» Fiction » Second Chance, Annamere Jones [top reads .txt] 📗

Book online «Second Chance, Annamere Jones [top reads .txt] 📗». Author Annamere Jones

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not care about my feelings." I slam my hand onto the table. "You never ever stop and think about how I would feel if you just slept with that chick or anything. It's just go go go."

Jev drops the smile and reaches over the table and puts his hand on my face. "What's wrong?"

I shake my head and close my eyes. "But you won't hurt me. I won't let you." I whisper. "I'll hurt you first."

Chapter twelve

I got right in my bed when Jev brought me home yesterday and I haven't gotten out since. I told everyone to leave me alone. I get up from my bed and stretch my muscles, feeling gross. I grab a towel and some clothes then run downstairs and open the door. Uncle Brian is peeing.

I scream and close the door. "I'm sorry!" I yell.

I sit on the floor until he comes out. "You okay?" he asks sitting next to me.

He offers me a cigerette then I laugh.

"Hey, you're eighteen now. Take one."

I think about it. And I do it. Becase I'm an eighteen yearold now and I have the right to smoke. He lights it for me then lights his own. I take a tiny puff off it then choke.

Brian pats my back and chuckles. "You ok?"

I nod and smile. "Wanna hang out today?" I ask.

"Of coarse." he says smiling.

I give the smoke to him then crawl into the bathroom and get into the shower. After my shower I sit on the floor in my towel and call Pier. "Hello, darling." he says.

"Hey. What's Jev doin?"

"Sleepin. Why?"

"I dunnnooo. Do you wanna hang out with me and my uncle?" I ask.

"Of coarse, princess!" he says. "What are we doing?"

"Taco bell and probably going to the arcade." I say.

"How old is your uncle?"

I giggle. "Thirty something."

"Why are we going to an arcade then?" he asks and laughs.

 "Because I am eighteen. And I would like to go to the arcade!"

He chuckles. "Okay. I will be there soon."

"Kk!" I hang up and put my phone on the closed toilet. I get leave my dirty clothes in the bathroom and run up to my room in my towel and get dressed.

"Ame!" Daniel yells. "You left a mess!"

I frown. "No I didn't!" I say and pull my shirt over my head. I run back down the stairs and into the bathroom. My brother is in his underwear, turning the shower on. I pick up my stuff and glare at the clean clothes that I left in the bathroom.

"You're so silly, Ame." he says, laughing at me.

"And you're stupid." I mutter.

He laughs again. "I don't forget I left clean clothes in the bathroom."

"Oh shut up!" I yell and run back up to my room. I throw my clothes on the floor and put some make up on and brush through my hair.

I sit on my bed and call Robbie. "Hello, princess Yuki." he answers. 

"Hi!" I yell.

"Hello! Why are we yelling?"

"I dunno." I giggle. "What are you doing today?"

"Jake is taking me on a picnic." he says.

"Aww. Cute." I say.

"Did you wanna hang out today?"

"Nah." I say.

"Daniel said you wouldn't get out of bed. And you were being a brat. What's wrong?" he asks.

I smile. "I went to a club with Pier and Jev and I got drunk." I say.

"I bet you guys kissed!" Robbie yells.

"That's top secret Robinhood."

"YOU DID!" he yells. "Awwwwww! I'm coming over tomorrow!" he yells.

I giggle. "Why are we yelling now?" I ask.

"Cause you're soooo adorable, Ame Poo."

I smile. "Well, thanks you." I say.

After we get off the phone, Pier shows up. I run downstairs and into the kitchen. Then out into the living room and change the channel to sponegbob. Misty glares at me "STOP TALKING!" I yell and go to the kitchen and watch spongebob through the gap in the wall. Pier sits next to me.

"Quite energetic." he says.

I smile and nod. "Today is the day to be a bitch!" I say smiling at him.

"I totally agree with you, Ame." Uncle Brian says walking in. 

Pier smiles. "Totally."

"This guy is coming with us, Brian." I say.

"And who is this guy?' he asks smiling.


Uncle Brian grabs a beer out of the fridge. "Any relation to your boyfriend?" he asks me.

"Indeed!" I say smilng. "They're brothers."

Pier leans toward me. "Boyfriend?" he whispers.

"Shhh." I whisper and keep smiling.

"Okay." Brian says.

Someone changes the channel. I turn back and glare at Daniel. "Change it back!" I yell.

He shakes his head. "No, sis."

I pout and make a cute sad face at him.

"Ugh! Fine!" he changes it back to Spongebob and I smile.


We went to get lunch at taco bell, then we went to the arcade. Aunt Michelle called Uncle Brian and told him he had to go home so now its just me and Pier. We walk out of the arcade and out to the beach. "Jev is worried about you," he says and brushes his hand through his bright red hair.

I wince. "Why?" I mumble.

He shrugs. "He's been so jittery and uptight. Look. Baruk is around."

I groan. "I know." I say. "My eyes always flash when he's around."

He smiles. "Jev'll be here soon."

I sigh.

He smirks at me. "Oh my god. You guys have the same smirk!" I yell and start running. I hear him laughing and I look back for a second and then I run into someone. That someone just happens to be my Jev. We both fall on the ground and I curse at the pain in my head. 

Then I get up and run past him. "Princess!" he yells.

"Sorry! Gotta... uhm. Lose weight!"

Pier appears in front of me and he grabs me before I can dodge around him. I try to get out of his grasp, but i just end up out of breath and ready for a nap. "You musnt run, princess." He turns me around to an angry Jev.

"What's your problem?" he asks.

I fall limp against Pier. "I want everyone to leave me alone." I say. "I want my mom. And my dad." I start crying.

Jev pulls me out of Pier's grasp and hugs me to him. "I know." he whispers.


Publication Date: 12-23-2014

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