» Fiction » My best friend, Annamere [great books of all time txt] 📗

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the movies. We watched Snow White and the huntsman. She's been dying to see it. Then we went to eat at Dairy queen. "So tell me, what am I to you." I ordered.
She froze as if deciding. "My best friend in the whole wide world." she said shakily.
That had me wondering. "Did I do something?" I asked.
She shook her head. "No, Cam, you just make it hard sometimes."
"Hard doing what?" I asked. "Please tell me. You're driving me crazy."
I got a text and she glared. I turned my phone off knowing I would regret it later.
"Tell me," I ordered.
She sighed and got a lustful look in her eyes. She usually got it when she was around Jake. "Are you ordering me around?" she asked giggling.
I nodded.
She sighed. "I'll tell you later. Maybe." she said.
"Ok." I said.
Chapter four

Amber's POV

Cam and I got home around twelve. Tanner, his girlfriend, Jamon, and his girlfriend were sitting on the couch. "Amber, come here." Tanner said.
I pushed Cam to the stairs. "I'll be up in a minute."
He nodded and walked upstairs.
I walked over to Tanner and sat on his lap. "Did you have fun?" he asked.
I nodded. "Though my heart would go faster everytime he said my name or touched me."

Camron's POV

She nodded. "Though my heart would go faster everytime he said my name or touch me."
What the fuck? Who is she talking about? "Does little booboo bear have a boyfriend?" Jamon asked arrogantly.
"She was out with Camron, stupid." Amber yelled at him. "Why are you watching girls show off their butts?" she asked.
"The girls wanna see our huge dicks." Jamon said.
"Eeeewwwwwwww!" Amber screamed hiding her face in Tanner's chest.
"Ok. Bed time, squirt. No funny buisness." he said.
I walked to her room scratching my head. I took off my shirt and jeans and shoes and layed on her bed. She walked in and shook her head. "Messy boy. Do you make a big mess when you're all alone?" she asked.
"Nope. Only when I get caught." I told her.
She closed her door and changed her clothes. "That's gross." she said pulling on sweats.
Ugh! She is so fucking sexy. Why did you have to be so sexy? I wanted to ask her.
"So you dont sit in here at night and play with yourself?" I asked.
She looked at me pulling a tank top on. "No. I'm a virgin and it doesnt seem interesting." she told me.
I chuckled. "Come here. I wanna talk to you." Maybe I changed my mind about telling her.
"Ugh. You're gonna make me walk over there?" she asked.
I nodded.
She pouted. "Carry me," she ordered.
I got up and walked over to her. I picked her up bridal style and took her to her big bed. I layed her down then layed down next to her. We rolled onto our sides and looked into each other's eyes. She gasped. I dont understand why now it was diffrent.
I put my hands on her neck and leaned in and kissed her. She didnt hesitate. Her arms wove around my neck pulling me closer. Her lips were so soft against mine. I have wanted to kiss her since the beginning of sophmore year.
I nipped her bottom lip asking for entrance. She waisted no time to let me in. I explored her mouth before letting my toung dance with hers.
She pulled away for breath and I brushed my thumb across her cheek and smiled faintly. "Is that what you wanted to tell me?" she asked.
I noddded letting my arms go around her waist.
"I've been in love with you since the beginning of the year. I was scared to tell you."
"Why?" she asked.
"You're my bestfriend and I know you think it would be awkward if friends dated." I said.
"And you listened to me? I also told you I like it when you speak your mind. It's sexy. Crap! There I go callin you sexy again."
I pressed my lips to her forehead. "Speak your mind. It's sexy, babe." I told her.
She smiled.
"Hey, after I break up with Jenn and stuff will you go out with me?" I asked.
"After you break up with Jenn and she doesnt flip the fuck out." she told me.
I kissed her lightly. "I'll protect you from her." I told her pulling her closer to me.
"Ok. Turn the lamp off. I am sweepy."
I reached over and turned the light off. "Can I have another kiss?" I asked like I was a child in a candy store.
She found my lips in the darkness and kissed me passionatly. I nipped her bottom lip and she let me in.
I pulled away. "Why were you acting so weird?" I asked.
"Cause everytime you touched me it would make my heart beat faster and electricity ran through my bones." she said.
I kissed her forehead. "Goodnight, sister marry sunshine." I whispered.
"Night, Cammycam." she whispered back.

Chapter five

In the morning Camron and I got ready for school. He has clothes at my house cause he stays here alot. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I love you!" he whispered then nibbled on my ear.
I rubbed his hands. "I wont love you until your single, boy." I told him. "Now let me finish getting ready."
He turned me around and kissed me. I kissed back.
"You know, this is considered cheating?" I asked against his lips.
"Just makes me feel naughty." he said.
I pulled away and finished getting ready to go. "You are naughty," I told him.
He grinned. "I'm tempted to smack your ass but you being my friend is stopping me." he said.
I walked over to him and put his arms around me. I put his hands on my butt. "Dont let that stop you. Please."
"Is this awkward for you?" he asked.
Tanner knocked on my door. "You decent?" he asked then walked in.
He looked at us like we were insain.
"Why you groping my sister?"
"She is helping me with somethin." Cam lied smoothly.
"And that is?" Tanner asked scratching his bare chest.
Cam let go of me. "Jenn is talkin bout leavin me and I dont want her too." he lied.
"Oh. Can you not do that on my sister though?" Tanner asked him.
"Yah, sure, man." Cam said then went into my bathroom.
I walked over to Tanner and huggged him. "You two are such liers. Dont be doin that alone in here. Got it?"
"So we can do it when you're around?" I asked.
"I dont want to see it but I dont want you loosin it yet." He kissed my forehead. "Do you need a ride?" he asked.
"Cam?" I yelled.
"I got it, babe." he yelled back.
"No." I told Tanner.
He hugged me. "I'll see you later then."
He walked away and I closed my door. Camron came out and pecked my lips. "You ready to go?" he asked.
I nodded then grabbed my hoodie. We walked down to his car and he drove to school. Jenn was waiting for Camron. "Nothin is diffrent," I told him then got out.
He pulled me back and kissed my forehead. "I love you," he whispered.
"I hate you," I whispered.
He grinned then punched me playfully.
I got out and so did he. "Why'd he kiss your forehead?" Marcus asked.
"I told him I hate him," I told Marcus.
He chuckled. "I'll see you in class, Am." Cam said.
I nodded then jumped on Marcus's back. "To my locker horsy."
He laughed then ran to my locker.

Camron's POV

I led Jenn into the school and to Amber's and my locker. Amber was listening to Nicklback. Jenn glared at her but Amber didnt seem to care. Marcus was texting someone. Amber looked at me through the corner of her eye and smiled.
"Quit starin at me, Cammy." she said.
I laughed then took Jenn to her locker. I leaned against her locker and looked her up and down. "So listen, my mom doesnt approve of you. And you've gotten really annoying."
She looked at me with tear filled eyes. "Is it Amber? Is she why you didnt text me back last night? You were having sex with her."
"It was her birthday yesterday and I ditched her the day before. We have a tradition every year on the day before her birthday."
"And you stayed the night and gave her birthday sex. Right? Is that what you did? Cause she smiled at you like you were something else." she snapped.
"No. I would never do that to her. She's a virgin and she's my best friend."
"How am I supose to believe you?"
"Ask her brother and Marcus."
"Who is Marcus?" she asked.
I rolled my eyes. "The red head that calls her 'booboo bear' and she calls him 'Yogi bear' you know?" I said calmly.
I was gonna stay calm and let her be all pissy.
"And Amber is gorgouse. No boy in this school deserves her. She deserves someone who is faithful and loving."
"I cant believe you're leaving me for her." she yelled.
Jake and his buddies came over. "Who who who?" Jake asked me.
"He is leaving me for Amber."
"Hey, I dont wanna touch plastic boobs. Amber is all real."
"Hell yah she is," Jake said. "I would stay faithful to her."
"Do you mind?" I asked.
He shook his head. "Not at all. You're talkin to my sister."
I sighed. "All I'm sayin is, she wont love me until I break up with you. And I really dont love you." She started crying. Jake brought her into his arms and smiled at me. "Good job," he mouthed.
I walked to history class and sat in the back where Amber was drawing and listening to music. I suprised her by kissing her then sat down. She put down her pencil and reached for my hand. I took her buds out then brought her desk closer.
I intertwined our hands then kissed her again. She pulled away and shook her head then took her iPod out.

Amber's POV

"Hello?" I asked.
"You stole my boyfriend. You're dead."
"Is that a threat, Jenn?" I asked. "Right now I am gonna fuck him... Hard."
That only set her off. I hung up and put my head on Cam's shoulder. "The day before yesterday we were making out and she got my phone and looked at my messages and stuff." he said.
"Did your brother buy it?" he asked.
"No. He says you cant grope me when we're alone." I said pulling out Fallen. He grabbed the book out of my hands and kissed my forehead.
"Fallen! Why is this chick covering her eyes?" he asked.
"I dunno. Hiding from something probably. Now give me my baby back." I love books. I absolutly love reading.
"Intense, babe." he said. He sounded like he was high.
"Look at me,"
He looked at me and I kissed his forehead.
"You sounded high for

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