» Fiction » White Wolf, S.F Corbyn [booksvooks .txt] 📗

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doubt the last one was from Leah!

My heartfelt light and worry free every ounce of sorrow and self pity I felt for myself was gone. All the love I felt for Bella was gone I know understood the way she felt about me she loved me as I love her as a sister nothing more no passion no lust just friendship. And I actually thank her for not choosing me over Edward. Otherwise dumping her for this girl would have been very hard. I wonder what she’s like apart from being very sexy and beautiful. In a way she looked like a goddess .And those eyes oh god! They drive me crazy I couldn’t stop looking at them it seemed as if they go on forever you could lose yourself in them and you might just never ever find your way out.

Leah: Hey Jake could you just shut up for a sec your gona make me puke!

And with that all eight wolfs ran into the night happy they were all complete again.


Chapter 5




                           Edwards’s point of view


I don’t know what has gotten into me. I can control myself around every one even Bella but never before have I ever wanted any ones blood as much as I did Erica’s. The thirst I had for Bella’s blood was nothing compared to the thirst I have for hers she ignites a part of me that has been lying dormant for centuries a part of that I’ve learned to suppress and even forget about. The part of me I hate the … killer part of me. When I’m with Bella it’s different because I love her I can control my hunger and my thirst but when I’m with Erica… I always feel on the edge like when I’m out hunting and worst of all I can’t read her thoughts just like with Bella so I never know what she’s thinking. I can never admit this to Bella but Erica is the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen, and after 200 years on this planet I’ve seen a lot of girls. I think Emit and Jasper feel it too there something different about her something that makes her irresistible. The night I broke into Bella’s old room accidentally I saw her sleeping peacefully on the bed her neck fully exposed and her sweet sent filled the room. It took every ounce of self control I had to get out of the room I’m sure she saw me but she didn’t say anything the next day so I gathered that she was still sleepy and thought it was all a dream and when Bella told me she might be missing I stayed put in the mansion choosing tomorrow to go hunt. I wouldn’t want to go into hunt mode and suddenly find her out there alone I don’t know what I might do.



Erica’s point of view


Today I woke up feeling inspired I wanted so badly to sketch the wolf I had seen yesterday so I woke up extra early and opened the cheap sketch book I had bought back home. When I was done and dressed I made breakfast for Charlie and Bella .The one thing I’ve learned after all this years of living with a mother that travels so often is that you have to know how to cook or else it’s an all you can it junk food buffet. Charlie enjoyed it Bella wasn’t there so Charlie took me to school. When I met Jessica in the hall way she apologized for ditching me.

‘’Hey no harm no foul’’ I assured her.

‘’but we still need the mushroom fungi’’

‘’no problem I seduced mike into giving me some of his lunch’’

‘’ha ha very funny’’

It then dawned on me that she had a crush on him one which he is not aware of. As class began my teacher was going on about the women’s reproductive organs and as he showed the real life pictures of the outsides of the breasts some boys let out a mouth full of laughter while others blushed quietly. After school I finished all my homework and I decided to take Seth up on his offer and go visit him and Billy.      





Chapter 6



                               Jacobs Point of view



I could smell her sent as she approached I told everyone to leave they couldn’t deny me, she was my soul mate and if I wanted private time with her that’s what I would have. I made as if I was busy working on a bike but the anticipation got the better of me and I couldn’t help looking at her when she finally came close enough to talk to me her eyes widened she paused for a second and said the words ever so softly

‘’Jake…your back’’

With those words I instantly remembered her Erica .Bella’s cousin we used to be close as kids she was even my first kiss.

Everything I had planned to say had melted away and all I could think of was


“You remember me?’’ she asked

“How could I ever forget?’’ I asked.

 My heart seized she was so gorgeous and she was standing so close to me I could hear the sweet rhythm of her heart beat fast and slow fast and slow. She looked at me for a while and then before I knew what she was doing she embraced me soft and tender she whispered in my ear

‘’I was worried about you’’

She was resting her head on my chest and I took a deep whiff of her sent it was so intoxicating I didn’t want to let go of her I wanted us to stay this way for ever ‘’

So where is every one?’’

She finally broke the silence.

‘’ Err I don’t really know. Do you want to come inside?’’ I know that was a really lam answer but what else was I supposed to say.

‘’ Ok sure.’’

As I was about to leave and start for the cottage she tugged on my sleeve.

‘’Jacob you kept your promise’’

Instantly I knew what she was talking about. When we were kids the night before she left for California we sat by the river together she was eleven and I was twelve. In fear of never seeing her again .I planted a nervous sloppy kiss on her lips. I made her promise me that someday no matter how long it took she would come back. And she made me promise to wait for her. After all these years we managed to keep our promises.

‘’You to I replied’’

When we finally entered the house we sat down and talked and laughed for hours on end no one ever got my sense of humour like she did. As she smiled I fell in love with those dimples I wanted so badly to go over to the side of the table and cradle her in my arms, but I remember what Billy said a love as strong as the imprint might be startling so I had to take it slow. She told me all about her life in California and how she had taken up art as therapy but actually became really good at it.

“That’s because everything you touch turns into gold’’ I punched myself mentally realizing how cheesy that sounds. For the rest of the afternoon we had just enjoyed each other’s company she didn’t tell me about the wolf in the woods I figured she kept me a secret from everyone only   I knew exactly what happened that magical afternoon.  


, Jacob Black,






                        Erica’s Point of View


After returning home from a wonderful visit with Jacob I hit the shower and went to bed. I hadn’t realized how long I was there to be honest I didn’t want to leave for some reason I felt whole when I was with him I felt at peace. God nobody makes me laugh as much as he does with his really cheesy jokes. I couldn’t deny the fact that his sex appeal was way over scale I had made myself from 1 to 10 and that’s how I would judge guys at a party or at a mall but Jake was like a bright red rose among a dozen of white ones he was very eye catching I wanted to ask him since when did he become so damn sexy but I didn’t. When I was with him I wanted to do crazy things that I would never be caught dead doing anywhere else like dancing. I didn’t feel shy when I was with him although my eyes where hazel the whole time I was there it meant I was happy and when thy where green it meant I was in love grey meant I was sad. I never liked the fact that they changed colour it was weird and for some who knew me like my mother it was easy to see if I was laying. But it was hardly noticeable unless I actually pointed it out. As I lie on my bed with the small bird’s feather in my hand I can’t help but think how much my life has changed over the last few days. Downstairs I heard the door open it was probably Charlie coming back from his night shift. But I heard two pairs of footsteps and there was whispering. I couldn’t quite make out what they were saying but if I was quiet enough

‘’Where is she?’’

‘’She’s… asleep…why?’’

And then I couldn’t hear anything after that, I was sure they were talking about me I wanted so badly to know what they were talking about. So I stood up quietly and tip toed my way to stairs I could hear everything now and I really wish I hadn’t, because what I heard was way too much info than I ever wanted to know! It was Edward and Bella discussing the wedding plans and their honeymoon. I heard Bella ask when he was going to change her and to keep the promise he had made for her about having a physically normal honeymoon. I couldn’t understand what she meant and why was there any question of her having a normal honeymoon unless…O.M.G! Does he have some form of erectile dysfunction and what did she mean by changing her. It was at that moment Edward grabbed me by my arm and nudged me forward so that Bella was aware of my presence. Ouch. I moaned that hurt!

‘’ell looks

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