» Self-Help » How to Talk to Anyone (Junior Talker #2), DeYtH Banger, Clive Cooper [i read book TXT] 📗

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social repercussions.

But it’s much less accepted for a woman to say she wants a dominant guy that arouses her sexually.

So how do you stay clear of being the nice guy?

The first thing you can do is to stop looking for commonalities during your conversations with women.

Just stop looking for things that both of you have in common, like for example, that both of you have the same favorite drink, or movie.

Instead, I would like you to connect with her on deeper levels and challenge her from time to time.

And the second thing you can do is to just be authentic.

During your conversations with women, there will be topics on which you have a different opinion than her. When that happens, just voice your opinion and disagree with her.

By doing that you show assertiveness and strength. That’s attractive.



This one is going to be easy to understand.

Again, we go back in time to pre-history.

What do you think was more important? Height, or behavioral traits like confidence, strength of character, assertiveness, leadership, etc.?

Of course, character traits were more important.

Let’s say a taller guy and a shorter guy would meet. But the short guy was more confident and more dominant. Who do you think would become the boss? The shorter guy, of course.

There’s also a recent interesting study done on the topic of height.

The study analyzed data from 60,000 people about the importance of height and weight in terms of how many sexual partners a man can attract.

Here are the results:

• If you are WAY below average in height, it hurts you a little bit, but not much.

• If you are WAY above average in weight, it hurts you a little bit, but not much.

• But there’s a huge middle ground where it doesn’t matter at all.

The study analyzed data from 60,000 people about the importance of height and weight in terms of how many sexual partners a man can attract. The results show that height is not important to women.

The study analyzed data from 60,000 people about the importance of height and weight in terms of how many sexual partners a man can attract. The results show that height is not important to women.

So, what that means is that if you are below average in height and above average in weight, it doesn’t hurt your chances AT ALL.

Only if you are WAY below average in height or WAY above average in weight will it hurt your chances. But even then, it hurts your chances JUST A LITTLE BIT!

What that means is that height and weight is absolutely not important to women.

Height is part of looks, and as I said, looks count for about 10% in your overall attractiveness to a woman. The 90% that really counts is your inner personality traits and behavior.

That’s exactly what the study says when they say it hurts your chances JUST A LITTLE.

So how did we come to that limiting belief?

Again, because of culture.

And so again, the best antidote to this myth is:

First of all, realize that personality traits and behavior are much more attractive than height.

Second, develop these attractive personality traits and behaviors.



I’ve dated many women over the course of my life, and I’ve had many different female friends.

Every single one of the women that I know has dated different types of men in her life.

Tall men, short men. Good-looking men, less good-looking men. Successful men, less successful men, etc.

The only two things these men had in common were this:

Thing number one: They all had confidence.

Thing number two: They all knew how to talk to women.

Did you notice that the two things are personality traits and behavior?

Now, of course, women have some physical type they are attracted to.

And when they see that exact type, of course they will look at him twice.

But if he doesn’t have the personality traits to match his physical looks, it’s definitely game over.

Confident is my type!

Confident is my type!

Many women have told me that they fell for a guy who initially was not their type, but after talking to him for a few minutes, they became attracted to him.

What happened? During their short interaction, he had the chance to show his personality. BOOM! Attraction created.

So how did we form that limiting belief in the first place?

Again, we just assigned the wrong conclusion to things that we heard.

Maybe a woman rejected you in the past by saying you were not her type and you interpreted it as not being her physical type.

But actually, it was a polite way of brushing you off because you didn’t manage to trigger attraction in her.

You were probably lacking confidence, or your behavior was not indicating high-value personality traits.

A lack of understanding on how attraction works led you to the wrong conclusion.

Again, the way to solve this problem is to develop your confidence and learn how to talk to women.



Well, technically this one isn’t a myth. This one is true, but not in the way you think.

Women do want commitment, but not immediately.

If you tell a woman early on that you are looking for a committed relationship, it’s a real turn-off.

It makes you look desperate.

And there’s no need to tell you that desperate men are not attractive to women.

Women want to earn your commitment—they want a challenge.

So, instead of telling her that you are looking for a long-term relationship, here’s what you do.




No matter how much you desire a committed relationship, you CONCEAL it.

If she asks you about it, you can tell her:“Yeah, sure, I’m open to the idea to settle down with my ideal woman someday, but I’m not in a rush.”

This is much more attractive to her, and it has the added benefit that she’ll ask you what your ideal woman is.

Once she does that, just describe your ideal woman. The trick here is not to talk about looks, but about your ideal woman’s personality traits.

Next, watch how your date will tell you how she matches these traits, or she will even start to behave in that way.

 ConclusionMost of the things we believe about women and dating are culturally programmed and plain wrong!

Culture tells us that women want good-looking, tall, overly nice ass-kissers with a million dollars in their account, and that beautiful women are hard to get.

But in reality, these are all lies that serve religious views and capitalism.

The reality is that women are attracted by a man’s personality traits and his behavior.

The number-one quality that all women find attractive is confidence.

So, by now you might be wondering: What’s the best way to become more confident and in control?

I’m glad you asked.

The best way to get it handled is by going through my ABSOLUTELY FREE core confidence package.




P.S. - Everything is some kinda cultural lie.











How To Impress A Woman





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By the worlds #1 dating coach for Introverted Men - Nick Neeson.

 Today I’d like to talk about a question most of my students ask me:

“How can I impress women?"

Knowing how to impress girls is a top concern for most men.

Why is that?

Well, our most basic primitive need as a species is to survive and reproduce.

We unconsciously know that if we want to succeed in reproducing, we need to be able to attract women.

So, the desire to impress women is driven by our instinct of wanting to attract them.

In fact, when a woman says she is impressed by a man, she’s actually saying that she feels some kind of attraction toward that man.

What we are really talking about here is attraction.

Therefore, the best way to impress women is knowing how to trigger attraction within them.

Before I show you some ways to impress (or attract) women, let me give you a few pointers on getting into the right mindset to do so.

Knowing how to impress a woman starts with the right mindset.There are two crucial mindsets you must have:

1. You are the value.Many men think that the way to impress women is to buy them gifts, brag about themselves, take women to expensive places, or show off how much money they have.

That’s totally wrong.

Just the fact that you are a man is why she wants to see you. In fact, you don’t need anything at all to attract women.

Studies have shown that just putting a man and a woman physically close to each other builds attraction.

Yes, you read that right. You don’t have to do anything to attract her. You just need to not mess things up.

Sadly, though, that’s exactly what happens. Men mess up the natural attraction that occurs between them and women by trying to impress them.

Realizing that YOU are the value will give you more self-confidence.

This mindset will also attract the right kind of women. You will avoid gold-diggers.

 2. The best way to impress a woman is by not trying to impress her at all.This might seem counter-intuitive at first. But once you understand female psychology, it’s actually quite simple.

You see, when you come from the mindset that you want to impress her, you are subconsciously telling yourself that she is better than you.

And when you try to impress her, she will pick up on that. Seriously. Think about it for moment.

If you think of her as being on the same level as you or as being on a lower level then you, would you try to impress her?

Probably not.

Your mantra would probably be, “She should be happy that I even want to go on a date with her.”

Now, here’s the thing. Women want to date men that they perceive to be of higher value than them, or at least of equal value to them.

Every time you try to impress a woman she is subconsciously registering that you are of lower value then her. This in turn kills the attraction that she has or might have for you.

So when you try to impress a woman, you are actually achieving the complete opposite.


Easier said than done, you might say. And how exactly do you go about impressing a women without trying to impress her?

Here’s how.

How to impress a woman: the only three ways to do it.Whatever you have read, or whatever people have told you in the past, there are only three ways to impress women.

Everything that a man can do to impress women falls into one of the following three categories:

Powers, Personality, and Presentation.

Presentation: your looks and the image that you project.

Powers: your skills.

Personality: your inner world.

Below I’m going to break down each of the three ways to impress women.

When you’re reading this, it’s important to understand that everybody has different strengths.

You should focus where your strengths are. If you are really good-looking, than you will want to use that natural advantage in your presentation.

If you are not particularly good-looking, then you want to focus on your powers and personality.

One is not better than the other. It’s just different ways to impress or attract women. In fact, women are not impressed by good-looking men if they have no personality or powers.

Let’s start with personality first.

 1. How To Impress A Woman With Your PersonalityBy personality, I refer to your inner world. This includes your personality, mindsets, believes, and character traits. Here are two of the best character traits to impress women:

Mysteriousness & Carefreeness

What do we mean by mysteriousness?

To put it more simply, mystery is that which is not easily understood or comprehended.

The good news is that as an introvert, you are naturally mysterious. That’s a strength that you NEED to leverage. I’ll give you an example of how to do it later.

But first let’s talk about carefreeness a bit more.

What do

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