» Fiction » White Wolf, S.F Corbyn [booksvooks .txt] 📗

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out and pretty much demanded that we come back tomorrow .Sure I said and got into Bella’s truck and as we drove off the sun was setting it was nearing twilight. I couldn’t contain myself I needed to know why and when and where.

‘‘Why did Jacob runaway?’’

She looked at me in amassment and then turned her attention back to the road.

‘‘I don’t know’’

When she said this I heard a tone of pain and longing in her voice I didn’t want to do this to her but I needed answers.

‘‘When did he leave?’’

“Two weeks ago’’

“Why didn’t you tell me Bella?’’

“I didn’t want to worry you. Jacob can take care of himself I’m sure he’ll be back soon’’

‘But didn’t you think I at least would want to know?’

‘What good would it have done?’

Fair enough and with that the conversation ended I didn’t want to push further although I knew there was more to this than she was letting on and I would not give up until I find out what it is. Like I said I don’t like things getting past me without me knowing what it is.




Chapter 3

                           CHAPTER 3: THE IMPRINT

                                 Jacob’s point of view


I don’t know what it was but two days ago I felt this sudden erg to go back home. I wasn’t homesick for the last two weeks life has actually been bearable. Everything was easier in wolf form when you’re hungry you eat when you’re tired you sleep for every question a simple answer. So why was I so eager to go home when I knew what would be waiting for me. Why was my body tugging me back in the direction of home? Maybe it was instinct was my pack in danger was someone hurt either way the longing was too strong it would take me three days to get back home but that seemed too long to wait as I adjusted my stride my body began to relax I was giving it what it asked for and with each step I took I was getting closer to home.



                      Erica’s point of view

As I awoke for my first day at forks high I was exhausted last night I had a nightmare of my father being killed it was more a flash back because I really was there when he died. I was ten years old and two men broke into our house my mother was out that night she had to pull an all-nighter. So it was only me and my dad at home .My father told me to hide underneath the bed and no matter what never ever come out. I love you my baby girl where his last words. I love you two I replied. And I did as I was told. The next minute I heard the bedroom door swing open and a cold voice called out too my father

‘‘Eric don’t make this hard just tell us where she is’’

A growl ripped through the room I could see two pairs of huge paws hit the floor. And then it begun the sounds were awful and tortures. I wanted so badly to help him to save him but I remembered his words never ever. And then the noise stopped the room fell silent. The door swung closed the kitchen door slammed shut but I didn’t dear come out of my hiding place scared and alone. I never saw my father ever again after that but the police found his body near the lake the next day it was too late when they got to him. When they questioned me about what happened I told them everything I knew but my story was too unbelievable and they thought I imagined it. As I eat my breakfast now silent tears run down my face regret anger sorrow. In some ways I’m still that little girl underneath the bed scared of everything longing for her daddy. These nightmares have become more and more frequent over the last few days.


My first day of school was pleasant I met all Bella’s friends in science the teacher paired me up with Jessica for an assignment we have to collect fungi from mushrooms and examine the living organisms underneath a microscope in class. Jessica and I had discussed going to the woods together but she called last minute and cancelled on me. I was pissed but I gathered since I was already there let me get the freaking germs and get out of this place. I wondered around the forest for several minutes before I realized I was lost. And my cell phone battery was flat well done Erica Baines you’ve managed to get yourself into another shity situation. I sat down and rested my back against the bark of a very large tree maybe if I stay put they will eventually find me. It is already sunset maybe I’m giving myself false hope. At that moment a small robin bird fell from the sky it was hurt and limping I felt sorry for it I wanted to help it… save it but I just didn’t know how. I knelt down and held it in my arms I was about cry somewhere out there was a family that needed him just like I needed my dad. With that thought a single tear escaped and hit the little petrified bird on the wing and suddenly as if I had imagined the whole thing the bird hoped out of my hand started flapping its wing and running around franticly his wing looked as if it had never been injured in the first place. I was baffled all the blood stains on its wings were gone and its neck wasn’t tilting any more what just happened. Was it all just a daydream no it was not my clothes and hands were stained with blood and a single feather of the bird remained in my hands so I wasn’t gowning crazy but that still didn’t explain what just happened. I wanted to know more I was curious I followed the bird as it hoped from tree to tree eventually it stopped and took off into the sky. I was disappointed I wanted to hold it again and look for any scares or dents on its body. The sun was low now and twilight was fast approaching I was scared now I had forgotten my situation when the bird had fallen from the sky, and now I heard a sound coming from behind me I slowly and quietly followed the noise where the forest came to an opening there on the cliff was a huge dog basking in the remaining sunlight .I could hardly breathe it took all my effort to stop myself from screaming it hadn’t seen me if I’m quite I can get away without being noticed. I took a step back without averting my gaze from the creature. A twig snapped underneath my weight. The dog stood up and started in my direction I was paralyzed head to toe. Within seconds the beast was in front of me it was so close I could feel it’s warm breath on my face. It was taller than me by three heads and could possibly weigh more than three men. I was done for this thing would eat me and pick its teeth with my bones. I looked up and realized it was staring at me and I looked into its eyes and I couldn’t look anywhere else. It was hypnotizing and every trace of fear left my body I knew it was a stupid move but I reached out a hand to touch its face. And it didn’t even flinch its eyes stayed on mine never leaving them. I felt as though it was searing            

Into my soul I felt safe and protected. I never wanted to leave. It sat down on its stomach and now we were level we stayed that way for nearly half an hour no sound no movement just getting lost in each other’s eyes. It stood up and left. I followed it but it was hard to see because it was night already. When it finally stopped and stood aside I saw a long road in front of me I gasped it had shown me the way out of the forest. As I stepped on to the tare I looked back and nodded my head to say thank you. From this point on I could get home easy.  

When I arrived home it was 8:30 pm before I opened the door I braced myself. On the long walk here I had already come up with what to tell them I couldn’t share what happened today with anyone it was too special and no one would believe me any way. I was right the moment I entered I was bombarded with questions I explained how I needed mushroom fungi and how Jessica bailed on me the fact that I got lost trying to find my way home was all the explanation I needed. After my game of 101 questions from Charlie I was finally able to go up stairs. I hopped into the shower and let the hot water wash any doubt of this day happening away I know what I saw and I’ll never ever forget it.  


Chapter 4

                      CAPTER 4: HOME SWEET HOME

                            Jacob’s point of view


I can’t believe what happened to me today after all this pain and suffering could it really be that I have …imprinted.

On this girl whose name I didn’t even know. Who ho when I looked into her eyes it was as if gravity didn’t even exist as if she was the only anchor to my life. I felt as if I could drown in her blue garish eyes and even now I can’t stand being away from her I have to find her I can’t let her go. I’ll look for her tomorrow I already know her sent it’s a mixture of lavender petals and burnt rose. This is what brought me home she is what brought me home. There was only one problem gowning home and facing my pack! Now as I run on all fours their thoughts invade my mind they know I’m coming I let out a great cry Awwwwoooo aw aw-aw- Awwwwoooo. I have found her she has found me my other half my ….life.

Quill: Jake welcome back.


 Jacob: It’s good to be back.


Seth: Great news Jake.


Leah: Where have you been smart ass?



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