» Fiction » White Wolf, S.F Corbyn [booksvooks .txt] 📗

Book online «White Wolf, S.F Corbyn [booksvooks .txt] 📗». Author S.F Corbyn

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the road Mr Black.’’ I said in a rather cocky voice.

He looked away nervously and said.


“I don’t think you know how sexy you are, otherwise you’d understand how impossible that action is.’’


I sighed and sucked up his words like a sponge. I practically almost fainted at his words but still I managed to keep my composer as I said the next words.


“Well if you ever plan on looking at me again I suggest we don’t crash into something before we even get to watch the movie.’’ I said in a sarcastic tone.


“Oh…we wouldn’t want that now would we?’’ He said fixing his gaze on the road and he never looked at me again for the whole drive. Wow he really did take me seriously.


When we arrived at the movies we stood in a long line for tickets and Jacob being the guy he is offered me the opportunity to pick the move we were to watch. He probably thought I would pick some ridicules chick flick or some lame romantic comedy. However little did he know that I was a horror fan and he was surprised at my movie selection which was Apocalypto. A few moments later we bought one large popcorn Jacob insisted on paying for everything I but would not allow it so we split the price half way with everything.


Once we finally got into the cinemas and found our seats-which Jacob had no problem doing since he had night vision and all- had to lead me by my hand as he manoeuvred through the seats and people. As we finally sat down I relaxed in to my seat and he did the same next to me. When the movie began I was immediately drawn into the story. I watched as the people were murdered and mutilated. There was a scene in the movie where the people’s hearts were cut out and their heads chopped off. I couldn’t take it any more I flinched and hid my head in Jacobs’s strong masculine shoulders. When a considerable amount of time had gone by I asked him if it was over and he said it was, so I reluctantly pulled away from him… I felt so safe when I was with him as if nothing could touch me.


When the movie was over everybody filed out of the cinema although it was only half the number of people who had came in. Trough out the movie many people left the cinema saying that they were going to be sick.


I exited the doors of the cinema and Jacob was right behind me commenting on how ‘awesome’ the movie was.

I was about to say something but then I forgot what it was when I felt a warm hand hold onto mine. I looked at Jacob who had a ridiculously (but still adorable) large grin on his face. I didn’t move out of his grasp or flinch or anything instead I allowed him to draw me closer to him and then he kissed my …hand.


The place where his lips had touched my bare skin felt as though it was on fire. Every fibre of my being was set ablaze as my heart started to beat wildly in my chest I instinctively placed my free hand on my chest to make sure it didn’t just leap out and land on the floor. I tried to regain my composer but I couldn’t all I managed to do was smile at him and hope got the message of my approval. Apparently he did because of what he said next.



“The night is still young and I don’t want to go home just yet, how about you.’’ He paused looking at me hopefully.


All I could do was nod like an idiot and he probably took that as a yes.


“So why don’t we go to La push I know this great spot on the beach were we can have like a picnic or something.


I was finally able to talk again when I said.


“Sure Jake that would be great’’

He looked at me with an expression on his face that I couldn’t quite figure out and said.


“Did anyone ever tell you how beautiful you are?’’ he said with a smirk on his face.


I thought for a while before I said what I did next.


“Don’t say that please Jacob, I mean I am flattered and all but really what does it mean to be just beautiful? Does it mean you’re kind or caring or even intelligent? No it doesn’t because beauty means nothing if you’re not a good person and it means very little to me as well.’’


Jacob looked at me again with that indescribable expression on his face and it made my knees go week.


“Of cores not, but you just happen to be one of those rare people who are beautiful on the outside in and you happen to be very smart as well… I mean who gets an A for algebra any ways?’’


I smiled at him but I actually considered his words for a moment I mean I’m not a vein person or anything but I do consider myself good looking if nothing else, and I have been getting straight A’s since kindergarten and I do consider myself a good person. Jacob interrupted my thoughts when he said.


“I consider myself lucky to have you Erica.’’

He must have picked up on the puzzled expression on my face because he quickly added.


“I mean as a friend.’’


I looked up at him and said something I really and truly wish I hadn’t said because it made me feel so stupid.


“Jacob there’s nothing wrong with being more than friends.’’

(God would you just kill me know). Jacob looked down at me with a look of surprise on his face and I immediately opened my mouth to redeem myself but he cut me off before I could say anything.


“There’s nothing wrong with being just friends either.’’ His words cut through my heart like a knife ouch! I am pretty sure I actually flinched at his words for a second. I tried to calm myself buy repeating the words I’m not going to cry in my head over and over again. That’s when he said this.


“But it’s even better when can be friends and more than friends’’ he said with a sloppy grin on his face and I couldn’t help but wonder that he was on to something.


“Well friend’’- I said as we entered the car and Jacob started driving-“I don’t even know you favourite food.’’ I asked desperate for a topic change.


He looked a bit puzzled and started answering my question.


“Out of all the things you could ask you want to know what my favourite food is?’’


“Yeah, it’s a start… let’s make a game out of it you get to ask me questions and I’ll have to answer truthfully If you answer my questions, truthfully.’’ I said with a smile for effect.


He looked at me for a second and then responded.


“You mean like 20 questions or something?’’ he asked.


“Exactly ’’ I replied.


“Well… I suppose my favourite food has got to be pizza, and yours?’’


“Hmm, defiantly chocolate cake I have a weak spot for all things chocolate. So my turn what’s your favourite song?’’



“Eye of the tiger hands down I have a weak spot for rocky, and yours?’’


“Ok Jake, are you seriously gona use my own questions on me?’’


“No… just answer the question.’’


“Hmm not really sure but I love Adele’s someone like you and set fire to the rain a lot, so what’s your favourite colour? ’’


“Blue ’’


“Like the sky blue or like dark ocean blue?’’




“Oh, really like what then?’’


“Like your eyes’’

 He said looking at me with that same look he had on his face at the Cullen mansion when we were about to… I bit my lower lip out of embarrassment compliments were fine of course but not when he said it like that or when he looked at me like that without even blinking. It made me lose my composer and I was glade I was sitting because my knees felt weak and I suddenly felt a very strong need to touch him I don’t know why but for some god forsaken reason I felt myself more drawn to him than ever before was that even possible? I had a crush on him and all but no one ever made me feel this way so…so turned on.


“Erm thanks… I guess.’’ I said feeling a bit sheepish.


“You’re welcome so it’s my turn now and my question is …’’- he paused thinking for a second.-“Oh! I know, what date is your birth day on?’’

“November 28 …and yours Jake?’’


“The 5th of May.’’


“I guess it’s my turn now.’’ I said buying my time since I was running out of questions.


“So what annoys you?’’


He gave a slight Humph before he answered.


“Well let’s see Vampires, blondes, blonde vampires and guys that wear skinny jeans. Do you have a … boyfriend?’’


He's question took me back a bit and there was a long pause before I answered.


“No I don’t.’’ I said with an exasperated sigh no I don’t.


“Well did you ever have one… a boyfriend I mean’’


“Yes, I did have a few in the past but it was nothing serious’’


“Oh really what were their names… did you love any of them?’’


“Erm… I don’t know… and besides it’s my turn to ask questions. So did you have any girlfriends?’’


“It depends on what you mean by girlfriend if you mean a girl that is my friend then yes but if you mean it in a romantic way then no.’’


“How come?’’ I asked curiously.


“No one caught my attention I suppose… and the one that did didn’t feel the same way about me. The thing I regret the most was that I didn’t realize that sooner, it could of saved me allot of problems … and heart ache.’’   


My curiosity got the better of me and my mind began to work double time. Who was this girl that caught Jacobs attention? Was she nice, smart or pretty? What did she do to cause him such heartache did he… bile rose up my throat and I found it hard to complete my own thought did he love her?


“Did you love her?’’ I asked in a meek voice. Feeling compelled to fill the silence that has engulfed us.


“Yes, I did. I loved her enough that I was willing to risk my own life for her. It was only later on after she constantly rejected me I started to understand that I loved her in all the wrong ways.’’ He said with a sombre look on his face.


“What do you mean?’’ I asked not understanding what he was trying to imply.


“I mean that I thought I loved her –and I did- but in a way a brother loves a sister nothing else. I was confused about my emotions and the fact that she was already taken might have added more appeal to her that she’s worth.’’


I rested my head on the headrest of the seat and let out a mental sigh. Love is confusing, torturous, hazards to health and above all blind. I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples

It was only know that I realized how tiered I am.

When I opened my eyes again I was met by a grinning Jacob.


“Here we are La push!’’ He said opening the car door stepping outside he walked around the car an opened my door for me

Ahhhh the perfect gentlemen I thought to myself.


He held out a hand for me and I took I graciously, I felt little shocks every where our skin met. When I was out of the car I took a deep breath.

“So this is the famous La push beach hey, well it’s about time… I miss the ocean.’’


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