» Fiction » White Wolf, S.F Corbyn [booksvooks .txt] 📗

Book online «White Wolf, S.F Corbyn [booksvooks .txt] 📗». Author S.F Corbyn

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We were chancing them all night long and eventually we were able to take down two of them easily enough.  The third one escaped and we were unable to relocate that slimy little leach again.’’


When Jacob was done speaking I felt so small. While he was out there making sure the town was safe the whole night I’m here wining like a little brat about him not being there last night. I mean how pathetic must I seem to him. I really just wanted to jump off a cliff at that moment. I really don’t deserve him I could live a thousand life times and still not deserve him. Then again I don’t really have to worry about, not deserving him, since technically his not mine in the first place. I wish he was though. It was as I was pondering these thoughts his voice came slamming into me like a ton of bricks.


“So’’-he said- “to make it up to you how about we go to the movies tonight just me and you.’’


I blinked at him, what was I supposed to say any way? Oh wait I know before my brain starts yelling say yes you stupid idiot! Say yes! I said:


“That would be great, I’ve been meaning to watch the movie for ages.’’ I was pleased with my reply I didn’t even stutter not once. He placed he’s hand on my cheek and tilted my face slightly so I would look at him. OH GOD is he going to kiss me. My heart began drumming against my ribs so hard I thought it was going to fly out of my chest. As he leaned in closer our faces just inches apart I could feel the heat emanating of he’s body. I became deaf to the world as the pulse in my ear became so loud I thought my eardrum would burst. Each and every inch of my body was sizzling with anticipation. Craving for his touch and dying for his kiss. My eyelids closed and I could feel his warm breath on my lips I could smell his familiar sent that always accompanied him. And for a moment I held my breath. That’s when he let go of me and I saw Emit and Carlisle standing in the door way. I made a mental note to assonate both of them. I’m completely serious for a second I was really considering ripping out their throats. How could they ruin such a perfect moment with such a perfect guy (morons). I immediately felt myself flush red and it wasn’t because I was embarrassed. I was mad real mad just like before. Suddenly I felt wave of calm hit me, I was so relaxed all of a sudden and that’s when I saw Jasper walk into the room looking highly irritated look on his face he began to speak.


“What the hell is going on here? I thought I was being attacked by all the emotions’’


I was truly baffled by his statement. What on earth was he talking about emotions and how could they possibly “attack’’ him? I was about to ask Jacob what he was talking about, but before I could open my mouth he answered my unspoken question.


“Remember when I told you that one of them was empathic… well that’s Jasper.’’


I suddenly understood why I was feeling so calm Jacob had explained to me a couple of weeks ago that certain vampires had empathic abilities which meant that they could feel other people’s emotions and also manipulate it, so that they made people feel any emotion they wanted them to feel. It was this stark realization that unsettled me… I did not appreciate people being able to literarily toy with my emotions, although this wave of calm was highly appreciated over my former outburst of rage.


While I was deciphering the situation in my mind Emit began to speak.


“That’s exactly what I was wondering jazz, I could feel the tension from all the way in the forest.’’ He paused for a moment looking a bit puzzled and then directed his next question at me.


“What happened her any way I thought you and Edward were…and I came as quickly as I can , but obviously your fine so why do I feel like I can cut the tension in this room with a knife?’’


I blushed a little at his words he was actually concerned about me! Maybe I should cut him some slack and remove him from my hit list. However I decided to ignore his question figuring it would be too hard to explain and directed my attention to Jasper once again.


“Are you the reason I’m feeling so calm right now?’’ I asked.

Jasper who had somewhat been in a trance snapped out of it at the sound of my voice and nodded his head as a way of saying yes.

To my astonishment Jacob began to explain to them that my sudden outburst was due to the fact that I was turning into a shifter and that everything was alright. And there was no need to worry.

 After hearing this news the small crowd dispersed and headed into the direction of the kitchen. Jasper however had not yet moved from his position by the staircase caught my eye and before I left the room I mouthed the words thank you before I exited the room and made my way to the kitchen. He saw this and returned a smile to me.


In the kitchen we were met by Esmae`, Rosalie, Alice and Bella.

The kitchen was wide and spacious as it over looked the forest. The décor was white and the counters were made of black marble. There was a single island that was right in the centre of the room. That was surrounded by eight stools. On the rare occasions that the sun shone, I can imagine it filling up the area that would result in a stunning image. If I had my sketch book here I would draw it, it was beautiful.


I greeted Esmae politely and complimented her on her extravagant kitchen. As for Rosalie well… a simple “Hi’’ was all I could manage for her right now.


I sat down on the stool and Jacob sat down in the on right next to me soon everyone but Esmae` followed as she was busy cooking.


“So... what’s on the menu?’’ Jacob asked Esmae in eager tone.


“Oh I’m afraid nothing much’’ -she said-“Just jam and toast with some orange juice.’’

“Oh no that’s perfect’’-Jacob said with a smirk on he’s face and he’s full attention on me added- “I like jam’’


A chill went up and down my spine as I recalled that morning we ate jam scones together and how he licked the jam off my fingers. My face flushed visibly from that memory that took place only a few weeks ago but seemed like a life time. I think it was at that moment that he Ignited a spark in me that has being growing and growing into a flame ever since. I think it was from that moment I started loving him and it took me this long to realize that. That day… that moment… was my Ignition.  





Chapter 14

CHAPTER14: The Movies


I stood in front of the mirror that evening examining my reflection. It was and Jacob was supposed to be here at 6.15 pm so I still had a few minutes to do some finishing touches. I was a chilly night so I decided to wear my favourite skinny jeans that hugged my body so tightly and my knee high- black -swayed-heel-boots. With a white long sleeved blouse that had a low neckline and fit me like a second skin. For makeup I made use of Alice who was all too eager to put this and that on my face but the end result was flawless I could hardly recognize myself. I decided to leave my hair loose over my shoulders were it fell in long black, sleek ringlets. As I applies the last accessory perfume I heard a car pull up on the drive way. I peeked out of my window and saw Jacob getting out of a car. I looked at my watch again 6.13. Well he’s early I thought to myself. At that I heard the door bell ring and Charlie answer it and after a few seconds he was calling for me and suddenly I felt very, very nervous. Unfortunately Alice couldn’t stay with me after my make over because of all the stuff she had to do for the wedding tomorrow. So I had to pep talk myself and I finally managed to bring myself out of the room and down the stairs I was met my two pairs of eyes staring at me incredulously.


As I finally came to the landing of the stairs Charlie had seemed to redeem himself and began to speak.


“ Wow … you look really nice tonight Erica I don’t want to hold you two up any longer so I’ll just spare you the awkwardness and leave.’’- And then he said looking at Jacob- “have her back by eleven… and you kids have fun you deserve it.’’


“We will’’ I said to reassure him as he headed back upstairs.


For the first time tonight I took in Jacob’s appearance and was stunned I mean normally he’s extremely gorgeous but tonight he’s drop dead.


He was wearing a black t shirt with a Levi’s jean and he’s hair was spiked with some gel. I could smell he’s delicious after shave which made me notice he’s clean shaven face.


That’s when I noticed that he’s eyes were fixated on me and I realized he was literarily speechless and so was I.


Finally he broke the silence.


“You… you look beautiful.’ He said.

And I replied.

“Thank you, flattery will get you everywhere. You might I add clean up exceptionally well you look great Jake!’’


A blush started to creep up his cheeks which were not as noticeable with his russet brown skin as it is in my alabaster coloured skin, although I did notice.


“Shall we get going?’’ he asked holding out his hand to me.

I accepted this gladly and went along with him into the drive way.


“Why of course Mr Black just lead the way.’’ I said feeling a zap every where our bodies met.


When we entered the car Jacob put the key into the ignition and the motor began to purr with life. As we pulled out of the drive way I couldn’t help but feeling a bit disappointed with the fact that he didn’t rather bring his motorbike instead. I was secretly hoping that I would get to wrap my arms around him once again. A smile crept on to my face as I remembered the events that had taken place earlier today. I still can’t understand how my day went from bad to good to worse to horrible to amazing to wretched to unbelievably happy which is right now. As I was enveloped in my thoughts I could feel Jacob watching me. It’s hard to describe but it almost as if his looks has a feeling to it. It made me feel good and nervous at the same time.


“I think you should rather keep your eyes on

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