» Fiction » White Wolf, S.F Corbyn [booksvooks .txt] 📗

Book online «White Wolf, S.F Corbyn [booksvooks .txt] 📗». Author S.F Corbyn

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it hurt?”

“Not anymore.’’ I looked into his eyes and I was surprised at how warm he was. I remembered just yesterday how Edward had held the same wrist Jacob is holding right now. Edward was cold and hard like ice, he could be dangerous too. Jacob is warm like fire and inviting, gentle but he could also be deadly to protect the ones he cared about.

“Why are you staring at me like that?’’ He asked as he let go of my hand.

 I suddenly blushed as I realized that I was in fact staring and that he noticed.

“I’m sorry Jake I didn’t realize that I was doing it.’’

   “Erica Baines are you checking me out?’’ He said in a mimicking tone of an elderly woman.

I giggled as he said those words and because what he said was actually true but I wasn’t gowning to admit that now was I?

After we went to the arcade (which by the way I beat Jacob in almost everything) but he won’t admit it. He bought me a Sunday not because I wanted one but because we thought it would be something funny to see the looks on people’s faces as we ate our Sundays on such a cold day. After that it was really late and I had to get home before Charlie sent out a search party. Jacob promised to take me out again next time we agreed on the movies since had already been to every other cool hang out place in one day. God this town was small but I didn’t mind as long as I had Jacob I could never deem it boring. I just sat there and watched him eat he was so handsome and sexy and… whoa there I stopped myself from thinking any further and averted my gaze away from him. Ag! What’s wrong with me? I’ve never felt this crazy about anybody before. Jake turns me on in a way I can’t control it’s as if he’s got some weird spell on me or something. My body just reacts when he touches or smiles at me. It’s something I can never fully explain or understand. He is my friend for crying out loud. In fact he was like a brother to me growing up so why am I having this feelings and thoughts about him? It’s just… wrong.

“Is everything okay?’’ he asked his words zapping me out of my thoughts.

“Yes everything’s fine, Jake can I ask you something?’’

“Err okay shoot.’’

“Why did you … run away?’’

He’s smile suddenly dropped and his face looked sad as he seemed to be having a painful memory. I quickly realized how stupid I was for asking. He ran away because there must have been a really painful but valid reason. One I had no right to know and it broke my heart to seem this way. I wanted reach out to touch his hand and tell him that he didn’t have to answer my question. Before I could he began to speak.

Jacob: “I don’t really want to talk about it.’’


Erica: “it’s okay it was stupid of me for asking and it’s none of my business anyway.’’


Jacob:  “No its not… I just can’t talk about it yet.’’


Erica: “It’s okay really you don’t owe me any explanation.’’

Jacob let out a big sigh and leaned back on the chair rubbing his temples.

Jacob: “thank you for understanding you really are amazing.

I blushed at his words he called me amazing!

Erica: “No, thank you for today I had the best time.’’

He smiled at me and looked at my Sunday “Are you going to finish that?’’ he asked pointing at my hardly touched Sunday. To be honest I had completely forgotten about it.

Erica: “Lets share.’’ I said looking for an excuse to sit closer to him. For the next couple of hours we just enjoyed each other’s company it was really nice listening to all his stories about his family and friends. My heart skipped a beat every time he’s fingers grazed my arm or he’s knee went up against my thigh. Finally we decided to go home I was thrilled that I would get to wrap my arms around him again. Secretly I was waiting for that moment all day long. He got on the bike and I followed soon after and I got to do what I was waiting for. A small piece of haven in my day. I eagerly rapped my arms around him and leaned my head on his back, he was comfortingly warm and I soaked in every moment it. He smelled incredibly good to me, and as I inhaled his sent I could feel his body tense up again.

I found it a little amusing at how nervous I made him, and I giggled in my mind. Somehow no matter how hard I tried all the guys in my age group felt that way around me. They would always tense up as I spoke to them and some would even stutter. I didn’t understand why at first, but my mother had explained it to me as puberty and that they couldn’t control how there body’s reacted to mine. Of course I never felt the same way about boys. To me they were as interesting as math class and that’s not an overreaction. While all the other girls would fuss about parties and cute guys I was always had my head in my books. So this is why I’m so surprised that I can’t control myself around Jacob its crazy. As the bike slowed down I looked up and I realized we were getting closer to home. Wait did I just think of Charlie’s house as my home? Well that’s a first I guess this place was rubbing off on me.

The bike suddenly stopped and I was disappointed that I would have to relinquish my hold on Jacob. I didn’t want this moment to come to an end. I was too selfish I didn’t want to let go of him, but all good things have to come to an end. So I let go and waited for him to get of first, and then it was my turn. As I got off the bike my legs betrayed me and I began to topple forwards. If it weren’t for Jacob catching me I would of landed face flat. Instead lucky for me I landed in his arms.

Jacob: Are you okay?


Erica: Yeah I-I forgot that my legs would do that.

 Dam it! What’s wrong with me I’ve never stuttered so much in my whole life?


Jacob: Are you sure because I could carry you inside if you don’t feel up for walking.


Erica:No thank you I’m alright. I could even run a marathon.


He smiled that perfect toothy grin at me and my knees almost buckled again this time the bike had nothing to do with it.


Jacob: If you say so.


He walked me the door and I offered him to come inside but he reclined explaining that he was late for some sort of a meeting.


Before he left we said our goodbyes.


Erica: Thanks for today Jake I had a great time actually the best since I came to forks.


Jacob :If it made you happy then it’s my pleasure


I reached out and gave him a huge. At first he seemed shocked but then eased into it and embraced me as well.


When I eventually let go of him he walked over to his bike. He hopped on it and started then engine he waved at me and I reciprocated it. I got the keys out of my pocket and opened the door only to find a very angry looking Edward on the couch.


Huh-oh I’ve just stepped out of Jacobs warm and loving presences out of my burning fire and into Ice.




Chapter 8

CAPTER8: Nightmares



Edward looked really pissed off, and his eyes were jet black. He’s jaw was clenched and so were his fists. What was wrong with him I couldn’t have been that late…? I looked up at the old watch that rested on the living room wall holly crap it was already Ten thirty pm. Time fly’s when you’re having fun. Edward got up and started in my direction

 “Where have you been?’’ he asked in a sombre tone.


 “I was out with a friend” I retorted.


 “Do you have any idea what the implications of your actions are, or do you even know how worried Bella was not even beginning with Charlie.’’ 

With each word he took a step closer to me and now he was only inches away from me and I was backed up against a wall.

I was horrified I had never seen him look this angry before then again I didn’t know him that well either.


 “I left Bella a text message and I put a note on the fridge so why should anyone worry and where is Bella any way?’’

Edward shook his head my question must have caught him of guard.

 “Bella is in the shower at the moment and Charlie has a late night shift today, and they didn’t get your messages so I guess they did have reason to worry. Who exactly where you with?’’


 “Jacob.’’ At that moment I knew I shouldn’t have said what I had because he seemed to snap.

He lunged at me and grabbed my arm slamming it against the wall I let out a shriek as the pain engulfed my arm, and then almost as to silence me he started choking me. I tried to get lose but his grip was too tight how he could be this strong it’s impossible. I tried to call out to Bella but it was useless I could hardly breathe let alone speak. I started crying the tears streamed down my face why was he doing this to me! He loosened his grip slightly and I took in as much air as my lungs could take. He put his face to the side of my neck and started inhaling my sent. His lips parted slowly and he started planting kisses up and down my neck. He let go of my neck and pinned my shoulders to the wall this way I was face to face with him and I could not look into his eyes they scared me just as much as he did or even more. Please! Please! Please! Don’t hurt me I begged I was quivering now. He leaned in and before I knew it he was kissing me. I gasped and tried to push him away but to no avail. I pressed my lips together and turned my head to the side so that the side of my face was all he could see. He let out a hiss and began tearing of my jersey. At that moment I knew that he indeed was trying to rape me.

He put his ice cold hands underneath my blouse shivers went up and down my spine. I tried to stop him but it wasn’t enough. My body became limp I couldn’t fight any more he was much too strong for me and the pain I was going through was too much. He shook my body side to side like a rag doll and I moaned at the pain of the whip lash. He let go off my body and I collapsed

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