» Self-Help » How to Talk to Anyone (Junior Talker #2), DeYtH Banger, Clive Cooper [i read book TXT] 📗

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in tribal societies.

There was no money, there was no ownership of land, there was no inheritance!

What women paid attention to was, “Does this man get off his butt?” “Does he take action? Does he go out there and make an effort, or is he just sitting on his lazy butt in his cave?”

Men and women evolved their mate preferences in pre-history, back in caveman days. There was no money, there was no ownership of land, and there was no inheritance.

Men and women evolved their mate preferences in pre-history, back in caveman days. There was no money, there was no ownership of land, and there was no inheritance.

And even the best hunters came home empty-handed more often than not. Women knew that.

Mating with a confident, dominant action-taker was very important for women’s survival back in caveman days. Not only for her survival, but also for the survival of her offspring.

Plus, these are inheritable traits. Her babies would inherit these traits from their father, and grow up to become good at surviving themselves.

All this means that women are not attracted to money, because it didn’t exist when we evolved our attraction mechanism - what triggers attraction in us.

Women are attracted to character traits.

Money is only an indicator of certain attractive character traits like confidence, dominance, action-taking, etc.

Money is only an indicator of certain attractive character traits like confidence, dominance, action-taking, etc.

Money is only an indicator of certain attractive character traits like confidence, dominance, action-taking, etc.

There are many more character traits, but I limited them here just to explain the idea.

So why do we believe in that myth?

There are multiple reasons.

First of all, we’ve seen examples of the most beautiful women with some of the world’s richest men.

That’s a fact.

But here’s what messes it up.

We put the wrong conclusion on that fact.

We think: “She must be with him for the money”. In fact, she isn’t—she’s with him because he has all these character traits that are attractive.

Character traits that millions of years of evolution have wired her to feel attracted to.

If a woman meets a millionaire that doesn’t have the attractive character traits to match his millions, she will not feel attraction.

If a woman meets a millionaire that doesn’t have the attractive character traits to match his millions, she will not feel attraction.

If a woman meets a millionaire that doesn’t have the attractive character traits to match his millions, she will not feel attraction.

The second reason that we were led to believe in this myth is because culture and capitalism are feeding us this lie.

“Get a degree, work hard, make money and you’ll get the girl.” 

This belief serves some very rich and powerful people very well, and so it gets pushed and promoted around the world.

But the truth is that women are not attracted to money!

There was an interesting study done by Geoffrey Miller, the world’s foremost authority on evolutionary psychology.

He asked women: “Would you rather be with a boyfriend who inherited a bunch of money, but didn’t really work to get it, or an entrepreneur who launched a business and failed for reasons beyond his control and now he doesn’t have much money?”

Most women would rather be with a failed entrepreneur who at least tried than with a rich guy who didn’t even make an effort to get the money.

So I’m going to say it again, because this so incredibly important: women are not attracted to your assets, they are attracted to your potential.

Women are not attracted to your assets, they are attracted to your potential.

Women are not attracted to your assets, they are attracted to your potential.

When women see “material proof” of success, that will surely get them interested to get to know more about you.

But if they find out you don’t have the internal qualities to match, they’ll either see you as a rich loser or a daddy’s boy.

On the other hand, if you have the internal qualities but haven’t materialized them yet, then they will be attracted to you. It’s your internal qualities that trigger attraction, not your assets.

So, what do we do instead of buying into that myth that women want rich guys?

Well, first, you need to truly realize that money is just a strategy to signal impressive character traits.

You can have all the money in the world, but if you don’t have the character traits to match, it’s game over.

Once you are aware of that, focus on developing these character traits that truly impress women.

Okay, now that we debunked the first myth, let’s take a look at…






Most men think that the most beautiful women are the most difficult to get.

I’m talking like real perfect tens here.

Well, that’s false.

Stunning women are approached less often than their less physically attractive friends.

They might get looked at more, but they get approached much less frequently.

Put yourself in her place for a moment.

Every time she goes out with her friends, all her friends get approached by men but she doesn’t.

Because of that, many stunning women are usually less confident than their less stunning friends.

Stunning women are approached less often than their less physically attractive friends. Because of that, many stunning women are usually less confident than their less stunning friends.

Stunning women are approached less often than their less physically attractive friends. Because of that, many stunning women are usually less confident than their less stunning friends.

And they secretly wish they’d be approached more often.

They usually also have less experience interacting with men that approach them, which again makes it easier to talk to them.

Many of the less attractive women, who get approached all the time, are usually much harder to talk to.

That’s for two reasons: First of all, their ego is more inflated by all the approaches. And second, they have more experience giving men a hard time.

The reason we think the hottest women are harder to approach is simply because of our wrong assumptions.

We assume they will be harder to approach, and that than turns into a self-fulfilling prophecy that then reinforces that idea.

Here’s what to do instead.

You need to deeply realize some things.

Once you realize them, approaching beautiful women becomes easy.

First, you need to realize it’s an excuse for not approaching. We all make up excuses not to approach.

I call them “Approach Weasels” because their purpose is to make you weasel out of the approach. “She’s too hot. She’s not my type. I’m not her type. I don’t look good today. I didn’t sleep well…” The list goes on and on.

Second, you need to realize, as I said earlier, that really beautiful women are easier to approach and that you get points just for approaching her.

Beautiful women are easier to approach and that you get points just for approaching her.

Beautiful women are easier to approach and you get points just for approaching her.

Third, you need to realize that she’ll see you as incredibly confident for approaching her.

She knows she’s beautiful, but she doesn’t get approached much like her friends do so she’s more open to it. She also knows that most guys are scared of her.

If you approach her, you instantly become attractive to her because your confidence is SO high compared to all the losers who looked at her but didn’t have the balls to go and talk to her.

Also, she’ll assume that you are used to dating really hot women.

Only a man who is used to dating these model-type women would feel comfortable talking to them. That implies pre-selection and social proof.

Pre-selection states that women become more attracted to a man when other women are attracted to that man.

So, by approaching her, she’ll assume you are pre-selected by other really gorgeous women. This will create attraction in and of itself.

By the way, if you want to learn different ways to approach and start conversations with women, read my blog post 7 Conversation Starters That Work Like A Charm.

Alright, let’s have a look at…



Again, a totally false idea!

As I mentioned earlier, we evolved our mating preferences in pre-history.

Survival was harsh in these times. Therefore, women evolved to be attracted to men that had good survival qualities.

When a woman mated with a man that had good survival qualities, her survival and the survival of her offspring would also increase.

Good looks just mean that we had less genetic mutations.

But as long as you don’t have two heads, being LESS good looking really is IRRELEVANT compared to your inner qualities for survival.

Why? Because a less symmetrical face has less impact on survival than certain inner qualities.

By inner qualities, I refer to your psychological and behavioral traits like confidence, strength of character, assertiveness, leadership, social intelligence, etc.

The reasons we believed in that myth is because we saw some examples and drew the wrong conclusions based on these examples.

We see a good-looking guy walking around with a good-looking girl, and we conclude it’s because of his looks.

But his looks were not the reason. Now, don’t get me wrong, looks do matter. But not as much as you think. To a woman, a man’s looks are worth about 10% of his total value.

His personality and behavior is worth the other 90%.

Most good-looking guys get their confidence because of their looks. So, what gets them the girls is not their looks—it’s their confidence.

Most good-looking guys get their confidence because of their looks. So, what gets them the girls is not their looks—it’s their confidence.

Most good-looking guys get their confidence because of their looks. So, what gets them the girls is not their looks—it’s their confidence.

And of course culture, magazines, and movies have reinforced that negative belief that women want good looks. But it’s false.

They want the personality traits that indicate you have high survival value. Remember: we evolved our attraction wiring in pre-history, when survival was a really hard thing.

What do we do instead of buying into that old lie?

First, you realize that good-looking guys gain their confidence from their looks.

Second, you realize that confidence is the real attraction trigger here.

And third, after realizing all that, you focus ondeveloping true confidence.






Let’s dive straight in and debunk this sucker!

I’ve had many female friends in my life. And I’ve never ever heard any of them say, “I had to sleep with him because he just always agrees with me.”

But I did hear, “I just had to have him because he’s such a challenge.”

Women perceive men that agree with them too much as submissive, weak liars.

Now, here’s the thing. You already know that survival qualities trigger the most attraction in women. And you also know that dominance is one of the strongest survival qualities a man can have.

I mean, if a man wasn’t dominant, his food would get taken by more dominant males. So, dominance is a powerful attraction trigger. It outcompetes good looks BY FAR.

Now, guess what’s the opposite of a dominant, assertive guy? If you guessed a submissive guy, you are right.

By agreeing too much she sees you as submissive, which is a total turn-off for women.

Women perceive men that agree with them too much as submissive, weak liars.

Women perceive men that agree with them too much as submissive, weak liars.

So why did we believe that myth?

Well, both religion and culture have taught us to behave like this.

It’s culturally accepted to be a nice, agreeable person.

A woman can easily say she wants a nice guy without any

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