» Fiction » My best friend, Annamere [great books of all time txt] 📗

Book online «My best friend, Annamere [great books of all time txt] 📗». Author Annamere

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When we got off the plane we drove to Amber's place. Jerimy was asleep on the couch. Cam was half awake eating frosting in the kitchen. He glared at Taylor when we walked in. "Why is there another guy in my girlfriend's house? Tryin to make her cheat, huh? Just cause I aint no celebraty, right? I'm healthier for her than some poparazzi infested celebraty." He looked like he would break into tears.
Amber came in with just booty shorts and a bra on. Told ya, I thought.
"Man, it is hot today. Cammy cam, what's the matter, baby?" she asked.
"Cicici's all bringing a freakin celebraty here."
She kissed him lightly and whiped frosting off of the corner of his mouth. "Calm down. You wanted her here in the first place. Did you expect her to leave her preciouse poparazzi behind?" she asked.
Taylor snickered quietly.
"Now she thinks she is better than us." Cam looked like he would punch something.

Amber's POV

I hugged Cici then went back to soothing Camron. I hugged him tightly and rubbed the back of his neck. "I love you," I whispered in his ear.
I felt his body relax. "I love you more, booboo." he said then kissed me.
"You good?" I asked.
He nodded.
I kissed him then went upstairs. I jumped into the shower. When I got out I turned music on and got ready for the day. After I was done I called Tanner.
"Hello?" he asked.
"Hey, bub." I said.
"Hey, booboo, how are you feeling?" he asked.
"Great! Cam came over to protect me. But he doesnt like that Cici brought her snobby aditude and Taylor Lautner." I said walking downstairs.
Cici glared at me. "Dont belate for school, Boo." Tanner said.
"It's saterday, bub." I laughed.
"Oh, right. I gotta go. Jamon and I are gonna go out for dr..." I hung up.
Me: Bad connection. Sorry. Gotta go. Loves you, bub.
Tanner:Mmmmhmmm. You too.
Me: Jerk!
I shut my phone off then sat on Cam's lap. He sat back and put his hands on my stomch and my legs were parted so they were on either side of his legs.
Cici was sitting like she was the queen of England. Taylor Lautner was sitting there uncomfortably. "Sorry. My house isn't celebraty fit." I appologized.
"No. I love your house. It's smaller than mine. And your boyfriend is very..."
"He is being a prick." Cici blurted out and Jerimy shot up like the world ended.
"Do you mind, Ms thinks she's better than every one? Sexy Jerimy is tryin to sleep." Jerimy said really groggily. His words were all slurred together.
"I dont think I am better than everyone else."
"Yes you do." Cam said.
"You kinda do, Cici." I said rubbing Cam's hands.
She went beat red.
"You know he is just using you, right?" she sked standing up. "Look at the look in his eyes. It's pure lust."
"That's cause she is sitting on his ding-a-ling." Jerimy said.
I giggled.
"But he loves her. He talks about her all the time at home."
"Come on, Tay." she said and they got up and left.
I giggled.
Chapter eight... Three months later.

Cam and I were sitting on my couch fighting. Our first fight as a couple. He wouldnt leave until we got this settled. He's been sounding kind of high lately and I asked him about it and he got mad. But the doctor has him on new medication and I guess I cant be too mad at him. But he looked like my dad for a few minutes when he was yelling at Jamon.
"Babe, I'm sorry. I really am. This medication is..."
"I know. It's strong, Camron." I said holding my arms.
Tanner walked in and kissed my forehead. "What's going on, kids?" he asked.
"I made her angry,"
"I'm not angry. You scared me, Camron." I whispered.
Tanner kissed my forehead then went into the kitchen. I turned to look at him. He turned too. "How did I scare you, baby?" he asked.
"I dont think it's a good idea to have you on this new medicine." I whispered as he whiped my tears away.
"Cause when you're on it, you sound high, and when you're not on it you yell. Just like my father."
He pulled me into his arms. "I'll stop taking the pills. I was only taking them cause you said they would help me pay attention and my anger."
I kissed him. "Stop taking them. Please? You're scaring the living hell out of me."
He grinned then kissed me again. He pushed me down so I was laying down and kissed me rougher.
Once he forced his tounge in my mouth he stoped. I opened my eyes and his eyes were... I screamed and pushed him up. "Tanner call Fred, moom, Dad. Whatever number 911 is." I yelled.
Tanner came out and his eyes widened. Then he went to call the number.

Cam's POV

"Cammy, I'm sorry." I hear Amber whisper. But I cant bring myself to open my eyes. Grr! "Dont die, pwease." she cried.
I lifted my left arm and found a hand.
She gasped.
Ha! I got my eyes open. But it was hard keeping them opened. She had tears runnin down her cheeks. I wanted to enclose her in my arms and hug her tight and kiss her.
She stood up and kissed my forehead. "Cammy, I am so so sorry." she said still cupping my face.
I cleared my throat and tried to talk but failed epically
She reached over and grabbed a cup of ice water. "You went into a random coma. Dont talk for five minutes." she said as she helped me drink.
She still looked so beautiful when her eyes were red and her cheeks puffy. Once five minutes passed I groaned and pulled her on the bed and kissed her forehead. "What happened?" I asked. My voice was crackly.
"Your so called doctor was a meth maker thingy and your dad did buisness with him. And your dad screwed him over. The medicine was meth. Your dad and the doctor is in prision. You and your brother are under Tan's custody since they can not find your mummy." she explained.
I smiled and Jerimy and Tanner came in. "You two will not be in the same room. Jerimy is going in the room right next to hers and Cam is going in the room next ta mine." Tanner said.
Amber pouted. "Ok, Choo choo train."
She kissed my forehead then got up and crossed her arms before trudging out of the room. Jerimy sat in the chair and clapped. I noticed the giant bruise on the side of his face. And he was slouching as usual.
He was wincing too.
Tanner put his hands on Jer's shoulders and Jerimy put his head on Tanner's stomch. "Your dad stabbed him and him with something. He is still shoked so he cant talk yet. He is gonna get insainly cold until he is fully healed so I am putting him in with Amber." Tanner said patting Jerimy's head.
"She seems like she is in a bad mood." I said.
Tanner nodded. "She was worried and Jamon has been harassing her while you were in a coma. I havnt been able to take care of it. I've been busy trying to get you two away from your father."
"You look tired. When can I leave?" I asked.
"Two hours from now. But your dad and Moe want to talk to you and your bro. That ok?"
Jerimy got up and shook his head. Then he started hypervenilating. "I'm good with it, Tanner." I tolld him grabbing Jer's hand. Jerimy glared at me before shaking his head again.
"It's ok, Jerimy, you dont have to see him." Tanner said.

Chapter nine... Jamon's POV

Fuck! The hospital is so boring when there isn't a janitors closet in sight and Amber isn't giggling on the phone with Marcus or Camron. She came into the waiting room and sat on my lap. Knowing she wasnt in the mood for my shit, I just put my right arm around her and let her cry on my shoulder.
She relized she was crying on me and jumped to her feet. "What the hell, Jamon?" she yelled.
I groaned. "Amber, come here. I wont do anything. I am bored. Entertain me."
She shook her head and Jerimy came in. He looked really worked up. Amber looked at him and smiled. "You ok, bud?" she asked quietly.
He shook his head and hugged her.
"What's the matter?" she asked then went over to get Tanner's Jacket.
She offered it to him and he shook his head.
Cops and two prisoners walked by. I was assuming one was Camron's and Jerimy's dad and the other one was the guy that hurt Cam. Jerimy started hypervenilating. Amber pulled him into a hug and calmed him. So much for just her and I... What am I thinking? I gotta stop this. She is my best friend's sister. And she is dating the baddest boy I know. And his brother was the baddest guy when Tanner and I were in high school.
Tanner came out and sighed. "I hate cops," he whispered then plopped down on the floor. Amber meerly glanced at him before locking fingers with Jerimy and walking away. "She's gonna be mad at me forever cause of your stupid actions." he pretty much yelled in my face.
"Geesh! You and your sister are in a mood." I said
"Well, I wonder why!" he yelled. "You've been harassing her. And I cant do anything bout it cause I've been busy."
"Woah, man, I cant help that I love your sister." I yelled back. We were standing and in each other's faces. Someone cleared their throat. We looked. it was Amber and Jerimy. Jerimy had her in his arms and I felt really jelouse.
Amber looked shocked. Then really angry. She came over to us and slapped us both in the face. "You cant love me. You're Jamon Black. And I'm underage. And I have Camron. Why the fuck are you in love with me?" she yelled.
Tanner shook his head and brought her into his arms.
"Let go of me, jerk." she yelled.
Tanner didnt let go. She struggled until she couldnt take it anymore. She put her head on his chest and closed her eyes. Tanner sat next to me and put her on his lap while rubbing her back. "Ok. We're getting somewhere." Tanner said.
I chuckled softly. "So how long is Cam visiting with his father?" I asked and Jerimy layed on the ground.
"Jerimy," Tanner said.
Jerimy looked at him.
"Come sit up here. We'll go home in a little bit so you can sleep."
Jerimy groaned then got up and sat next to Tanner.
"Ten minutes and they have a bunch of cops there." Tanner said.
"Cool," I said. "I hate cops,"

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