» Fiction » My best friend, Annamere [great books of all time txt] 📗

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there fucking. Let me up!"
"Jamon, shut the fuck up!" I snapped.
I waited until he calmed down until I let go of his hands. "I didnt tell anyone cause Camron gets scary." I snapped.

Chapter seventeen


"Hi, booboo." Tanner said when I clicked on accept on the vidio chat thingy.
I layed on my stomch on my bed and smiled faintly. "Hi, Tan." I said.
"How are you and everyone?"
I smiled. "Cool. I think. Jamon caught me and Camron doing stuff today and he is pretty upset. I made him cookies and everything." I said.
He kissed his finger and put it on the camra. I did the same. "I was just talking to him and he told me something very stupid. Something that Kev told him."
I sighed. "What is it?" I asked.
Someone jumped on his back and looked at the screen. "Woah. Is this your girl?"
"She's my sister, Lyall." he snapped. "Now, go away. We're talking."
Lyall blew me a kiss then went away. "Goooo on," I ordered.
He sighed. "I only tell you this because I love you so very much. Kevin told me that Camron is cheating on you with a bunch of Italian chicks."
Bam! I just died. Camron walked in and smiled. I shook my head and put my head in my hands. "How are you, Tanner?" I asked and looked at him again.
"I'm fine."
I smiled. "Liar," I whispered.
"Neither are you. Wanna talk about it?" he asked.
I shook my head. "I need to sleep. I love you, bub." I said.
"LOve you too, sis." he said. "I'll talk to you in a few months."
I nodded then clicked off and closed my lap top. Camron sat down on the bed and hugged me. "What's wrong?" he asked when I pushed him away.
I shook my head and crawled under the blankets. "Let's just cuddle, Camron." I whispered.
He nodded and crawled in bed. He pulled me into his arms and kissed my forehead. "Something bothering you?" he asked.
I nodded.
"What?" he asked.
"I know your dirty secret, pig." I whispered harshly.
"What secret?" he asked.
"Italian babes?" I snapped.
He sighed and kissed my lips. "I didnt sleeo with anyone." Dirty Liar!
"I just wanna be friends again. I missed when we'd just hung out without kissing." I said.
He kised me again. "No. I didnt. Please dont." he begged.
"We have to, Camron." I whispered. "You obviously need more than one women." I said.
He shook his head. "Please, Amber." he begged pressing himself against me. I couldnt think when he did that.
"Camron, we have to. You cant keep it in your pants."
He hugged me. "Fine," he whispered after a long silence.

Camron's POV

Then next day, I was sitting on the beach when Jamon came out and sat in the sand with me. I shook my head and pulled my ear phones out. "Man, I'm sorry I judged without the facts." I didnt have sex with the girls. They just payed me to make out with them, and I didnt feel like being bothered.
I snorted. "She's not with me anymore. You can go back to trying to get with her filthy scum." I whispered.
He shook his head. "Her and Harry went shopping today and she had your phone and some girl in the store called you and she answered. She's looking for you." he said the last part through clenched teeth.
I shook my head. "Maybe it's better if we are just friends. I mean, she..." I trailed off.
"She what?" Am asked kneeling behind me and wrapping her arms around my neck.
"She is flippen amazing," Jamon finished for me.
She giggled. She handed him a pop cicle and he left. She slipped on in my shirt and kissed my cheek. She took her colorful converse hightops off and her socks and wiggled her toes. "Toes are really weird," she said as I layed on my stomch and started massaging her left foot.
She giggled. "Cammy, stop, that tickles."
I kissed her foot and she laughed again.
"Cammy, you're squishing your pop cicle."
"Nu uh," I said showing it to her.
She layed down next to me and smiled. "Hello, dear." she said making me remember the first time we met.
It was a muggy day, likt this one. "Ello, darling." I whispered as she kissed me. I pulled back and pecked her lips a couple of times. "What happened to being friends?"
"Screw that. I know money is tight."
I nodded and kissed her passionatly again. "I'm done with any other girl, baby."
She smiled.
"Good. Cause I love you and I cant live without you."
"Marry me," I ordered.
She laughed and kissed me lightly. "And if I dont?"
"I'm gonna chain you in my basement and love you to death."
She laughed and snuggled into me. "Ight. I marry you. Under one acception,"
I nuzzled her neck and nodded.
"On our honeymoon we have to go to Tanner's Island and we have to play."
I smiled. Her parents gave Tanner an island on one of his birthdays and she told me that when she gets married she wants to go there for a week and play.
"I love you, baby." I said and kissed her forehead.


"Leah, Leah, Leah, Leah. LEAH!" my two year old daughter squealed as Tanner put his newborn baby on the couch next to Lilly. Camron jumped up and down as I made chocolate pudding for him.
"Dont you have a daughter to control?" Tanner asked him as he dipped a finger in the pudding, ate it, then kissed my cheek.
"Hey!" Camron said as he ran to get Lilly then ran back into the kitchen. "Uncle Tanner is eating our pudding."
"Put me down, daddy. I wanna play with mommy. I dont want to play with you." she yelled as she kicked and thrashed her arms.
"Owe. I'm sorry. But you need to learn how to sleep not with mommy. I dont like sleeping on the floor."
She hit him on the head then put her head on his shoulder. Jerimy came in and grinned at me before kissing my forehead. "Hey, sexy mama. How you doin?"
He turned into a total player after Italy.
"I'm doin, fine, dude. How you doin?" I asked.
He rolled his eyes. "I got a baby on the way. I've finally found a girl."
I nodded. "I'd love to meet this girl." I said.
He kissed my forehead. "Someday."
Camron showed our brothers to their rooms then him and I went to our room where the twins were fighting over Cam's boxers.
"Ok, kids. Nap time. Leave my boxers out of your tissy fit." Camron said. Camron Jr. pouted then walked over to out bed. He climbed up on our bed and took most of his clothes off. He was only in his diper. I've got her pody trained, but not him. He is a little slow.
"Ew," Lilly screamed and ran over to me. I picked her up and walked over to the bed. I layed her down then layed in the middle of them.
Camron layed down on the other side of Camron. Camron being a momma's boy cured into my side and closed his eyes.
LIlly crawled over me and layed on Camron's chest. "Why do we always find them in here at nap time?" he asked then kissed my forehead.
"Cause C.J always gets tired at this time and so does Lilly. By the way. How do you feel about more kids?" I asked.
He sighed. "More kids," he murmmured. "Umm, more kids. As in more kids?" he asked.
I nodded. "Like another baby or whatever." I said.
"There isn't a whatever unless you fu.." He stoped when Lilly hit his mouth. "You did that with an alien. And I dont know. The twins are starting pre-school in a few weeks and it's gonna be hard getting C.J to go cause he has seperation issues. Lilly doesnt like strangers and... Wait. Are you pregnant?" he asked.
I am. "Finish what you were saying."
"I wouldnt be able to be here twenty four seven to help you and..."
"Babe, there isn't another baby yet," I said.
He sighed. "How are you gonna run around with the twins when your stomch is all..."
"Camron, C.J and Lilly listen when I scream. Especially when I get annoyed."
He kissed my cheek. "I guess another baby would be ok. But they are always in here at bed time." he said.
"No worries there. I'm oready pregnant."
He choked. "When?"
"Umm. Two months. Remember when Tanner and Jamon had that party for the twins."
"Mmm. Ok. I thought you were on the pill. And I've noticed you getting a little fat."
I hit him upside the head.
"I didnt wanna mention it cause I love you." He laughed.
"Ugh! Pregnant women get fat, you idiot." I whispered.
He nodded. "Yah. I know. Now go to sleep. Jamon is coming over later, and his children are like... really hyper."
I nodded. "Love you," I said then kissed his lips softly.
"Love you too," he whispered.

The End!

Book two

Book Two

Chapter one

  "So you're pregnant again?" my brother, Tanner asks and looks at Cameron.

  I nod my head and Cameron takes my hand.

  "Whatya gonna name it?" Jamon asks.

   "We don't know," Cam says.

  "Well, why not?" Kevin asks and kisses my cheek.

  "Because I'm fat," I say.

  "Oh shut up," Tanner says.


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