» Fiction » Second Chance, Annamere Jones [top reads .txt] 📗

Book online «Second Chance, Annamere Jones [top reads .txt] 📗». Author Annamere Jones

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back." she says then goes out the front door.

"So you're a princess?" he asks.

I bite my lip and nod. "Jev is going to help me and then I'll become queen when Gramps decides I'm ready." I tell him.

"You be careful, little girl!" he tells me and hugs me again.

"But.. OMG!"

"OMG what?" he asks smiling.

"He's so hot!" I tell him.

"You get a pic?" he asks.

I nod. "Robbie took tons of pictures. He'll send them to me when I get a new phone." I say.

Daniel gets up and goes into the kitchen then returns with a box. "Happy birthday since you like left and I missed it!"

I giggle and take the bok. I open it and squeal and jump up and hug him. "Thank you! Thank you! tHank you!" I say.

He laughs and kisses my head. "Anything for my little sister." he says. He got me an iPhone 5c. I sit on the couch and program the phone. Then I call Robbie. 

"He got you what?!?!" Robbie yells excitedly.

"YEah." I giggle. "Send me those pictures!"

"I will." he says. "So, I already miss being at his house."

"I know. Me too. His bed is so comfortable."

Daniel gives me a weird look and I smile at him. He smiles back.

 "Did he try anything?"

I yawn. "No. All he did was accidentally knee my ass." I say quietly.

He laughs. "Oh wow."

I laugh a weak laugh.

"Tired?"  he asks.


"Go to bed, best fran."

"Kay kay." I say and hang up and hug my brother. "Thank you."

He nods. "Sweet dreams, sis."

I nod and walk upstairs to my room.


I go to school on Friday. I meet Robbie at my locker and he smiles. "Evangillion is on tomorrow night. Shall I come over with food?"

I smile and nod. "Hell yeah."

"You look cute." he says looking me over. "Got a date or trying to impress?"

I nod my head. "I'm trying to impress myself," I say and put my Chemestry book in my locker.

Robbie rubs my back. "Well, good. You look absolutely beautifuly amazing." he says.

I smile and shut my locker. "That's what Daniel and Pier said."

"Pier?" he asks.

I smile. "He came to give me flowers today."

"Aww! Thats so cute! Oh my god! I'm gonna cry!"

I laugh and pat his head. "You're silly, Robbie."

We start walking to History class and Jake runs up behind us. "Hi, babe." he says and kisses Robbie's cheek.

"Hey. Did you oversleep?" Robbie asks.

Jake nods and we start walking again. 

"I'm going to Ame's house tomorrow to watch Evangillion. Wanna come?" Robbie asks.

"I can't. My mom needs help throwing a suprise party for my dad." he says.

"Oh," Robbie says disapointed. 

"I'm sorry."

"We're hanging out tonight then, Jake." Robbie says and walks away fast.

Jake looks at me. "Why is he so.."

I smile. "He loves you. Thats why."

Jake sighs. "I know."

"He just wants your undivided attention." 

Jake smiles at me and walks after Robbie. I walk into History and sit at my desk. I put my headphones on and plug the thing into my phone and play music. 

Andy walks in and sits in the desk next to me. He pushes my headphones to my neck and smiles. "Whats up?" I ask.

"You look cute."

"Thanks." He goes silent.

I don't like Andy. I used to love him. But I dislike him now. "Uh. Ame, are we done?"

I nod. 

"Would you care if I went out with.."

"Fuck off. Go die in a hole. You fucking cunt."

He sighs. "Why?"

"Because you're a dick and you don't deserve anyone."

"What the hell did I do?" he asks.

"Nothing. Leave me alone before I punch you."

"No. You know what, come with me now." He grabs my arm and pulls me out of the class room. He takes me out to his truck and makes me get in the passenger side and he gets into the drivers side. "Talk to me."

I cross my arms and glare at my knees. I stop glaring. "Jev," I whisper.

Someone opens the car door and pulls me out. "Stay away from her, boy." Jev snaps and slams the door shut. He walks me off school grounds and looks at my arm. "Are you ok, princess?" he asks.

I nod.

"What happened?" he asks.

"I went to class and waited for Robbie cause he got mad at Jake and walked off and he wanted to talk and asked if he could date another girl and that's just not ok and then he grabbed me and pulled me out to his car."I  say.

He frowns. 

"But I'm okay." I say.

"No. You're not. I'm gonna stay until you get out of school, ok?"

I shake my head. "You don't have to."

"Do you feel threatened, princess?"

I shake my head.

"Then what? Don't lie!"

I pout. "I'm kinda scared." I whisper.

He sighs. "I need to know these things, princess. It is my job to keep you safe." he says.

"Okay. I'm sorry."

He laughs. "Don't be sorry. Come on. You need to get to school. I won't be far away."


After school, Jev is waiting by my car. "Did you have a good day?" he asks.

"Yeah. My chemistry teacher gave us cookies and fudge." I say and unlock the door. He gets in and unlocks my side for me when I get over there. I get in and start my car.

"No problems?"

I shake my head. 

"Good. Where are you going now?" he asks.

"Just to the beach." I say pulling out my phone. I send a text to Daniel telling him where I'll be then I put it under my leg.

He nods. "I will accompany you." he says.

"You don't..."

"If I feel like you're safe, I will leave you alone."

I nod and start my car. I turn on the stereo and pull out of thr school parking lot. "Your brother brought my flowers this morning." I tell him.

He smiles. "He wasn't supposed to leave."

I look in my reir view mirror and frown. "Why not?" I ask.

"He is still weak,"

I smile. "He's sweet."

"Indeed." he says and I pull onto the freeway.

When we get to the beach, we get out of my car I leave the music running and pop the trunk. I go to my trunk and grab my jacket and pull it on. I grab sweats and pull them on over my shorts.

"Cold?" he asks.

I nod and hug myself. 

He shrugs off his coat and offers it to me. "You're going to get cold." i tell him.

"Do not worry about my well being, princess. You're the only one that matters."

I smile. "Who said that?"

He smirks. "Me. And your grandfather would like for me to take care of you."

I take his coat and put it on. "Thank you," I say.

I grab a blanket from the back seat and lay it in front of my car. I sit on it and pat the space beside me. 

"Sit. The sun is going to set in a few hours." I say.

Jev sits next to me and I pull my hair into a pony tail. "What's your favorite color?" I ask and pull the box of cookies Daniel bought me last night out of my bag and offer him one. He takes one and looks at it.

Then he looks at me. "Green."

"Why?" I ask.

"Because your eyes are pretty." he tells me and takes a bite of the cookie.

I giggle. "My eyes are ugly."

"No, princess." he says. "They're beautiful."

I smile.

"What is your favorite color?" he asks.

"Uhh. Purple." I say.

"Why?" he asks.

I shrug. "Its gorgous."

He smiles.

Andy walks over to us and punches Jev in the face. "What the fuck, Andy?" I scream and stand up.

"I want this creep away from you!" he yells in my face.

I glare at him. "I want you out of my life. Forever. Don't come near me ever again. If you do, I will kill you." I say quietly.

"No, Ame." he says. "You love me. and I love you!"

"Really?" I ask crossing my arms. "Just go away. I hate you. Get out of here."

He grabs me by the shoulders. "I told you to stay away from her!" Jev yells and grabs Andy and throws him on the ground. He pulls a knife out of his boot and goes to stab Andy.

"Stop," I say. "Don't."

Jev stands up straight and puts his knife back in his boot. I walk over to Andy and he looks at me. 

"Please go away, Andy." I say. "Go or I'll call Daniel."

He sighs and stands up and leaves. I sigh. I look at Jev's face and frown. "Are you ok?" I ask and touch below his eye.

He winces. "Of coarse, Princess." he says. A jeep pulls into the beach and Robbie jumps out and runs over to me. 

"Oh god. Someone did get hurt, Jakey!" Robbie says. Jake jogs over to us and looks me over.

"Ame's fine. What happened to him?"

I fall to my knees and begin crying. I feel someone hug me. Then all three of them are hugging me.

"Its okay, sweetie." Robbie says and I stop crying. "Andy just can't understand that you're hurting and he thinks everything is about him. And look, Jev is fine."

"His eye is swelling," I say quietly.

"But he's fine!" Jake says and he pulls me into standing position. He shakes my shoulders. "Get ahold of yourself women!" he yells and I giggle.

I wipe my eyes on my hands and Robbie smiles. "You look pretty bad ass, bae." he says.

I smile and sniffle. "I thought you guys were going to hang out." I say and stand by Jev.

"We were when we realized Andy was a dangerous bitch and we had to come save you." Robbie says.

I shake my head.

"She really didn't need to be saved." Jev says and smiles at me.

"Aww, Jev! When did you get here?" Robbie asks.

I giggle. "This morning."


I shake my head. "Are you guys gonna hang out? I have to get a picture of the sunset for photography." I say.

"Yes. We are gonna hang out. did you get a new stereo in your car?" robbie asks.

I nod. "My brother's friend got it for me." I say.

"The lady that lives with you?"

I shake my head. "The dude he used to get stoned with." I say.

"Oh." I sit on my blanket.

"We're gonna run to my house and get proper beach stuff, Ame." Robbie says then runs to Jake's jeep. Jake smiles at me.

"See ya in a bit." he says then walks to his car. 

Jev sits by me again. I touch below his eye again then lean forward and kiss his eye. "I'm sorry, Jev." I say.

He smiles and puts his hand on my cheek. "You have no reason to be sorry, princess. Your past is my past."

I lift the corners of my mouth. "Is your past mine too?" I ask.

He grabs my chin. "If you would like to burden my past I cannot deny you." he says.

I bite my lip and hug him. 

Chapter nine

 "Welcome home, Amelia!" Misty says as Jev and I walk through the front door. "And welcome, friend of Amelia's."

Misty looks Jev up and down and smiles. I glare at her and grab Jev's hand. Daniel walks out of the kitchen and hugs me. "Did you get the picture? Gramps.. Who's this?" Daniel says.

I smile. "This is my friend. Jev."

Daniel shakes Jev's hand and Jev smiles at him. 

"The dude from the pictures! Come on, Gramps has something for you."

I nod and put my stuff on the couch then take Jev's hand again and bring him into the kitchen. I let go of Jev's hand and jump into Uncle Brian's arms. "There

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