» Fiction » White Wolf, S.F Corbyn [booksvooks .txt] 📗

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This book its plot, charachters and setting belongs to Stepheny Meyer, exept for Erica her Mother and Lissa those characters are my own and the belong only to me.







I took a deep breath before I closed my eyes. I was ready…ready to finely rest. I have done everything I      could   the, rest was up to them. I have fought alongside them I have protected all of them every one was safe   my whole family was safe just as I had prayed for. Jacob was safe our enemies were defeated. We have won the war. With my last remaining energy I opened my eyes again and looked across the room at all of their sombre faces. Jacob was right next to me his face full of tears. I reached my good hand out towards him. He took it and placed it against his lips. And with my last breath I whispered…

“Don’t be sad, we won’’ 

I tried to smile, and then just like that my world went peach black.





  And I… surrendered myself to the clawing hands of death.

   That had loomed over me since before I was even born. 











Chapter 1





My story starts long before this book does. So I thought it would only be fitting to clue you in on the missing pieces. My name is Erica Bains. I was born and bred in small-town on the border of Seattle called Forks. It's a town with a population of only 2000 people. It rains 265 days a year and on the days it's not raining its probably snowing. It’s a town where everybody knows everybody, and it is also where I spent eleven years of my life. Before my father was murdered in our own home... that’s when everything went downhill in my life my mother and I moved out of forks leaving my friends and family behind. I was devastated about my father’s death Eric Bains after whom I was named was the best father in the world and I loved him dearly. My life was an absolute void without him.


Which is why I was surprised when my mother sat me down one day at the kitchen table and told me that our house was being foreclosed. I was truly shocked. I knew we had some financial problems but it never occurred to me that we’d be homeless. As soon as I got over the shock of what she had just told me my brain went on over drive with all the questions I wanted to ask. , However, sensing my raising anxiety and no doubt having already played this conversation in her head so many times she knew my question before I did and she answered it before I could ask it. 


“Don’t worry sweetie, you won’t be homeless I’m sending you to live with your uncle in forks.’’ She said.


“WHAT! What do you mean you’re sending me away?”

 “Honey it's only for a few months until I get a job.’’

 “But ... where will you stay?’’

 I’ll be crashing at Renée but she only has room for one.

“Mom I don’t want to go I love my life and my friends.’’

“Erica you can make new friends and besides your cousin Isabella and Uncle Charlie are in forks.’’ And so without much say in the matter I was to be flown of to, Forks next weekend.  I hated that I had to leave but what else could I do run away? Good plan but in a way that still meant leaving. And when I came to think of it I liked Bella and Charlie and I liked adventures to.

The following weekend is stood in the airport looking at my best friend Lisa with tears in my eyes. Oh how I’m going to miss her cheery personality and her bad ass poker skills.


“So I guess this is good-bye said Lisa with a trembling voice.”

 “Yhea I guess so ‘’ I said taking one last long look at her and drinking in all her features. Her wavy brown hair and her striking gray eyes were here best features.

 And at that moment both of us burst into tears and sobs. A computerized voice interrupted all the hugs and goodbyes. Attention all passengers flight 108 to forks is about to take of all passengers please make your to the loading docks.

“That’s my queue.’’ I said. “I’ve got to go.’’

“Oh honey I’m going to miss you so much promises to call every day?’’ said my mom.

“I promises mom and err... I’m gona miss you to.’’




Mean while in forks



“Yes Charlie.’’

“I’m sorry I never told you sooner but I talked to your aunt Vanessa and … well your little coz is gona be staying with us for a little while.’’

 Bella nearly shrieked her best childhood friend Erica was coming she could see all the memories come back warm summers in Jackson Ville and a chilly Christmas here in forks. She could only phantom what Riki must look like know and shed be just in time for the wedding.

“HELLO earth to Bella’’

 Charlie’s voice ripped her out of her thoughts.


 Was all Bella could say at that moment.

“What do you think I mean would it be okay if you slept in the spear room?’’

“Oh… of course when is she coming?’’

“Well on… Saturday she’s on a plane as we speak.’ He replied.

“Wow that’s a little time to get ready but we can do it.’ Bella said.

“Do what?’’ Charlie asked.

“Clear out my room and move it in to the spear bedroom.”


“Good thinking Bella I think Alice is rubbing off on you.”

 He said with a sarcastic tone in his voice.

 “Ha- ha -ha very funny dad the question is. Is Edward rubbing off on you?”

Charlie took a huge bite of his toast. He did it on purpose so that he wouldn’t have to answer the question but Bella knew the answer was going to be no! And never! A couple of miles away                   

Erica was on a plane looking at the view. Wow this place is beautiful and just the same way she had remembered it as a kid no even better. Erica tried to recollect everything she knew about this place Charlie, Bella Uncle Billy and Sue Clearwater. There was always someone in the background of her memories some one important but that person always seemed to be a blur it always bugged her that she didn’t know who that person was. A woman in a navy blue uniform and a hat shaped almost like a sailors came up to Erica. 

“Excuse me miss but the plane is about to land any minute now I suggest you gather your things and get ready.”

 The women spoke loudly and slowly as if she was speaking to a 3-year old. Erica found this annoying that people have to explain things extra carefully just because she was a minor. I’m 15 years old and they think I can’t get off a plane!             




At the airport Bella and her fiancé where waiting for Erica to arrive.

“Bella there’s no need to be nervous I’m sure she’s fine.”

“You’re probably right Edward I mean she should be here any minute.’’

“Bella I can’t read your mind but I’m sure you do not believe what you’re saying.’’

 Bella laughed he always has a way of making her feel better. At that very moment she saw a dark headed girl coming out to the conveyer belt searching desperately for her bags. “RIKI!” Bella blurted out the girls head spun and looked at Bella. She hesitated for a split second and then shouted back


 The two girls rushed towards each other they remained in each other’s embrace until they were interrupted by a boy. His hair was dirty brown and his eyes were the most incredible shade I had never seen before. He looked at Bella for a moment obviously taking in the resemblances. Then Bella looked at me and said “Erica this is Edward, my… fiancé. Edward this is Erica.”

 He smiled and stuck out a hand

“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”

 “Tanks vice versa”

I told him. He seemed confused. As if I had said something wrong. He, s hazel golden eyes were turning a dark shade of brown and then black he’s eyes were fixed on me. He was just staring at me then he let go of my gaze and whispered something into Bella’s ear and took off.


 The ride back to Charlie’s was a long quit one. Bella tried to make small talk but it still didn’t seem right she saw her fiancé eyeing me, like I was a piece of meat. And no matter how hard she tried to Denney it I always knew she was just as dumbstruck as I was.

When we finally arrived Charlie was waiting outside and so was women, it was Sue. Charlie waved the moment he saw us. Hey girls he said just as Bella drove in the drive way. I got out of the truck felling nervous and sweaty.  What if this meeting was like the one at the airport all awkward? Charlie greeted her with a pat on the back. Something told her that even though he had a daughter he didn’t do this often. Next was Sue she gave me a hug and two kisses one on each cheek. At that moment I decided that I liked her and that she had a warm spirit. A boy ran out of the house with something in his hand mom it’s finished he said unaware that I was there Sue gave him a look and quickly he turned in my direction. Hi he said with a warm smile I’m Seth .Of course I should have remembered how could I forget,  Seth tagging along with us everywhere we went he was about 8 then but know he was all grown up .

“I’m Erica”

 I finally said.

“I know” he replied.

Erica felt strange the warmth                                                                                            

She was felling in the car was ten times worse now her palms were sweaty and she felt a bit dizzy Sue picked up on this and asked if she’d like a glass of water Erica nodded afraid to trust her own voice. Sue navigated her inside and before she left asked Seth to go home and stay there. He didn’t argue he did as he was told and started jogging before he was out of sight  he smiled

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