» Fiction » White Wolf, S.F Corbyn [booksvooks .txt] 📗

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all the reasons why he could possibly be late and ended up with a few outrages ideas.

“Oh.’’ I sighed to myself alone on a Friday night potentially stood up by the guy I have a major crush on. While I was wallowing in myself pity the door bell rang. I immediately dashed for the door almost tripping with excitement. He came for me he cares! I thought to myself feeling quit giddy. I flung the door open only to be shattered by disappointment the person who stood in front of me was not Jacob but instead a mail man in his mid fifties with a receding hairline and crooked  coffee stained teeth. He smiled as he began to speak.


“Special delivery for… a Erica Bains.’’


“Yes that would be me.’’ I said a bit hesitantly.


“Please sign here’’ He said handing me a clipboard with a sheet clipped on to it. I signed on the dotted line and returned his clipboard. He then handed me a tiny box wrapped in black paper and tied neatly with a golden bow. I wished the man good night and closed the door. For a moment I just stood there in the hallway looking at the box in my hand too dumbfounded to even move. Who could have sent this? I went upstairs into my bedroom and collapsed on my bed maybe it’s my mom or maybe it’s an apology gift from Jacob. Either way I wasted no time in ripping of the gift wrap. Inside was a beautiful black swayed box. My heart fluttered as I opened it and saw what was inside. An exquisite pair of tear shaped diamond earrings. My eyes widened at the site of them they must be 10 carrots. Inside the box was also a piece of crimson red paper with loopy cursive written all over it. I unfolded it and began reading.


        Dear Erica



I sincerely hope you except this gift as a token of my apology. I understand that what I have done is unforgivable, and I am well aware that you must despise me. I appreciate the fact that you haven’t laid any charges against me. There is no excuse for what I have done to you and I have been avoiding you out of shame and fear that I won’t be able to control myself around you. Never the less I know no gift will ever make up for what I did to you but I’m hoping this could be a start.


                                                                            Edward Cullen


I stared at the note blankly trying to make sense of the words and the emotions that accompanied them. Well that was totally not what I was expecting. Obviously the dude was remorseful but could I ever forgive him? Does he think he can by my trust so… so easily? I don’t think so Erica Bains cannot be bought off. If he wants my trust back he’ll have to earn it. Today has certainly been full of surprises Jacob transferring to my school, Jacob standing me up for tonight’s bonfire and getting 2million dollar earrings from the guy who just recently tried to kill me. A yawn escaped my lips as I put the earrings and the note in my drawer. I looked at the time it’s eight thirty. By now it’s evident that Jacobs not gowning to show so slip of my jeans and t-shirt and pull on the night gown my mother bought for me. Heading to the bathroom I brush my teeth and hair. I sat on the couch waiting for Charlie to come home since I fear sleeping in an empty house. I am starting to watch a movie when I doze off. I guess Jacob has his reasons for ditching me and as for Edward well I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it. Surprise - surprise.    I hear the TV boom and I chuckle to myself and what a surprise today has been.   






Chapter 12

                                  Chapter 12: Forgiveness


I woke up feeling cold and disgruntled. Last night I had another nightmare of my father being murdered but this time my dream ended differently instead of hearing the door slam closed in my dreams I got to see the face of the murderer. He's crimson red eyes staring at me boring wholes into my own. As I tried to look away I felt myself falling into an endless dark pit of nothing. I kept on falling deeper and deeper into hell with nothing to cling onto no one to save me I had no salvation as continued my free fall spiralling into what could only be described as the pits of despair. As I hit the bottom I woke up on the floor of my bedroom relieved to find out it was only a dream. I must have fallen of the bed. I picked myself of the floor and began collecting my bearings. Still shaken from the nightmare I had I tried to recollect the events of last night. Immediately my mind went to the diamond earrings. I headed over to the bedside drawer that I had stashed it in last night. Sure enough there it was the tiny velvet box exactly where I had left it. I closed the drawer and went down stairs were I was met by a half asleep Charlie sitting on the couch in his pyjamas eating crap and watching baseball. I sat down beside him and he looked at me with squinted eyes.

“Morning’’ he said sheepishly scratching his head as if trying to remember who I was.


“Morning’’ I whispered back to be polite clearly he had a hangover.

“So” I said speaking in a whisper so I did not aggravate his headache- “why aren’t you at the station today?”


“It’s my day of and I have to do my fitting for the wedding today, which reminds me get dressed the brides maids dresses are getting tailored too and we’ll have to be at the Cullen mansion for that.”


I was surprised to learn that Charlie would have to go through a fitting as well but I guess as father of the bride it was a protocol to look smart at the wedding. As I thought of this I felt a pang of pain my father will never get to walk me down the aisle someday. Without objection I dragged myself upstairs, got myself ready and we were out of the house within an hour. As Charlie pulled up in their drive way I felt a steady heat creep up my skin and I remembered who or rather what they were “vampires’’. I started to squirm a little in my seat I was getting hotter and hotter by the minute. Finally I opened the car door and got out to get some air. As Charlie and I walked to the front door of the mansion the crunch of leaves under our feet was the only sound in the air. I noticed that not even one bird hovered near; they probably knew what would happen to them if they got too close.


Charlie lifted his hand to ring the door bell but before he got the chance the front door swung open. Alice stood in front of us beaming in delight and asking us to come in. Charlie accepted the invitation and went in without a moment of thought greeting Alice happily and asking for Bella. I however hesitated not able to completely trust any of them, but eventually I had to go in and despite my hesitation Alice didn’t seem to be affected at all greeting me with the warmest of smiles as I reciprocated. She wasted no time as she shoved me into one of the rooms that was littered with beautiful dresses.


“Where is everyone?’’ I asked suddenly feeling a bit nervous being in a room alone with a vampire.



“Their all with Esmae` and Rosalie but I’m only doing your fitting today since I did all the other brides maids weeks ago’’


I sighed as I looked at all those dresses today’s going to be a long day.


“So what are we wearing.’’ I asked trying to sound enthusiastic.


“We are not wearing anything.’’ She said in a chirpy tone.


I was taken aback by her statement so much so that I surprised myself with what I said next.


“Really then who are all those dresses for… the groomsmen?’’

 I heard someone laughing from downstairs and I was surprised that they heard my joke but then I remembered vampire hearing it’s really worse than being bugged by the CIA. 

Usually I wasn’t sarcastic or funny, but I guess she really did give me the perfect opportunity. Hmm I guess Jacobs rubbing off on me. She responded to my sudden outburst of Witt with a slight giggle and then said.


“No silly, what I mean is we won’t all be wearing the same thing like at a traditional wedding anyway. I decided that each of us gets too pick out something of our choice. You know like what would suit us best –with my help and final decision of course- it will make everyone a lot happier.’’


I rolled my eyes internally. I didn’t really know Alice all too well but from what Bella has already told me about her obsession with fashion I’m sure the choice will be mainly hers. 


“So’’-I said all too eager to get this over and done with. “Let’s do this’’


Alice beamed at my statement and led me to where all the dresses laid spread out on the bed. Then she put her index finger on her chin and studied me with here golden eyes.

And then she held up a crimson red strapless mini dress. It was made out of some sort of latex material and I absolutely refused to wear that. I mean hello… it’s a wedding not a striper convention. Of course I didn’t say that out loud. What I said aloud was.


“Gee… Alice I don’t think I’m allowed to wear something like that … at a… wedding.’’



“How about this one?” she said. Putting down the red dress and holding up a pink frilly dress with bows and flowers sowed on to it. At this point I don’t know which one is worse the slut ala` slut or the goldilocks dress. Before I even said anything she let out a sigh and put the dress down holding her palms towards me she said.


“I know, I know pinks not your colour.’’


I looked up at her in astonishment.


“How did you know I was going to say that?’’ I asked.


“Well that’s my gift I see the future and right now I’m seeing Bella walking up the stairs shell be here in about, oh five seconds or so.’’ That’s when she began the countdown.

“5-4-3-2-1.’’ And sure enough the door swung open and there she was just as Alice had predicted.


I clapped my hands and looked at her admiringly although it wasn’t the most shocking thing I had seen lately but it was in its own right amazing.


“That’s amazing Alice.’’ I said truly in awe of her “gift’’.

  She twirled around and then took a bow.


“Thank you’’ She said with a grin on her face. “Thank you very much.’’   


At that moment Bella interrupted our conversation.

“Err… what are you guys talking about?’’



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