» Self-Help » How to Talk to Anyone (Junior Talker #2), DeYtH Banger, Clive Cooper [i read book TXT] 📗

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A good bitch has many weapons in her arsenal, one of which is the 'nonpliment'. This is not to be confused with the backhanded compliment, eg "you look so much better when you're not caked in make-up". (The backhanded compliment is dated, which is why it's a favourite of mothers-in-law and women of a certain vintage).

The nonpliment is a little more nuanced. It involves triangulating the target by zoning in on another woman in their mutual company and heaping praise and compliments on her. However, the compliments are invariably undeserved and are only doled out in an attempt to undermine and exclude the victim.




A bitch learns to express herself through many non-verbal forms of communication, which is just as well, given that her vocabulary tends to be limited. She has the facial range of a mime artist and can evince distaste with the raise of an eyebrow. Other expressions include the slack-jawed nostril-inflate and the dead-eyed grimace. No, she didn't train with Lecoq; she's just a straight-up bitch.




Sharing is required in order to move an exchange between two women beyond small talk and towards something deeper and more profound. Empathy-building, if you will.

The bitch doesn't have this capability or intellectual range. Hence, when her target shares something more penetrating than who does her highlights, the bitch will immediately exploit her vulnerability by saying: "TMI!" or "bit weird".

Mental health professionals call this manipulation technique "gaslighting" and it's the perpetrator rather than the victim that needs help.




Bitchy women are very talented at mock-concern. How can you tell the difference? A truly concerned person has mastered the art of discretion, while a bitch has all the tact of a bulldozer. They are concerned for concerned's sake and simper with statements like: "Are you sure you're okay, babes?" and "you don't look like you're okay".




One can immediately identify a bitch when they are introduced to new, predominately male, company. In this scenario, kind, open-hearted women acknowledge any social anxiety and go to the ends of the earth to include the newcomer. Bitches do their darnedest to exclude. They subtly ostracise the newcomer with elaborate bonding exercises.

I've been this newcomer and I've seen men baffled by the way in which their female friend has suddenly taken to fist-bumping, head-rubbing and any other gesture that indicates that these men are not just her friends but her possessions.




This is another old-school, and rather heavy-handed, tactic employed by older bitches. It involves asking the target's name before repeatedly referring to them with a name that sounds similar. "And who did your highlights, Kathy?" "It's Katie." Repeat ad nauseam.




I must admit that I find this particular tactic slightly impressive as it employs the aforementioned "gaslighting" but in a much more subliminal sense.

In this scenario, the bitch instinctively identifies the shortcomings or insecurities of the target and proceeds to casually mention them in an abstract sense.

Example: "I read somewhere that excessive highlighting really damages the hair." Is she talking about me? Am I being paranoid? The evil genius of this tactic is that there's no resolution. Maybe you're imagining it, maybe you're not. Bitch 1 - Victim 0.




My friend once wondered how it was that all the bitchy women we knew were married while we hadn't even had the sniff of a fella. We concluded that they shackle their romantic interests in emotional bondage in the early stages of a relationship.

One minute they're using the ickle wickle baby voice, the next they're storming out of the pub because their husband looked at the waitress for too long. Sherry Argov wrote a book called Why Men Love Bitches. She should have called it 'Why Some Men Have No Testicles'.

'No, she didn't train with Lecoq; she's just a straight-up bitch'




P.S.: People say... that within us there is extrovert and introvert... we are sometimes extroverts and introverts... we all have that moments... are both things.... But for all this shit is a labels... once you label yourself... you start believing in all that shit... this fucks your mind.


Stop Fake Beliefs
Stop wasting time
Stop Making it so Harder
Stop Wanning and not giving
Stop fucking
Stop being asshole
Stop being a biatch





3 Easy Steps To A Kick-Ass Social Life



 Note: I am not falling for it... I am not pupping in what my neurons and... I got everything oxytocin.... myrotocin... no need for those complex... shit.



P.S.: It doesn't matter what I said... I just say shit... because I can!




By the worlds #1 dating coach for Introverted Men - Nick Neeson.
 What’s the number-one secret to building a better social life?

The answer might sound like a no-brainer to you…

You have to put yourself in situations where you meet more people.

But if it’s that simple, why do I keep getting so many emails from introverted men asking me how to become more sociable?

The answer is…they don’t have an introvert-friendly step-by-step plan to do it.

A plan that doesn’t drain their energy levels. A plan that builds a social life that serves as a funnel for attracting the exact kind of women they like.

Is your social circle a funnel for attracting the exact kind of women you like?

Is your social circle a funnel for attracting the exact kind of women you like?

At the very best, they join some group activities, but results in terms of women and dating are usually poor.

With that in mind, here they come…my three road-tested, results-guaranteed steps to build a kick-ass social life filled with deep connections, women, dates and tons of fun.

By the way, did I tell you that it only takes 63 days to get there?

It only takes 63 days to build a kick-ass social circle.



It only takes 63 days to build a kick-ass social circle.

So if you start today, you’ll still be able to have an EPIC summer.

The kick-ass social life method has three phases.

Each phase is 21 days long.

There’s a reason why they’re 21 days long.

Habits are built in 21 days. If you do something for 21 days, it becomes a habit.

So, we are going to install three habits. One by one. Nothing overwhelming. No draining your energy levels. Just a great, introvert-friendly social life as a result!



Phase 1: Train Your Brain To Be More Social


Train your brain to be more social.



Train your brain to be more social.

The first thing you need to do to build a better social life is become more social.

And no, that doesn’t mean you need to become a superficial extrovert that makes small talk with everybody all day long.

But it does mean you need to train your brain to be in a social mood.

Being social and friendly to people doesn’t mean being superficial.

So here’s what I want you to do.

For the next 21 days, just greet five people a day. That’s all.

Just say hello, good morning, or good evening, to five people each day.

Just greet 5 people a day and you'll feel more social.

Just greet 5 people a day and you'll feel more social.

You don’t even need to have conversation, just a greeting is enough.

But you need to greet each person in a certain way. You need to greet with the intention of sending out positive energy. No agenda. Just genuine friendliness.

When you greet people, they usually greet you back.

As small as it seems, it’s a social interaction. It’s a positive, friendly energy exchange between people.

By doing that you will feel more social.

You’ll also find that some people will even start talking to you after you say hello.

When that happens, just have a short, genuinely friendly conversation with them. It’s not superficial. It’s a genuine social conversation without any agenda.

Have genuine conversations without a hidden agenda.

Have genuine conversations without a hidden agenda.

You can also start conversations yourself. But here’s the thing—don’t greet people and then start conversations with everybody like those obnoxious guys do.

Here’s how to do it: When you greet a person, just look at how receptive they are.

Do they greet you back with an energy that’s inviting? Then yes, have a short conversation.

If they greet you back because they just don’t want to break social norms, but are in fact not really open for a conversation, then don’t.

It’s that simple.

Doing this will train your social muscle and prime you for Phase Two.

 Phase 2: Engineer Your Lifestyle


Engineer your lifestyle

Engineer your lifestyle

Phase two is all about engineering your ideal lifestyle. It’s about making it INEVITABLE to meet women that are exactly your type.

The way you do it is simple.

First of all, you keep doing the habits you built in Phase One. By now, this has become second nature.

The new focus of Phase Two is to join groups—groups where you can meet beautiful women.

You have many options. Here are just a few to give you some ideas.

• Cooking classes

• Partner dancing

• Yoga classes

• Art classes

• Gyms with group activities

• Mountain climbing

• Kayaking

The real trick to make this work is not to just pick some random groups.

Join group activities to kickstart your social life

Join group activities to kickstart your social life

You need to pick groups that are pre-populated with women of exactly YOUR taste.

Here’s how you do it.

Step 1:Think of your ideal type of woman and list the kinds of groups she would join.

Step 2:List the kinds of groups that you would like to join.

Step 3:Cross map the groups that you would like to join with the groups your ideal woman would be at.

Congratulations! You now have a list of groups that you can join that not only are interesting to you, but also have the exact kind of women that you like.

That’s a really strong base for building a truly fun social life. It’s fun because you like the activity, and even MORE fun because you’ll meet plenty of women that match your taste while doing that activity!

Now, of course, just joining those groups and being a wallflower without interacting with people won’t do you much good.

That’s why you trained your brain to be social in Phase One. Because you’ve trained your brain, you’ll find it much easier to be social with the people inside the group or groups you joined.

Again, you can just start by greeting people, and if someone seems warm have a short conversation with that person.

If you just repeat that every time you go to the group event, you’ll quickly get to know people. After three weeks, you’ll have a pretty good base and you’ll be ready for Phase Three.

 Phase 3: Become The Leader


Become the leader of your social circle.


Become the leader of your social circle.

Now, this phase is crucial.

If you’ve already joined groups in the past, but haven’t had much luck with women, then this step is what you need. It will make women flock to you as if their lives depended on it.

As you know, for good evolutionary reasons, women have always been attracted to leaders.

So if you can become the leader, you won’t need to do much. Women will literally come to you and make it easy for you. By the way, I didn’t exaggerate when I said “as if their lives depended on it.”


In prehistory, women’s lives literally depended on it. If they could mate with the leader of the tribe, their chances of survival were much higher than if they mated with another man.

And here’s something interesting to know. We developed our mate preferences in prehistory.

That means that still today, women are incredibly attracted to leaders.

So how do you do it? How do you become the leader?

Here’s the easy way to do it.

Host gatherings.Host gatherings

Host gatherings

When you host gatherings, you are the organizer, you’re the center, you’re the leader.

Women will be attracted to you just because of that. No kidding. It’s THAT simple.

Not only will they be

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