» Fiction » Second Chance, Annamere Jones [top reads .txt] 📗

Book online «Second Chance, Annamere Jones [top reads .txt] 📗». Author Annamere Jones

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 We decided to leave after school. I told my brother that Rob and I were going on a road trip with his boyfriend. He told me to have fun and kissed my head and gave me a few hundred bucks. I wondered where he was getting all this money. He's been sitting around the house like the lazy butt hole he is. I left and went to get Robbie. He threw his bag in my trunk and told me how to get to Jake's house.

"Nice car," Jake tells me when he g ets into the back seat.

I wince. "Thanks. She was my dad's."

He nods and buckles his seat belt. I drive out to the beach and get out of my car. I open the trunk and grab out a heavy jacket and put it on. Then my eye flashes. The bird stands on top of my car. Robbie jumps out and so does Jake.

"Ame Mere, you must come with me, now." the bird booms.

Robbie looks at Jake and Jake looks at me and nods. 

"Why?" I ask, voice strong.

"My master would like to see you!"

I don't know why, but I start giggling uncontrolably. I sober up and pull my hair up into a messy bun. "Do I have a choice?"

"No. And you have no reason to fear us. We will not harm you!"

I saluted the bird. "Yes, capin! Where we goin?" I ask.

"Washington." it says.

I groan and glare at Robbie. I groan and get back in my car. "You a stupid hoe." I tell him.

He laughs.

I punch the steering wheel and the horn honks, scaring the crap out of Rob. "How much mony you guys got?" I ask. "I only have about two hundered." I tell them.

Rob smiles. "Take me to the bank, driver!"

I roll my eyes then start my car again and drive to the bank. He goes in to the bank and comes back out with about a thousand dollars.

"Alright, good." I say. "You can pay for gas for my car." 

He nods. "How much you got, Jake?" he asks.

"Ten bucks." Jake says.

Rob pouts. "Can I have it."

"Course, baby." he says and hands it to Robbie.

"Aww!" I coo. "Anyone know how to get to Washington?"

"Look it up on your smart.."

"It got destroyed in the crash." I cut Robbie off.

"What have you been texting me on?"

I pull out the little black ghetto phone Daniel gave me when I got out of the hospital. "We haven't had a lot of money to get a new one." I say.

He nods. "Okay. Jakey, can we use yours?" he asks.

Jake hands Robbie his smart phone. "why can't you use yours?" Jake asks.

"How am I spose to text you.... Just kidding. Uh. I dunno."

I laugh and take the phone from Robbie. I type in Washington State into the gps app and put it on the dashboard. I pull out of the bank parking lot and turn the stereo up. Come and get your Love blared through the speakers. Mom and dad's song. Instead of changing it, I let it play, and started singing it with Rob and Jake.

I listened to my dad's whole CD he made for my mom a year ago. And a CD he made for me.


"So, Andy totally tripped when he was looking for you yesterday, Ame boo." Robbie tells me awhile later.

"Oh ya? I could care less about that douch bag." I whisper.

He frowns. "What happened between you two? You two were all lovey dovey in the beginning and now.."

"People change, Rob." I tell him.

"Yeah. I know that. But you were in love with him."

I pull into a 711 parking lot and go to the gas thing.  "And I got into a car wreck. Did he care? Did he come see me? No! He didn't fucking care. I lost my parents. Did he care? No. He was always trying to get me out of my home when I needed to be there. I'd lose myself everytime I left."

"Honey, he did come see you. He ran out when he saw you like that. He lost it. He banged up his hands and knees really bad."

I shake my head.

"You're so stubborn. Call him now!" he yells, smiling.

"No. I don't have his number nor do I want to!"

He dials a number on his phone then hands me the phone. I shake my head. He puts it on speaker. "Whats up, Rob?" Andy says.

"You're girlfriend is being a total drama queen. Do you wanna come on a road trip with us?"

"Where are you guys going?" he asks.

I bite my lip and look at Jake.

Jake frowns. "Robbie, you're gonna make her cry! Hang up the phone now!" Jake snaps.

"No. This is for her own good." Rob says. "We're following a bird to Washington. Do you.." 

Someone taps on the window and I look at my window and pout. "He was following us," I whisper. I get out and walk away and into 711. I grab a few burritos and heat them up then pay for gas and the buritos. I set three on the top of the camero then open one and start eating and fill up the gas tank.

Robbie is talking to jake and Andy when I get in. I throw a burrito at Robbie. Then hand one to Jake. I look at Andy through the reir view mirror. " Are you hungry?"

He shakes his head. I give the other one to Jake then turn my car back on and continue eating my burrito. I pull out of the parking lot and drive down the road.

"Fuck. I'm thirsty." I say and turn the radio up. 

"Why didn't you get anything to drink, silly?" Andy asks.

I glare out the window. "Cause I was only hungry at the time." I snap.

"Chill out, girl!" Rob says.

I glare harder.

"Ame, you're gonna get wrinkles." Jake teases.

"I am not!" I say, relaxing a bit.

"If you glare any harder, you will." 

I smile and turn the radio up louder.

Chapter four

 "Are you okay?" Daniel asks.

"Mhm. I'm fine. Andy is with us now," I say.

"I'm sorry, kiddo. Tell him to hit the road. He don't need to be there with you."

"Robbie gets mad everytime I do and tells Andy not to."

"Ah shit. I'm sorry, sis. Want me to come take care of it? WHere are you going anyway? I'm a horrible leagal guardian. Not even asking where you're going! I'm so sorry!"

I giggle a little bit. "We're going to Washington." I tell him.

"Oh. Well as your brother I say thats all fine and dandy but mom and dad wouldn't.."

"I know, Danny. But, I.. I just need to do this. It'll get better if I do." I tell him.

I can almost hear him grinding his teeth and then he groans. "Well, I cant say no if it'll help you get better. So I hope you have fun. But remeber to get some sleep and I finally got enough money for a new phone!"

I smile. "Don't worry bout the phone, bro. Buy some weed and smoke it with that girl."

"For re..." He stops. "I can't do that. You're getting a new phone. End of story."

"I wasn't arguing. I was just suggesting."

"Ha. Ha. Hey, make sure to text me everyday and get some sleep and eat food. "I'll send some money to Uncle Bri Bri's mansion for you. So stop by there on your way. It should be there tomorrow. Ok?"

"Okay. Thankies, bro!" I say.

"And remeber, take showers. Because you don't want to smell bad for hot guys in Washington."

I giggle uncontrolably. "Oh. My. God. That was great. I love you, Daniel."

"I love you too, kid. Be safe. And smile more."

"Will do. Talk to you later."

"See you later, Ame."

"Peace, Dannay boy!" I hang up.

The black bird lands next to me. "You have three men traveling with you." it says.

"One of them is unwanted by me." I tell it.

"Shall I get rid of it for you?" it asks.

I laugh. "It? And no. I'm just mad at him at the moment."

It nods. 

"Why do I have to go with you?" I ask.

"Mastr would like to see you."

"And why can you talk? Birds are spose to be retarded."

It pecks my arms. "I am not a normal bird. And my name is Baruk."

"Owe! You little shit. Nice name though."

"We must keep going." Baruk says and flies off.

"Screw you, bird!" I yell. "i'm going to sit here and soak up the fucking sun!" I scream.

The boys get out of my car.

"What?" I ask. "He pecked my arm. And we have to go to my uncle's place."

"Uncle who?" Andy asks.

"Synyster Gates," I tell them.

"Aww. Yay!" Robbie yells.


"There she is!" Uncle Brian picks me up and spins me around.

I squeal and he sets me down. "Hi!" I say and we do our handshake. "Whats going on?"

"Chillin. Like villains!" he yells and I sit down by Jimmy.


Brian's wife, michelle puts some money in my bra. My dad was lucky enough to marry Synyster Gate's sister when he accidentally got her pregnant with my brother. 

"Can we stay here tonight?" I ask stretching. "I'm so tired."

"Of coarse you can, kid." Brian says.


"The Rev is sleeping on my couch at the moment, but you can sleep in my spare room. And these boys can sleep, uhm... On the floor."

I giggle. "Thanks."

Awhile later, uncle Brian takes me to taco bell and we get dinner for just the two of us because he felt like Aunt Michelle could feed the rest of them on her own and that he needed quality time with his neice. He wears sunglasses and his famous fedora.

"So, are you feeling better?" he asks.

I shake my head. "Not really. But getting out of there really helped."

He smiles at me. "Well, next time I go on tour, I'll fly you up here so you can go with us." he says.

When Daniel and I were younger, he would have mom and dad bring us up to his place so we could go on tour with them. It was really fun. And kinda funny. "Cool." I say and take a bite of my taco.

"What are you obssesed with these days, kid? I can't even figure out what to get you for your birthday. You've got a pretty nice car, cool clothes, and.. You need a phone, don't you?"

I shake my head. "Danny says he has the money to buy one now. I like Basshunter and anime." i say.

He smiles. "Okay. What's basshunter?" he asks.

"Look it up, foool!" I say.

He chuckles. "Okay, kid."


I wake up screaming. Jimmy and Matt burst through the door and make me sit up. Uncle Brian comes in and so does his wife. "What's wrong?" he asks and they all hug me.

I sob quietly on Jimmy's shoulder. My eye flashes and more tears slip from my eyes. Robbie stands in the doorway.

"Daniel said that she was having nightmares." Andy says.

Uncle Brian shakes his head. "You miss your moma and dad?"

I hug myself really tight and try to steady my breathing. "I sorry," I whisper.

"Don't be sorry," Uncle Brian says.

I hug Jimmy. He rubs my back. 

"Go back to sleep, honey. We'll stay with you," Michelle says.

I nod and lean against Jimmy and close my eyes.


When I wake up again, everyone is sleeping around me.

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