to tel him no.
He responded to this by taking a small step away from me and I sighed. It wasn't a sigh of relief, it was actually one of sadness, which didn't shock me.
"I can't" I whispered to him. And they were the first words I spoke since I first looked into his eyes.
He didn't say anything, he just looked at me.
I wish I knew what he was thinking right now. He probably hates me and never wants to see me again. That thought made my stomach turn in a knot, but I wouldn't blame him for thinking that. A pain shot through me, considering that could be a possibility.
"Say something." I say so quietly I could barely hear myself.
"What do you want me to say?" He asked a little frustrated.
I closed my eyes, "I don't know. Something. Anything is better than this silence..."
"I don't know what to tell you Mia... I tried to... and you..." He choked on the words he was trying to get out. He took a breathe to calm himself.
There was a short silence and I open my eyes to find his closed.
"Danny, it wasn't that I didn't want to but I have Kyle. I can't just cut him out of the picture. He is my boyfriend and I can't just say 'Hey, sorry I madeout with my brother's hot best friend on our 1 year anniversary.' I mean come on, be realistic."
He opened his eyes and a smile suddenly appeared across his lips as he looked at me.
"what?" I ask confused
"You think I'm hot." His smile turned mocking.
I snort, "Don't flatter yourself." and roll my eyes.
He was smirking now, all full of himself.
I smack his shoulder smiling, "stop it!"
"Stop what?" he asks innocently, even though he knows.
I was going to say 'taking my breathe away' but that doesn't seem appropriate.
So I just shook

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