» Fiction » White Wolf, S.F Corbyn [booksvooks .txt] 📗

Book online «White Wolf, S.F Corbyn [booksvooks .txt] 📗». Author S.F Corbyn

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on to the floor I was exhausted and terrified at what he was about to do next. I heard him take a few steps back and crouch on the ground.

“Oh my God I killed her.’’

At that moment Bella came down the stairs her hair all wet and only wearing a white towel. She saw what looked like my dead body on the floor and Edward crouched next me. Her face went blank as she put two and two together.


“Edward! What did you do?!’’ she screamed so loud that the vein on her neck popped up.

I tried to lift up my head to look up and as I did

BANG! The door was busted open and on the other side were Jacob, Seth, Quill, Embry, Jarred and Leah. I let out a silent prayer that they would help me. Jacob looked at me and instantly the playful caring eyes turned vile and lethal. Before I knew it Jacob glared at Edward and leaped into the air as he did this I could only hear the sound of clothes been torn apart. Where he should have landed was a huge wolf the same one I had seen in the woods my wolf the one I had grown so fond of. How was all I could think maybe I knocked my head as fell and I’m delusional or maybe I’m just having a nightmare? A really bad one. I tried speaking but the pain around my neck was too much I could hardly move my limbs. The giant wolf was not calm and gentle as I remember he was terrifying exposing a row of very big and very sharp teeth at Edward. Next thing I know Quill Embry and Jarred all leaped up and now my wolf was accompanied by three more wolves. Holly crap! Even I couldn’t dream this. All of the wolves were concentrating on Edward and they moved so quick that all I saw was flashes of colour pass by me. They pounced on Edward and I watched as they tore him to pieces. Oh god! They were killing him! The strange thing was that there was no blood it was only pieces of ice that were exposed on his body  he didn’t even put up a fight he just lied there as they ripped his head off. From the distance I heard Bella’s cries.

“No! Stop! Please Jacob no!’’

I felt faint as my body began to shake with fear I didn’t know how much more I could take of this. I felt a pair of warm hands holding me I looked up and it was Seth he began asking me something but I couldn’t hear him my pulse was beating too loud suddenly Seth became a blurry face and then darkness.



2 DAYS LATER In the reservation.


I drifted into a magical world after that. Everything was hazy and cosy too. Images of me and Jacob rolling in the lavender fields when we were kids passed by as if I was watching it in the cinema. At that thought I found myself seated in a large idealistic cinema all alone and I began to watch the story of my life from an audience’s perspective. The scene of me and Jacob in the lavender fields was the first and then as if by some miracle my six year old me became my eighteen year old me and so did Jacob. I watched in awe as I saw myself in the future I looked so grown up and well…beautiful! Jacob looked incredible with a bit of stubble on his face. He was much taller than he is know and much hotter. What happened next was unbelievable on the screen the laughter of children died out and was replaced by a wind chime like laughter and a deep throaty laugh. Jacob rolled on top off me and began kissing me with so much passion and drive that the real me which was sitting down and watching was about to explode with excitement. The fake me was not fazed though she kissed him back with just as much passion and enthusiasm as he had kissed her. The fake me began to moan and rip off Jacobs clothes as he did the same to her. It was then that I realized it was not her first time with Jacob because they didn’t seem nervous at all. Just as it was about to get to the good part the movie stopped and the screen went blank. Another movie began to play but this one was fast and dark and it made feel uncomfortable. That’s when I saw it the bone chilling image that will for always be branded in my head. Jacob standing on a cliff in the early morning he has no shirt on but he doesn’t seem cold. He was kissing Bella passionately and lovingly. I felt hurt and betrayed by both of them and for the first time ever I felt jealousy for my Jacob. As I sat in the cinema I couldn’t watch anymore I began to scream

“No! No! Take it off pleas take it off. I can’t watch anymore.’’

I felt a pair of hands shaking me as I was screaming. I heard a woman’s voice calling my name at first it was from a distance but then it got louder and louder until it eventually became so loud the person could have been right in front of me.

I slowly began to open my eyes and I saw Sue’s motherly faced looking down at me with a very concerned expression on her face. And then she began to speak

Sue: “Good heavens child you got us thinking you were dead.’’

I blinked my eyes at her so the cinema was only a nightmare and Jacob wasn’t really kissing Bella. Thank god.

Erica: “Dead?’’ I replied to her why would she think I was dead?

Sue: “Well you slept for two day straight.’’


My eyes nearly bulged out off my sockets.


Erica: “Two days! Why didn’t any one wake me?

It was only then my brain began working. Where was I? I didn’t recognize this place and how did I get hear and why does my head hurt? Sue seemed to pick up on my distress. She ran her hand though my hair to comfort me and my anxiety calmed a bit. As I tried to lift myself into a sitting position I flinched at the pain that came from my right arm.

“What’s the matter?’’ sue demanded.

I lifted my arm to examine myself and as I looked at myself I let out slight gasp. My arms where bruised beyond all recognition and my wrists showed the evidence of two purple finger prints around them.

“What happened to me?’’

Sue looked very displeased

“You mean you don’t remember?’’ she replied.

“No’’ I whispered

She looked at me once more this time with surprise.

Sue: “You must have knocked you’re head harder than I had anticipated.’’

I stared at her in confusion and I wondered if she would ever give me a straight answer. After a short while she stood from the side of the bed where she was sitting.

Sue: “I’ll tell you everything in good time but right now I assume you must be famished.’’ I was about to protest and demand that she tells me.  When my stomach let out a ferocious growl I flushed with embracement and she smiled a warm smile at me. She helped me out of the bed and showed me to the bathroom where bathed and groomed myself before exiting. Sue had lent me some of Leah’s old clothes. Her clothes where a bit too big for me and they hung loos around my body. After I had eaten my breakfast I was ready for answers, but she insisted I wait for everyone else to arrive before she answered my questions. I tried pleading with her but she would not have any of it. She simply instructed me to go lie down until they came. I had no energy to argue so I did as I was told. As I got up and started for the bed room the front door burst open and three pairs of feet shuffled into the room. I gulped as I realized one of them might be Jacob. I couldn’t let him see me like this all bruised up and in pain. I quickly dashed to the familiar room and closed the door. From the other side of the wall I could hear the voices off people talking. I placed my ear on the door and strained my ears to hear what they were saying. My suspicions were confirmed when I heard Jacobs voice conversing with Sue, Leah and Seth. I heard Jacob ask Sue if I had woken up yet. Sue replied and a few seconds later I heard footsteps coming towards me.

I quickly got into the bed and pretended to be sleeping. The door swung open and I slowly opened my eyes a slight bit to see who it was. It was Jacob he took a stool and stat beside me. For a long while he just sat there watching me I began to wonder how much longer I could stay still and then he began to speak

Jacob: “Hey princess how are you?’’

I fluttered my lashes and opened my eyes. It was no use pretending any longer. He looked down at me with a smirk a small victory for him.

 “How did you know I was faking?’’

 “Well, because you usually lay on your right side when you are really asleep.’’

 I looked at him in amazement what he said was true but how would he know how I slept?

 “And how would you know that?’’ my question seemed to catch him off guard and the smirk on his face faded away. By now my sarcasm became genuine curiosity. He was about to answer when Seth came charging into the room.   

“I’m sorry to interrupt but I thought I’d make sure you guys didn’t do anything nasty on my bed’’. Ok that was just really embarrassing. I noticed Jacobs light blush as well it was petty but it was kind of making him nervous.

“Ok is any one going to tell me what happened to me?’’

Jacobs gaze suddenly grew very cold all the warmth and familiarity I associated with him almost disappeared. And Seth who had been relatively quiet spoke up.

“Edward is what happened to you.’’ Looking at his face something at the back of my mind started to recall something and just then like a light been switched on I remembered everything and how I had gotten my bruises and eventually became unconscious and Seth being there and oh god his dead!

“Edwards dead! His dead the dogs killed him because he tried to kill me!’’ As I finished my sentence Jacob and Seth looked at me wide eyed as if I was crazy.

“Edwards perfectly fine.’’ said Seth in a perfectly calm way.

“What are you crazy you saw what they did to him even tuna can’t be shredded that much’’.

“I really don’t know what you saw but it must have been your imagination’’. A knot of anger began to grow inside of me those were the exact words they told me when I had tried to explain my father’s death 4 years ago. They had thought I was crazy and delusional because of grief for seven months after my father’s death I went to counselling trying to prove my stable sanity. To my determent it didn’t work and I began to believe that what I had seen was in fact just an illusion but the nightmares of that day still haunted me in my dreams and I became very anti social suffering in silence. In many ways coming to forks was like a clean slate. New start a way in which I could leave my past behind not relive it. So when Seth unknowingly accused me of begin crazy I lost it something in me snapped something I couldn’t control.

“I. Am. Not. Crazy! I

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