» Fiction » White Wolf, S.F Corbyn [booksvooks .txt] 📗

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Cullen mansion. That’s probably why I had almost fainted. Everything just makes so much sense now. The alarming heat flashes and being so uncomfortable around them it was all instinct.

I listen intently as Leah continues.



“You will also find that your temperament changes and you often get dramatic mood swings for no apparent reason and you’ll have a very short temper.’’  

“That sucks.’’ I muttered.



“Yes, it does but it gets better with time as you learn how to control your temper it hardly bothers you anymore.’’



As she spoke a thought popped into my mind something I have been meaning to ask.


“Leah does it hurt when you shift into wolves?’’


 She looks a little caught off guard, but answers my question any way.   


“Only the first time, it felt as though my body was splitting into half it was the most agonizing thing I had ever experienced. For a moment I thought that things had gone wrong and I was dying, but when I came to I was a wolf and there was no pain just a lot of voices in my head. After the first few times it becomes surprisingly pleasant.’’


Bile rose up in my throat as she described the way it felt when she phased I couldn’t help but shudder. It just seems so…so painful.


“What voices?’’ I asked her.


“Well… when we phase for the first time we become connected to our pack so much so that we are able to hear their thoughts when we are in our altered state or not. Their emotions can become a bit overwhelming at times and being able read each other’s thoughts leaves very little or no privacy at all.’’


I thought about this for a second she called them a pack (like you would group of wild dogs.) I should have guessed that they could read each other’s minds after all you can’t speak when you’re a wolf and that’s the only form of communication. The fact that my most private and intimate thoughts and memories would become an open book is not my idea of fun, but being able to read their thoughts especially Jacobs would be kinda fun. Suddenly an idea came to me.


“So can you read every one’s mind like clearly or only the things they choose to show you?’’ I ask getting a bit exited.



“Pretty much anything they’re thinking about’’ She replies.




“Well… do you err know what Jake thinks of … err me?’’ I ask trying not to sound lame and failing miserably.




She looks at me and a smile tugs at the corner of her lips and I notice for the first time the dimples that form on her cheek.




“Yes, he likes you and so does everyone else.’’



I looked down at my knuckles and smiled to myself everyone likes me and the feeling is mutual I wish I could have stayed forever here with the so-called-pack. In this group of people I’ve only known for a few weeks I feel more at home than I ever did at California. Perhaps I have always been homesick and know I was truly at home.  



Chapter 11


                         CHAPTER 11: Surprise, Surprise!


Dear Diary                                                                                            21/9/2012              


It has been 2 weeks since I found out about werewolves and vampires. I haven’t seen or heard of Edward since the night he assaulted me. I am worried that what has happened is putting strain on their relationship. I am not sure if the wedding is still on or not. I started school a week ago and I constantly see the Cullen’s in the corridors or during recess. Bella keeps on apologising for what he has done to me and promises it will never happen again. I just hold my tongue and tell her its fine. She doesn’t know that I know he’s a vampire. She doesn’t even know that I’m a shifter. Poor Bella I feel sorry for her. L

I just hope they don’t call of the wedding because of me. Despite the fact that he tried to kill me, I know he makes her happy… very happy. I hope they can make a mends.     

 I have moved back in with Charlie and I’m comforted by the sight of the tiny room. Charlie doesn’t have a clue on what went down with me and Edward he was told I was having a “sleep over’’ with Leah-he was not happy about me leaving without permission though and he grounded me for a week-  and when I came back after the long weekend my bruises were long gone. Tonight Jacob invited me to the bon fire they are having at the reservation. I am sooo exited! :)







This morning I woke up with a smile on my face I haven’t had a nightmare in a while now and that’s a good sign. It’s a Friday and the day of the bonfire. I opened my window and smell of the fresh air. It was a sunny morning but the wind was still chilly. It’s September and the trees are already shedding their leaves. The ground was covered by beautiful brown and red leaves. It’s as if the whole world is getting ready for 3 months of slumber. It’s always cold and rainy in forks but it only snows in winter. The soft white blanket covers the earth as you sleep, and then you awake to breathtaking sight. Oh how much I’ve missed the snow my childhood memories always featured them.


A couple of hours later:

 In Mr. Gershwin’s biology class


I found it hard to focus on what MR. Gershwin was saying. He was rambling on about some kind of biome I think It was aquatic. I wasn’t paying any attention though. I was too busy sketching the beautiful scenery outside. Suddenly the head mistress walked into the class room. Every ones attention shifted towards her. She is the type of woman that demands attention without saying a word. She began to speak

“Good morning class I would like to introduce you to our two newest students they are transfers.’’  She made a quick gesture of her hands as if to signal them to come in. Then she said their names.

“Jacob Black and Seth Clearwater’’

 My mouth hung open as I saw Jacob and Seth shuffle into the class room.


“No-way’’ I whispered to myself.


What was going on Jacob and Seth at Forks high? Something was just not adding up. The last time I had asked Seth why they still kept attending the school at the reservation he’d just said that there were too many vampires (leeches) as he referred to them, in the school. So why the sudden change of heart could there is something wrong? The teacher asked for their details which they handed to him in a small envelope. He then told them to take there seats. Unfortunately for me the only seats that was available where across the room from me.


The girl sitting next to me, Nicola leaned in to whisper in my ear.


“The one in the black t-shirt what is he’s name again?’’ she asked with a big grin on her face.


I looked over my shoulder to where Jake was seated our eyes met and we exchanged smiles and I began to answer Nicola’s question without taking my eyes of him.


“He’s name is Jacob.’’ I said.


She smiled and said his name.


“He’s hawt don’t ya think?’ she said in her southern bell accent.

I nodded as a response and started reading my text book. I was defiantly happy that he was here and I would get to see him more often. Yes my life has changed drastically since I came to forks and everything I ever thought was true was in fact a lie, and the amazing friends I’ve made. I have to fix things with Bella and Edward I just have to. I really worry about her with him he could do the same thing he did to me to her, but I I’ve seen the way he looks at her with love and tenderness and in my gut I know he’ll never really hurt her. My second priority is to learn as much as possible about shifters my birthday is in November so I only have a few months left of being… human. When I phase I will become different stronger, faster and smarter. Leah had already told me about the physical changes such as my body temperature rising to like 80 degrees. When she asked me why I never thought it was strange that they were always so hot I was taken aback. My father was always that temperature so grew up with it and I had just come to the assumption that some people were hotter than others. To me they didn’t feel so hot either they just felt warm in a cosy way. Billy explained that the reason for that was that since I contain the gene to shift the reactions my body had to the heat was less minute than that of humans. My thoughts were interrupted by the bell and my body went on auto pilot packing away my books. As I started for my locker I felt Jacob presence as he approached from behind. It was strange how I always knew he was near and the way my eyes would always wonder on him even in a crowded room. I turned around ready to bombard him with all my questions about him coming to forks high. But when I looked into his eyes my ability to form a coherent sentence disappeared. All I could think about was him.

“Hi.’’ I said trying not to sound like I just inhaled a helium balloon.

 “Hey’’ he says.

“So…are you going to tell me what’s up or should I guess?’’  I ask with some humour in my tone.


He smiled at me with his perfect row of teeth he’s eyes lighting up as if he had the greatest idea in the world.  As he begun to speak I noticed the cute dimple that formed on his chin.


“Well since you asked so nicely … I got a scholarship for football and I accepted.’’


I took this into consideration and then looked over Jacobs shoulders were Seth stood. 


“Him to’’ I asked pointing to Seth.


Seth looked at me at the mention of this and replied.


“Yes… but mine is for track’’


When I actually thought about this it did make a lot of sense since they were naturally so strong and fast they should easily do better than their human counterparts.


“Well congrats!’’ I said giving them my best smile in return for there’s.


“So are we all catching a ride home together?’’ I said.


“Yes, my father’s truck is parked at the entrance’’ Replied Jacob.


I smiled at this remembering the time I was on his bike so close to him so…happy. Then an image of Jacob Seth and I on the bike altogether gave me the giggles that would have been sooo weird.


 Later on that night


As I waited for Jacob in the living area I aimlessly flicked through the channels on TV. It was already eight fifteen he was supposed to pick me up at seven thirty why on earth is he so late? I watched the clock with such focus and intensity the image began to blur. I went through

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