» Self-Help » How to Talk to Anyone (Junior Talker #2), DeYtH Banger, Clive Cooper [i read book TXT] 📗

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I that comes to mind.

After that I choose the top 3 that I want.

Then at the top of a new sheet of paper, I write "How can I achieve (insert one of those goals)?"

Then I list off every idea that comes to mind on how I can actually achieve that goal, for like a solid 10 minutes. Every idea.

Then I go back through that list and choose the top 3 things that will get me to that goal.

The reason I do that is because of something called the Pareto Principle, which states "80% of your results will come from 20% of your actions."

So even though you now have an entire list of ideas to achieve your goal, I want you to only pick the top 3 ideas that you can do and will get you there.

Then I map out how I'm going to take action on those 3 things everyday for the next ~10 days to 1 month to implement those things.

Then before I do anything else, I always take immediate action on one of those 3 things.

So for example, if I were doing this exercise I wouldn't do it and then go make a sandwich... I'd do it, find my 3 things, and then immediately do one of those 3 things.

When you do that, you're literally showing your brain, "I am serious about this, I want this now, and I'm not gonna put it off until later."

You'll boost your state. Boost your self-esteem. And you'll achieve your vision even quicker.

For more on this, I highly recommend reading "No Excuses: The Power of Self-discipline" by Brian Tracy

Alright, now let's get in a social tip...

Question #3: "I find it difficult to see girls pupils dilate especially when they're Asian or have dark brown eyes. Any tips for other IOIs or how to see it clearer?"

My man. Dude. Bro...

Quit looking for "IOI's"

First off, when you use terms like "IOI" then you sound awfully nerdy to me.

Seriously, who truly uses terms like "indicator of interest" in the real world?!

Pickup artists, that's who.

And do 99% of guys who do "pickup" actually get laid?

Not at all.

So go back to the first question that we went over, and cultivate some fucking certainty that YOU are the man.

For no rational reason at all, you just assume that she's attracted to you.

And if she gives you any evidence to the contrary, then you re-frame that shit to think that "She's just so nervous around you that she hides how she really feels," or if that's not the case, "she clearly just hates herself."

And you do this because the #1 mistake for all guys who are new to social dynamics, charisma, and game is that they are in their heads WAY too much.

So if you are constantly looking for "IOI's", then you are not 100% present to the moment, and you are naturally inhibiting your attractive qualities.

When you're in your head you seem unnatural, fake, and disinterested.

So get out of your head. Quit looking for IOI's. And start assuming all positive things.

However, before I go, the answer to your question is this...

You don't look for "dilated pupils"... You look for her eyes having a little more shine in it -- if it's reflecting a little more light than normal... [a direct result of dilated pupils]

Also when women are attracted to someone, they constantly flip their hair behind their ear or shoulder... Biologically they do this because they are exposing their neck to you [which apparently releases pheromones into the air]

So between that extra sine in her eye, constantly flipping her hair back, and assuming all positive things... You should be set my dude.

On that note, got a busy day ahead.

I hope you have a wonderful Friday.

Go crush it this weekend man. You deserve this.





Part 2  Social Pressure Social Tension




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Chapter 1 - Action (Part 3)

 The Girl Who Changed EVERYTHING (*valuable story inside)




Meet Doug…

He’s was a virgin until he was almost 22…

He always seems to be the 3rd wheel to his friends and the girls they’re dating…

And every time he tells his buddies he likes a girl, they laugh hysterically at him because they know he has no shot with her.

…This secretly kills him inside.

That’s until he met Kate.

The “Good Girl” next door…

This girl has him and she knows it.

3/4ths of the year, they live in separate college towns.

And they both bond over the fact that they both want to go to medical school one day…

(They have so much in common right?…)

Every night Doug and Kate talk on the phone as they fall asleep to each other’s voices. And he texts her every morning the instant he wakes up…

But the only times they actually ever see each other are holidays and summertime…

It’s something straight out of
a Hollywood movie…

The only catch. They’ve never had sex. In fact, the most they have ever done is kissed.

You see, Doug has been under the impression that Kate is just one of those innocent and “good” girls. Until…

(Have you ever believed things like "women don't like sex as much as men do" or liked a girl and thought of her as "innocent" or "good"?…)

Exactly 1 week before Thanksgiving when they are supposed to see each other again. She stopped replying to his texts…

Doug sat there in anticipation and felt like he was sitting on a deserted island just waiting for a ship to come and save him.

She completely ghosted Doug. Then he saw it…

The day after Thanksgiving, Kate posted a picture on Facebook of her making out with ANOTHER DUDE.

A guy she was now calling her “boyfriend.”

Doug FLIPPED out and did the only thing I could think to do… Tried to brush it off and hang out with one of his buddies.

While hanging out, Doug slammed about ten beers and passed out on his couch because he was so drunk.

He may or may not have even shed a tear while falling asleep that night.

The next morning he felt empty.


He even gotten mad at a cute little puppy dog for wanting him to pet it. Yeah man, this was bad…

And one thing remained the same. Kate still wasn’t talking to him.

So what was a heart-broken man
like Doug to do?…

He HAND-WROTE her a “love” letter.

(Have you ever confessed your feelings for a girl after she started to distance herself?...)

He dropped it off on her front-door step himself. Nervously hoping she would take him back…

He never got a response…

And after 3 days of waiting… He called her. No answer…

Then FINALLY. He got a single text from her…

“I just don’t see you like that anymore…”

But it gets worse. Enter girl #2…

The Girl Who Would Change EVERYTHING…

[To be continued…]




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The Kiss Test:How To Tell If A Woman Is Ready ToBe Kissed





My client, Samuel, used to have no clue at all if a woman was ready to be kissed.  

He could be sitting there talking to her, thinking to himself, “Wow, her lips look so nice… so soft… so inviting…” but he didn’t know what to do next.  

This would many times leave him kissless, and usually for good, because he wouldn’t get another opportunity.  

Here’s how Samuel handles this today:  

When he’s been talking to a woman and wants to know if she’s ready to be kissed, he’ll look at her like there’s something in her hair.  

Next, he’ll reach over and pretend to gently remove it. He’ll gauge her reaction. If she’s comfortable with it, he’ll continue the conversation for 5 more minutes.  

After that, he’ll reach over and touch her hair again. Only this time, he doesn’t pretend to remove something from it. This time, he holds the tips of her hair in his hand and compliments her: “Your hair is so soft.”  

If she smiles and enjoys it, he’ll reach back over and start stroking it again. But now he’ll glance down at her lips and look back up to her eyes a few times.  

If she lets him keep touching her hair, he knows she’s ready for a kiss.  

By using the “Kiss Test,” Samuel was both manly and subtle at the same time. Because he used micro-escalations, he hasn’t given her anything she can object to.  

He now has a way to find out if she’s ready to be kissed without EVER getting rejected.  

And he knows within 5 minutes what it used to take him hours or even days to figure out.  

Now it’s your turn, my friend! Next time you want to know if a woman is ready to be kissed, just use the kiss test!

Here’s to your success!  

Talk soon.

Your friend,

Nick Neeson

P.S. BIG GIFT coming your way tomorrow.

As a member of Team Introverted Badass, we’ve got your back.




7 Jedi Moves That Make Women Chase You





By the worlds #1 dating coach for Introverted Men - Nick Neeson.
 If you’re not a stud with women yet, I bet this sounds familiar to you: You look around you and see guys and gals hooking up everywhere.

More often than not, the man seems to be just a normal guy… not particularly Brad Pitt-looking or with Rockefeller-deep pockets.

In fact, he seems to have absolutely NOTHING going for him that would make a great woman fall for him…

… yet YOU can’t seem to get a woman to give you the time of the day.

Not a particularly pleasant feeling, is it?

And I know it leaves you wondering…“What’s going on here? What do these men have that I don’t?”

As they watch their less good-looking friends rock it with women, they are baffled. They feel like they have to understand what’s going on here, or their heads are going to explode.

As they watch their less good-looking friends rock it with women, they are baffled. They feel like they have to understand what’s going on here, or their heads are going to explode.








What Makes Women Chase Men


What makes women chase men
In general, humans chase that which they can’t have, is scarce or difficult to obtain.

Look at men. Most of us are chasing women for sex because for most guys, sex is scarce and difficult to obtain.

Once we get what we want, we usually stop chasing.

Now the million-dollar question is: what is scarce and difficult to obtain for most women?

I’ll tell you what.


Even though we live in the 21st century, the average woman doesn’t have much power in her life.

She doesn’t have much power in her family or at work.

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