» Fiction » Second Chance, Annamere Jones [top reads .txt] 📗

Book online «Second Chance, Annamere Jones [top reads .txt] 📗». Author Annamere Jones

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you have your bird come get me?" I ask as we walk on another path.

 "I was busy. Your grandfather came to me as soon as he found out you and your family were hurt and told me he wouldn't do it anymore."

I frown. "I'm sorry."

He looks at me and shakes his head. "Princess, you have no reason to be sorry."

I press my hand to my temple. "Yes. It's my fault." I whisper.

He stops and I stop and look at him. "No. It is not."

I feel tears in my eyes. "You weren't there so how would you know?" I yell.

He sighs. 

"I kissed his cheek and he turned to look at me and.."

Jev pulls me into his arms. "Shut up, Princess." he tells me. "It is not your fault."

I inhale Jev's scent. He smells like earth and rain. My grandfather often smelt like this when I was younger, but my dad showed him the wonders of Axe body spray and Axe body wash and he smelt like gross male evilness.

"Are you alright?" he asks.

I nod and step away. "Thank you."

He smiles at me then leads me the rest of the way to a pond of water. "It isn't dirty," he says and sits on a stone.

I drop my bag and pull my sweater off then grab out my shampoo and conditioner then I dunk my head into the water. I shiver at the coldness. I flip my hair back and scrub it with my shampoo then dunk my head back into the pond. I do the same with my conditioner.

I grab a pair of shorts and look at Jev. He smiles. "What, princess?"

I glare at him. "I'm going to change."

"Say no more." he turns around and I unbutton my pants and wiggle out of them Then I pull my shorts on. I pull off my soaked tank and put on a clean dry one then I use a dirty shirt and wash most of my body. Then I pull on a pair of sweats and I put a long sleeved shirt on. 

"I'm done," I say and start brushing through my hair.

He turns around.

"And I want to hear what the fuck is going on, so go. Now."  I say.

He frowns. "Are you cold?" he asks.

I shrug. He stands up and takes off his coat and gives it to me. I smile and thank him then put it on. Its very warm.

He sits back on his rock and looks at the sky.

"Your grandfather was a king, the king of this world to be exact..."

"Woah, woah. Slow down. What?"

He chuckles. "I'm sorry. I haven't ever had to explain this to any of the royalty before." I pull my knees to my chest and look at him, like I would when my gramps would tell me and Daniel a bed time story. "Long ago, before the humans came to be and before we even came to be, there were the dinoaurs and.."

"Beautiful terridactles and the fish crawled onto land and turned into my monkey brother and then my monkey brother turned into the first human ever!"

He smiles. "Exactly, although, he wasn't human. He was folk."

I frown. I read a book in eighth grade called Indeliable. It was a good book and all the things that weren't human were called folk.

"He decided that we would come into existence and rule this planet. But a few miles over there was another fish that walked onto land and turned into Robbie's monkey brother and his monkey brother turned into a human. And that happened a couple times and they repopulated."

I laugh.

"Are you believing any of this?"

I hug my legs tighter. "I started believing when your stupid bird talked to me."

He chuckles. "You don't like Baruk?"

I shake my head. "He pecked my arm and left a bruise."

He walks over to me and sits next to me. "Let me see?"

I pull the sleeve of his jacket up and show him. He takes my arm and smiles at me then he kisses my arm He freaking kissed my arm. 

He holds my arm to his chest. "I'm sorry he did that."

I smile. "Its okay," I say stupidly. "So I'm still confused on why I'm here?"

He nods. "You will become our queen when you are ready. And as long as you want, you can stay young and beautiful forever."

I sigh. "Why didn't gramps stay young and pretty?" I ask.

"Its a choice." he says. "He wanted to have a family and die with your grandmother."

I nod. "He is a sentimental man." I say smiling.


"What about you?" I ask him.

"I must stay alive. For I am the one who is needed to guid the king or queen." he says.

I smile. "Aww. So I get to see a lot of you?" I ask.

He nods. "As much as you want, my princess. I'm here under your command. Take it easy on Pier though."

"Pier is sweet." I say.

"I know. Come on, we must get back before dark. And you should call your brother."

"Wait!" I say, suddenly remebering my brother. "Why didn't you call for him?"

"He wasn't ready mentally," he says, getting up and grabbing my stuff. "Come on." he says. I get up and follow him back to his log cabin.

Chapter seven

 Jev lets us stay at his place. Daniel calls me around eight aclock. "Gramps bought you a few things to hang in your room to help you get into a brighter place."

"Tell Gramps I know his secret." I say, smiling.

"You wanna talk to him? He's still here? I wanna know this secret."

"Yes, let me talk to the old man." I say.

"Hey, sweet pea." Gramps says.

"Hello, Mr King of the world!" I say.

"Ame, where the hell are you, baby girl?"

"I met Jev and Pier and I'm in Washington." I say.

"Oh, baby. I'm so proud of you!" he says. I smile and Jev walks out of the kitchen. "Jev better be prepared for your little rocker ass."

I laugh. "Wow. Yes. Hip hop baby rattles." I say.

He chuckles. "Rap bottles." he says back.

"Of coarse. Tell Daniel I'm okay and I'll be home in a couple weeks."

"Will do, my princess." he says.

"Gramps!" I whine.

"Yes, sweet pea?"

"I'm Ame."

"I know you're Ame, sweet pea. But you're also the princess!"

I pout. "Are you going to tell Daniel?" I ask.

"Of coarse. He has a right to know. Your daddy knew and your auntie."

"Yes. Indeed. I love you."

"And I love you,"

I hang up and slip my phone inside my bra. Robbie sits on my tummy. I groan. "Come on, Rob. You're so fat!" I cry and try pushing him off.

"I am not! You've just lost a lot of weight!"

Pier walks through the door. Robbie gets up and runs over to Pier. "Oh, honey, let me take care of you!" he tells him. Pier smiles at Robbie. "Ame, will you help me?"

I glare and sit up. "Of coarse, I will help Pier, not you."

Jake laughs. Pier sits next to me and Jev looks at me. "I can take over.." he starts.

I shake my head. "I want to be a nurse. I know what I'm doing." I say.

"Oooh. A nurse. What's that?"

I smile. "A lady who helps the sexy medical people help sick people." Rob tells him. I take off my tank top and tie it around Pier's elbow. 

"Don't move that," I say and walk into Jev's kitchen. I get a cup and go to my bag. I grab the first aid kit and walk back to Pier. I pour some paroxide in the cup. I look at Jake. "Sweetie, can I barrow your shirt? You can model for Robbie. He obviously wants to see some."

Jake bites his lip and Robbie claps.

"Come on! I'm in my bra!" I yell playfully. Jake blushes and takes his shirt off. "Yum!" I catch his shirt and put it under Pier's arm. 

"You should see my brother with no shirt on," Pier says. 

"He's hot and ripped. Lucky me!" I say smiling. I glance at Jev. He smiles at me. "Come hold his hand." I order then kiss Pier's cheek. "You'll be okay, sweetie, but this is going to burn.But it'll clean it so yeah."

Pier nods.


"Press play walk away, i'm your laptop DJ." Robbie sings then kisses my head then he  goes to Jake and drops on top of him. Jake being already asleep doesn't notice my bestfriend plop on him. Robbie kisses his right peck then smiles at me then closes his eyes. Jev helps me up. 

"You will sleep in my bed tonight, alright, princess?" he asks.

"I'm fine out here," I tell him.

He smiles. "I won't be sleeping in there with you. So go head."

"I'm not afraid of that." I say. "Its your bed."

"You both go sleep together!" Robbie commands. "She's scared of the dark anyway."

Jev looks at me. I nod and take his hand. He leads me to his room. "Thank you," he says and I close the door. He walks over to the window and shuts it.

"What for?" I ask.

"Helping my brother."

I smile. "Sure." I say. "Thank you also." I say and sit on his bed and jump a little bit.

He sits next to me. "What for?" he asks smiling.

I look up at him. "For getting me away from home."

He hugs me. "You made Jordan shoot Baruk."

I cough. "Fuck. I'm sorry."

He laughs. "It's alright. He understands."

I smile. 

He takes my wrist and slips a black band on it. "If you ever feel unsafe or afraid, just call and I'll be there, ok?" he says.

I yawn and nods my head. "Okay." I whisper leaning against him. "I'm gonna pretend I'm cool and resist everything." I tell him.

"What?" he asks.

"You." I whisper and close my eyes.

"Me? What about me? Ame?"

I giggle. "I won't fall for you, Jev."

He says something but I don't catch what he says cause I fall asleep.



Chapter eight

 When I get home, Daniel is passed out on the couch. His best friend, I forgot her name is sitting in the recliner watching spongebob. "Welcome home, Ame." she says.

I smile. "Thank you," I say.

"You feeling better?" she asks.

I nod. "Very much so."

She smiles. "Your brother will be glad. Yo Danny! Wake up, you lazy bitch!" she yells.

I sit on the back of the couch and Daniel lifts his head and looks at me. Then he gets on his knees and hugs me. "You're smiling. You're smiling that beautiful smile and I love it! Ame! I'm glad you're back! I missed you so much." He holds my head and I laugh.

"I missed you too, big oaf."

"Natalie, I need to talk to my sister." Daniel says.

She nods and gets up and kisses my head. "Glad your

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