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put your name there."
"You're my wife after I make sweet love to you."
I shook my head. "Cammy, my parents still own the family buisness. Imagin what they'd do to me if the crack heads found out that my initials arn't A.L.C."
"I was talking to your brother yesterday while you were sleeping and he said I have his permission to change your name. He also told me only a family member can give permission."
I shrugged. "Tanner doesnt talk about that stuff around me." I said. He pressed harder into me. It was turning me on. I put my head back and moaned. "Camron?"
"Hmm?" he asked sweetly.
"I love you,"
He kissed me sweetly. "I love you too, babe." he said then I took his shirt off. He took my shirt off then walked over to Jake's bed.

Jake's POV

The guys and I stumble up to my room and it's locked. Then I hear moaning and I remember I let Camron and Amber fuck in there. I though they were bluffing. "Fuck." Amber screamed in pain.
"I'm sorry, baby." Camron said to her. I grabbed the key to my bed room door and unlocked it. I looked at the guys and we grinned.
"We gunna see Amber naked. Be quiet so we can get to the closet. I left it opened." I slurred.
I slowly opened the door and crawled in. While looking at Amber. Her face softened and she let out a soft moan. That made me hard. I made it to the closet and we all piled in.
"I love you, Mrs. Lolan." Camron said outa breath as he banged her.
"Cammy!" she moaned.
I imagined she was moaning my name. The guys had their mouths opened. Kev was vidio taping it on his phone. But mainly the parts where we saw Amber's ta tas or when he switched their positions.
They let out one last moan before he collapsed on her.
And I came in my pants. Ugh. They got up and got dressed before Amber said, "I feel like being nosey." as he threw the bloody condom away.
"Ok. I officially hate condoms."
She giggled. I panicked as she came twords the closet. "Turn the light on and I wont make you use a condom next time." she said.
He turned the light on and we're screwed. I looked at the guys as if trying to escape but to late. Amber opened the door. She looked right at me and glared. "What the fuck?" she yelled.
"What is it, babe? Is Jake some crazy rapist that has your picture all over his closet?" he said then came over to the closet. Camron is the kind of guy that everyone thinks it hott. Dont think I am gay when I think this but he looked great. His hair was messed up and he had a joyful look in his eyes. "Did you just watch us have sex?" he asked.
"Nah. I was taking a nap and these bo zoes followed me." I said tiredly.
"Ok. You have a warning. The next time I'm fuckin her and you're watching, I'll kill you." he said hostily.
"I didnt watch." I yelled.
Chapter twelve

Camron's POV

Hours later I carried my drunk girlfriend into the dark mansion. She was giggling and hicupping. The guys were watching a horror movie in the living room. They looked at us and I set her down. She put her hands in the air excitedly and jumped. "I am starvin. Unless you loosers dont make me some fuckin food, I'll go suck Cam's dick." she slurred.
"Save it, girl. You having sex is on YouTube." Kevin said.
She blinked. "It is? And I didnt have sex."
"I know. I was kidding." he said.
She crossed her arms and stopped jumping.
"Yo, sexy, why suck his when you can suck mine?" Jamon yelled.
I was to happy to beat him up.
"Jamon, leave sissy alone." Tanner said tiredly.
Amber put her arms around my neck and kissed me.
"Where you protected?" Tanner asked when Jamon got up and stomped up to his room.
"I dunno," she said and plopped down next to her brother.
"Yes. We were." I said then kissed Amber goodnight.
"Night night, baby." she said before I got to the stairs.
"Night night, wife." That made her blush.
I walked upstairs and went to bed.

Amber's POV

I put my head on Tanner's shoulder. I was gonna let sleep consume me when Kevin had to open his big fat mouth. "Can we watch porn now?"
I opened my eyes and Tanner glared at him. "She wasnt even asleep yet, doofus. And we're not gonna watch porn while she is sleepin in her living room." Tanner said and put his arm around me.
"I thought this was your livin room," Jake said.
"This house was her thirteenth birthday present." Tanner said.
I closed my eyes while the other guys were confused.
"What do you mean?" James yelled.
I put my hands on my head and whimpered. "If you havnt noticed, my sister is very drunk. And she isn't to nice when she is hungover. So shut up a bit?"
"Sorry, Amber." I put my middle finger up.
"Fuck off. I hate you all." I whispered.
"Why?" they all asked.
I stood up and stumbled up to my room. Jerimy smiled when I turned the light on. "Hey, girly." he said.
"Hi hi, Jer Bear." I said before climbing in bed. He kissed my forehead then we went to sleep.

Chapter thirteen

Jamon's POV

I sit in my room thinking about the fact that they had sex. I have no chance now. But I have more expeiriance than that looser. I think I can win her heart. And he has ADHD. He is scary though. He could protect her. But so could I. I know she doesnt like players. But Camron is a player too. I've just had more sex than he has.
I felt a tear slip down my cheek. Tanner came in and raised a brow before sitting at my computer desk. He logged in then turned around. "What's the matter?" he asked. "You only cry when something really upsets you. And that's like never."
"They had sex, Tanner, you were too tired to notice how happy they were." I yelled.
"They were just at a party. And sge is drunk." he said tiredly.
I shook my head. "They had sex. I havnt seen him smile since..."
"I know they had sex, Jamon, it's the newest thing that's goin through seinor year. She was probably drunk when they did it and I have Cam permission."
"You did? And how did you find out?"
"Kev sent me the vidio of it. If she wasnt my sister, I would love to be hers."
"Ew. Who else did he send it to?" I asked.
"Not many people. Me, you, Jake, and Jerimy."
I fumbled my phone out of my pocket. "Fuck! It's dead!" I yelled.
He grabbed my phone and plugged it in. "Go check on Amber. You're being loud and she's a light sleeper when she is drunk."
"But I wanna see," I groaned.
"I'll let you watch you watch it on my phone." he said. I got up and bolted out of the room. I opened Amber's door and she was sitting at her computer typing something.
"Hey!" I whispered in her ear.
She looked back at me. "What do you want, Jamon?" she asked.
"Tanner wanted me to come check on you and make sure you were going to bed."
"No. I'm talking to Kev." she slurred.
A thing popped up.
Kev: That was hot. You're hot. I spent two hours sitting on Jake's bed thinking about you and me.
Amber though for a second then typed: I hate you all. That was wrong! I swear, I thought my first time would just be between Cam and I. But you had to go sending it to my bro, Jamon, Jerimy, and Jakey.
Kev:Ugh! Your bro hasnt killed you and when Jamon watches it he'll freakin jerk off in his room for hours screamin your name. I bet all the guys in school scream your name when they's havin sex. I did when I had sex with Jenn tonight. She doesnt get why the guys like you so much.
She didnt hesitate to answer.
Amber: Why do the boys like me?
Kev: Amber, Amber, Amber, what am I gonna do with you? You're rich, nice, sweet, sexy, everything a guy wants. Jake told me never to tell you this but, he wants a personal cheerleader. So you're his imaginary personal cheerleader.
Amber: Eeeeewwwwww! I knew guys only like me cause I am rich and sexy! I officially hate guys. Cam is the only guy that understands me! He is the only person!
Kev: Ok, sweety, I'm gonna go to bed. I need help with my college things.
Amber: But we dont have to start on those till next year, dummy.
Kev: I do, drunky. It'll take me all year to do.
Amber: Night night, boy.
Kev: Nighty night! Sleep tight!
She logged off and turned around. "I heard you yellin. Are you ok?" she slurred.
I nodded. "I'm horney," I whispered.
She patted my dick then walked over to her bed. I wasnt but am now. Thank you, Amber. "Good night, Jamon."
"G-good night," I said then walked out closing the door behind me. I walked into my room.
"What's with the smile?"
"She touched my dick cause I told her I was horney."
He laughed. "She punched Jake's dick for saying that out loud. I laughed then sat on my bed.
"Phone," I demanded.
He pulled his phone out of his pocket and handed it to me. I opened his messages. They were empty. "Deleat it after you see it," he told me.
I opened his vidios and found it. "Warn me what I am gonna see!" I demanded.
"It didnt turn me on but it'll turn you on. Do you want some privacy?"
"I supose," I said.
He got up and walked out. He must be really tired if he's letting me watch this. Or he knows I'm gonna keep it on my phone. Oh well.
I pressed play and immediantly my jaw dropped. I jumped up and droped the phone. I ran to Cam's room and slammed the door opened. He was sitting in his bed watching tv. He wasnt even affected by the door.
"What, Jamon?" he asked after yawning.
I walked in, closed the door and turned the light on. "How many girls have you slept with?" I asked.
"Amber oready knows how many. I tell her every time I get laid." he said in a duh tone.
"I want to know, Cam. Since you're dating the love of my life, may as well get along with her boyfriend. Right?"
"Sure. Can you turn the light on. Dislexia kind of sucks." he said.
I flicked the light off and sat on the floor.
"Thirteen," he said. "Not counting Amber."
I've slept with more. That

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