» Fiction » My best friend, Annamere [great books of all time txt] 📗

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out of my room." I screamed.
They all got out. Camron crushed his mouth to mine and five minutes later we were naked and under the blankets.

Harry's POV

I walked into the kitchen blocking out the moans while Tanner's friends rush to the door to listen. Niall came into the kitchen with his girlfriend. "Harry," he said watching his girl walk out thr front door. "Mandy had some earplugs and she gave them to me to give to you. I know how tired you are."
"I dont need to sleep. I just need coffee." I said through clenched teeth. "I just wish that was me making her feel good." I snarled.
Zayn came out and chuckled. "They're not fucking, Harry. I have a camera in her room. Well, technacaly Tanner does but whatever."
I ran out of the kitchen and into Zayn's room. On his tv was Amber and Camron. They wern't fucking though. Only oral. Eeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Though I couldnt draw my eyes away from it. She was so beautiful. Niall came in and patted my shoulder.
"Now get out," he said.
I shook my head. "Switch rooms?" I offered.
"Fine." he snapped.
Later that night I was watching Amber talk to her brother on the computer. "What do you mean we have to stay here for a year?" she asked.
"Rodriguz is coming up there to tell you. I'll be up there in a month. You know I love you, honey."
"Seinor year," she yelled.
"I know, baby girl."
"You better send all my favorite books and movies with him. The hell if I am gonna fucking sit here and be annoyed by fucking Harry, Jamon, and Kevin."
"What did Harry do?"
"He hates me cause Cam and I..."
"Shhh, honey, he'll get over it. Look at Jamon. I gotta go. I'm going to war."
"What?" she screamed. "You didnt mention anything about war. What the hell, Tanner? I hate you!" she closed her laptop and started crying. Cam came into her room and tried to comfort her but it didnt work.
Someone knocked on my door. I turned the tv off and opened the door. "I know you know what's going on. I know about the tv in here. Why is she crying?" Cam snapped.
"Tanner is going to war." I said.
"Oh," he whisepred.
I nodded. "Why dont you go talk to her?" he asked.
"She is angry with me." I said in a duh tone.
"I'll let you kiss her." he said.
I sucked in a breath. "Fine," I said then walked to Amber's room. I opened the door and frowned. She was crying hard. I walked over to her breath and sat down. "Shhh! Sweety, it's alrigh." I soothed.
She sat up and hugged me. "Harry, he is leavin me." she cried.
I rubbed her back. "Shhh."
"Did you see?" she asked.
"See what?" I asked like I had no clue.
"Camron and I!" she said impatiently.
"Liar," she said then giggled.
"You're body is very pretty. I just wish it was me."
"My body is is fucking hott." she said.
I couldnt deny that. She was the hottest girl I've ever dated. And I respected her body. And her virtue. "Yes it is. It's weird the way Cam does that."
"It's sexy and amazing. Best in the world."
"He's the only one you had sex with, Amber," I was getting a little mad. Dont blame me. This girl is the best girl in the world.
"So? Who else is better?" she asked.
Chapter sixteen

Amber's POV

Two days later, I was watching Twilight with Louis, Niall, and Camron when Harry burst through the door. "There is a very muscly guy outside. And he is not One Direction body guard."
"Rodriguz," I squealed. Rodriguz is a friend of Tanner's. I jumped up and went outside. On the beach was the family plane.
Rodriguz was standing in a army uniform thing looking searious. I jogged over to him and hugged him. He laughed then hugged me back. "Hey, shortstuff." he said then kissed my cheek.
"Why are you wearing that thing?" I asked.
"He was assigned to go to war with me." Tanner said getting off the plane.
I turned around and crossed my arms. "I'm not talking to you, meani." I said like a little girl.
"Why are you wearing that?" Tanner asked.
No answer.
"Why are you wearing that?" Rodriguz asked.
"I'm watching Twilight and I was up all night last night. I didnt feel like changing." I said.
Tanner grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug. "Dont be mad at me. It'll make it hard."
The thought of Tanner dying was killing me. "I'm not mad. I'm just scared, Bub." I said.
"I know. Me too. But I'll be fine, baby girl. Just trust me. When I come home I'll be more of a hero."
"You are a hero, Tanner." I said. "In my eyes, you'll always be a hero." I whispered.
He kissed my forehead. "I know, kid." he said.

Once Tanner and Rodriguz left I sat on the couch and Camrin came in. He sat down next to me and kissed me lightly. "Harry get's to kiss you," he blurted out.
"What?" I snapped.
He nodded. "A couple days ago, I told him to go talk to you and he said no and I didnt want you..."
I kissed him lightly. "Ok, Cam, never do that again. Kissing Harry might bring back feelings I havnt felt for him in awhile. If it goes to far, it's your own fault."
He kissed me. "I know what goes on in your head. I wont be mad."
"By the way, I know about Cici."
"What about Cici?" he asked nervously.
"You owe me," I said.
He smacked his forehead. "Baby, it was a mistake."
"Damn right, babe."
"Do you wanna sleep with Harry?" he asked.
My head snapped to him. "You slept with Cici?" I screeched.
His eyes widened. "I thought you knew."
"I thought you kiss her."
I grabbed the popcorn that was on the table and threw it at him. I then got up and ran to Harry's room. I stayed just outside the door taking deep breaths. "Amber?" Louis asked.
I jerked my head to the right. Him and his girlfriend were coming in from the deck. "Hi, Louie." I said.
"What is wrong? Plan on suprising Harry with your super hot body?" he asked.
I shook my head. "I'm not a cheater but he cheated on me." I whimpered.
Louis glared then pulled me in for a hug. "Well, dont do Harry." he said.
"Louis," I whined.
"Amber," he whined back.
"Where is Harry?" I asked.
He sighed. "He goten drunk with Liam and Zayn last night so they are nursing his hangover."
I rolled my eyes. "Can I stay with you?" I asked.
"Of coarse. I always want a pretty Amber in my bedroom."
I hug him close. "Thank you, Louie." I said.
He nodded. His girl cleared her throat. "Sorry, Natalia, Amber is like a sister."
She kissed his cheek the ruffled my hair. "I was just worried because she is prettier than me." she said in a small brittish accent.
"Me prettier?" I snorted. "I'm sexy not pretty."
"You're gorgouse, Sweethart." Niall said coming in from the deck. "Harry is begging for your pressence."
Louis kissed my cheek then sent me to the deck. Harry was half asleep and Zayn was throwing popcorn at his head. Zayn looked at me. "You ok, Taco?" he asked then patted his lap.
Harry's eyes popped opened. "No! I want her to sit on my lap." Harry growled.
"Fine, fine. Your ex girlfriend. Do what you wish. Just dont fall asleep fucking her." I smacked Zayn in the chest. "Owe! You're to strong. You killed me!" He played dead.
I straddled Harry's lap and hugged him. He rubbed my back. "Did you find out about Cici?"
I nodded.
"The bitch! Isn't one man enough? Gotta go and make Taco unhappy? Amber, give me your phone for a few seconds." he demanded then reached into my back pocket and grabbed my phone. He called someone and put it on speaker.
"Hi, Amber." Taylor said.
"Hi, Taytay!" I said back.
"Why so sad?" he asked.
"She is sad becuase Cam put his pecker into a grapefruit." Niall giggled coming out.
"Oh. You found out about that?" Taylor asked.
"Why is Niall at your house?"
I sighed. "We're in Italy." Harry said.
"Oh. What's up?"
"Where is Cicealia?" Zayn asked.
"I broke up with her. I dont wanna be with a cheater."
"Is she still there?" Harry asked.
"Yah. She's going back to Los Angeles." Taylor said.
"Booo!" I whimpered.
"You better keep Cam on a leesh, Amber, Cici wants him."
"We're in Italy for a year. I'll keep him under my wing."
I caught sight of Cam go into our room. I kissed Harry's cheek then got up and went to my room. I opened the door and smiled at Cam crying. I closed the door and went over to him. I hugged him. "Cammy, I love you. So much. I wouldnt do it. If it was a life or death matter than I would."
He looked at me with loving eyes. I whiped his tears. "I love you with all my heart. I did it because I was being a horney fool. You'll always be my number one girl." He kissed me lightly.
I nodded. "Who's better?" I asked.
"Me!" he said like a child. "Her? No! You? Beyond words!" He kissed me passionatly. "I'm glad I have you and your sex. I'm not glad, I'm one of those smart words that you use."
I giggled. "You want my sex now," I whispered seductivly.

Camron's POV

She giggled her amazing, sexy giggle and said in a seductive manor, "You want my sex now," It turned me on a lot.
"Fuck yah, I do." I said. "Do you wanna be on top?" I asked seductivly.
She shook her head. "No! You get violent when I'm on top. I wanna have sex in the kitchen." Oh my wonderful, wonderful Amber. Always wanting to be wild.
I laughed. "Let's got make brownies." I said.
She giggled. "Stand up," she commanded. I did and she jumped on my back. "To the kitchen, sex monkey." she comanded.
I laughed and ran to the kitchen. Harry was playing with her phone and Kevin was looking for something to eat. We started making brownies but it led to exactly what we wanted. We didnt care Kevin was there.

Kevin's POV

Woah! Brownies and sex. Camron put her on the table and my mouth droped. "Fuck! Watch it. I'm trying to eat." I snapped.
"Then leave!" Camron snapped groping her now bare breasts.
"Fuck no! This is somehow better than porn." I said.
He went back to squeezing one breast and sucking on the other. I ate my sandwich quietly while then did whatever before...
Damn. He is alien. I looked up to see Jamon crying in the doorway. Crap! Why'd Tanner put me in charge? I got up and took Jamon into my room. I pulled him into a hug and rubbed his back. "Shh." I soothed him.
When he was done crying I looked in his eyes. He looked back then looked away and... Blushed?
"I'm bi," he blurted. "But I'm totally in love with Am."
I nodded and patted his head. "I think she's in love with you too, but she doesnt know it." I explained.
He sighed.
"Want some dirt?"
He nodded.
"Camron has been sleeping around with Italian chicks." I said.
He jumped up and started for the door. I grabbed his arm and pulled him down on the bed and wrestled with him until I was straddling his waist. Not gay. He cant go beat the shit out of Camron. I'd get in trouble.
"Why didnt you tell her or something?" he screamed. "They were just out

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