» Fiction » Second Chance, Annamere Jones [top reads .txt] 📗

Book online «Second Chance, Annamere Jones [top reads .txt] 📗». Author Annamere Jones

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more pain than last night. Jev sits on my bed. "What's the matter, princess?" he asks. He helps me sit up.

"Nothing. I'm fine. Just sore." I murmmure. "Can I take a shower and stuff?"

"Of coarse, princess." he says.

I get up and walk out the door. I walk downstairs to the bathroom and turn the shower on. I got in and did the routine slowly so I wouldn't slip or fall or anything. When I got out I grab my pills and take them upstairs. Jev is spinning in my chair when I walk in. He stops then smirks at me.

"Quite undressed, princess." he says.

I smile. "Quite my room," I say and he chuckles.

Then he turns around and doesn't turn back around until I finish dressing. Then he says, "Change into something formal, princess." he says.

I glare. "Then you're going to help me because my muscles fucking hurt." I snap.

He holds his hands up. "Very well,"

"I don't even have anything formal." I mutter, angrily.

He grabs me and turns me around and kisses me softly. He pulls back and I smile. 

"Calm down, princess. I have brought you something."

I giggle and he smiles at me, a beautiful smile that brightens up his black eyes.

He sits me on my bed then tells me to close my eyes then a about a minute later he tells me to open them. I do and smile at the long dress that is sure to make me look like a fat elephant.

"Ame, are you awake, sweetie?" Brian asks knocking on the door. 


"I'm coming in." he announces then walks in. He stops and looks at me. "Just because you.."

"Its okay. He's taking me somewhere fun." I say. "And told me that I needed something formal to wear." I say.

Uncle Brian nods. "Okay. Well, don't be.."

I nod. "I know." I say.

"Are you feeling better?" he asks.

Jev looks at him, confused then at me. "Yeah. Yeah. I'm good. Just a bit sore."

He looks at my pill box. "We're gonna go get taco bell for lunch." he says.

I smile. "Sweet." I get up and hug him. "Please go bug Aunt Michelle. This is really important to me."

He nods. "Okay. But no.."

I sigh and push him out. "I know! I love you, dear uncle."

He chukles and tells me he loves me also. I close my door. "I appreciate it and everything but I can't pull something like that off." I say.

Jev sets it on the bed then walks over to me. "Please, princess. Pretty please with cherries on top." he says putting his hands together and getting on his knees.

Oh my gosh. I can't wait to tell RObbie about this. I giggle and he smiles up at me. 

I wrinkle my nose and playfully punch myself in the stomach then sit down in front of him and groan. "Fine!" I say.

After he helps me into the stupid dress I yell for Aunt Michelle. She walks in with a two glasses of wine. She hands one to me and winks at Jev. "She's a jewel, isn't she?"

He smiles. "Indeed."

"What is up, sweetie? That dress is beautiful on you! I'm guessing you need shoes?" she asks.

I nod. "No pointy or closed toe ones."

She nods. "Alright. I will be right back." She walks out and I take a sip of the wine and offer it to Jev. He takes a drink. She returns a minute later with black stilletoes and she sits in front of my mirror. I slip them on and practice walking in them. "May I do your hair?" she asks.

"Sure," I mutter.

"Where are you guys going?" she asks.

I shrug. Jev looks at me and I shake my head slightly. "Somewhere formal," he says and I giggle. Aunt Michelle laughs also and then makes me sit where she was and she straightens my hair then pulls it back and ties it in a pony tail. She brushes my bangs to the side and glares at the hair that is to short to be pulls into anything.

I smile at her. "Thank you, darling." I say.

She kisses my face then leaves. I put some make up on then look at Jev. "Ready?" he asks.

I nod. He holds out his arm and I take it. "Close your eyes, princess."

I do and then I feel the cold bite my skin. I start shivering. "Open. Here." He gives me his coat and I put it on and look at the woods around me. It looks kind of beautiful.

Jev makes me take his arm again and he smiles at me. "Just a short walk."

I nod feeling my pills kick in. We begin walking. 

"A young couple of lightning folk. They're having their first baby which you will deliver. Cut your hand with the dagger I gave you and let the baby drink. Not to much, but not to little."

I feel my chest tighten. "Why does the baby have to drink my blood?" I ask.

"So that you become connected. It's your first real step to becoming the queen. Your grandfather thought it was absurd. He didn't want to do it, but he told me that he felt nice that he was connected to something."

I nod and smile. "I'm going to be greater than him. But I don't even know how to deliver a baby." 

He squeezes my hand. "I will be there." he says and stops and I see a little house kind of like Jev's but bigger and white. His is brown.

He goes and knocks. A man opens the door. 

"The princess is here. Please make a path and bow to her as she passes you." Jev steps to the side and smiles at me and I walk forward.

I walk inside and look around. Three folk kneel around me. Two women and one man. The old women lifts her head and gasps. "Such beauty." she murmmures.

I walk over to her and make her stand. "Don't strain yourself, hon." I say.

She smiles at me and Jev nods at me in approval. "You may rise," Jev says.

I smile at the old women and she takes my hands and kisses both of them. "I am Marge," she says. "This is my daughter Mary and my son in law Peter."

I hug the daughter and shake the man's hand. A little boy runs into the room and stops and gasps. "Mommy!" the little boy giggls and walks over to me. "Is it the princess?" he asks.

"It is, Ginta." Mary says.

"Hello, miss princess! I am very happy to meet you and you are very pretty! May I have a hug?" he asks.

I look at Jev and he nods. I bend my knees and hug the little boy. "I am very happy to meet you too, Ginta." I say and he giggles and runs to his mom.

"Thank you for coming, princess." Peter says.

"She is new at this so forgive her of her innocence." Jev says. "This is her first major task as a princess."

Marge smiles at me. "She is very lovely."

I smile back. "Mom!" someone yells. I look at Jev. 

Marge grabs my hand. "Come come," she orders. 

Jev frowns and follows. A young girl with a pregnant belly lays on a bed and I look at Jev, worridly. He stand in the corner of the room, hands crossed. "You're ok," he mouths to me.

"The princess is here, baby." Marge says to the girl. 

I smile at the girl.

She smiles a weak smile. "I'm Annie." she says.

I felt like breaking down. But then I remembered something. "Jev," I murmmure feeling lightheaded already.


"Catch me. I'm about to faint."

He walks over to me in three strides. He holds me steady. "Whats wrong?"

"You took me out before I could eat." I whisper and fall against him.

"What is wrong?" Marge asks.

"She needs to eat something." Jev says and makes me stand up. 

"Come then, princess. Mary, stay with Annie for awhile."

Mary nods and Marge leads me to the kitchen. She sits me down and gets me something to eat. She puts a bowl in front of me and smiles.

I eat it and thank her. "Why did you need to eat so suddenly?"

I look at Jev. "I was in a car accident. I take pills." I say hoping that will sum it up.

"Ah. I'm sorry, princess."

I wave it off. Then we go back to the room. Jev smiles at me and puts his head down. Peter sits on her right, Ginta is patting her belly coaxing the baby out and Mary is on her left. Come on little baby, come on. I keep thinking. Maybe being a princess isn't my thing. The baby's head begins to show.

"I see the head," I tell them. "Push!" I encourage.

She does and the baby comes out a few minutes later. Peter cuts the umilical cord and Jev hands me my dagger while Marge and Mary start cleaning up. "Any special place to cut?" I ask.

"Wrist will do," he says.

"Uhm. Anywhere else? I don't need my brother thinking I'm suicidal."

"Princess," he scolds. "I will kiss it better. Do it."

Marge laughs quietly. I cut my wrist and squeak quietly then Jev hands the baby to me. I hold my wrist over her mouth and the blood pours into her mouth. Jev tells me when to stop. The baby opens her eyes and looks at me. I smile at the small thing and then hand her to Mary. Marge escorts me out of the room and cleans the wound.

Afterwards, Jev kneels by me and licks up some blood that escaped and kisses my wrist better. The wound closes up and the scar goes away. "Quite delicious, princess." he says and I smile, shaking my head. 

Annie, Mary, Peter, and Ginta come out. The baby in Annie's arms. Ginta runs over to me and Jev puts him on my lap. 


"Ame. I'm Ame." I say, slightly annoyed with being called princess.

"Princess Ame?" Ginta asks.

"Heh?" I ask.

"Will you come back and visit?" he asks.

"Of coarse she will," Jev says and I wrinkle up my nose at him.

Marge laughs at us. 

He smiles at me and takes the baby. "Such a cute being." he says.

"Baby," I correct him. "Such a cute baby."

He smiles. "Your grandfather would have called it a being."

"I am not Gramps. I am Amelia."

He smiles and Ginta laughs. "Yeah, Mister Jev, she is Princess Amelia!"

I giggle and hug Ginta. "I will come back and visit." I say.

"Hop down now, Ginta. The princess needs to hold your cousin." Marge says.

Ginta jumps down and Jev hands me the baby. "What is her name?" I ask.

"You must name the child," Jev says.

"What? Why?" I ask and kiss the baby's forehead.

"It is your job, as the princess to name the baby that comes into this world by your hands." Marge says.

I bite my lip. "That doesn't make sense." I whisper.

"Human customs are not very good. Without someone to help, they name their children weird names that get them made fun of by their classmates. With the order that we have, every name is unique." Jev says.

"Jev is pretty unique." I say.

"So is Amelia. Your grandfather chose it."

I smile. "I know. I want this one to be called Ame. With an E. Not a Y."

"What is the reasoning?" Jev asks, a smile in his voice. 

"She looks like an Ame. And I think its appropriate that this child be called Ame. She is absolutely adorable." I look at Peter and Annie.

They smile at me. "Thank you, princess."

"Princess Ame," Jev corrects them.

"Thank you, princess Amelia!" Ginta says and I giggle. 

"You are very welcome, Ginta. Would you like to hold her?" I ask.

"Yes!" Ginta says and Marge sits him in a chair and gives him a blanket. "Thank you, grams." he says. I stand up and hand the baby to Ginta. Then I kneel in front of him and make sure he supports her head and everything else.

I let him hold her for about five minutes while Jev talks to Annie and Peter about me. Then I smile at Ginta and take her and give her to her mom.

"Thank you," She says.

I nod and put my hand on Ame's little head and then walk over to Jev. "We

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