» Fiction » Second Chance, Annamere Jones [top reads .txt] 📗

Book online «Second Chance, Annamere Jones [top reads .txt] 📗». Author Annamere Jones

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I giggle and wake up Jimmy. He smiles. "Sleep good?"

I nod and get up and run out of the room. He follows me down to the kitchen. 

"What do you want to eat?" he asks then yawns.

"Coffee and muffins." I say.

He nods. "Coffee sounds pretty good right now." he says tiredly and makes some coffee.

I take the cup of coffeee from him and take a sip.

"So, what's been going on that you won't tell your uncle?" he asks.

"I'm following a bird to Washington." I tell him.

He gives me a look. "Explain."

"When I woke up from the coma auntie was talking to me and I got this flash in my eyes and I looked out the window and there was a stupid bird and then it wouldn't go away, Gramps killed it and I fainted and when I woke up again I heard it squak and then I looked out the window and it was there and it fucking talked."

He nods. "are you going crazy?"

I shrug. "I don't know. But I'm just going to follow it and then maybe it'll leave me alone. His name is Baruk."

He nods. "Okay kiddo." he says.

Chapter five

 Uncle Brian gave me a Basshunter CD and a Death Note sweater that had Ryuk, the shinigami, on it. I thanked him a billion times before we left. We're almost to washington now. Just a state away. We're in Oregon. I'm just following the bird now. 

"I'm kinda scared." Robbie says.

I glare at him. "Well, we should have stayed in Maine, huh?" I say.

He nods. I'm not scared anymore. I'm just nervous. I'm nervous about what we'll find and what'll happen when we get there. I pull into a gas station and look at the time. I drove all night again. I got out of the car and so did Andy.

"Will you go pay for gas for me please?" I ask.

He nods. "Do you want me to drive?" he asks.

I shake my head and he goes into the store. Jake gets out of the car and stretches. "Hey, Ame, you look really tired. I can drive if you want?" he says.

I shake my head again. "I'm okay. But I'm shunning Robbie to the back seat. So.. make him get in the back. You can be my friend now."

He chuckles. "He's sleeping though."

"So? Wake him up."

He shakes his head. "He's to cute."

"Oh man." I say and Andy walks out. I put gas in my car then grab some clothes out of the trunk and go to the bathroom. I wash my face and hair in the sink then put a sweater on and a pair of black ripped up skinnies and my shoes back on. I go back to my trunk and spray vanilla purfume on me then put deoderent on my pits.

Jake must have went to change also. I sit in my car and wait. Andy goes to change after Jake does. 

When I start driving again, I turn the music up really loud, waking up Rob and making him very angry with me. I smirk at him and he glares.


We arrive in Port Angelas, Washington at 10:54. We stop at a diner to get something for breakfest. "You doing okay, Ame?" Daniel asks when he answers.

"Uhm hum." I mumble tiredly.

"Where are you?"

"Port Angelas." I tell him.

"Are you having fun?" he asks.


"Okay. I'm gonna go back to sleep now, ok?"

"Love you. Goodnight, brother."

"You too, kiddo."

I hang up and eat some of my pancakes.

"Where are you kids from?" the waitress comes back.

"Maine," Robbie says.

She smiles. "And you kids drove all the way here?" she asks.

Andy nods.

"How come?"

"We were feeling adventurous." Jake says.

"Ah. Okay."

She walks away. "You know what," I say. "I'm freaking tired and my face feels really really nice." I say feeling my face.

"You want my coffee?" Robbie asks.

I nod and take his cup. I drink it slowly then pull my legs up to my chest and lean against the wall and yawn, closing my eyes.

I doze off until Robbie wakes me up again. I sigh and get up. He hugs me. 

I start driving again and the bird leads us to a forest awhile out. Baruk lands on a tree. I set my head on the wheel and close my eyes.

"Ame, I think it wants us to follow it." Rob says.

"It can suck my cock." I tell him.

He laughs then gets out of my car. He opens my door and someone picks me up out of it. Jake. 

"Okay. Okay." I mumble. "I'll walk!"

Jake chuckles and sets me down.

"Follow me this way," the bird tells us.

I hold onto Robbie's arm so I don't fall and go to sleep. The bird leads us on a trail through the trees and Jake ends up giving me a piggy back ride because I could hardly stay awake.

"Amelia," a deep voice says that I don't recognize. I open my eyes and lift my head off Jake's shoulder. "You are finally here, my princess."

Chapter six

 I stare at the guy. He's pale and so beautiful.. no wait. He's sexy. He has black eyes and amazing cheekbones and his lips. Oh my god. He wears all black. And a long black coat that you see bad guys wear in the movies. Jake puts me down and Baruk lands on his arm.

Rob looks at me. I go and stand between Rob and Jake. "You are so beautiful," the man says.

I blink. "Are you talking to me?" I ask, tiredly.

He smirks. "Who else would I call beautiful, princess?"

"Who are you?" I ask.

"I am Jev." he announces. 

"Uh huh. So. You're hot and all and I feel like you were worth comeing all the way from Maine to see, but why the hell am I here?" I ask.

He gets up from  his tree stump. "Come here," he orders.

I do. Jake follows resting his hand on my shoulder. I used to hate Jake for being a Jock, but now that he's gay and dating my best friend, he is the sweetest person ever!

Jev takes my hand. "Your father has passed, has he not?"

I look at him shocked and then I put up a wall. I harden my features. "Yeah, so?" I ask harshly.

"Your grandfather gave up his kingmenship when you woke up from oblivion." He says.

"What? I'm so confused." I say and put my hand over my right eye. 

"Perhaps you would like to rest awhile?" he asks.

I nod. "That would be fantastic."

He smiles at me. "Baruk, go kick Pier out of the cabin. We have guests."

"Yes, master." Baruk flys off.

"Come with me, princess. You can rest at my home." he says.

"Ame," Jake says.

"Oh. Huh?" I ask.

"Should you be trusting this creep? He could be trying to kidnap you."

"I don't think so. He has a talking birdy." I say. "And besides. You have big muscles. You.." I lean onto Jake and close my eyes. "I'm just tired." I whisper.


I wake up leaning against Robbie. I yawn and look at Jake and Andy. "How was your nap?" Jake asks.

I smile. "Fantastic. I had a dream and there was this really sexy guy in it. But you guys were there also.." I look around. "Where are we?" I ask.

"At the sexy guy's house. And his name is Jev."

The memory hits me like a bullet. "Ohh ya. And he called me princess and held my hand. I wanna go home. Fun trip eh? Lets go."

"You gotta stay, babe." Andy says.

"Don't call me that, Andy." I say a headache forming in my temples.

"What is your problem.." 

I shake my head and hold my hands over my ears then I look at Baruk. I take my hands and hold my arm out to him He flys and rests on my arm. "Where is Jev?" I ask.

"On a hunt." he says.

I nod and a red hair guy walks in. "Before you say anything, Baruk, Jev sent me back to entertain his guests and he would like you to escort Miss. Ginger home."

Baruk flies out and I sigh then lean against Robbie more. The guy holds his hand out for me to take and I take it. He pulls me up and begins dancing with me and humming a tune. "You are Jordan The Great's granddaughter." he says.

I stop. "So?"

"You're a princess."

"So I'm told." I say.

He smiles. "Dance with me, princess."

We begin dancing.

"I'm horribly sorry about your parents, princess. I was so sad when I found out that..." he stops.

"Don't mention it," I mutter. "Have you heard of Basshunter?" I ask.

He tilts his head to the side. "I don't believe I have. What does he hunt?" Pier asks.

I giggle. "Nothing. He's just the hottest musician you'll ever know." I say and he chuckles.


"I absolutely love our princess, Jev!" Pier coos.

Jev hands me a glass of water. "Good. You would be banished if you didn't." Jev says. "Did you sleep well?" he asks me.

I nod and chug down the water. "Thank you," I say.

He takes the glass back to the kitchen then comes back out and sits down. "Are you alright?" Pier asks him.

Jev waves him off.

"Brother.." Pier says walking over to him.

"I'm fine, Pier. Don't worry your little head over me, ok?" Pier glares then nods. "Princess, would you join me on a walk?"

I hesitate and look at my best friend. He walks over to me and sits next to me, resting his forehead on mine. "You need to do this, Amelia." he tells me. "Go against everything your momma has told you. You need to hear what he has to say."

I sigh. "I suppose. But.."

"No. No buts. Buts are nasty smelling."

I laugh and pull away from his face. "Oh god. I agree!"

He smiles. "And don't worry about if Jev is going to hurt you or not. He won't. Pier won't let him."

"I'm not going to hurt her." Jev says, tiredly.

I hug Rob before getting up. "Ugh. I feel discusting." I say and slouch.

Jev smiles at me and loops his arm through mine. We walk out and he walks me through a path. "Your grandfather was right, you are quite beautiful." he tells me.

I smile. "Yeah. He's magnificent, isn't he?"

"Yes." he says.


Jev leads me back to my car. I sit in the driver's seat for a minute. I look in the glove box and then I pop the trunk. I get out and open the trunk all the way and pull out my bag. "Any water near by?" I ask him.

"Yeah." Baruk lands on a tree nearby. 

"Master, there is a wolf pack nearby." he says.

Jev looks at me then back at Baruk. "Tell Pier to deal with it" he says.

"Yes, master." Baruk flies back.


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