» Fiction » My best friend, Annamere [great books of all time txt] 📗

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a second." I told him.
He shook his head then handed me my book back.
"What? Got a problem with high?" he asked.
I nodded. "Crack kinda killed my parents, you dip." I whispered.
"Oh. Yeah. Sorry, baby." he said then nibbled on my ear. "Will you love me now?" he asked.
I turned to look at him. "I love you, Cammy." I whispered.
"I love you more, Amber."
I opened my book and started reading. I didnt pay attention to the teacher cause I oready knew what he was teaching. A couple times I looked over at Camron and he was looking at me.
Chapter six... One week later

Cam's POV

"Hey, baby." I said kissing Amber.
She pulled back. "Hey, perv." she whispered in my ear. She was laying on her bed watching tv and reading when I came in.
"So what's up?" I asked her.
"I'm scared."
"Is Tanner at work?" I asked.
"Yah. He wont be back till next week." she said.
I pushed her over and striped my clothing besides my boxers. I crawled in bed and kissed her. "Ok. I'll be right here all week." I whispered hugging her tightly. She kissed me. "I love you, Cam."
"I still love you more than you know."
She pushed me on my back then straddled me. "If we were naked right now would you be able to control yourself?" she asked.
I shook my head fighting the urge to pull her shirt off. She put her head on my chest and rubbed my arms.
"I missed you," she whispered.
"Why wouldnt you let me come over?" I asked.
"Tanner had Jamon over the other day and..."
"Please tell me you're home alone now!"
"I am."
"Ok. What happened?" I asked.
She clenched her fists. "He was jelouse, Cam, that's it."
"Baby, I wont murder him. I wont be mad at you." I soothed her.
She sighed and I started stroking her hair.
"Tell me what he did. Please."
"He made me.... suck.... him. It was so gross. He was to big it hurt my mouth."
I felt something wet on my chest and I relized she was crying. I held her tighter then whiped her tears away. "Shhh. It's ok, Amber. I wont let anyone hurt you. I will be with you every minute until Tanner gets home. Even when you have to pee."
That made her giggle then she started crying again. I comfoted her until she stood up and pulled me up. "I'm starving. Let's order pizza and watch a horror movie."
I got up and grabbed a blanket out of her closet then followed her downstairs. I put the blanket on the couch and she draged me out to her car. I got in the passsenger seat and started shivering. It was cold.
She turned her car on then the heater. Her music today was Zendaya: Swag it out and Bella Thorn: Ttylxox. I know these things cause she tells me everyday and I've listened to them with her since she started liking them. They arnt bad and the chicks are hot.
She turned the radio down and shivered. "It's told." she said like a child.
I chuckled. "I know. I am in my boxers."
She put her hand on my bare leg and slapped it. "Right there isn't cold anymore," she said then giggled.
I held my leg like I just got stabbed. She slaps hard. She rubbed my back until I sat up and put my seat belt on. "Where are we going that's so important that I dont need pants?" I asked.
"We're going to wal-mart to look at movies. I aint got nothin good and neither does Tanner." she said.
"If you havnt noticed, I have just my boxers on."
She reached into the back and grabbed a pair of sweats. She handed them to me. They had her name on the right leg. "There now you're my property in the store." she said.
"I'm ok with that." I said then struggled into the sweats. "Colorful, cursive, and sparkles?" I asked.
"Cici sent them to me for my birthday." she said.
"Cici is talking to you? She is freakin ignoring me."
"I wonder why, babe." she said sarcastically. "She moved cause you wouldnt let her date Taylor Lautner. And you were too protective of her and I."
I laughed a cold laugh. "Phone," I ordered.
She handed it over theen opened the garage. I called Cici. "Hey, Chica. Oh wow. I havent heard from you since yesterday."
"I'm not a girl." I said.
"Cam," She said it like it was a bad thing.
"Who is it, baby?" someone asked in the back ground.
"Be quiet," Cici ordered. "What do you want, Cam?"
"I called to tell you I fucked our best friend. Hard."
"No you didnt. She would've told me."
"We just fucked. She's sleeping now."
Amber looked at me. "Cam, stop. Be nice to her."
"Where are you, Sissy?" I asked.
"I'm in Hollywood."
"With Taylor Lautner?" I asked. "What did I tell you. You're like my sister. I care about you, Cici."
She sighed. "How am I supose to know that when you're standing higher than me and yellling?" she asked.
"I have ADHD and dyslexia and ADD. I told you this when we were in fith grade. I dont mean to." I said sounding hurt. I was. She said she'd understand if I got stupid mad.
"But I wanted to be with Taylor. You wouldnt let me."
"You never gave me a fucking chance, Cici." I snapped.
Amber squeezed my hand.
"I'm sorry, Camron." she yelled.
"Come see me and my girlfriend tomarrow. You owe me big time, miss run away from her problems." I said then hung up. Amber parked her car then we walked into Wal-mart. She held my hand and led me to the movies.
"And party and bullshit," she sung quietly while she was looking at the movies. "Are you gonna help me or just stare at me?" she asked turning to look at me.
"Oh." I grinned pulling her close. "Let's watch The Covnent." I suggested. "I have it at my house."
"Ok. Let's go get candy. I love candy."
"You're gonna be up all night," I said as she pulled me to the candy.
"I dont care. I love candy."
Someone grabbed my arm and pulled me back. It was Jenn. "Please forgive me, Camron?" she begged.
I could see her nipples.
Amber jumped on my back. "Come on, horsey, I want candy."
"Hang on, baby." I said.
Jenn glared at Amber as she placed small kissed on my neck. "Why is she kissing your neck and why are you wearing her sweats?" Jenn asked.
"She's my girlfriend and she draged me out of the house with no clothing on." I said.
"No. I am your girlfriend. What makes you think you can just sleep with Amber?"
"I didnt. She's my girlfriend and I'll wait till she is ready."
"Quit groping her."
"I'm not groping her?"
I put Amber down.
"And I'll grope her all I want." I said then groped Amber. "Now I am groping my girlfriend." I yelled.
Jenn reached out and slapped me. I slapped her back then draged Amber away. "That went well," she mumbled.
"Ok. Let's get you candy, babe." I said.

When we got to my house my older brother pulled Amber on his lap while I looked through the thing. "Is my brother treating you right?" Jerimy asked.
"No. Not at all. Did he tell you that I am pregnant?" she asked.
Silence. "What tha fuck, Camron?" he yelled.
Amber and I started to laugh. "You're so gullibal." I said falling on my back. My dad came in and glared. "Do you mind? I am trying to get lucky."
Amber got a discusted look on her face so she hid her face in Jerimy's chest. Jerimy got a discusted look to so my dad smacked him across the face. Once my dad left I grabbed Amber and Jerimy and took them out to Amber's car. They sat in the passenger seat while I drove. Amber whiped blood off of his mouth and comforted him.
Our dad is a drunk and our mom left. Well, she said she'd come back for Jerimy and I as soon as she could. Jerimy is older but more sensitive. He doesnt have dyslexia or ADHD. Just ADD. I pulled into Amber's garage and we walked inside. "So why are you wearing girl sweats?" Jerimy asked.
"My clothes are upstairs. She's starving so we're gonna order a pizza and watch a movie." I said.
Amber was on the phone oready.
I took Jer upstairs and got him a pair of my sweats then Amber came up and cleaned the cut on his high cheekbone.
Then we went downstairs and started the movie. I held Amber close and rubbed her back. Jerimy fell asleep after we ate pizza.
"Do you ever think about me in a sexual way?" she asked out of the blue. Of coarse I do. But should I admit that?
"Promise you wont punch me. Yes. I do a lot. You're a sexy girl." I told her.
She giggled then pulled my head down for a kiss. It was slow and sweet.
"Do you still think about Jenn?" she asked.
"I never thought about Jenn in that way. I wouldnt even have sex with Jenn. I dont like plastic."
"You told me you did, big fat smelly liar."
I laughed. "I was jelouse of you and Jake flirtin all the time." I said.
She yawned. "It aint gonna keep me up all night. Maybe just a few minutes. Enough time for me to drag my ass up to my bed and go sleepy." she said sleepily. "Are you coming or are you stayin with your brober?"
"I'll be up in a few minutes." I told her.
She kissed me then walked upstairs. I layed my brother on the couch and covered him with the blanket. "Tell your girlfriend she is amazing, Cam." he whispered groggily.
"Ok, Jer, you get some rest." I ordered then turned the tv off.
I walked upstairs and walked into Amber's room. She was half asleep on her bed. I turned the light off and crawled in bed. She snuggled into me almost immediantly.
"I love you, Cammy." she whispered.
"Love you too, baby." I whispered then kissed her forehead.

Chapter seven

Cici's POV

"Why are we going?" Taylor asked me.
I kissed his cheek. "Camron has ADHD and he get's really really mad really easily. Though Amber has found a way to control it."
"And how's that?" he asked running a tan hand along my inner theigh.
"Kissing and letting him grope her." I told him.
He raised a brow. "Your best friends are..."
"No, Taylor, they are not having sex. Cam worked his charm on her and he is using her." I knew i was gonna regret that later.
"And why do you think Camron is using her?"
"Cam used me when we were in middle school."
"People change, Cici." he said standing up and going into the privet jet

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