» Fiction » Second Chance, Annamere Jones [top reads .txt] 📗

Book online «Second Chance, Annamere Jones [top reads .txt] 📗». Author Annamere Jones

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must be going now," Jev says. "We hope your baby is well and your lives." he says. They bow their heads and Jev leads me out. He takes me to his place and I call Daniel and tell him I am in Washington and he tells me to be back by tomorrow morning. Then Jev has me go into his room and he kisses me then tells me to lay down and get some rest.

I do. I sleep most of the day away.

Chapter elevin

 "Good morning, princess." Pier says when I walk out.

Baruk is sitting on Jev's shoulder and Jev is watching something on the tv. "Morning." I say. "He's a pirate." I say.

Pier chuckles. "Thirsty?" he asks.

I nod my head. He gets me a glass of water. "Thank you, Pier." I say.

Jev turns the tv off and gets up. Baruk flies off his shoulder. "Master," Baruk says.

"I will deal with it."

"He wants the princess. He won't be happy if you go without her." Baruk says.

Jev looks at me and smiles. "Sleep well?" I nod. "Good. Pier, grab your gun. Get the princess some new clothes to wear. We're leaving in ten minutes."

"What's going on?" I ask.

Jev opens a door and pulls out a sword. He sets it on the table and then looks at me. "We have a slight problem. Nothing to freak out over, but.."

Baruk lands on his shoulder again. "You're a pirate," I say.

Jev chuckles. Pier returns with a pair of black skinny jeans and a black shirt. And a pair of combat boots. "Do you need help, princess?" Jev asks.

"Uh. I think I can manage," I say and take the clothes. I go into Jev's room and take the dress off and sit on the floor.

"Jev!" I yell.


"I need a bra, an undershirt, and socks!"

"Uh. Ok." he says.

My phone buzzes on the nightstand. I grab it. 

Robbie: Where you at? With Jev?"

Someone knocks on the door. I stand up and open it a little bit and look at Jev. He hands me a bra, a grey undershirt, and.. "Socks!" I say smiling then I close the door. I get dressed and look through Jev's stuff for a brush. I find one and brush through my hair. Then I walk out.

Then I remember RObbie's text. Me: Yeah. I'll be home tomorrow."

I slip my phone in my pocket and Jev fastens the sword to my side then puts my dagger in my boot. I feel his hand slide on my butt. I squeak and push him away from me. "Perv!"

He shakes his head and puts his hands up. "I was putting something in your pocket! I swear!"

Pier laughs. "He wasn't trying to feel you up, princess."

I sigh and shake my head.

We leave and go to Europe with Jev's magical powers. And he leads us through an open feild then into the forest for awhile then we come onto an abandoned street. A teenage boy sits in the middle of it.

"I brought the princess, Gueuk." Jev says.

Pier stands straigh, grabbing for his gun. "Stay calm, princess." Pier whispers in my ear.

The boy looks at me. "He looks sad," I say and walk forward. 

"Princess, stop.."

"No." I say and walk over to the boy. I make him stand up. I smile. He smiles back.

I feel Pier grab me around the weist and pulls me back. I screech and grab his hair and pull it until he lets me go. The boy looks angry. And he suddenly turns into a big fat grotesct creature.

"Pier, take the princess and run."

I feel Pier take my hand and start pulling. I yank my hand from his grip. "Stop. You both need to stop!" I scream.

Jev stops walking toward the creature and looks at me. "What? Princess, go!"

"No. The kid was fine until Pier did that. I can handle myself." I say.

Jev walks over to me. "We will let yo handle this then." he says.

"Thank you." I look at the creture who lets out a sickly cry and charges forward. "STOP!" I scream. The screature stops and screeches, its sickly gross arms holding where it's ears would be. "Think about what you are doing, boy!" 

The creature calms down and the creature returns into the boy. "I'm sorry, princess." he whispers.

I sigh and walk over to him and put my hand on his head. "Keep your temper in check." I say and hug the boy.

Jev takes me back to his place afterwards. He turns the tv on and smiles then turns it off. "Your grandfather is on the line, Ame." Jev says.

I stand by Jev and he turns the tv on. Gramps smiles at me. "You're doing so well, baby. I've heard rumors. Rather good rumors."

I smile. "Well good. Tell me?" I ask.

"I got a call from Marge and she told me that you were the most beautiful girl she had ever seen and you're incrediably sweet. And you named her newest grandbaby after yourself?"

I giggle. "Not after myself. My name is Amelia. Her name is Ame.

He laughs. "I'm so proud of you, sweet pea. You met Josh The Temper Tantrum?"

I look at Jev. He nods. "Guess so."

"She handled him very well."

"What happened?"

"She walked over to him with no fear and made him stand before her, but I pulled her back out of fear for her life and he got mad and she got mad at me. Then she screamed at him. He went into submission and he calmed down." Pier explains. "Hello, Grand Jordan!"

"Hello, Pier." 

I suddenly feel giddy inside. "I feel like Shinji from Evangelion." I say and giggle.

Gramps smiles at me. "Who is Shinji and what is Evangelion?"

"Shinji is a badass dude that gets into an Eva and just fights Angels that aren't angels they're like mean things that are trying to kill the human race. And he triggers the end of the world." I say.

Gramps laughs. "You will show me this Evangelion."

I pout. "You wouldn't like it," I say.

"Why not?" he asks.

"Japanease Cartoon." I say.

"I will watch it. It sounds promising." he says.

I feel like a little girl again. "For realsies?" I ask cutely.


I squeal in excitement. "I can't wait!"

He smiles. "Oh. Maria is pregnant." he says and puts his thumb up.

"Good for her," I say. "That's fantastic!" I say

"I love you, sweet pea." he says.

"I love you too, Gramps." I say and Jev nods to him and Pier smiles widely and he clicks off.

 I sit on the couch and make guns out of my fingers. 

"What are we going to do?" I ask.

"We could go out," Pier says excitedly.

"Where?" I ask smiling.

"A club just for the folk." he says smiling.

"No, Pier. The princess isn't..."

"I wanna go, Jev." I whine. "Your house is so boring. There's not half naked Robbies or Jakes." I say.

"I can get half naked," Jev winks at me.

"Uh huh. But then I would have to attack you because you've kissed the forbiddeness!"

He laughs at me.

"You've been kissing the princess?" Pier asks.

Jev smirks.

"Does she taste yummy?"

Jev looks at me. "Define 'yummy', brother."

"Of coarse I taste yummy. I wear strawberry lip gloss." I say.

"Ooh! I wanna taste!" Pier says and I giggle.

"No, Pier." Jev snaps.

Pier smiles. "Come on, princess, lets leave Mr. Grumpy here and go have fun without him."

"The princess has school in the morning."

I shake my head. "Christmas break starts tomorrow." I say.

"Okay. Well, doesn't your brother want you home in the morning."

"Well, he'll understand." I say.

"See, Jev. He'll understand. Come on!"

Jev looks over to Baruk. 

"Everything is in check, Master Jev. Go have fun."

"Alright, fine." Jev says.


After changing into something acceptable for a club, we leave and go to California. Jev keeps ahold of my hand as we bypass the folk. Who are gaping and/or looking at me in awe. We get to the front where the big buff bouncer is and he looks shocked for a second.

"Welcome, princess." he stutters, bowing his head.

Pier smiles at me. Jev takes my hand again and we enter the club. Clolorful lights and stuff. A bar. A dj. Jev lets Pier lead me to the bar.

The bartender walks over to us. A tall buff guy. I pull out my phone and snap a pic and send it to Robbie. Then return my phone to my pocket. "What can I get ya, sexy?" the bartender asks me.

"Rum'N'Coke," Pier says. "For both of us. This is the princess."

The bartender smirks at me and gets our drinks. "So the famous lady graces us with her presence. Welcome, princess." he says.

"Take a drink, Ame." Pier says.

I look at Jev. "You take a drink first," I order.

He sips it. "All good, princess." he says handing it to me. I sip it. Feeling it burn my throat.

Pier chuckles. "You okay?"

I nod. "Yep."

Jev smirks at me. "Want some shots, princess?" he asks.

I shake my head. "Uh uh."

I feel someone bump into me and spill their drink all over the back of me. Jev grabs the girl and gets her in a head lock. "Don't touch the princess without her permission, you drunk idiot!" he snaps.

The girl whines until Jev lets go. "I'm sorry, princess," she slurrs then walks away.

"Would you like to leave?" Jev asks.

I sip my drink and shake my head. "Although, a new shirt would be nice. But your jacket.." I say smiling.

He smirks and hands me the coat. I head to the bathroom and take off my white teashirt and pull his jacket on. Then I use the buttons on the sides to button it so it covers my boobs but exposes my belly button.

Jev takes my shirt from me when I return to the bar. "Cute," he says. 

I smile and sit on my stool. 

"Katar wants to ask you a few.. questions." Jev says.

"You're the princess, and you don't have to answer if you deem his question not worth your time." Pier says.

I nod. "Okay. Sure."

I look at the bartender. He smiles softly at me. "Why did your grandfather suddenly quit?"

"His son died," I say bluntly.

Katar nods. "How?"

I sigh feeling slightly shaky. "Uhm.." 

"Car wreck." Jev says and rests his hand on my back.


A few drinks later, Jev and I are making out against a wall while Pier dances with a blond chick. Obviously trying to get lucky. Jev pulls back and I smirk at him. "I want some pizza," I say.

He chuckles then looks at Pier. "Lets go get some," he suggests.

I nod. He leads me out and to the outside. We walk a long time, I make him carry me when I decided my legs were broken and I didn't want to walk.

He sits me in a booth at the pizza place and then goes to order pizza. When he comes back he smiles at me.

"You know," I slurr. "I know what you want, pervy perverton." 

He tilts his head slightly. "Did you really just call me a pervy perverton?" he asks.

I smile and nod. "All boys are."

"I'm not a boy, princess." he says, smirking at me.

"Blah! Blah! Blah! You all have one thing in common, and you think with that little guy all the time instead of your rational brain!" 

He doesn't stop smirking at me and it makes me mad. But I don't feel very mad about it. Atleast, not at him. "Maybe, we don't have a real brain?" he suggests.

I nod. "I know right? Like, all you men wanna do is fuck and

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