» Fiction » My best friend, Annamere [great books of all time txt] 📗

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means I'm more expeirianced. Does it?
"What bout you?" he asked calmly.
"Beats me. You're a player, right?"
He turned the lamp on. "Nope. I like having girlfriends. I just have a diffrent way of pleasuring them."
"What is it?" I asked.
"I dont know. How would I know. And it's Cammy property. Amber knows, along with the other girls I've slept with."
"I dont understand how you make a girl moan like that. How was Amber?"
"Best I've had. She can probably turn a gay man straight."
Amber opened the door and groaned. "Cammy, my room is too dark and Jerimy rolled on me."
"Come here, baby." he said.
She walked over to his bed and he laughed. "To lazy to change?" he asked.
She nodded. "Why is Jamon in here?" she asked putting her head on his bare chest.
"We're just talkin bout the vidio." he told her sweetly.
She rolled her eyes. "I really hate Kev right now. My sex life is gonna be the high light of seinor year."
He stroked her hair. "Not with me there. Jake get's the first beating." he said. "Then Kev and the others that were in the closet then I'll beat up everyone else that talks bout us having sex."
"Oh, Amber," I sung.
"What's so special about the way Camron fucks?" I asked.
She shrugged. "It's amazing. Gental yet rough. It feels like I'm falling but flying when I reach my point."
"Falling? Dont all girls feel like that when they have sex?" Camron asked.
She shook her head. "Cici feels like she is gonna barf when she comes to her point." she slurred.
"Falling but flying? How does that feel?" I asked.
"It feels like your flying in the sky but it's hot not cold. Hotness makes me feel like I'm falling." she said.
"It does?" Camron asked.
She nodded. "I take cold showers half the time."
I stood up. "I'm gonna go watch something." I said then left.

Camron's POV

Once Jamon closed my door I sighed and layed Amber down. I turned my lamp off and layed down next to her. "Cammy?"
"Yah, babe?" I asked as I watched South Park.
"Are you ok?" she slurred.
"I'm fine, sexy." I whispered in her ear.
She smiled and turned to face me insted of the wall. I pecked her lips.
"You're the sexiest women in my life."
She giggled and someone knocked on the door. Tanner walked in. "Behave yourselves." was all he said before he walked out and closed the door. She put her arm around my neck and kissed me. She faintly tasted like alcohol but I didnt care. In the morning, after she eats toaster waffles, she'll taste like strawberries again. Then mint then strawberries again.
Her hand travled down my chest until she stoped at my sweats. I put my hand on hers and she pulled away. "I'm waiting for your permission. I'm not a slut, Cam."
"I know. You can do what ever you want with my dick as long as I can have you and yo pussy."
That made her blush. "Ok, Cammy." she said like a child.
That made my heart race.
"Just promise you wont die in your sleep," she said.
"I promise I will not die in my sleep. Why do you think I would?" I asked.
"My dream. I was only asleep for a few minutes but it was clear that you died in my dream."
I kissed her lightly. "You aint gettin rid of me that easy." I whispered.
She let her hand go into my pants then my boxers. My dick immediantly got excited. She latched her hand onto it and I smiled.
She started moving her hand and I had the urge to moan. "No moaning. Tanner's room is right next to yours member?"
"Kiss me. No promises." I whispered.
She kissed me but her hand never faultered. I was thinking about how much I love this girl while moaning into her mouth. It made her giggle and put her hand over my mouth. "You're gonna get me in trouble,"
I shook my head and bit my lip from screaming her name as I came. "You made me make a mess, baby." I said then got up and went into my bathroom. I took a quick shower. When I got out, Amber was fast asleep. So I crawled in bed, butt ass naked and fell asleep.
Chapter fourteen

Kevin's POV

"Tanner, your sister wont wake up. I dont know where your sister is. I want waffles." Jamon screamed.
I rolled my eyes and lunged out of my bed. I stumbled downstairs and fell on my face. Camron laughed. "Where is Amber?" I asked.
"She is nursing her hangover." he said.
"Oh. Yah. Forgot she was drunk last night. What was with the moaning last night. I heard Jam, but you too."
"I saw Amber's boobies." he said handing me a cup of coffee.
I stood up and walked into the kitchen. "Do you know where Amber is? She promised she would make me waffles." Jamon asked.
"She is giving Cam Cam a blow job." I said knowing it would make them mad.
He pouted. "I want one,"
"We all do. Just not from Amber." Tanner said.
I chuckled. "I want one from my step sister. Dat chick is sexy man."
"You oready got a lot from your step sister." James said coming into the kitchen. James is more of a mommy in this house. He cleans, cooks. A lot of things a mother would do. "You want chocolate waffles or regular, Jam?" he asked Jamon.
"Chocolate, chococlate, chocolate," Jamon cheered like a child.
I sat down at the table. "What bout you, Kevin boo?" He is like a mother. He is gay. Along with Gale. I catch them kissing all the time. Gale came in in just his boxers and James blushed beat red.
"Hey, sexy boo." Amber said comeing into the kitchen and kissing my cheek.
"Hey, hot lola." I whispered.
We've flirted ever since we were twelve. Camron knows it means nothin so he doesnt care. She looked at Gale and James kissing and grinned evily. She walked over to them and put her arms around Gale. "Oh, Gale, I like the way you kiss me. Kiss me harder." she mocked James.
"You heard that?" James asked referring to two nights ago when they were having happy humping time.
"Everyone heard that. Even the dead cat heard that." her and I said together.
We laughed and Cam came in. She walked over to him and put her head on his chest. James went about his buisness and I grabbed the phone and called my step sister. "Ello, love," she whispered seductivly.
"Ey, sexy mama." I said. "What are you doing?"
"Listening to Gwen Stafani and helping your brother nurse his hangover." she said. "What are you doing?"
"Watching Gale try and grope James. Haha. James blushed."
"Dont pick on him."
"I'm not. Come over later. I love you, sexy mama."
"I love you too," she said seductivly. I hung up and Tanner ran into the room and picked his sister up.
"We need to go to Italy, ASAP." he yelled. "Go pack. All of you."
"I havnt got my waffles yet. James is to busy being groped by his boyfriend while I starve to death."
"Tanner, put me down. I need to take a shower." Amber said breathless.
He put her down and she pulled Camron upstairs. "Make me foor, mr. groper." Jamon yelled at James and Gale.
"Someone make the damn kid some food before my family's buisness gets here tonight." Tanner said annoyed.
"Kevin, since you're not doing anything, go pack. James will get out of grope town and make food for you all."
I walked up to my room. "How much am I supose to pack?" I yelled.
Tanner appeared in the doorway. "Enough to last you a month. This happens once a year." he said tiredly. "Since you're more mature, I want you to make sure you get off the jet with everyone and protect Amber."
"Yes sir," I said saluting him.
"Ok. Thank you. Amber loves swimming in the ocean at the beach house and she always gets first pick on rooms. That is my house and they're my rules."
"What are the rules?" I asked grabbing dufflebag out of my closet.
"Keep an eye on Amber when she goes outside, Dont let the maids sock Amber in the eye, Dont let the maids in the room Amber has, Cam and Amber always share a room when they go out there, If they end up having sex, go bud them after ward, Make sure Cam and Jerimy take their meds. And Amber will go over them when you get there. And One Direction often stays there."
I nodded.
"And dont boss Amber around to much. She told me she'd start soon."
I nodded and continued packing. "Why'd she tell you?" I asked.
"So she could get more tampons, duh!" he said.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I said.

Chapter fifteen

Amber's POV

Once we got to the house in Italy, the guys tryed to walk away. "Wait!" Kevin yelled. "Amber get's first pick."
"What?!?" they all screamed.
"She's gonna get the biggest room though."
"What is with all the yelling?" Louis asked.
"Lou!" I squealed in excitement. I ran over to him and hugged him.
"Hey, short stuff." he said excitedly. "Wait till Harry finds out you're here."
"Are you on vacation?" I asked him when I pulled back a little bit.
"Mmmhmm," he said.
"Cool. If one of you is in the room I want, you're outa there." I said in a threatening voice.
"Of coarse. Brother's house. Brother's rules."
I giggled.
"Wait! We have to stay here with the..."
I turned and gave Jamon a evil look.
"Hey, these guys are cool." Camron said. "Now, go choose our room so I can take a nap."
I kissed Louis' cheek then went to find a room. In the biggest room Harry was sleeping peacefully. I giggled quietly then skipped over to the bed. I layed down and stared at Harry. A few minutes later he opened his eyes and screamed. I laughed, falling off the bed. I groaned and Harry smiled at me. He jumped off the bed and began kissing me.
I pulled away. "Nu uh. We broke up, Mr Styles." I said.
He frowned. "But friend kisses, Amber."
"I have a boyfriend."
"Who?!" he yelled.
"Camron!" I yelled back. He groaned.
"Harry, I thought you were tired." Niall said coming in. "Why is Amber on the floor? Harry, I thought we went over this? Amber and you broke up." he said helping me up.
"Thank you, Niall." I said. "Harry, get out of my room." I yelled angrily.
He pouted. "But why cant we share a room?"
"Cause. I want to cuddle with Camron." I yelled. "And I cant do that with you here."
"Cuddle? Or sex?"
Louis and Camron came in. "Harry, get out of her room. Kevin is in charge and I wanna screw her before he can invaid her room." Camron said.

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