» Fiction » White Wolf, S.F Corbyn [booksvooks .txt] 📗

Book online «White Wolf, S.F Corbyn [booksvooks .txt] 📗». Author S.F Corbyn

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one of those wonderful smiles of his at me. Sue sat me down and handed me a glass of long awaited water. Thanks I said and drank up I be cooling down in fact I felt comfortable and cool it seemed to be getting chilly it felt what the weather looked like outside. Sue made small chat with me while we were waiting for Bella and Charlie. When they finally came in sue laid the table and we began eating. I loved Sues cooking nice and meaty but Bella was a veggie eater and only ate the salad. Later Sue left and Charlie had to go do his night shift so it was only me and Bella. She showed me my room but she seemed quit.

“Bella’’ I said.

“Yes.’’ She replied.

 “About Edward… I’m sorry I don’t know what I said but I’m really sorry.’’

“Oh no, it's not you it's just that he had to… be… somewhere. You might want to hit the shower and get some sleep I’m taking you over to a friend’s house when you wake up.’’

 I thought about this for a moment. Haven’t I had enough strange meetings for one day? No now all she wanted to do was sleep she was so tired. I think I have get lag I said to Bella she smiled and said we could do it tomorrow If I wasn’t up for it. Thanks Erica said. No probe replied Bella oh and the bathrooms down the hall.        

Cahpter 2

Chapter 2: Meetings



I woke up early in the morning. Despite my fatigue yesterday I hardly slept a wink, something about this room reminded me of Edward and I know this sounds crazy… but I imagined him staring at me last night. This made me feel really uncomfortable. I didn’t know what to do so I started painting something. I love painting it always makes me feel calm. When I finished it was roundabout (6:30 A.M) so I packed my stuff and went to the bathroom as I  stood in front of the mirror and examined  myself head to toe. Okay my hair is black with slight hints of brown it goes all the way to my hips. My skin is pale and creamy at the same time like alabaster. My eyes are a light icy blue with a black halo around the edges. It makes my eyes stand out even more than usual. My body is in good shape well sculpted long limbs, I have a great cleavage, as Lisa would always say not too big not too small just right and voluptuous as some would say. I am tall but not that tall. My but is smooth and firm a great shape.

  My fingers were small and delicate and very thin. My lips are pink and have a semi heart shaped on the top of it. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door it was Bella asking if she can come in. I said I’ll be done in a minute and finished putting on my top and I opened the door. Bella was already dressed and wide-awake surprisingly enough I never heard her get dressed. (I don’t like it when things get past me without my knowing) Good morning Bella said with a cheery tone in her voice. Morning Erica said what’s got you so cheery? Oh nothing just feeling happy. It’s good that your already dressed were leaving now .Bella it's 7:00 am. Well Charlie is gone and I don’t want you to be alone so I'm taking you with me. Okay Bella you win.                             

During the drive to where ever they were going Erica couldn’t stop wondering how Bella became ‘engaged’ at such a young age. She was from California and the word engagement to anyone under the age of 35 was a foreign or an unheard of term. It was thoughts like this that made Erica think about her own future she wondered if she would also fall in love with someone as beautiful as Edward and that someone loving her the same way he loved Bella. Riki aha Bella’s words snapped her out of her day dream.         



  ‘I saw you pull the saddest face. Is everything okay?’


‘Oh sorry I just do that sometimes and forget where I am.’


‘Did you sleep well?’

Erica actually considered this for a moment and decided that having creepy dreams about her fiancé starring at her last night would not be music to her ears.

‘Like a baby’ Erica replied. Finally we had reached our destination. It was a beautiful white mansion. Here we are announced Bella. And where exactly is here I asked?. It’s the Cullen mansion where Edward lives I wanted you to meet my new… well our soon to be new family. Erica was nervous again she could see her eyes change colour in the review mirror from a calm blue to an intense brown which meant that she was anxious. When she stepped into the house a weird smell engulfed her it was so strong it burned her throat. A small figure became visible from the far end of the hall way. As it came closer the person became clearer. Alice Bella said in a surprised tone your back?                   


In the flesh both of them started laughing. As usual I had no idea as to what was going on so I just remained there gaping for air. Then Alice turned to me with a big smile and said











    Welcome I have the feeling were going to be the best of friends. Something about her immediately rendered her a kindred spirit. All Erica could do was smile. At that moment Erica realized that she was surrounded by the whole family. How did they get here without her noticing? All of them with their hazel eyes except one of them of course Edward. A male voice ripped her out of herself pity. He was very tall and masculine defiantly someone who would pass as a steroid addict. But when he spoke it sounded goofy and playful. The only description for him was a puppy’s sweet innocence in a body of a pit-bull. Hi I said trying to sound calm and unaware of all the eyes on me. Strangely enough I felt like Daniel in a prison with all those hungry lions but knowing they would never hurt him. I remember the story from Sunday school. I felt as though everyone was waiting for me to say something. The only thing that came to my mind was the word run. So “Erica where you from?” asked Alice.                



California I replied .So are you water junky asked the pit-bull and by the way I’m Emit. This time he spoke to me as his equal and not mockingly. Yes I replied I love water sports I told him. At that moment a blond walked in she said hallo in a very hostile manner. Nice to meet you I replied and added a smile for special effect. It then occurred to me that the way Emit was looking at Blondie was not the way a brother looks at his sister at all. A heat wave hit me at that moment and the stench got even worse I was feeling nauseas and dehydrated I was just about to lose my balance when a pair of ice cold hands came across my hips to hold me up right. I turned around and it was Edward .Are you ok he asked me. “Ye... Yes.”

“Do you need some water?”


“Ok” he said “Sit down I’ll get you some.”

 Bella asked me what just happened and I said I don’t know. When he came back with my drink .He asked if I had anything for breakfast. I’m fine I said just had a rough night that’s all. He nodded and I knew that was the end of the visit my knew family act he didn’t like me for some reason

And some how I knew that wasn’t gona change. When Bella and I left things not-so-surprisingly became even more awkward.

“Hey Riki how about we meet Billy you remember him don’t you?’’

“Yeah but I think I’ve had enough meetings for today Bell please don’t make me do that again.’’

“Nonsense.’’ replied Bella.



When we came up to Billy’s house everything seemed the same as it was when I was a child the wooden bench Bella and loved to swing and the small pond Seth and I would always pretend was a great water fall full of adventure and pirates. I crawled in my skin remembering how silly I was I just prayed that no one else would remember. When I realized that Billy was paralyzed I had an awkward feeling that caught in my thought but never dared to go any further. While he was getting us some tea a piece of paper caught my attention. It was white and black with a photo of a teenage boy. On it read the words Jacob black run away 16 years old. I instantly recognized this person he was my best friend when my dad died he was the only one who under stood me he was even my first kiss. I can’t believe I forgot him the very important person at the back of my mind was him all a long and know he is missing his gone. I would ask Bella all about it when we had some private time I wouldn’t mention it in front of his father Billy. I couldn’t even phantom what he is going through .At that very moment a group of teenage boys and a girl entered the room the boys were only wearing shorts  and the girl whom I later found out was Leah Clearwater was wearing a tight faded tanned tank top and old worn out shorts. The reason this bothered was not because of their lack of style it was more of their lack of clothes it was in the middle of winter and it was freezing outside but that didn’t seem to bother them the least bit. I bit my lip I didn’t realize I was staring until I met the eyes of Sam Ulie he was not a boy but a man who looked about in his late twenty’s or early thirty’s. He coked his head in my direction

‘‘Well look who we have here’’

‘’Hey Sam.’’ Bella said.

‘‘This is my cousin Erica’’

He reached out his hand toward me.

‘‘Nice to finally meet you’’

I took his hand.

‘‘The pleasure is all mine’’

I noticed that his hands were unusually warm but it was comforting to my hands which were bitter cold despite my several attempts at rubbing them together to get my blood circulating in my fingers. He introduced me to everyone and as he said there names one by one they would throw a


 Or “Nice to meet you’’ In my direction. They were all friendly and I didn’t feel uncomfortable around them it was a very pleasant visit the boys made me feel normal strange how I felt so at home in this group of weird people maybe it was because I was weird myself. As much as I enjoyed myself that day the words Jacob- Lost -Hurt was always at the back of my mind. When it was time to leave Seth escorted us

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