» Fiction » White Wolf, S.F Corbyn [booksvooks .txt] 📗

Book online «White Wolf, S.F Corbyn [booksvooks .txt] 📗». Author S.F Corbyn

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Chapter 15



La push was gorgeous. The beach stretched out for as far as the eye could see. The lonely moon hung above our heads casting a bright glow all around us- just enough for me to be able to see without many problems- the moon light fell on the dark ocean making it appear as if it were made of a thousand sparkling diamonds. There wasn’t a single cloud in the sky which was rather unusual since it rains almost every day in forks. The wind wiped my hair wildly and I struggled to keep it out of my face- which was a considerably hard task since it was so long it reached my hips- I searched in my pockets and was glade to find a hair band which I used to tie my hair with into a sleek ponytail and I pined my bangs to the back to keep it out of my face. There much better, I thought to myself.


“Follow me.’’ – Jacob said taking my hand in his and manoeuvred through the rocks and large boulders.-“I know a great spot just a few minutes away, you’ll love it.’’

I giggled as I followed him until he came to a stop in front of a warning sign that read. WARNING! PROPERTY OFF LIMITS WAVES ARE DANGEROUS, ENTER AT OWN RISK.          


 Jacob entered through a hole in the fence and stood expectantly on the other side waiting for me.


“Well, what you waiting for Christmas? Come on.’’


“Ha-ha very funny Jake… but the sign says it’s off bounds.’’


“Oh come on. I’ve been down here a thousand times nothing’s gona happen.’’


“What if someone finds us here and reports us… Charlie would flip if he found out we blatantly disobeyed rules! And not to mention what my mother would do if she found out I have a criminal recorded shed ship me back to California faster than you could say goodbye.’’


Jacob looked at me for a second before he burst into laughter. Seriously I have never seen anyone laugh so hard before.


“What’s so funny?’’ I asked feeling a bit irritated.


“Oh, nothing it’s j-just that you… Ahhhh never mind its better if I don’t say.’’ He said still laughing uncontrollably.


“Whatever Jake… just don’t come crying to me when you need to be bailed out of juvenile detention.’’ I said with a scold on my face hoping it would make him stop laughing. Unfortunately for me however it just made him laugh even harder and I didn’t think that was possible.

 I just stood there watching him through the fence thinking to myself how lucky he was he was on the opposite side preventing me from punching him in the face right now. When he eventually stopped laughing, and I say eventually because it really was a while, He looked up at me and began to speak.


“Hopefully I will never be in a position where you’re the only one who can bail me out of juvi.’’


“What’s that supposed to mean?’’ I asked sceptically not fully understanding weather that was a compliment or an insult.


“It means that you should forget about everything else and just trust me. Why don’t you trust me.’’


Oh I see lay the guilt trip on me why don’t cha.


“I do trust you Jake it’s just that the rules…’’


“Forget about the rules Erica you are part of a supernatural group of people that can change into wolves whenever they please. I don’t know about you but I think that’s far more outrages than entering on private property, and besides… rules are meant to be broken.’’

He said in a serious tone and I found myself absorbed in his words I have never seen him so bossy before and I… think I like it.


I slipped through the hole in the fence just as he had done before and I now stood face to face with him. He gave me a smirk and said.

“Now … was that so hard?’’

“No, I suppose not.’’ He’s grin was wiped off his face and his face contorted into a frown.


“What’s wrong?’’ He asked seeming a bit worried.


“Nothing’’ I said with a smile on my face. What was I supposed to tell him? Yeah Jake I think it’s really sexy when you boss me around and give me orders. He’d probably phase and run away thinking that I’m a complete psycho maniac.


“Well then welcome to the dark side.’’ He said with a grin on his face again. He led the way as we continued and finally we stopped to sit down just a few meters away from the water’s edge. I was at a loss for words as I saw the crystal like water.


“So… is it as bad as you thought.’’ He asked seeming royally pleased with himself.


“No… it’s beautiful… like you.’’ Oh my god did I really just say that out loud?


“Why thank you but I prefer to be described as ruggedly handsome.’’ He said jokingly but I could tell that I embarrassed him a bit.


“You are ruggedly handsome but that was not what I was talking about.’ I said feeling a bit weird for asking but not being able to stop myself all the same.


“Oh… what is it then?’’ He asked seeming a bit confused.

 “That day in the woods when I was lost… it was you wasn’t it?’’


He's head dropped and I could see from the look on his face I was right.


“I knew it! How come you didn’t tell me? I mean after you told me about shifters and everything.’’


“I don’t know… I guess I was embarrassed’’ He's response caught me off guard.


“Why on earth would you think like that?’’


“I don’t know I guess I felt bad for not taking you home entirely and letting you walk all that way alone… at night… with vampires on the loose. I was there though hiding behind the trees and following you until you got home.’’


“Jake I had no idea, I’m so sorry for making you feel like that.’’

 I leaned over towards him and gave him a quick peck on the lips. It wasn’t a kiss and it only lasted a second but I swear the look on his face seemed as though I had just told him he won a million dollars.


“What was that for?’’ He asked still seeming a bit shocked.


“That was to say thank you, for being such an awesome friend.’’ I said placing my hand in his and intertwining my fingers with his, and noticing for the first time how perfectly they fit with one another. Like two piece’s of a puzzle.


“Thanks that means a lot to me… you mean a lot to me.’’ He said squeezing my hand as if to reassure me.


I looked up at him and gave him a mischievous smile as an idea crept into my mind.


“Jake… can I ask you something?’’ I said in my sweetest voice.


“Well… it depends on what the question is princess.’’

I rolled my eyes when he said princess.


“Well it’s more of a favour than anything else I need you to do something for me.’’

I watched as the goofy expression on his face turn into one of confusion.


“Do what exactly?’’ He asked in a cautious tone.


“Well, I think this is the perfect time and place to do it since there is no one around to see us. And I really want to see it if you don’t mind.’’


“Ok what is it you want me to do so badly?’’ He said he’s face going red and he’s voice cracking a bit.


“You know’’-I said waving a hand in his direction-“Do whatever it is that you guys do.’’


“Wait I’m not sure I follow... do I have to take of my clothes to do it?’ He asked and I noticed little beads of sweat forming on his forehead.


“Well I suppose I mean it would be rather impossible with your clothes on don’t yeah think?’’


“You mean like right here right now.’’ He said swallowing hard.


“Well, know is when I am asking Jake.’’


“Erica! Don’t you think it’s a little too early for that? I mean…?’’ He said looking really uncomfortable now. What’s up with him all I want him to do is phase that’s all gees.


“I don’t see why it would be early Jake; I mean it’s not really that big of a deal. It’s not as if I’m asking you to have sex with me or anything.’’ When I said those words and I saw the reaction on his face I almost died of embarrassment!


“Jake you don’t think that I was asking you to… Oh god you did. Oh god … I was just asking you to phase into a wolf so I could take a picture and sketch you. That’s all I swear to god.’’


“Phew… well that’s a relief. You almost had me going for a second, and talk about a bad misunderstanding.’’


“Ha-ha, you can say that again. So will you phase for me please?’’


“Err… I don’t see why not. But you’ll have to close your eyes and turn around.’’


“Okay Black …no problem. ’’ I said turning myself around and shutting my eyes. I felt my hair band slipping of my hair as I did so and my stands of long black hair whisk around my face once again.


Behind me I heard Jacob unbuckling his belt. Soon after I heard a thud which I assumed was his pants falling to the floor. A sudden blush crept up my cheeks as I realized a stark naked Jacob was standing only inches behind me in the middle of an isolated place.


As my thoughts started to get the best of me I felt something move in front of me.


“Are you decent?’’ I asked before opening my eyes.


I heard a grunt in return which confirmed that he was in wolf form.


I began opening my eyes and was met by a breath taking site.

There he stood in front of me in all his glory, in the moon light with the wind playing with his deep brown fur. The back ground was the ocean and the moon. It was a sight to behold.

I have of course seen a wolf before and I have seen Seth and Jacob in wolf form before this moment but this was something different. It’s not anything that can be explained … only experienced.

I took a cautious step forward and then another until I was directly in front of him.

 Now I could see his eyes… his big beautiful chocolate brown eyes staring at me. Like a treasure waiting to be opened, his eyes intrigued me. It’s rather strange really…everything looked completely different about him, but his eyes were exactly the same… human eyes I thought to myself. Like my first encounter with the wolf Jacob I felt an uncontrollable urge to touch him. So I lifted up my hand and started stroking his muzzle. He let out a small grunt and I watched as he rolled his eyes all the way to the back of his head in obvious ecstasy.  Oh… so he likes this. I thought to myself and continued patting him. He then began to lick my forearm and I quickly stepped back.


“Hey! - I said practically giggling- don’t think I don’t know that’s a kiss for a wolf’’

He took a step closer to me and pulled a face which I assume is supposed to be wolf for a smile, before he began his assault on me. He began nudging me on my arms and abdomen with his large snout. Which might I add was very gentle

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