» Fiction » My best friend, Annamere [great books of all time txt] 📗

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nodded in agreement.
"So wha's wrong with Jerimy?" I asked.
"He got caught up in the fight between his father and Moe. Moe hit him pretty hard and his father stabbed him. Plus he is still in shock. He wont be talking for awhile. Will you stay and help?" he asked. "I dont think I'll live with two sick people and a moody sister."
"Yah, man. Just dont get mad at me when I tease her. I love her wit all my heart, man."
"Yah. I know that feeling. I love the old Cici. The fragile helpless one that isn't in a bubble." he said.
"Hey, I tried to stop my baby sis from leavin to be with the frek show but she wouldnt listen."
"Amber hates her guts for leaving. The night Cici left I found her in the kitchen smashing hamburger with that one thing."
"That's why you left me in Vagas?" I asked.
"I got a weird feeling. Amber is pretty much my daughter. You know?"
"Yah. I know. You've pretty much raised her since you were six." I said.
He nodded.
"So how are you gonna support all these kids when you dont have a job anymore?" I asked.
He pulled a letter out of his pocket. "This is from Mrs. Price-Lolan."
"Price-Lolan?" I asked.
"Roman is her maiden name."
"Their mum?" I asked.
He took out a little peice of paper and showed me. It was a check for a million dollars. "I get one of these babies every two to six months." he said. "Plus I am having a few friends move in. It's another reason why Amber is mad at me. You wanna move in also?" he asked.
"Rules," he said before I could get really excited.
"Ok. What are they?" I asked.
"Do not go in Amber's room. If Amber says leave her the fuck alone, I suggest you listen cause you not escape without her famouse bite mark. Be careful what you're saying about her, Camron wont take it well. I gotta go check on them. I am sure it's been more than ten minutes." With that said the coppers and the two walked by. Then the doctor came in.
"Camron is ready to go home. I put him on some muscle relaxers and some ADHD medication. I can reasure you it is not meth infected." he said.
"Thanks," Tanner said.
The doctor nodded then walked away. I groaned then got up and picked Amber up. Jerimy glared at me. Tanner stood up and made Jerimy put his jacket on then we went to get Camron. He was fully dressed and when he saw me with Amber, he glared.
"What the fuck you doin with my girl?" he said angrily. Jerimy patted Camron's back.
"Calm down, Camron." Tanner said. "He is just carrying her."
Camron rolled his eyes and muttered, "Fuck," under his breath.
Chapter ten

Camron's POV

"Oh I'm gonna get you, baby." I said as I chased her through the house. Only her and I were home. It's been three weeks since we got home from the hospital. Ok maybe Jerimy was home. But he is still sick.
She stoped running and turned around. I ran into her then stedied her before she fell. She giggled then let me kiss her deeply. "Ok. You caught me. What are you gonna do with me?" she asked seductivly.
"Well, we'll just have to find out. Now will we?" I asked seductivly. My voice was a seductive purr.
I picked her up and ran up to my room. She giggled when I threw her on my bed then locked the door and took my shirt off. I layed on top of her and kissed her with everything I got. I nipped her bottom lip until she granted entrance. Someone knocked on my door making me groaned but I didnt pull away.
She pushed me off of her. "Dummy, we have to take care of Jerimy." she said.
She got up and went to the door.
Jerimy was there looking really pale. He handed a peice of paper to Amber. "'I'm gonna be sick,'" she read aloud. She looked back at me then took Jerimy away from my room.

Amber's POV

I took Jerimy into the nearest bathroom and put a cold wash cloth on his forehead. "I cant, Amber." he said as he bent over the toilet.
"I know, bub, but it's be so much better if you puked." I said rubbing hsi back.
He grunted. "I cant belive I need someone's supervision when I puke." he said.
"Honey, you could puke your organs out with how bad your dad messed you up." I told him.
"I dont think so," he said shaking his head.
"Do you want to eat something? You've been asleep almost all day."
He nodded. I led him down to the kitchen and had him sit before I made him Macaronie and cheese. "What was you and Cam doing?" he asked.
I looked at him. "...Kissing." I said.
"He was shirtless," he said holding his wound.
"Yeah," Then the stupid guys came in. There is Jamon, James, Daniel, Damon, Aaron, Kevin, Jake, and Gale. My brother was behind them. They were bein really loud. "Hey. Shut up." I screamed.
They all stoped then laughed. Anger rose in me and I threw the spoon at the wall then ran upstairs. "What the fuck, guys?" I heard Jerimy yell.
I slammed my bedroom door but didnt lock it since I have to share my room with Jerimy since his body isn't heating up right. Tanner came in two minutes later.
He opened his mouth but I said, "Go to hell,"
"I will! As long as you come with me."
"I dont want to! Get out of my fucking room before I grab a fucking knife and kill all of your little bitches."
I jumped up and went to my closet and grabbed short shorts, a tanktop, and hightops. I changed then straightened my hair. Tanner hadnt moved a muscle. I ignored him while I got ready. I hadnt gotten dressed all day and I promised Jake I'd go to his after school party. Not the one that lives with us.
"Where are you going?" he asked.
"To drink until I make a huge mistake," I said. "Now, bye bye." I said.
He sighed then walked out of my room.

Cam's POV

"Tanner, why is Amber locked in her room crying?" I asked walking into the kitchen.
The guys were laughing and talking about Amber. "She is still mad about the guys," he said as he poured mac n cheese in a bowl. "She called my friends bitches and threatened to stab them if I didnt get out of her room. Now she thinks she is gonna go drink until she does something stupid."
"She wont do something stupid. I am her designated driver."
"Well, that makes me feel super." he said handing the bowl to Jerimy. "You ok, bud?" he asked him.
He nodded keeping his eyes closed.
"Guys, will you shut your fat faces?" Tanner asked.
They shut up. "What's your problem?" Jake asked him.
"Ohh, nothing, my sister hasnt locked herself in her room and she is most cirtenly not crying her eyes out." Tanner said sarcastically.
"Did we do it?" they all asked.
"Noooo! Not at all!" Tanner yelled sarcastically.
"Shut the fuck up already!" Jerimy yelled.
Things are so intense. I swear. The phone started ringing and I answered it. "Hello?" I asked.
"Camron?" mom asked.
"hey, mum." I said.
"Where is Tanner?"
"Yelling at the loosers."
"What happened this time?"
"Amber has locked herself in her room and she is crying her eyes out." I said.
She gasped. Tanner lets Jerimy and I talk to our mother once in awhile. "Why is she crying? My future daughter cant be crying. Cammy go comfort her." My mom is really rich.
"I have to find the key to her room." Someone put their arms around me. I looked back to see Amber. I smiled. "Tanner, phone!" I yelled.
Tanner came into the living room and took the phone. I turned around and kissed her while whiping her tears. She pulled away and giggled. "I'm sorry for locking you out."
"It is ok, baby." I said. "You still wanna go to Jake's party?"
"I'll take every chance to get away from these guys." she said.
I chuckled. "Ok. Let's go." I said grabbing her keys.
"I dont wanna drink that much though. Dont let me get passed buzzed."
I nodded. "Course, baby." I said. I went into the kitchen and patted Jer's back. "Come on, bud. Time to take a nap."
He looked up from eating and nodded. He put his bowl in the sink then stumbled upstrairs. I went upstairs to make sure he got up there ok. I peeked into Amber's room and he was oready passed out in her bed.
I ran to my room, grabbed a shirt and my phone then ran down to Amber's car.

Chapter elevin

Amber's POV

Once we got to Jake's place, it was insain. Jake was drunk and he was looking at me with lustful eyes. It made Camron a little mad. "Hey, Cam, you wann be on da foooootballll teeaamm next year?" Jake slured.
"Ask me when you're not drunk out of your mind." Cam said as we walked inside.
He didnt even glance at Jenn as she bounced up to him, butt naked. Eww! I screamed in my head. Cam looked back at me with a pleading look on his face. "Cam, why are you looking at her? I am standing right here. Look!" she demanded. He just looked at me. He didnt turn his head.
I jumped on his back. "Let's go have sex for the third time today, Cammy." I suggested. I was still a virgin. I was just playing with Jenn.
"I like that idea."
"Dont go in my parents room," Jake said. "You can use my room."
Cam pushed passed Jenn and walked up to Jake's room. I jumped down and locked the door. I turned him around and kissed him. He was suprised at first then he started kissing me back. He backed us up until I hit the door and he picked me up. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. I didnt give it to him.
He pulled away. "You ok?" he asked.
I nodded. "Just nervous." I said.
"You wernt being sarcastic about sex, were you?" he asked.
"No. I'm ready for you, Cammy." I said.
He brought his right thumb up to my cheek and brushed his thumb across my cheek. "I dig you. Everything about you sets me off. You make me good, you know?"
I nodded. "Promis you wont hurt me," I demanded.
He held up his pinki for mine. I locked our pinkis. "I swear I will never ever hurt you, Amber Leanna Lolan."
"That's not fair. My last name has something to do with meth. Mum and dad will haunt me if you

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