» Fiction » White Wolf, S.F Corbyn [booksvooks .txt] 📗

Book online «White Wolf, S.F Corbyn [booksvooks .txt] 📗». Author S.F Corbyn

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did you know Alice can see the future?’’


I asked getting all exited. I mean really there’s so much I want to know about my future.


“Oh.’’- Bella said- “That explains it.’’


“Explains what?’’ I asked.


“Why you have a big grin on your face and, before you ask she can’t tell your fortune or anything like that. She can only see random visions that come and go any time. Although if she concentrates on a particular person hard enough she is able to see something’s but even then if that person changes their mind the vision might not come true and the future will change.’’


I felt like a deflated balloon after hearing all of this-so much for knowing my future- I guess I’ll just have to live it like everyone else. I tried not to look disappointed though I really did but I guess it must have shown since Alice looked at me and said.


“Hey if I do see any of your future ill be sure to let you know ok.’’


“Ok’’ I said at least it was something to start with.


“Now what do you think about this one?’’ She said holding up a long black silk dress.

“Well… I like it.’’ I said.


“I thought you might, now go try it on.’’ She said practically shoving me in to the bathroom.


I held the dress in my hands looking down at it. It seemed simple enough but was also elegant in its’ own right. As I slipped of my clothes and placed them on the edge of the bathtub neatly, I began to notice that my earlier discomfort of a heat flash was considerably subdued know. I suppose the others must have left. I slipped on the dress feeling its soft silk on my skin. I studied myself in the mirror before stepping out of the bathroom. The dress fit me perfectly and emphasized all my curves. It formed a puddle of black silk at my feet. It had a long slit where my right leg was sticking out. The neckline was low but not too low and was loose and flowing towards the end. I turned around and the back of the dress was a really low cut. My whole upper back was exposed. I loosened my hair out of the bun I had tied it in this morning. It fell over my shoulders and rested around my hips. That’s much better I thought massaging my scalp as I began to exit the bathroom. When I stepped out and looked up at Bella and Alice I saw their mouths gaping open. It was Alice that snapped out of it first and began to speak.


“It’s perfect! I mean the length and the colour and the way it hugs you’re body, its-it’s beautiful. And it brings out your eyes so wonderfully. You must take it… you were born for that dress! I mean who knew you had such potential.’’

 I blushed slightly I have never been complimented and insulted at same time before. I mean talk about being politically incorrect. She basically just said you look so pretty now that you’re out of you rags Cinderella. I guess me being the person that I am, I won’t hold any grudges.


“You really think so?’’ I asked twirling just like Alice had a few moments ago.


“Of course, you look amazing.’’ Bella said.


“Well I suppose we don’t have to do any tailoring to that dress its already perfect for you.’’ Alice said and then she added before she left the room.

“Why don’t you get dressed and meet us downstairs for brunch.’’


Brunch I thought to myself do vampires even eat?

 And the smaller more cynical voice at the back of my head said of course they do...they just eat people.

I went back into the bathroom and changed back into my own clothes. I looked at myself in the mirror once more this time I looked more like my old self. Before I left the bathroom I hanged the dress on a hanger and made sure that I didn’t leave a mess in the immaculate bathroom. When I came out of the bathroom I noticed that Bella had left and in her place was Edward. I recoiled at the sight of him remembering my last encounter I had with him and let’s just say it was not a good one.


There was deafening silence in the room the only sound was my pulse beating rapidly in my ear. He broke the silence first.


“I won’t hurt you again I promise… I’ve just hunted a minute ago and the burning is not so bad. Please don’t be afraid of me.’’


I looked at him from where I stood and plucked up enough courage to talk.


“I-I… I am not afraid of you.’’ I lied. I was very much afraid of him.


“Did you get my gift? I know it will never make up for what I did and I know you’ll never forgive me but…’’


I don’t know what made me say this, but I did. When the words came out of my mouth they surprised even me, let alone him.  


 “I forgive you Edward.’’ I said in a strained voice.

He looked at me with his eyebrows so high they could touch his hair line.


“You… forgive me?’’ he said as if he didn’t understand what those words meant.

 I sighed and slipped my hands into my jean pocket and pulled out the tiny velvet box that held the pair of diamond earrings and walked over to a table where I put it down with a thump.


“I forgive you; I think I have a long time ago. I don’t trust you though I don’t think I ever will. You know trust has to be earned and so far you haven’t done a good job of that. Also I can’t accept your gift because trust can’t be bought either… and neither can forgiveness. The only reason I’m giving you the time of day right now is because of Bella. I love her like a sister and she loves you more than anything else… apparently even me. Even though you did what you did to me and don’t get me wrong I did hate for a while but then I couldn’t hate you anymore because I had no more hatred left. I still believe you will never hurt Bella. It’s obvious that you love her and I … don’t want to ruin that love. We can be civil to each other at least in public, but don’t touch me… don’t ever touch me ever again unless I say it’s ok.’’ I was breathless after I finished my speech. To my disbelief Edward looked even more stunned than before. That’s when he opened his mouth to speak.


“I don’t know what to say… thank you and I won’t touch you ever again. I promise you that.’’


At that moment I looked up at him and saw how sullen his face looked.  I gave him a light smile before I left the room. When I reached the door I turned around to look at him one last time and said.


“Lighten up it’s your wedding tomorrow.’’


He looked up at me and smiled before he said.


“I know.’’ 

 At that moment I walked out of the room and closed the door behind me feeling a sense of relief to finally get that awkward moment over and done with. Finally I allowed myself to breathe again and let my guard down. It was as if a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and for once I was looking forward to the wedding tomorrow. As I started down the staircase towards the kitchen I couldn’t help but wonder what beautiful thing forgiveness is.      





Chapter 13

                           CHAPTER 13: Ignition


As I landed on the final step of the stairs I felt my heart leap in my chest. The person who stood in front of me was the last person I expected to see in the Cullen household, but never the less there he stood in front of me with a big grin on his face.


“What are you doing here Jacob?’’ I asked.

 He gave me a look of mock sadness as he spoke.


“A simple hi Jacob, it’s nice to see you! Would be nice you know’’ he said mimicking my voice.


I internally rolled my eyes and gave him my best smile before I delivered my come back.


“You know what would be nice?’’ I asked in my most seductive voice while flicking my hair over my shoulders exposing my neck. I stood on my tip toes so that my face would be level with his as I waited for him to answer looking deeply into his eyes.



“I-I… don’t know w-w-w- what?’’ He asked stuttering like crazy.


“Gee, I don’t know Jacob maybe if you had actually showed up last night!’’ I spat the last bit out and shoved him away from me. He looked shocked even more so than Edward had and that’s when I realized what I had done. It’s almost as if I had snapped out of a spell or something. That’s when I began speaking again.


“Jacob I’m sorry I don’t know what came over me I don’t even know where that came from I was normal one minute and the next I’m ripping your head off I’m so, so, so sorry.’’


He looked down at me and took my hand in he’s I felt a jolt of static run up my hand.


“It’s ok… its part of the change your bodies going through you know like mood swings and stuff and shifters naturally have short tempers believe you me I’ve had my fair share of saying things I didn’t mean.’’


Oh my god I think I love him. I mean can you ever ask for any one more perfect. Seriously forget the fact that his a total hunk for 1 second and you’ll see how strong willed he is how caring he is and how down to earth and funny he is and also how understanding. Seriously I probably don’t deserve to have someone so special in my life, no one does, I mean for Christ sake his practically a fictional character in every girls dreams. No I don’t think you could ever ask for someone more perfect than him and if you do you ought to be shot right there and then because you’ll never get what you ask for.

 I was about to say something when he put his finger on my lip and told me to shush as he continued to speak.


“You’re right to be mad at me for not showing up last night I’m really sorry about that.’’


I was about to say it was ok and tell him not worry but he interrupted me again.


“No let me finish’’- he said as he continued- “The only reason I couldn’t make it was because some new vampires are in town and we had heard reports about suspicious deaths in the area since their arrival. First we thought they were just passing by but now we have reason to believe that they are here for different reasons. There are three of them that much we could tell just by sent. Whatever they were doing here Sam and everyone else decided that they had long overstayed their welcome and we went to illuminate them.

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