» Self-Help » How to Talk to Anyone (Junior Talker #2), DeYtH Banger, Clive Cooper [i read book TXT] 📗

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Usually the first time women get that feeling of power is when they interact with men.

Even though we live in the 21st century, the average woman doesn’t have much power in her life. Usually the first time women get that feeling of power is when they interact with men.



Even though we live in the 21st century, the average woman doesn’t have much power in her life. Usually the first time women get that feeling of power is when they interact with men.

“What do you mean, Nick?”

Let me explain.

When in the presence of a beautiful woman, most men start accommodating to the extreme.

Listening to their every whim and wish, kissing up to them, flooding them with compliments, taking their dog out, buying them gifts…

… all because their balls have them by the mind. The power of the penis is controlling their brain!

And that’s the problem.

Men give up their power in exchange for sex. But it’s a LOSING STRATEGY.

When men act like lovesick puppies, it puts women in a position where they have all the power. Since power is something that is scarce for most women, of course they want to hang onto that some more.



When men act like lovesick puppies, it puts women in a position where they have all the power. Since power is something that is scarce for most women, of course they want to hang onto that some more.

To truly understand this concept, you have to REALLY look at it from a woman’s perspective.

For the average woman, sex is NOT a scarce thing. It’s not hard to obtain. In fact, it’s easy to obtain.

Therefore, she’s not so obsessed with it as we are.

But power IS scarce for women.

When men act like lovesick puppies, it puts women in a position where they have all the power. Since power is something that is scarce for most women, of course they want to hang onto that some more.

They know that once they give the man sex, there’s a big chance they lose their power.

If you want to turn the tables and MAKE WOMEN CHASE YOU, you need to KEEP YOUR POWER.



If you want to turn the tables and MAKE WOMEN CHASE YOU, you need to KEEP YOUR POWER.

I know this sounds sick, and the world shouldn’t be like this, and neither your parents nor Disney ever told you this…

Believe me, I understand. I’ve been coaching thoughtful, introverted men to become successful with women for more than 20 years.

Almost all of them have friends that are less good-looking then they are, but have way more appeal with the ladies.

As they watch their less good-looking friends rock it with women, they are baffled.

They feel like they have to understand what’s going on here, or their heads are going to explode.

If that’s you, buckle up, because I’m about to give you seven Jedi moves to take control of the dynamics and your interactions with women in a way that MAKES THEM CHASE YOU.

But first, let’s look at the SECRET PSYCHOLOGY of what makes women chase men.







The faster you accept this, the faster you’ll become successful with women and dating.

So, if you want to turn the tables and MAKE WOMEN CHASE YOU, you need to KEEP YOUR POWER.

It’s as simple as that.

And if you’re wondering how to do it, today’s your lucky day!

Here are seven power moves to make women chase you.

 1. Keep Your Cards Close To Your Chest






Don't show your cards
Control the power of the penis. Show her you are socially intelligent.

You have to come from a mindset that you’ve met many women like her before and she won’t be able to wrap you around her finger like she does with all the other guys.

You do this by BITING YOUR TONGUE. Keep compliments to a minimum before you become physically intimate with her.

You can do this in different ways.

The first and most obvious way is not to compliment her at all.

The second way is to only compliment her about non-physical stuff. This could be a character trait she has or something that she put a lot effort into.

Here’s how you would give her a compliment about a character trait.

First, make a list for yourself of the character traits that your dream woman would need to have. That way when a woman shows you this trait, your compliment will be sincere. Believe me, they notice.

Then during your conversation with her, you would have a purpose to find out more about her personality and see if she has the traits you like.

Let’s say you don’t like overly social butterflies, but prefer the more reserved type.

Don’t compliment her on her looks. Instead validate some of her personality traits.

Don’t compliment her on her looks. Instead validate some of her personality traits.

You could ask her questions like:

Are you a social butterfly with a big group of friends, or do you prefer deeper relationships with a smaller group of people?

If she answers with the character trait that you want, you can then validate her for it.

It’s important you do it in a cool, non-kissing-up way. Just tell her you like her answer and explain her the reasons why.

“Nice. We can be friends now (said with cheeky smirk). I think it’s better to have deeper relations with people than to be superficial. You just can’t have meaningful relationships with a ton of people. And I think today it’s even more important than ever before, because these days with social media people don’t know what it means to genuinely connect with each other anymore.”

Another chase trigger compliment is what I call The Double-Edged Compliment.

Basically, you are going to tell her you like some aspect of her, but you’ll also immediately give her a tip on how to improve herself.

For example: I like how the shades you put in your hair complement your skin. You made a good choice there, but have you considered wearing your hair up? I think it would better accentuate your neck.

The Double-Edged Compliment has the added effect that it will make her think about you, trying to figure you out. “What did he mean by this? Does he like me? Does he not like me?”



The Double-Edged Compliment has the added effect that it will make her think about you, trying to figure you out. “What did he mean by this? Does he like me? Does he not like me?”

The reason this compliment works so damn well is because it’s done in a way that keeps the power with you.

You were perceptive enough to see how she matched her hair shades with her skin tone, which is something she put a lot of attention into.

Believe me. Women put a ton of time into thinking about these details. When you compliment her about something that she put a lot of time into, she feels validated. And on top of that, you gave her some advice on how to improve it.

This totally keeps your power by implying that you are used to beauty and think she can do better. In other words, you didn’t idolize her. You kept the power.

This kind of compliment has the added effect that it will make her think about you, trying to figure you out. “What did he mean by this? Does he like me? Does he not like me?”

Chasing behavior starts in the mind. It starts by her mentally investing time in you.

And by the way, don’t be surprised if later she goes to the bathroom and puts her hair up.

 2. Be Hot And Cold






Use push pull
When you are with her, you behave like a gentleman. You open doors for her, put on her coat, etc.

You connect with her and you mix it up with some teasing to keep the attraction going and keep the conversation from becoming boring. You do all the things you need to do.

But then when you are not with her, you become more distant.

You don’t text her all the time.

When she texts or calls you, you make her wait before you respond.

You end phone conversations and text conversations first.

In general, you are much less available.

To understand why this works, you need to put yourself in her place. Here’s what most guys do to her: THEY TEXT HER ALL THE TIME!

“Good morning, beautiful.” “Good night/sweet dreams, baby.” or “How are you?”

When you are doing the opposite, you immediately stand out from the other men. She’ll start to think about you. “Why isn’t he texting me all the time, like all the other men do?”

In short, it shows her you are in control of the power of the penis. It shows YOU still have the power. That will make her chase you.

Here’s a great little tip. After you go on a first date with a woman, don’t send her a text until the next day at 9 p.m.

Most guys send women the same lame text after their date: “Text me when you’re home, beautiful. 







Chapter 2 - Secret

 Note: Enough.. is enough... no more examples... and useless... shit... what we need is a good material on which people can work.



P.S.: I study people... how to manipulate them and how to pull string... and how to control people and be free as a man who has never been into jail.




By the worlds #1 dating coach for Introverted Men - Nick Neeson.
 As you can probably imagine, I interact with a lot of introverts who are having issues with women.

And one of the things I’ve noticed is that almost every introverted man has an excuse as to why he’s failing with women.

Usually they don’t call it an excuse, but “a good reason” why they are not succeeding.

I’ve come to believe that every man that is failing in the game of love has some kind of secret excuse.

I’ve come to believe that every man that is failing in the game of love has some kind of secret excuse.

I’ve come to believe that every man that is failing in the game of love has some kind of secret excuse.

A secret and unique reason why he’s not succeeding.

Well, I’ll bet you two things.

First, I bet you have one too.

Second, I bet your excuse is not as secret as you might think.

I also can guarantee you two things.

First, no matter how unique you think your “good reason” is, I can guarantee you it’s more common than you might think!

And second, I can guarantee you that there are MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of introverted men that have overcome your exact situation and succeeded with women and dating.

In this article, I’d like to bust the seven most common myths or “hidden” excuses that are ruining your love life.




DATING MYTH #1: WOMEN WANT WEALTHY MENDating Myth Nr 1: Women Want Wealthy Men.


This is probably one of the most widespread misconceptions that exists about dating.

And as much as this myth is a common one, it’s also absolutely false.

Here’s why.

Men and women evolved their mate preferences in pre-history, back in caveman days.

In those times, everybody was a hunter or gatherer, living

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