» Fiction » Second Chance, Annamere Jones [top reads .txt] 📗

Book online «Second Chance, Annamere Jones [top reads .txt] 📗». Author Annamere Jones

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she is!" he yells and spins me in a circle.

"Its like a family reunion! They all just showed up!" Daniel says holding his head.

I giggle and walk back over to Jev. Gramps smiles at me. "Hello, my darling Ame. And Jev."

"Is this guy your new beau, Ame?" Matt asks.

I bite my lip. "Indeed he is," Gramps says.

I look at Jev and he smiles. 

"Well, hello!" Uncle Jimmy says and walks over to me and hugs me tightly. "You cannot have the baby. She is mine!"

Jev chuckles. I struggle out of Jimmy's grip then I get onto the table and put my hands on my hips. "Okay. I'm the king here. What are you all doing here?"

"Suprise!" Aunt Maria yells and I smile. "Its a late birthday party!"

"And you're a lady. Not a man." Gramps says.

"Oh. Oh. look at that! I grew man parts!" I say and he laughs. 

"Oh, sweet pea, you're so cute."

I look at Jev. He smiles at me. I jump off the table and walk over to him. "Kiss his cheek, Ame!" Michelle says. "I want a picture!"

I look at Uncle Brian and Aunt Michelle. I sigh and look up at Jev. He looks down at me. I reach up on my tippy toes and kiss his cheek. 

"Aww. So cute." Uncle Brian coos.

"So. Its friday night? What are we going to do?"

Zacky smiles at me and Gramps gets up and goes to the counter where there are a few bags. "Fancy whine for the birthday girl."

I smile. "So we're getting drunk?"

"Yes. We are." Daniel says. "What you told mom you wanted to do for your eighteenth birthday."

I sigh and put my head down. "I wanted to do it with her. Not all of you." I whisper, tears filling my eyes.

Uncle Brian lifts my chin. "Don't start crying now, baby girl. You can get drunk with me. The next best thing."

I feel Jev rest his hand on my back. "Okay. Where the hell is my best friend?" I ask.

"Right here, bae!" Robbie says walking into the kitchen with Jake.

"I wanna get drunk with Robbie and Uncle Brian and Uncle Jimmy and Jakey Poo and Jev can be there too and the other three and Daniel." I say.

"What am I not good enough for you?" Aunt Maria asks.

I smile. "Of coarse. But it looks like you've already had enough to drink."

Gramps smiles. "I'll drive her home. Have fun, sweet pea." he says and kisses my head. "I love you."

"I love you too, old man." I say.

He hands me a fifty and glances at Jev then escorts his daughter out. "Okay. To the living room!" Daniel yells. 

I take Jev's hand. "I'll be right back!" I announce then lead Jev up to my room. "I'm sorry." I say and turn my light on.

"Don't appologize, princess." he says.

I smile. "Do you wanna stay and get drunk?" I ask.

"I must get back to my brother. But I hope you have fun." he says and hugs me.

I start to take off his coat when he pulls it back onto my shoulders. Then he leans down and presses his lips to mine. "You can keep it. Sweet dreams, princess."

I bite my lip then giggle and hug him. "Thank you," I say stupidly.

He kisses my cheek and nods.

When we go back downstairs, I say goodbye to Jev then sit in the recliner. "He's a pretty person." Uncle Brian says.

I giggle. "Right?"

Robbie puts a CD into the surround system my brother bought a few weeks ago and plays S3RL. "We got a lot more than what Gramps got. But don't tell him that." Daniel says.

"How much more?"

"Well, Auntie Michelle thought it was necisarry to get this," Uncle Brian says and holds up and big bottle of Rum.

"Rum with no coke?" I ask.

"Oh. I got the coke, kid." Zacky says.

I smile. "And Val sent this for you." Uncle Matt says and gives me a bottle of whipped cream vodka.

I giggle. "Oh wow. Tell her I love her and she is absolutely awesome!"

"What are we even listening to?" Daniel asks.

"Ame's playlist." Robbie says.

"Ame, what is this?" Daniel asks.

"Uh. Press Play Walk Away by S3RL." I say.

"You're so weird." Uncle Brian says.

I smirk.

"Yes. She is indeed. But isn't that why we love her?" Michelle says and I smile.

Chapter ten

 I wake up in my bed with Robbie. "Jev kissed me last night," I whisper.

He opens his eyes. "Good. You two are so cute."

I shrug. Around three in the afternoon, I take a shower and get dressed then curl my hair. Then I go to the kitchen and get some coffee. "Good morning, darling." Uncle Brian says.

"Good afternoon." I say smiling.

"How did you sleep?"

"With a Robbie." I say and we laugh.

"I didn't know Rob was gay though."

I nod. "He has been since he was like twelve." I say.

"And you didn't tell me?" he asks.

"Slipped my mind." I murmmure, sipping my coffee.

He puts his hand over his eyes. "Your mom used to do that to me all the time." he says.

I smile. "I know."

"I'm glad you're getting better."

I nod. Around six, Robbie and I go to the store to get snacks for the movie night we are going to have. When we get to the store and after walking around doing nothing but pushing the cart really fast and riding on it, I see Jev leaning against the refridgerator area. 

Robbie smiles at me. "i'm going to go get Xtra Cheddar fishy crackers!" he sings then walks off. I push the cart over to Jev and smile.

"What are you doing tonight?" he asks.

"Watching Evangelion with Robin." I say.

He smiles. 

"What are you doing tonight?"

He tucks some hair behind my ear. "Taking Pier to see his mom."

"Aww." I say.

He nods. "I just came to check up on you. Are you doing ok, princess?"

"Ame is fine," I say smiling.

He presses his lips to my forehead. "Good," he whispers.

"Oh my gosh! Aren't you cold?" I ask. "Its freezing in this store. Here!" I take off his coat and put it around his shoulders.

"No, princess. You need it more than.."

Robbie returns with a big container of Fish crackers. "Rob will share with me," I say.

"Can you hang out, Jev?" Rob asks.

Jev smirks. "For a bit."

"Ohh. Good. You can push me in the cart!" Robbie says and laughs.

Jev smiles.

"I get to push the cart!" I say in a childish voice.

Robbie smiles at me. 

"Ooh. Lets get stuff for tacos then magestically make tacos and sing its raining tacos and throw them at your brother!" RObbie says.

I giggle. "Such a waste of my favroate food." I say.

I take Jev's hand and let Robbie push the cart around for a little bit. "You have something to do tomorrow morning. So be up when I come to get you."

"What do I have to do?"

"A baby is being born," he tells me.

"Aww. How cute." I say smiling.

"This baby needs to be introduced to his/her new ruler. So you will allow it to drink your blood.."

"Woah! What? No bueno, Mister Pornstar!" I say.

He frowns and Robbie nudges me.

I glare. "I'm poisoned." I mutter.

"What?" Rob asks, angrily. "What the hell are you talking about, Amelia?"

I sigh. "I'm on so many despression pills.."

Robbie smacks my cheek. "Shut the hell up, Amelia. You are not poisoned. You're the purest of them all. I don't want you to say that ever again." He walks away.

Jev stops walking and pulls me back into his arms. "You're perfect, princess."

 Robbie and I went back to my house and I appologized and he said it was okay so we started making tacos. Robbie wouldn't talk to me and I started to feel tired so I sit in the chair at the table. Robbie looks at me and purses his lips. "You ok?" he asks.

I shrug and put my head down. 

"Hey," he says and I feel his hand on my back. "i'm sorry."

I wave him off. I sit up straight, feeling it hard to breathe leaning on the table like that. But I still cant catch my breath.

"What's wrong, Ame?" Robbie asks.

I put my right hand on my rib feeling a pain.

"Daniel!" Robbie yells and makes me look at him. "Ame.."

I feel the chair being pulled away from the table and Daniel is picking me up and taking me to the bathroom. He makes me sit on the sink and tells Robbie to make sure I don't pass out or fall off the sink. I choke and begin couging.

Daniel grabs my pills and grabs. "Misty!" Daniel yells. "Misty!" he screams.


"Get me a cup. Hurry! Ame's gonna pass out!"

Misty runs in with a cup and she fills it up. Daniel shoves the pill in my mouth and dumps some water in after it then massages my throat. I swallow and Daniel rubs my back and looks at me with worry on his face.

"You forget about the.."

"OH right!" Daniel grabs the inhaler out of the box and shakes it. Then puts it to my mouth. "Breathe in, baby girl."

He pushes on the thing and I choke again. He does it again and I can breathe a bit better. "You good, sis?" he asks.

I hold one thumb up and put my hands on the sides of the sink and put my head down. Uncle Brian walks in. "What just happened?" He pushed my head up making me look at him. "You okay, baby girl?" he asks.

I feel to weak to move so I fall forward on his chest. "She's going to get really tired but she needs to stay up until the medicine kicks in." Daniel says.

"What's wrong?"

"Asthma and pains." Daniel says. "She did this a lot when she got out of the hospital."

Uncle Brian rubs my back. "I'm gonna stay here for awhile with you guys." he says.

"I can take care of her, Brian." Daniel says.

"I know you can, kid. But I'm worried."

"Aunt Maria.."

I hug Uncle Brian and whine in pain. "I'm staying, Daniel." 

"Ame," Robbie says.

I look at him. He smiles. "Sorry," I whisper.

"Its all good, sweetie. I'll call you later?"


He goes and Uncle Brian picks me up and I groan. He takes me up to my room and lays me on my bed. Then takes my shoes off and puts my purple blanket over me. Then he brings the chair over by my bed and smiles at me.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there when you woke up," he says.

I shake my head. "Its ok."

He shakes his head. "I had to go on tour." I nod. "What hurts?"

"My lungs and ribs and my side."

He strokes my hair. 

"I understand, uncle." I whisper. "You couldn't stay because of tour. But mom.. she was pretty mutualated, heh?"

He sighs.

"I understand. I don't want to see Daniel like that."

He puts his hand over his eyes. "I'm being strong. You lost more than I did, sweetheart."

"But I understand." I say, tears slipping out of my eyes without my permission. 

"Ame.." He sounded angry until he takes his hand off his eyes and looks at me. "Sweetie, don't cry. You're.."

I shake my head. "I understand. I'm ok."

He sighs and kisses my head. "Go to sleep, kiddo."

I put my hand up and grab his hand and look at it. "I will never be afraid again, Brian." I say. "And I will keep on fighting til the end." I whisper.

"Good." I feel him kiss my forehead and then I doze off.


I wake up in slightly

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